
Before we conclude our work together, I’d like to briefly discuss the relationship between spiritual healing and the realms of physical, emotional, and mental health. I would also like to touch on spiritual health itself. Then I’d like to take one last look at our healing protocol before I send you on your way.

The Health Effects of Spiritual Healing

When I first started working in the Akashic Records, I had the idea that if I could just correctly manage the energy I found there, I would be relieved of all aches and pains. This has not proven to be the case! While I have enjoyed the gift of tremendous change and have seen my students experience such gifts as well, the actual outcomes of the work have invariably been different from my expectations.

Some people reap profound physical healing: a woman who came to me with a heart disorder, for example, no longer suffers from her illness and is medication-free. Personally, I have been relieved of emotional distress rooted in spiritual insecurity, a relief that centers on the pivotal notion of the trustworthy nature of Life and the spiritual forces present in it. Working in the Records in the ways I have described in this book, my awareness of the world as a safe place has grown exponentially, and my ability to see others as fundamentally good-hearted (even if not good-natured) has expanded far beyond my expectations. This shift in perception has made all the difference in my being able to relax and enjoy the goodness of Life.

I have seen students relinquish hardened resentments and find peace both within themselves and with those they had previously identified as adversaries. One woman arrived wanting to find out how to heal her brother from his greed; instead she released a burdensome feeling of jealousy and departed with a softened heart. Another transcended much inner torment as she recognized the futility of thinking that achieving an advanced academic degree—her third—could possibly win her father’s approval. She did, however, go on to get that degree for her own reasons, which propelled her into a new and satisfying career.

Mine has been the great privilege of being with others as they recognized the part they play in their own dilemmas and set off with remarkable compassion on a new course toward peace and freedom. I have been there as people discovered within the Records the truth about their difficulties and became empowered to take healing actions on their own behalf. The issues I have seen brought to the Akashic Records have been of every type and variety: addictions, painful relationships, financial failure, physical distress—the entire array of human suffering. What has continually amazed me is that the solutions the Akashic Records suggest are always perfect for each unique individual and the exact circumstance he or she is facing.

This is how I know we are working with a higher wisdom, a greater consciousness—there is no other explanation for the tailor-made direction each person has received. While I have guided my students in their work, I certainly haven’t supplied the answers myself, and students came to me unable to discover the answers themselves.

Some have not experienced the “miracle cure” they wished for—they have not been able to toss away their crutches and dance all night. Others experienced only slight improvement in their health or circumstances. A man’s back pain still comes and goes, but it’s no longer constant; he’s pleased with his progress but would appreciate total freedom from his pain. The woman who used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day now smokes only at parties. She can enjoy herself on these occasions because she’s free from the constant self-condemnation she used to bear. Another client longs to be a screen actress, but at the moment, she’s glad to be in commercials and industrial films. Through her work in the Records, she came into contact with her Innermost Self and abandoned her career as an accounting clerk, knowing that this choice of jobs was not her truest self-expression. She’s on her way.

Clearly, while spiritual healing through the Akashic Records can indeed have a dramatic effect on people’s health—there can be radical transformations at every level—changes more often come gradually, and this gives us time and space to grow into them. Without exception, whether the manifestation is immediate or slow, a shift in perception occurs that sets the stage for changes we can ultimately see and measure. This shift in perception itself is the true healing, the spiritual healing that can affect the physical, emotional, and mental realms.

Once we no longer use our human imperfections as weapons against ourselves, the Light can move in and give us the relief we seek. As we gain the ability to see that the challenges we face can be used as launching pads into our future—as opposed to barricades between ourselves and our potential—we make that oh-so-necessary shift in perception. And then the Light enters and does its work. As we consider the possibility, for example, that our difficulties with the people in our lives are themselves the path to peace, we find the path taking shape before our very eyes. This consideration of expanded possibility—changing the way we see our difficulties—is itself the healing work.

Sound Spiritual Health

As we continue our work in the Records, transforming our ordinary wounds into sacred opportunities for transformation, we achieve greater spiritual health. All the effort we make to resolve everyday distress in the physical, emotional, and mental realms builds increasingly sound spiritual health, which in turn frees us to pursue improved health in all other areas.

We can consider our spiritual health sound when we are reasonably comfortable with this great paradox: none of us is the center of the universe, the point of origin for all life and power; rather, each of us is at the center of our own universe—and we are the convergence point through which all power of life flows. When our awareness is balanced in both truths, we find ourselves healthier than ever before—in all facets of our lives.

A Last Look at the Protocol

Now let’s take a final look at the full protocol for healing through the Akashic Records. This is the series of four steps that emerged for me over the course of my decade-long work in the Records as a practical, effective method to meet the challenges of everyday life. Follow this protocol and you will experience transformation. Apply it to any condition whether physical, emotional, or mental. And, as you do so, remember that spiritual healing is about seeing life from a spiritual perspective, which is the perspective of wholeness and wellness. This is the level at which we can recognize the opportunity to know more love than ever before, no matter what our circumstances. Remember these steps:

  1.  Say “Of course you feel that way.”

  2.  Acknowledge “These things happen.”

  3.  Say “I am here for you. I will help you. We will find a solution.”

  4.  Ask “How can this be good for me?”

Try it with me now—let’s have one last practice session together. Think of something in your life that has been troubling you lately. Maybe you’ve just had the same argument with your spouse that you vowed to avoid. Perhaps you’ve lost your job. It’s possible that you tried on your jeans from last fall and they no longer fit.

First, acknowledge how you feel. Say “Of course I’m upset. This is difficult. This is terrible.”

Second, acknowledge what has happened. “These things happen. Many, many people have grappled with my issue. Right now it’s my turn. I have done nothing wrong: this is part of being human—the hard part. I remember that I am good. I love myself, and I would never do anything to cause myself harm.”

Third, offer yourself the same support a loving adult would to a child in distress. “I am here for you, no matter what happens. I will help you to the very best of my ability. Yes, this is a difficult situation, but I am here with you, and I will not leave you. You cannot scare me away. I will be here for you every moment of this journey. I am with you. I love you.”

That brings us to the fourth step: “How is this good for me?” Or perhaps more accurately, “How could this possibly be good for me?”

At this point in our protocol, it is helpful to remind ourselves that all of life is conspiring to enable us to know our innate goodness. One of the great spiritual laws is “Seek and ye shall find.” As you seek to discover how this repetitive failure, weight gain, job loss, or any other challenge could possibly be good for you, the seeking itself immediately increases the possibility that you will find the answer to that question. Our questions drive the quest. No one likes unemployment, or unproductive arguing, or other problems. It’s true that you are fully entitled to the human experience with its full range of emotions including dislike, anger, and fear. But at this stage of the investigation, consider the possibility that this challenge is happening for your good, so you can come to know your essential goodness, even if you have absolutely no idea how to do that right now.

Sometimes it helps to pretend, suggesting to yourself that you know your problem arose for your good and you’re just biding time until you can pinpoint the particulars. Keep raising the question, “How is this helping me to know my own goodness?” Stay in the present as much as possible and look for the answer. The answer to this question is the Light manifest in useful form: it will respond perfectly with a helpful solution to your problem. The best doctor for your condition, a new job, the resolution of tension in a relationship—these are all evidence of the practical presence and power of the Light. The answer, solution, or resolution is the Light in action.

Remember as you work with this protocol that it is not magic—it is a practical, and often gradual, approach to healing within the crucible of everyday human events. It will not dissolve your illness or your terrible predicament in an instant—though you may be surprised by how profoundly it works in your life. What it will certainly do is enable you to stop using your difficulties against yourself and begin to use them for yourself. This is a way to explore your situation that will not cause you greater trauma and pain. Rather, it allows you to be human and opens the path to your knowing the presence of the Divine under all circumstances. Remarkable!

Our Opportunity

Every age in history has its primary challenge, within which lies an opportunity. Our challenge today is to transform ourselves to recognize our Oneness: our unity with all people, all life, and the Divine Reality. We can use our difficulties to divide ourselves from one another or we can join together and unify with the awareness of our Oneness. The choice is ours. We are the people, and now is our time!

You now have ample tools, forged in the Light of Akasha, to help you make the most of this opportunity. Having taken the time and expended the effort to transform your relationship with your wounds to use them as points of power and paths to peace, you will advance your growth and healing. Realizing that every hardship and injury you have sustained has offered you the chance to encounter the Divine Reality. You now know a spiritual means to explore your wounds—a way that does not limit you but instead enables you to expand outward and upward. In your capable hands is a healing system that will help you travel through the worst of your pain and beyond it into greater peace and freedom.

You are a magnificent and whole human being with both finite and infinite aspects—part human, part Divine. Live your life: own your experiences and allow them to propel you beyond all previous limitations. Reach inside, reach outside, give to and receive from Life. You are good—you have always been good. Love yourself and others. Dwell often in the safe, nurturing environment of the Akashic Records, the atmosphere of “Judge Not,” “Fear Not,” “Resist Not.” Move toward life, and life will greet you with great enthusiasm. It will take you where you have always wanted to go.

Sharing this sacred journey with you has been an honor. I know you have been compelled by the urging of your soul to encounter this work and embark on this healing journey. I applaud you for hearing the call and responding courageously. You are on this path because you know that, as you become a peaceful, free, and happy person, you will become an agent for the very same transformation in the world. Now is the time for a glorious spiritual revolution, and together we are its agents. The radiant generosity and dedication you have shown toward your Self and all of life as you move toward spiritual healing through the Akashic Records are absolutely heroic and inspiring. It is wonderful to walk together toward greater Light and Truth. Sharing a commitment to know our souls even more, even better, we are advancing into a beautiful future here together on this planet, Earth.

Transforming the quality of life on Earth is a process with inner and outer aspects. Together we have explored the personal inner transformational experience with the aid of the eternal wisdom found in the Akashic Records. Through our work as individuals, we are each opening, expanding, and continually Ascending to higher levels of consciousness. Now we can unite, weaving together our individual points of light to create a single shining beam to illuminate the path for all.

Whether or not you and I ever meet in person, I know you are making a significant contribution to the realization of the magnificence of Life on our planet. When I feel love and acceptance, witness understanding and respect, observe people simply enjoying who they are in their everyday lives, I will know that you are participating. Each of us has a role to play in this spiritual revolution, and it begins now. You are on your way. Thank you for your courage, your commitment, and your compassion. I’ll be looking for you out there. When we meet, I will recognize you by the light in your eyes, the warmth in your ways, and the joy in your spirit.

Until then,

Much love and many blessings,

Linda Howe