Compiled by the author
Aaron family (Baghdad)
Ab Karib Asad, King
Abbas I, Shah of Persia
Abbas II, Shah of Persia
Abbasid dynasty
Abd al–Malik, Caliph
Abd al–Mu’min
Abd al–Rahman, Caliph
Abd al–Rahman II, Caliph
Abd al–Rahman III, Caliph
Abd Malik Qubatee
Abdalla Pasha
Abdallah ibn Ubayy
Abdel Moneim, Prince; photo– graph
Abdel Fattah Yehia Pasha
Abdelhamid Ben Badis
Abdelwahhab, Khaled Abdou (a Muslim hall porter)
Abdul Azziz, Sultan
Abdul Hamid II, Sultan:
Abdul Illah, Regent of Iraq
Abdul–Ma’ali al Yahudi
Abdul Mejid, Sultan
Abdullah, Emir, of Jordan (later King):
Abecassis, Chao
Abitbol, Sylvain:
Aboulker, Colette:
Aboulker, José
Aboukir internment camp (Egypt):
Abraham (the Patriarch)
‘Abraham the Jew’ (a silversmith)
Abraham ben Jacob
Abraham de Castro
Abraham ibn Ezra
Abravanel, Haim
Abravanel, Dr. Menachem
Abu al–Misk Kafur
Abu al–Munajja (Solomon ben Shaya)
Abu Bakr
Abu Bara
Abu Dharr
Abu Ibrahim Sahl
Abu Ishaq
Abu Ja’far al–Mansur, Caliph
Abu Mansur Nizar al–Aziz, Caliph
Abu Mohammed Abd al–Adil, Sultan
Abu Nar Hesed ben Sahl al–Tustari
Abu Sa’d Tustari
Abu Sufyan
Abu Yaqub, Sultan
Abu Yusuf
Abu Za’abal (prison)
Abuhatzeira, Rabbi Yaakov
Abuhatzeira, Rabbi Yisrael (the Baba Sali)
Abulafia, Rabbi Hayyim
Aciman, André
Acre (Palestine)
Adda, Abram Bey
Aden; anti–Jewish violence in; Yemeni Jews leave through, photographs 20; a memorial to Jews killed in, photograph
Aden, Gulf of
Aden Jews Synagogue (London)
Aden Protectorate Levies
Ades, David
Ades, I. and C.
Ades, Shafiq
Adhamiya (Iraq)
Adly Synagogue (Cairo)
Adrianople (Edirne, Turkey)
Aegean Sea
Aelus Gallus, General
Afghan National Bank
Afghanistan: Jews of
Aflalo, Eli
Aga Khan IV
Agadir (Morocco)
Agloby (Daghestan)
Ahmad bin Yahya, Imam
Ahmadinejad, President Mahmoud
Ahmed Pasha
Ain Beda (Algeria)
Aisha (Mohammed’s wife)
Aix–la–Chapelle (Aachen)
Akiva, Rabbi
Akiva, Hannah
Akiva, Saadya
al–Abdi, Abdul Azeez Hamoud
al–Ahmar, Sheikh Abdullah
al–Ahram (newspaper)
al–Alam (newspaper)
al–Alam al–Arabi (newspaper)
al–Amir Illah, Caliph
al–Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem)
al–Asima, Amin
al–Assad, President Hafez
al–Azhar University (Cairo)
al–Bakr, General Ahmad Hasan
al–Banna, Hassan
al–Farouki, Said al–Taji
al–Futuwwa (youth brigades)
al–Ghawri, Emil
Al Haid (Yemen)
al–Hakim bi–Amr Allah, Caliph
al–Hasid (magazine)
Al–Hikma University (Baghdad)
al–Husseini, Jamal
al–Jahiz (Muslim writer)
al–Kabushi, Father Thomas
al–Lat (goddess)
Al–Libi (newspaper)
al–Madfai, Jamil
al–Ma’mun, Caliph
al–Mansur, Caliph
al–Marghinani (Muslim jurist)
al–Mawardi (Muslim jurist)
al–Muqtadir, Caliph
al–Muqtafi, Caliph
al–Mustansir, Caliph
al–Mutawakkil, Caliph
al–Muthanna (society)
al–Nukrashi Pasha, Prime Minister of Egypt
al–Qatifa (Persian Gulf)
al–Sabawi, Yunis
al–Saigh, Abraham Nissim
al–Suweidi, Naji
al–Suweidi, Tawfiq
al–Umari, Arshad
al–Uzza (goddess)
al–Walid, Caliph
Alaoui, Moulay Ahmed
Albert David Sassoon School (Baghdad)
Aleppo (Syria)
Alexander the Great
Alexandria (Egypt): Jews in; and a Jewish grave; The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion displayed in; Jewish boy scouts in, photograph 11
Algeria; Arab immigration to Palestine from; in the Second World War; Jews reach; Jews leave; Jews from, in France
Algerian League of Muslims and Jews
Algerian Jewish Resistance
Algerian Nationality Code (1963)
Algiers (Algeria)
Ali Abdullah Saleh, President (of Yemen)
Ali ibn Abi Talib
‘Aliyah B’ (‘Immigration B’): illegal immigration to Palestine
Alicante (Spain)
Ali Bey El Abassi (Domingo Badia y Lebich, General)
Ali Burghul
Ali Ferruh Bey
Aljarazi, Rabbi Faiz
Alkalai, Rabbi Yehuda
Allenby, General Sir Edmund
Alliance, David (Lord Alliance)
Alliance Israélite Universelle school system; photograph 4
Almeria (Spain)
Almohad dynasty
Amadiya (Iraq)
Amanullah Khan, King of Afghanistan
Amasiya (Iraq)
Amalfi (Italy)
Amara (Iraq)
Amiel, Elie
Ambron family
American Jewish Committee
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (‘The Joint’)
Amesellem, Mardoche
Amman (Jordan)
Amrozi bin Nurhasin
Amrus (Libya)
Amsellem, Chaim
Amsterdam (Holland)
Anan ben Hiyya
Anatolia (Turkey)
Andalucia (Spain)
Andkhoi (Afghanistan)
Anglo–American Committee of Enquiry (on Palestine)
Anglo–Egyptian Treaty (1936)
Anglo–Palestine Bank: closed down
Anicia Juliana
Ankara (Turkey)
Annapolis Conference (2007)
Antébi, Albert
‘Anti–Jews Day’
Antiochus IV, King
Anzarut, Edna (Edna Turner)
Arab–Israeli War (1948–9) also known as the Israeli War of Independence
Arab League
Arab–Jewish Committee for Co–operation and Reconstruction
Arab State: in prospect (1947); rejected
Arabian Peninsula: Jews in march of Islam from; Ottoman conquest of; Arab nationalism in
Arabian Sea
Arabic, in Hebrew characters
Aramaic (language)
Aref, Colonel Taher Mohammed
Arbi Esudio, Governor of Tangier
Arbib family
Arghun Khan, Emperor
Armando (an Aden Jew)
as–Solh, Sami
Asaf Bey
Asenath bat Samuel ben Netanel ha–Levi
Ashkelon (Palestine)
Ashtari, Ali
Ashura fast
Asia Minor
Assaf, Ami
Assayag, Rabbi Amram
Assor, Sidney
Ataturk (Mustafa Kemal)
Athens (Greece)
Atlantic Ocean
Atlas Mountains
Atrakchi, Jack
Attali, Jacob
Attali, Jacques
Attali, M.E.
Attlee, Clement
Augsburg (Germany)
Auschwitz; Jews born in North Africa deported to
Australians: killed
Avigur, Shaul
Avraham ibn Daud
Awni Bey Abdel Hadi
Azar, Shmuel
Azoulay, André
Azzam Pasha
Azziz, Yaacoob Abdul
Baath Party (Iraq)
Babylonia; for future entries see Mesopotamia and Iraq Babylonian Talmud
Badouin, Paul
Badr, Battle of
Badr al–Jamali
Baghdad (Iraq); Jews in; British troops enter; a ‘day of miracle in,’; between 1939 and 1945; anti–Jewish violence in (the farhud); after the farhud,; mass emigration from; and a synagogue grenade (1951); dark days in; a ‘perfect Arab’ from; a Jew from, raises the issue of recognition and redress; remaining Jews in (Twenty–First Century)
Baghdad Law College
Baghdad Radio
Bahir, Akram Ezra
Bahrain (Persian Gulf)
Bahri, Younis
Baku (Caucasus))
Balfour Declaration
Balfour A.J.
Bali (Indonesia)
Balkh (Afghanistan)
Banu al–Aws tribe
Banu Khazraj tribe
Banu Nadir tribe (Jews)
Banu Qaynuka tribe (Jews)
Banu Qurayzah tribe (Jews)
Bar Kohkba
Baraq (Israel)
Barazani family
Barcelona (Spain)
Bargiora, Naftali
Bari (Italy)
Barnett, Ronnie
Basel (Switzerland)
Basra (Iraq)
Basri, Aida
Basri, Meir
Basri, Yosef
Bat Ye’or: quoted
Bayazid II, Sultan
Becker, C.H.: cited
Begin, Menachem
Beirut (Lebanon)
Beirut University
Beit Zilkha rabbinical college (Baghdad)
Belgrade (Serbia)
Belgrave, Charles
Ben–Ami, Shlomo
Ben–Eliezer, Binyamin (Fouad)
Ben–Elissar, Ambassador Eliyahu
Ben Gurion Airport; Jews reach, photograph 25
Ben–Gurion, David
Ben–Jacob, Abraham: quoted
Ben Oliel, A.
Ben–Porat, Mordechai
Ben–Porat, Regina
Ben Zimra, Isaac
Ben–Zvi, Itzhak: quoted; visits Aden
Benamar, Yeshaya
Benghazi (Libya)
Beni–Mallal (Morocco)
Benider family
Benider, Jacob
Beni Ulid (Libya)
Benin, Selim
Benjamin, Tribe of
Benjamin of Tudela
Benjamin, Israel Joseph
Benjamin, Marina: quoted
Benjaminy, Dr. Aaron
Benoliel family
Benoliel, Jacob
Benoliel, Judah
Bension, Dr. Ariel
Bensusan family
Bentwich, Norman: quoted
Benzaquen, Léon
Berdugo, Serge
Berliawsky, Dr. J.
Beth Shearim (Palestine)
Beverly Hills (California)
Bezalel, Yitzhak
Bird of Paradise (flower)
Bitzur, Dr. Avi
Bizerta (Tunisia)
‘Black Saturday’ (Cairo)
Black Sea
Bloch, Professor Jacques
Blood Libel
Bludan (Syria)
Bnei Akiva youth group
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Bombay (India)
Bostom, Andrew G.: quoted; and a graphic painting
Boston Globe
Bou Saada (Algeria)
Boujad (Morocco)
Bourse égyptienne (newspaper)
Bourghiba, Habib
Bouskeyla, Pinhas
Britain; declares war on Germany (1939); Jews from Muslim lands in
British: killed; in Aden
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
British Military Administration (Libya)
British Museum (London)
British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC)
British Petroleum Company (BP)
British Zionist Federation
Broadmead, Philip
Bronze Star: an Iraqi–born Jew wins
Brooklyn (New York)
Buda (Hungary)
Bukhara (Central Asia)
Bukharan Khanate
Bullard, Sir Reader
Buraq (Mohammed’s horse)
Burchis, Sheikh Mahmud
Bursa (Turkey)
Bury, C. Wyman
Bush, President George W.
Bustanai ben Haninai
Byzantium; recalled
Cabot Lodge Jnr, Henry
Caesaria (Palestine)
Cairo (Egypt): Jews in; in the Second World War; Arab League founded in; anti–Jewish activity in, after the Second World War; anti–Jewish violence in; bombed; and the cruel aftermath of the Six–Day War; Jews from, in Israel; President Obama speaks in (2009); Passover in (from 1980); a Jewish wedding in, photograph 13
Cairo Genizah:
‘Cairo Mishap’
Cairo Radio:
Cairo University
Calamaro, Lucy
Calcutta (India)
Cambridge University Library
Camp Aboukir (Egypt)
Camp David (Maryland): and refugee ‘rights’ (1977); negotiations at (2000)
Campbell, Sir Ronald
Canada: Jews from Muslim lands reach; and a deception; and a rescue effort; a Jew from Egypt as ambassador in; and the Jewish search for justice
Canadian Jewish Congress
Canakkale (Turkey)
Carmel College (England)
Caro, Joseph
Carrington, Lord
Carr, Judy Feld
Carter, President Jimmy
Carthage (Tunisia)
Casablanca (Morocco)
Caspian Sea
Castille (Spain)
Castro, Charles Victor
Cattaui family
Cattaui, Aslan, Bey
Cattaui, Jacob Moise (Moussa)
Cattaui, Joseph Aslan, Pasha
Cattaui, René Joseph, Bey
Central Asia
Central British Fund
Chala family
Chala, Esther
Chala, Yisrael
Champion, Sir Reginald
Chancellor, Sir John
Chachmon, Yehuda
Chalaan, Mrs Nabila
Chateaubriand, vicomte de
Chederah (Ottoman Palestine)
Chenik, Mohamed
Chicago Universal Exhibition (1892)
Chich, Lucian and José
Chitayat, Naji
Chitayat, Saleh Shlomo
Chosroes II, King
‘Christ killers’
Christian Science Monitor:
Churchill, Winston
Cicurel, Salvator
‘City of Joy’
Clark, General Mark
Clayton, General
Clinton, President William J. (Bill)
Coexistence Trust, the
Cohen, Abraham
Cohen, David
Cohen, Rabbi David
Cohen, Hayyim J.: quoted
Cohen, Mark R.: cited
Cohen, Mula Agajan
Cohen, Robert
Cohen, (Sir) Ronald
Cohen, Samuel
Cohen, Ambassador Shalom
Cohen, Chief Rabbi Yamin
Cohen–Tannoudji, Claude
Cohn, Elie
Cohn, Nadia
Colonia Vardia (Libya)
‘Committee for the Salvation of Palestine’ (Baghdad)
Constantine (Algeria)
Constantine VII, Emperor
Constantinople (see also index entry for Istanbul)
conversion (from Judaism to Islam)
Copts (and the Coptic Church)
Corcos, David
Cordova (Spain)
Cornwallis, Sir Kinahan
Cornut, Xavier
Cotler, Irwin
Covenant of Abraham
Covenant of Omar
‘covered with contempt’
Crusades and crusaders; recalled
Cuenca (Spain)
Cummings, Judith
Curzon, Robert
Cyrus the Great
Dabby, Salman
Dachau concentration camp (Germany)
d’Ancona, David
Daha al–Kahina, Queen
Dahan, Jacob
Dahir al–Amr, Sheikh
Dahari, Aviram
Dahoud, Victor Abu
Daily Star (newspaper)
Damascus (Syria)
Dangoor family
Dangoor, Rabbi Ezra Reuben
Dangoor, Renée
Daniel Market (Baghdad)
Daniel ben Hasdai
Daniel, Ezra
Daniel, Menahem Saleh; warns of danger of a Zionist policy; facilitates the depar–ture of Iraqi Jews to Israel
Dar al–Islam: xxi Dar’a (Morocco)
Dardanelles (Turkey)
Daud Lawani (David Levi)
Daud Pasha
David, King
David Alroy
David ibn Maymun
David, Uri
Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) fast
‘day of miracle’
Dayan, Moshe
Dayan, Sabah Haim
Dead Sea
de Botton, Marguerite
Degache (Tunisia)
De Hirsch, Baron Maurice
Dehodencq, Alfred
Dellal, Daoud Heskel Barukh
Dellal, Yeheskel Eliahou
Delshad, Jimmy (Jamshid)
de Mans, Raphael
de Menasche, Baron Jacques Levi Bohor
Derbent (Daghestan)
de Salaberie, Ambassador Michel
Devash, Isaac
Devora (Israel)
Dhamar (Yemen)
dhimmi status; rules of; in Ottoman Turkey; in Bukhara; in Persia; in Jerusalem; in Tunis; in Morocco; in Tripolitania; in Hamadan; in Daghestan; in Yemen; in Fez; in Libya; in Iran; ends, in the Ottoman Empire (1856); ends in Egypt (1869); ends in Persia (1906); call for return of; Jews reject; echoes of; in the Twenty–First Century
Diamond A.S. (Arthur)
Diaspora: and Jewish survival; and Jewish correspondence; and the Ottoman Empire; and Iraq
dietary laws
Displaced Persons’ camps (DP camps)
Diwan, Isaac Elijah
Djavid Bey
Djemal Pasha
Djerada (Morocco)
Djerba Island (Tunisia); Jews on, photograph 27
Domain of Islam
Domain of War
Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem)
Domingo Badia y Lebich, General (Ali Bey El Abassi)
Don Joseph Nasi
Donmeh (‘crypto–Jews’)
Douek, Ellis
Dray family
Dray, Michel
Druze, the
‘Dual Middle East Refugee Problem’: recognised
Dubek, Ambassador Efraim
Duga family
Dunash ben Labrat
East Jerusalem
Eastern European SS volunteers
Eaton, Joseph: quoted
Ebba–Ksour (Tunisia)
Ecija (Spain)
Edirne (Turkey)
Edmonton (Alberta)
Egoz (ship)
Egypt, Jews in; independent (1936); Arab immigration to Palestine from; Jews from, in France; during the Second World War; anti–Jewish violence in, after the Second World War; anti–Zionism in; the fate of Jews in; and the 1948–49 Arab–Israel War; signs armistice with Israel; Jews leave; and the Six–Day War (1967); condemns hangings in Iraq; Jews from, in Israel; Jews from, in the Diaspora; and a Jewish grave; and false rumours; and the issue of recognition and redress; Jews living in (2010); Jews from, reach Egypt, photograph 26
‘Egypt for the Egyptians’
Egyptian Companies Law (1947)
Egyptian Delta Land and Investment Company
Egyptian–Israeli peace talks (1971)
Egyptian Films Company
Egyptian Nationality Code: (1956)
Eichmann, Adolf
Eilat (Israel)
‘Einsatzgruppe Egypt’
Eitan, Raffi
El Al (Israel airline)
El Alamein (Egypt), Battle of (November 1942)
Elath, Eliahu: see index entry for Epstein, Eliahu el–Din, Sadr
El Fassy, Rabbi Mark
Elfassy, Britiz ben Shalom
El Ghriba festival
Elia, Albert
Eliahou, Meir
Eliakim, Meyer
Elias family
Elias Abdullah
Eliashar, Eliahu
Eliav, Lova
Elkabir, Abraham
Elmaleh, Amram
El–Raid (newspaper)
el–Tor (a–Tur, Sinai)
Enoch ben Moses
Entebi, Consul–General Eli
Entifa (Morocco)
Epstein, Eliahu (later Eliahu Elath)
Ertugrul (Ottoman leader)
Eshkol, Levi
Estéva, Admiral
Esther and Mordecai
Esther Kyra
‘Evil Eye’
Exilarch, the
Exodus from Egypt: recalled
Extaday Hotel (Cairo)
Eytan, Walter
Ezekiel, Prophet
Ezra, Book of
Ezra family
Fahima (an Iraqi Jewess)
Falujah (Iraq)
Farahabad (Iran)
Farahani, Ramin
Farhi, Haim
Farhi, Nuri
farhud (pogrom); recalled
Farouk, King of Egypt
Fars Province (Iran)
Farzam, Ramim
Fatah (movement)
Fatimid dynasty
Fattal, Bertha
Fattal, Eliyah Y.
Fattori, George
Fedida, Sarah
Feisal, Emir; King of Iraq
Feld Carr, Judy
Feld, Rubin
Ferdinand III, King of Castile
Ferdinand II, King of Aragon, and Queen Isabella
Festival of Booths
Fetaya, Hakham Yehuda
Fez (Morocco)
Fezzan (Sahara)
Firoz Koh (Afghanistan)
First World War (1914–18)
Florence (Italy)
forcible conversion
Franco, General Francisco
Frank, Louis
Frankfurter, Felix
Free French Forces
Free Officers Movement (Egypt)
Friedenberg, Daniel M. quoted
Fuad, King of Egypt
Fustat (Cairo)
Gabbay, Fouad
Gabès (Tunisia)
Gaddafi, Colonel Muammar
Gaddafi, Saif al–Islam
Gafsa (Tunisia)
Galeb, Adham Mustafa
Galicia (Eastern Europe)
Galilee, Sea of
Gallipoli (Ottoman Turkey)
galut (exile)
Gandhi, Indira: intercedes
Gatmon, Alex
Gaza Strip
Genesis, Book of
Geneva (Switzerland)
Genizah (storehouse)
Genoa (Italy)
George V, King
Georgians (Caucasus)
German Red Cross
Germany; in the Nazi era; Jewish refugees from; and the Second World War; DP camps in
Ghali, Daoud
Gharyan (Libya)
Ghazi I, King of Iraq
Ghazni (Afghanistan)
Ghazzan, Emperor
Ghermezian, Jacob
Ghriba Synagogue (Djerba Island)
Giado (Libya)
Goa (India)
Goitein, Shlomo: quoted
Golan Heights
Goldberg, Arthur
‘Golden Age’: in various places, at various times
Goodblatt, Maurice: quoted
Gorgan (Iran)
Gozlan, Elie
Granada (Spain)
Grayzel, Solomon: quoted
Greater Syria
green: a forbidden colour
Greenleigh, Arthur
Grobba, Fritz
Guadalajara (Spain)
Gubbay family
Gulf of Suez
Gumulcine Ismail Bey
Gurgi Camp (Tripoli)
Habban (Yemen)
Habbaniya (Iraq)
Habib, Emilia Baranes
Habib, Vidal
Habibullah Khan, King of Afghanistan
Habonim youth group
Haddad, Heskel
Haddad, Zvi
Hai ben Sherira, Rabbi
Haifa (Ottoman and Mandate Palestine, Israel); Jews from Egypt reach, photograph 26
Haim Nahoum Effendi, Rabbi
Haim, Abraham
Haj Amin el–Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem: in Jerusalem; in Syria; in Baghdad; in Berlin; in Egypt
Hajar (Bahrain)
hajj pilgrimage
Hakim, Linda Masri
Halfon family
Halimi, Alphonse
Halutz, General Dan
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, King of Bahrain
Hamadan (Persia)
Haman (Grand Vizier)
Hamas: its charter; its rockets
Hammamini, Unees
Hamon Joseph
Hamon, Moses
Hamra, Benjamin
Hamra, Chief Rabbi Ibrahim (Abraham)
Hanukah festival
Hara Sghira (Tunisia)
Harari, Samy
Hardoon family
Hardoon, Ezra
Harel, Isser
Hariri family
Hariri, Saad
Harman, Danna
Harrison, Frances
Harun al–Rashid, Caliph
Hasan ibn Ali
Hasan Rifat Pasha
Hasdai ibn Shaprut
Hashid Camp (Aden); photograph 20
Hashim Bey
Hashomer Hazair youth group
Hassan family
Hassan, Prince (of Jordan)
Hassan II, Sultan of Morocco
Hassan al–Banna
Hasselquist, Frederick
Hasson, Israel
Hauran: see index entry for Golan Heights Havilio, Shlomo
Hayek, Moshi Eliahou
Hayim, Naser Levy
Hayoun, René
‘Hear! O Israel’
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
Hebrew language
Hebron (Ottoman and Mandate Palestine)
Hedjaz (Arabian Peninsula)
Hekmat, Shamshi
Helali, Naim Khedouri
Helwan (Egypt)
Heraclius, Emperor
Herat (Afghanistan)
Herod, King
Herz, Max
Herzl, Theodor
Herzliya (Israel)
Herzliya Conference (2009)
Heskel, Saleh Heskel
Heskel, Sasson
Heykal Pasha, Muhammad Hussein
Hezbollah: refugees from shelling by
Hibbat Zion (‘Lovers of Zion’)
Hibet Allah ibn al Jami
Higueruela, Battle of (1431, Spain)
Hillah (Iraq)
Hillel, Shlomo
Himyarite Kingdom
Hindus: and Islam Hirschberg, H.Z
Histadrut (Trade Union movement, Israel)
Hitler, Adolf
Hitler Youth
Hodeida (Yemen)
Hodja Nessimi (Nissim)
Holocaust; survivors of
Holon Cemetery (Israel): a memorial in, photograph 29
Holy Land, the
Homs (Syria)
Hong Kong
Hora (dance): a crime
Horesh, Charles Raphael
Hotel de France (Port Said)
Hourani, Albert
‘House of Judah’ (Persia)
House of Lords (London)
Huckstep Prison (Egypt)
Hulda (Mandate Palestine)
Huri, Joseph
Husayn ibn Ali
Hussein, Emir (of Hejaz)
Hussein, King of Jordan
Huyayy ibn Akhtab
Huzin, Joseph
Huzin, Solomon Bekhor
Ibadis (Muslim sect)
Ibn Abi al–Salt
Ibn Aqnin
Ibn al–Furat, Vizier
Ibn Ishak
Ibn Iyas
Ibrahim ad–Din
Ibrahim ibn Sahl al–Andalusi al–Isra’ili
Ibrahim Pasha (Egypt)
Ibrahim Sherif (Tunisia)
Idris II, King (Kingdom of Fez)
Ifargan, Rabbi Jacob
Ikhshidid dynasty
Ilbizravi family
Imam Yahya
Immigration Gate Camp (Haifa)
Indus River
International Conference for the Deliverance of Jews in the Middle East
Iraq (see earlier Babylonia and Mesopotamia); Arab immigration to Palestine from; Nazi influence in; jihad preached in; Jews from, in France; during the Second World War; pogrom in (May 1941); Jews from, leave for Palestine; and the 1948–49
Arab–Israel War; ongoing anti–Jewish activity in; withdraws its forces from Israeli soil; mass exodus of Jews from (1948–52); continuing exodus of Jews from; and the Six–Day War (1967); continuing persecution in (1968–73); Jews from, in Israel; the Jewish presence in, recalled; Jews from, in the Diaspora; Jews from, on their way to Israel, photographs 24
Iraqi Heritage Centre (Israel)
Iraqi Red Crescent Association; and the October War (1973)
Iraqi State Railways
Iraq’s Last Jews, Stories of Daily Life (Morad and Shasha): quoted
Iran (see earlier Persia); Muslim immigration to Palestine from; in the Second World War; anti–Jewish violence in (May 1941); Jews transit through; Jews leave for Israel from; a mercy mission from; Jews from, in Israel: Jews from, in Britain, Canada and the United States; and the issue of recognition and redress; Jews in (in the Twenty–First Century)
Iranian Women’s Organisation
Isaac (the Patriarch)
Isaac (a Jewish administrator)
Isaac ben Solomon ha–Israeli
Isaac Hacohen Shalal
Isaac ibn Ezra
Ishayek, Odette (Odette Masliyah)
Isfahan (Iran)
Islamic Revolution (Iran)
Islamic Summit Conference (1986)
Ismail I, Shah of Persia
Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt
Ismaili Muslims
Ismailia (Egypt)
Israel, State of; in being; Jews leave Muslim lands for; takes in Jews from Muslim lands; and the ‘Lavon Affair,’; and the Suez War (1956); and Iran; and Libya; and Morocco; and the Six–Day War (1967); and the October War (1973); Jews in, from Muslim lands; ‘Death to,’ Jews from Muslim lands in, photographs 22
Israel Defence Forces (IDF)
Israel–Egypt Friendship Association
Israel Business Women’s Association
Israel Television (Arab affairs desk)
Israeli Academic Centre (Cairo)
Israeli–Egyptian Peace Treaty (1979)
Israeli–Palestinian Peace Process
Israeli War of Independence: see index entry for Arab–Israeli War (1948–9) Istanbul (Constantinople, Turkey); in the Twentieth Century; photographs 1
Istiklal Party (Morocco)
Izdundad (a king’s daughter)
Izmir (Turkey); a Jewish wedding in, photograph 7
Jabr, Saleh
Jacob (the Patriarch)
Jacob, General J.F.R.
Jacob ben Yuda Accan
Jaén (Spain)
Jahn, Dr. E.
Jaffa (Ottoman Palestine)
Janner, Greville (Lord Janner)
Jawdat, Ali al–Ayubi
Jeremiah (the Prophet)
Jerusalem; end of Turkish rule in; under British rule; Arab immigration to from outside Palestine; a Jew born in, deported to Auschwitz; to be administered by the United Nations; Egyptian troops reach; and Islam; capital of the State of Israel; decisions made in; a threat to; Jews from Morocco in, photograph 28
Jerusalem Post (Israel)
Jewish Agency
Jewish Brigade
Jewish Chronicle (London)
Jewish converts to Islam
Jewish Colonial Trust
Jewish Colonization Association
Jewish Community Council (Tunisia)
Jewish Emergency Committee (Aden)
Jewish Encyclopedia: quoted
Jewish Ladies Organisation of Iran
Jewish names: mocked
Jewish National Fund
Jewish National Home
Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah)
Jewish Quarters:
Aden (Crater District)
Baghdad; Balkh
Beni Ulid
Bukhara; Cairo
Constantinople; Damascus
Elkasr Kebir; Fez
Morocco; Ouja
Tripoli (the Hara)
Jewish State; in prospect; to be attacked; see index entries for Israel, State of Jewish Spiritual Council (Baghdad)
Jewish Territorial Association
Jezreel Valley
jihad (holy war)
jizya tax
Jordan (for earlier entries see Transjordan)
Jordan, Philip
Jordan River
Joseph ben Amram
Joseph ben Ardut
Joseph ha–Ma’aravi
Joseph ibn Samuel
Joseph ibn Verga
Jouri, Azzouri Yaakov
Judah Halevi
Judah ibn Sussan
Judah ibn Quraysh
‘Judaea Capta’
Judaeo–Arabic language
Judaeo–Persian language
Judaeo–Tat language
justice: the search for
Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC)
Ka’b al–Ahbar
Ka’b ibn Ashraf
Kabbalah (Jewish religious discourse)
Kabul (Afghanistan)
Kaddouri, Abdul Sattar S.
Kadhourie family
Kahtan, Moshe
Kairouan (Tunisia)
Kakhodah–Zadeh, Ruhollah
Kamishli (Syria)
Kandahar (Afghanistan)
Karamanli dynasty
Karmatullah (a Muslim shopkeeper)
Karsenty, Bernard
Kashi, Dhiaa Kasim
Kashi, Faramaz
Kashi, Farzad
Katayib al–Shabab (militia)
Kattan, Naim
Katzav, President Moshe
Kaufman, Gerald
Kazvin (Iran)
Keff (Tunisia)
Kennedy Airport (New York)
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.: his reflections on Palestinian Arab determination
Kermanshah (Iran)
Kessar, Israel
Kfar Giladi (Mandate Palestine)
Kfar Yedidia (Mandate Palestine)
Khaibar (Arabia): battle of Jews of
Khalifa, Robert
Khamenei, Ayatollah
Khanaqin (Iraq)
Khazaria (North Caucasus)
Khazzam, Dr. Ezra
Khedhouri, Ezra
Khedouri, Chief Rabbi Sasson
Khedr, Moura (Marc) Amin
Khomeini, Ayatollah
Khorramshah (Iran)
Khwarizm Turks: conquer Jerusalem
Kifl (Iraq)
King David Hotel (Jerusalem)
‘King of the World’
Kirkbride, Sir Alec
Kirkuk (Iraq)
Kiryat Gat (Israel)
Kiryat Haroshet (Mandate Palestine)
Kishinev (Russian Empire)
Kissinger, Henry
Knesset (Israel’s Parliament)
Koran: cited; its three curses against Jews; interpreted; learned; defamation of; and Karl Marx; and a provocation; and Jewish orphans; a Jew learns
Kovno (Lithuania)
Kressel, Gideon
Kristallnacht (9/10 November 1938)
Kurdish Jews
Labis family
Ladino (language)
Lagnado, Lucette
Laila Mourad
Lalouche, Elliahou
Lampson, Sir Miles
Lane, William Edward
Lane–Poole, Stanley: quoted
Laura Kadourie School for Girls (Baghdad)
‘Lavon Affair’
Lavon, Pinhas
Law No. 64 of 1967 (Iraq)
leMenorah (newspaper)
Le Monde (newspaper)
League of Nations
Lebanese Civil War (1976–7)
Lebanon; Jewish commu– nity in, in the Twenty–First Century; fighting in (2006)
Leghorn (Livorno, Italy))
Légion Française de Combattants
Leon (Spain)
Levant, the
Lévi, Jacques
Lévi, Moise (Maurice Levy)
Lévi, Rabbi Moshe
Levi, Smadar
Levi, Yossef
Levin, Ishaq
Levin, Itamar: quoted
Levy, David
Levy, Elazar
Levy, Habib
Levy, Major–General Moshe
Lewis, Bernard: quoted Lewis, David Levering: quoted
Libya: Jews of; Arab immigration to Palestine from; and the Second World War; Jewish immigration to Palestine from; anti–Jewish violence in,
after the Second World War; Jews leave; anti–Jewish policies of; Jews from, in Israel; and an offer of compensa–tion; Jewish school girls and schoolboys in, photographs
Libyan Boycott Office
Lindt, Auguste
Lipman, J.G: quoted
Liscia, Lucien
Littman, David
Liverpool (England)
Livni, Tzipi
Locked Doors (Itamar Levin): quoted
Lod Airport (Israel)
Logasy, Moses
London (England)
Longrigg, Stephen
Lord, Perceval Barton
Los Angeles (California)
Louvre (Paris)
Lowthian, John
Luria, Isaac
Luristan (Iraq)
Luzon, Shalom
Lyautey (ship)
Lyon (France)
ma’abarot (transit camps)
Ma’ad al–Mu’izz, Caliph
Maccabee League (Damascus)
Maccabia Games
Maccabi Clubs: Tripoli; Cairo
Maccabi team: Alexandria; Cairo, photograph
Macchallah, Nissani
MacDonald, Malcolm
Mack, Sir Henry
McGhee, George
Machpelah, Cave of (Hebron)
Madrid Conference (1991)
Mafouz, Naguib
Maghreb (North Africa)
Mahathir Mohamad: xix Mahmud, Sultan
Maimana (Afghanistan)
Maimonides (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, the Rambam))
Malachi, Prophet
Malaga (Spain)
Malatya (Anatolia)
‘Malben’ (immigrant help organisation)
Maleh, Jacques
Mamluk dynasty
Manama (Bahrain); anti–Jewish violence in
Manat (goddess)
Manchester (England)
Manchester Guardian
Manchester University (England)
Manners and Customs of Modern Egypt (Lane)
Mansur Abu Ali al–Hakim, Caliph
Mansura (Egypt)
Margi, Yakov
Marmara, Sea of
Marrachi, Maurice
Marrakech (Morocco)
Marseille (France)
Marshall, General George C.
Martin, Paul
Marx, Karl
Marzouk, Moshe
Masliyah, Jacob
Matalon family
Matalon, Abraham
Matalon, Professor Moshé
Matas, David
Maulana Shahin (a poet)
Mawza (Yemen)
Maximilian II, Emperor
Mazar–i–Sharif (Afghanistan)
Mecca (Arabian Peninsula),9
Medina (Yathrib, Arabian Peninsula)
Mediterranean Sea
Mehdia (Tunisia)
Mehmet II, Sultan
Mein Kampf (Adolf Hitler)
Meir, Golda
Meknès (Morocco)
Melchett, Lord
Mena House Hotel (Cairo)
Menahem ben Solomon ibn Ruhi
Mendès–France, Pierre
Merida (Spain)
Merv (Central Asia)
Meshed (Mashad, Iran)
Mesopotamia; for earlier entries see Babylonia, for later entries see Iraq Mesopotamian Zionist Committee
Massaoud, Aknine
Messiah: predicted by Jews; declared
Mikve Israel school (Ottoman Palestine)
‘Military Proclamation No.4’ (Egypt)
Mirza bin Hussein
Mislawi, Shamoun
Misurata (Libya)
Mizrachi, Emanuel
Mizrachi, Moses Baruch
Mizrahi family
Mizrahi, Aimée
Mizrahi, Rubain M.
Mizrahi, Togo
Moncef Bey (Muhammed al–Muncif)
Mofaz, Shaul
Mogador (Morocco)
Mohammad Ali Pasha; his dynasty
Mohammad Ali Club (Cairo)
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran
Mohammed (the Prophet): and the Jews; and Jerusalem; and the dhimmi rules; his seal; defamation of; ‘poisoned,’ a descendent of, saves Jews; his birthday celebrated in synagogue
Mohammed Abdul Asaad el–Alem
Mohammed ibn Farrukh
Mohammed III, Sultan of Morocco
Mohammed IV, Sultan of Morocco
Mohammed V, Sultan of Morocco
Mohammed VI, Sultan of Morocco
Mohtamed, Maurice
Moktar (Tunisia)
Molho, Rosa
Mongol invasions and conquests; recalled
Montefiore, Sir Moses
Montpellier (France)
Montreal (Canada)
Montreux Convention (1937)
Morad, Tamar, quoted
Mordachi, Ibrahim Zaki
Moreh, Dr. Shmuel: quoted
Morocco: Jews of; Arab immigration to Palestine from; in the Second World War; Jewish exodus from; and the Arab–Israeli war (1948); Jewish emigration to Israel from; and the Six–Day War (1967); Jews from, in Israel; and the issue of recognition and redress; Jews living in (2010); Jews from, in Jerusalem, photo– graph
Morsathegh, Ciamak
Moses Almoslino, Rabbi
Moses ben Ephraim Bezalel
Moses ben Hanoch
Mossad, the (Israeli Secret Service)
Mossadeq, Mohammed
Mosseri family
Mosseri, Albert
Mosseri, Elie
Mosseri, Joseph Nissim
Mosul (Iraq)
Motza (Ottoman and Mandate Palestine)
Moulay Suleiman, Sultan of Morocco
Moulay Yazid, Sultan of Morocco
Mount Carmel (Mandate Palestine)
Mount Moriah (Jerusalem)
‘Mountain Jews’
‘Mourners of Zion’
Mousa, Dawoud Yousef
Muhammad ibn Ismail al–Bukhari
Muhammad bin Tughj
Muhammad ibn Tumart
Muhammed IX, Sultan of Granada
Muhammed al–Muncif (Moncef Bey)
Mukhabarat (secret police, Syria)
Müller–Lancet, Aviva: quoted
Murad III, Ottoman Sultan
Murad IV, Ottoman Sultan
Murcia (Spain)
Muslim Brotherhood
‘Mussawi’ (‘Follower of Moses’)
Mussolini, Benito
Mustafa (son of Suleiman the Magnificent)
Mu’ta oasis (Arabian Peninsula)
Mu’awiya, Caliph
Mzab Oasis (Sahara Desert)
Nabeul (Tunisia)
Nablus (Ottoman Palestine)
Nadir Shah, King of Afghanistan
Nahari, Rabbi Musa (Moses) Yaish
Nahas Pasha
Nahmanides (Rabbi Moses ben Nahman, the Ramban)
Nahum family
Nahum, Chief Rabbi Haim
Hahum, Halfalla
Najran (Arabian Peninsula)
Namerdi, Yeheskel Gourji
Naples (Italy)
Nasser, Gamal Abdul; his family dentist
Nasser al–Din, Shah of Persia
Nasseri, Ismail
Nataf, Elie
Nataf, Roger
Nathan ben Solomon
Nathaniel, Haim H.
National Bank of Egypt
National Public Radio
Nationality Code (Egypt)
Navarre (Spain)
Nazi Party
Nazi and Fascist radio propaganda
Nazim Bey, Dr
Nazim Pasha
Near East Air Transport Company (air charter)
Negev Desert
Neguib, General
Nehuray, Ayyub Loqman
Nematizadeh, Ramim
Netira family (Baghdad)
Netter, Charles
‘New Muslims’
New York
New York Daily Tribune:
New York Times
Nhaisi, Elia
Nice (France)
Nile Delta
Nile River
Nile Valley
Nissim, Yair Hakham Nissim
Nixon, President Richard M.
Noble Sanctuary (Jerusalem)
Nonoo, Abraham
Nonoo, David
Nonoo, Houda
North Africa: Jews of
Nur a–Din Pasha
Nurani, Judge Sadeq
Nuremberg Rally (1938)
Nuri Said Pasha
Obama, Barack, President
October War (1973)
Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants (OSE)
Olmert, Ehud
Olympic Games (1928, Amsterdam)
Omar, al–Malik al–Afdal, Sultan of Egypt
Omar Abd al–Azziz, Caliph
Omar ibn al–Khattab
Operation Ezra and Nehemia
Operation Magic Carpet; photographs 20
Operation Misgeret (Framework)
Operation Mural
Operation Tushia (Cunning)
Operation Wings of Eagles
Operation Yakhin
Or Yehuda (Israel)
Oran (Algeria)
Orbach, Maurice
Order of Canada
Orebi, Gisèle (Gisèle Littman)
Orhan, Sultan
Oslo Agreement (1993)
Osman I, Sultan
Othman, Caliph
Ottoman Empire: Jews in; defeated; Jews born in, deported to Auschwitz’ a Jewish official in, photograph
Ottoman Patriotic Party
Otzar ha–Torah organisation (Teheran)
Oufkir, General
Oujda (Morocco)
Ovadia, Rabbi Haim
Oxford University
Oxus River (Central Asia)
Padua (Italy)
Paknahad, Shahrohkh
Palermo (Sicily)
Palmerston, Lord
Palestine: pre–Ottoman; Ottoman; British Mandate; to be partitioned; Jews from Muslim lands reach
Palestine Fund (Egypt)
Palestine Royal Commission (Peel Commission)
Palestine Week (Tripoli)
Palestinian Arab Higher Committee
Palestinian Arabs; and Zionism; and Nazi propa– ganda; arms for; and a call for jihad; in Egypt; in Iraq; Arab support for; and the United Nations Partition Resolution; radio broadcasts of; and the Jews of Palestine; as refugees; on the West Bank
Palestinian State: ‘the homeland for the Palestinians,’
Pamplona (Spain)
Paris; an exile in
Pasquinelli, Cesare
Patai, Raphael: quoted
Pavia (Italy)
Pearl, Daniel
Pearl, Ruth
People of the Book (Jews and Christians)
Peretz, Amir
Peretz, Don
Persia: Jews in; for subsequent index entries, see Iran Persian Gulf
Pétain, Marshal
Picciotto, Baron
Pierotti, Ermète
Pinchas family
Pinchas, David and Simcha
Pinchas, Musa
Pinto family
Pinto, Isaac
Pires, Tome
Plaza Hotel (New York)
Pocock, Wing Commander Donald
pogroms (in Tsarist Russia); (in Nazi Germany); (in Iraq)
Poland; Jewish orphans from, in Iraq
Port Said (Egypt)
Portland (Oregon)
Portland Trust
Prince of Wales’ Youth Business Trust
Promised Land
Protocols: see index entry for The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Provence (southern France)
Ptolemys (of Egypt)
Ptolemy Lagos
Pumbeditha (Iraq)
Purim, Festival of: local celebratory Purims; Tripoli; Fez; celebrated in Iraq; in Bahrain
Qais (Persian Gulf)
Qashqoush, Clementine, Fuad, Samir and Joyce
Qashqoush, Dora
Qashqoush, Reuben
Qesr el–Nihaya Prison (Iraq)
Queens (New York)
Quraysh tribe
Raafat, Samir: quoted
Rabat (Morocco)
Rabin, Yitzhak
Rachel (a Matriarch)
‘racial ladder’
Radhanites (Jewish traders)
Rafah (Ottoman Palestine)
Raghib al–Nashashibi
Rahamim ben Reuben
Rakach, Afila
Ramah (Biblical Palestine)
Ramla (Medieval Palestine)
Rangoon (Burma)
Raphael Joseph Chelebi (Halabi)
Rashid al–Daula (Rashid ad–Din)
Rashid Ali al–Gaylani
Rashid Pasha
Rauf, SS Colonel Walter
Raydah (Yemen)
Rayhana: Mohammed marries
refugee compensation fund (proposed by President Clinton)
recognition and recompense: the search for
Red Cross (International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC)
Red Sea
Rehovot (Ottoman Palestine)
Rejwan, Shaul
Rejwan, Yaacoob
Reshid Pasha
Revocation of Citizenship Bill (Iraq)
Revolutionary Court (Iran)
Reza Khan Pahlavi, Shah of Persia
Ricciardoni, Ambassador Francis
Rifai, Samir
Riga (Latvia)
Rivlin, Joseph Joel
Riyad Bey al–Sulh
Rocca, Mira
Roden, Claudia: quoted; recalls Egypt
Rodosto (Turkey)
Rolo, Sir Simon
Roman Empire
Romaniot Jews
Rommel, General Erwin
Ronel, Ephraim
Ros–Lehinten, Congresswoman Ileana
Rosenthal, Herman: quoted
Roth, Cecil: quoted
Rothschild, Lord (2nd Baron)
Roumani, Maurice: quoted
Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto)
Russell, Vaughan
Russian Empire (Tsarist Russia); pogroms in
SS: Divisions and Task Forces,186
Saban, Haim
Sabbatai Zevi
Sabbath (the Sabbath Day)
Sa’d ad–Daula
Sa’d ben Mansur ibn Kammuna
Sa’d ibn Mu’adh
Sadah (Yemen)
Sadat, President Anwar
Saddam Hussein
Sadka, Sakim
Sadr City (Baghdad)
Safavid dynasty
Safed (Ottoman and Mandate Palestine)
Safi (Morocco)
Safi, Shah of Persia
Safiyya: Mohammed marries
Sahara Desert
Sinai Desert
St Mark
St Petersburg (Russia)
Saladin (Salah ud–Din)
Salama, Albert
Salamanca (Spain)
Salame, Dr. Max
Salé (Morooco)
Saleh, Farhad
Salonika (Greece)
Samra, Daud (David)
Samuel (a moneychanger);
Samuel ben Adiya
Samuel ben Netanel ha–Levi
Samuel de Medina, Rabbi
Samuel ibn Nagrela
Samuel ibn Tibbon
San Francisco
Sanaa (Yemen)
Sanapir Island (Tiran Strait)
Sandys, George
Sanua, James (Yakub)
Sanua, Raphael
Saragossa (Spain)
Sarajevo (Balkans)
Sarfaty, Vidal Rabbi
Sarshar, Houman
Sasanian Empire
Sasson, Aharon
Sasson, Ambassador Moshe
Sasson, Salim
Sassoon family
Sassoon, Sir Albert
Sassoon, David
Sassoon, Soleiman
Satloff, Robert: quoted
Satmar (Hassidic sect)
Satmar Rebbe
Saudi Arabia: xix; Arab immigration to Palestine from; Jews from, emigrate to Israel
Sayf ul–Islam al–Hassan, Prince
Sayyid al–Husseini
Schechter, Myriam
Schinasi, Joseph
Sderot (Israel)
Second World War: xxii
Sefrou (Morocco)
Sehayek, Regina
Seleucid Greeks
Selim I, Sultan
Selim II, Sultan
Sellem, Isaac
Serels, Rabbi M. Mitchell: quoted; rabbi of Tangerian Jews in Toronto
Sereni, Enzo
Settat (Morocco)
Settimana Israelitica (newspaper)
Shabi, Rachel
Shahpur I, King
Shalom (a Jewish actor)
Shalom ben Aharon ha–Kohen Iraqi
Shalom ben Yosef Shabazi, Rabbi
Shalom, Saleh Shalom
Shalom, Silvan
Shama, David
Shama, Isaac
Shamash, Azoori
Shamash, Shaul
Shamash, Violette
Shamoon, Ezra Murad
Shao, Mayer Awadh
Sharia Law
Sharett, Moshe
Shasha, Dennis and Robert: quoted
Shasha, Fuad Yaakov
Shaul, Anwar
Sheba: Queen of
Sheetrit, Meir
Sheikh Othman (Aden)
Shemariah and Hushief (Jewish scholars)
Shemie, Naim
Shemtob, Ezekiel
Shemtob, Fahima
Shemtob, Jamil
Sherif Pasha
Shiites and Shia Islam
Shilon, Meir
Shimon bar Yochai
Shiraz (Iran)
Shlaim, Avi
Shohet, Mauraice
Shuker, Edwin
Si Ali Sakkat
Sidon (Lebanon)
Sidi Mohammed III, Sultan of Morocco
Sidi Mohammed ben Yusef: Sultan of Morocco
Sidi Chedli Bey
Siliana (Tunisia)
Sijilmassa (Morocco)
Silver, Vivianne
Silwan (Jerusalem)
Simantov, Zebulon
Sinai Desert
Six–Day War (1967)
Slonim, Rivka (Mrs Yosef Burg)
Sofaer, Julian
Sofer, Yehoshua
Soffer, Moshi
Soffer, Choua
Sol Hachuel (Zulaika Hajwal)
Solarz, Congressman Steven
Solomon, King
Solomon’s Temple (Jerusalem)
Solomon Abenaish (ibn Ya’ish)
Solomon ben Judah
Solomon ben Shaya (Abu al–Munajja)
Solomon ha–Levi Alkabetz
Solomon ibn Gabirol
Solomon ibn Verga
Solomon Nathan Ashkenazi (Rabbi Salamone)
Solomonica, David
Somekh, Sasson
Somekh, Saul
Soncino family
Soncino, Eliezer
Soncino, Gershom
Sorbonne (Paris)
Soussa, Maurice
Soussa, Naima
Sousse (Tunisia)
South Africa
South America
Soviet Union
Spain: Jews of; Jews expelled from (1492); Jews from Tangier return to
Spanien, Raphael
Spanish Inquisition
Stalin, Joseph
Star of David: banned; enforced; and a coiled snake
Steimatzky, Yechezkel
Stillman, Norman: quoted
Suares family
Suares, Felix
Suez (Egypt)
Suez Canal
Suez Canal Zone
Suez War (1956)
Suheik, Ezra Sasson
Suleiman I, ‘The Magnificent,’ Sultan
Suleiman al–Taji, Sheikh of Jaffa
Sulman, Sheikh, Sultan of Bahrain
Sultan, David
Sumeir (a Jewish minter)
Sura (Babylonia)
Surat (India)
Sweiry, Moshe
Swiss Alps
Sykes, Sir Percy
Syria: Jews of; a French Mandate; Arab immigration to Palestine from; jihad preached in; Jews from, in France; and the Second World War; anti–Zionism in; attacks on Jews in; well–poisoning accusation in; and the 1948–49 Arab–Israel War; signs armistice with Israel; Jews of (1948–53); an Israeli spy in; and the Six–Day War (1967); and the October War (1973); continued persecution of Jews in, and their rescue; Jews in (2006)
‘Syria Palaestina’
Tabriz (Iran)
Tahmasp I, Shah of Persia
Tahrir Square (Baghdad)
Taieb el–Okbi, Sheikh
Taizz (Yemen)
Taliban, the
Tangier: Jews of
Tanta (Egypt)
Tarabulus al–Gharb (newspaper)
Tarhuna (Libya)
Tatar tribes
Tayma (Arabian Peninsula)
Taza (Morocco)
Tefileen, Dani (Hamid)
Teheran: Jews in
Tel Aviv
Tel Aviv–Jerusalem highway: a Jew from Yemen working on, photograph 23
Temple Mount (Jerusalem)
Ten Commandments
Ten Lost Tribes
Terem, Salam ben Yichye
Tetuan (Morocco); Jewish women in, photograph 9
Tewfik, Khedive of Egypt
The Exiled and the Redeemed (Ben–Zvi): quoted
The Jewish State (Herzl)
The Matzah of Zion (Mustafa Tlass)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion: on Egyptian television; published in Iran
Thompson, Dorothy
Tiaret (Algeria)
Tiberias (Galilee)
Timan, Eli
Tiran Island (Tiran Strait)
Tlas, Mustafa
Tlelsa (Tunisia)
Tlemcen (Algeria)
Toledano, Shmuel
Toledo (Spain)
Tomb of the Patriarchs (Hebron)
Topkapi Palace (Istanbul)
Toronto (Canada)
Trabelsi, Perez
Transjordan; Arab immigration to Palestine from; and the 1948–49
Arab–Israel War; for subsequent index entries see: Jordan Transjordan Frontier Force
trees: and warfare
Tripoli (Libya): the Jews of; anti–Jewish violence in, after the Second World War; Jews reach; Jews leave; and the Six–Day War (1967); Jews leave, photographs 18
Tsarist Russia: see index entry for Russian Empire Tudela (Spain)
Tuman Bey II, Sultan
Tunis (Tunisia); Jewish girls in, photograph 10
Tunisia; Arab immigration to Palestine from; in the Second World War; Jewish exodus from; Jews from, in Israel; Jews of, in the Twenty–First Century
Turkey; see also index entry for Ottoman Empire Turkmenistan
Tyre (Lebanon)
Tzarfati, Rabbi Isaac
Ubaidallah ben Yahya
Ubullah (Mesopotamia)
Udaya tribe (Morocco)
Uhud, Battle of
Uljaytu Khan, Emperor
Umayyad dynasty
Union Féminine Israélite (Port Said)
United Arab Republic (UAR)
United Jewish Communities (UJC)
United Nations; High Commissioner for Refugees; Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA); Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA); Charter on Human Rights; Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO); General Assembly; Human Rights Commission; Human Rights Council; Partition Resolution; Security Council
United States of America; Jews from Muslim lands reach; concerns of, for Jews in Muslim lands
United States Congress
United States Information Agency
Urman, Stanley
Usque, Samuel
Uzan, Rafael
Valensin, Dr. Eugene
Vámbéry, Arminius (Armin Bamberger)
Varshavsky, Samuel
Venice (Italy)
Vichy France
Victory College (Alexandria)
Vidal, Suzy
Vilna (Lithuania)
Virgin Mary
von Shirach, Baldur
Wadi al–Qura (Arabian Peninsula)
Wadi Badr (Arabian Peninsula)
Wafd Party (Egypt)
Waldman, Regina
Waldheim, Kurt
Wallace, Edwin Sherman
Washington DC
Wazan, Youssef
Weizmann, Dr. Chaim
well–poisoning accusation
West Bank (of the River Jordan)
White House (Washington)
Wills, Charles
Wise, Dr. Stephen
World Organisation of Jews from Arab Lands (WOJAC)
World Islamic Conference
World Jewish Congress
‘World Without Zionism’ conference
World Zionist Organization
Wolffsohn, David
Woolf, Thea
Yacoub, Yeheskel Raphael
Yahan–Farouz, Rita (‘Rita’)
Yahya bin Yaish, Rabbi
Yahya ibn Yahya
Yahya, Mona
Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed–Din, ruler of Yemen
Yahya, Tahir
Yakov, Javid Beit
Yaqub al–Mansur, Sultan
Yaqub ibn Killis
Yathrib (Medina, Arabian Peninsula))
Yehezkeli, Zvi
Yehouda ben David Hayouj
Yehuda family
Yehuda, Saul
Yehuda, Shelomoh
Yelasarat (newspaper)
Yemen: Jews of; Maimonides’ letter to the Jews of; in the Twentieth Century; Arab immigration to Palestine from; Jewish immigration to Palestine from; persecution of Jews in: Jews leave, for Israel; Jews in Israel from; last Jews in; a Jew from, in Israel photograph 23
Yemen Observer (newspaper)
Yerushalmy, Ovadia
Yeshayahu, Yisrael; photo– graph 20
Yihya ben Shalom Abyad, Rabbi
Young, William Tanner
‘Young Turks’
Yusuf Asar (Dhu Nuwas), King
Yusufabad Synagogue (Teheran)
Zadmeh, Asher
Zafer–Smith, Golda
Zagdoun, Victor
Zaghloul Pasha
Zaghouan Valley (Tunisia)
Zalman, Rabbi
Zamalek (Cairo)
Zamir, Levana
Zanzur (Libya)
Zar, Mordekhai
Zaydis (Yemeni tribe)
Zaydi Ahmad, Imam of Yemen
Zawia (Libya); photographs 14
Ze’ev, Nissim
Zeitouni, Jack Samantoubi
Zelouf, Aida
Zerib, Isaac
Zilkha, Abdullah
Zilkha, Ezra Naji
Zilkha, Khedhouri A.
Zilkha, Maurice
Zionism; and the Arab League; in Libya; denounced; hatred of; condemned as ‘racism,’ the condemnation revoked
Zionist Congresses (Basle); photograph 8
Zionist emissaries
Zionist Organization (London)
Zionist Organization (Baghdad)
‘Zionist Youth’ (Tunis)
Zliten (Libya)
Zubaida, Daud Sassoon
Zurich (Switzerland)