
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

References to figures are in italics.

-- operator, 49

$ operator, 107

% operator, 47

%= operator, 47

&& operator, 77, 81

* operator, 47

*= operator, 47

@, 106

\\, 105

^ operator, 107

| operator, 108

|| operator, 77, 81

+ operator, 48, 104

    implementing a + operator overload (example code), 440–442

++ operator, 48

+= operator, 48

< operator, 76–77

<= operator, 76–77

-= operator, 47

/= operator, 47

!= operator, 76

== operator, 76

=> operator, 215

> operator, 76–77

>= operator, 76–77

\, in escape sequences, 105–106

- operator, 47

/ operator, 47


abstract inheritance, 172

    comparison of virtual and abstract declarations, 174–175

    declaring abstract classes, 172–173

    declaring abstract methods, 172

    declaring abstract properties, 173

    example code, 173–174

    overriding abstract methods, 172

    overriding abstract properties, 173

    See also inheritance

abstract keyword, 172

Add( ) method, 120, 192, 203, 328–329

addition, 46

AND operator, 77

    example code, 81

anonymous functions, 214

    with delegates, 214–216

    with Func<T,TResult> delegates, 216–218

    lambda syntax, 215

ArrayList collections, 195–196

    ArrayList introduction (example code), 197–198

    determining object types, 196

    methods, 196–197

arrays, 32

    creating JSON arrays, 407–408

    declaring array type and name first and size allocation later, 33

    declaring array type, name and size together, 33

    declaring single-dimensional arrays (example code), 34–35

    defined, 26

    elements, 32

    enumerations with (example code), 42–43

    indexes, 32

    length, 36, 39

    multidimensional arrays, 37–38

    sorting, 36–37

    syntax, 32–34

Attribute class, inheriting from, 423

attributes, 420–421

    creating a validation attribute (example code), 432–433

    custom attributes, 423–426

    implementing a custom attribute, 424

    inheriting from the Attribute class, 423

    inspecting attributes (example code), 425–426

    optional AttributeUsage attributes, 423–424

    querying, 424–425

    querying attribute targets, 430–433

    reflection, 427–429

    tracking bug fixes (example code), 430–431


backslashes, in escape sequences, 105–106

binary data

    randomly accessing, 374–375

    writing and reading, 367–371

    See also buffered binary data

BinaryReader, 368–369

BinaryWriter, 368

block scope, 68

break statements, 91–93

breakpoints, 15–16

bridge tables, 325–327

    deleting bridge table objects, 330–331

    inserting bridge table objects, 328–330

    querying bridge table objects, 327–328

browsing database content, 248–249

buffered binary data, reading, 371–374


C#, history of, 4

Call Stack window, 17

cardinality, 310–311

case sensitivity, 104

casting, 32

classes, 135

    compared to structs, 151

    constructors, 137–140

    declarations, 136–137

    default constructors, 138

    defined, 5

    destructors, 143–145

    get accessors, 141–142

    instances, 136

    for managing database data, 335–338

    object creation (example code), 138–140

    objects, 136

    properties, 141–143

    scope, 68

    sealing, 180–181

    set accessors, 141–142

    this keyword, 137

    See also individual classes; partial classes; static classes

Clear( ) method, 192, 197, 201, 203

Close( ) method, 350

code libraries, 152

CommandType property, 344, 352

comments, 5–6

CompareTo( ) method, 121, 129–130

comparison operators, 76–77

    See also operators

compiling programs, 7

composite primary keys, 309

    equal joins, 317–319

compound operator, 48

concatenation, 104

conditional expressions, 74

    See also control structures

conditional operators, 82–83

conditional structures, 78

    if-else statements, 78–81

connection string parameters, 242

connection strings, referencing in C#, 339–340

ConnectionStrings property, 339–340

Console class, 5

constants, 30

    defined, 26

    names, 30

    syntax, 30

constructors, 137–140

    inherited constructor overloading, 167

Contains( ) method, 103, 279

ContainsKey( ) method, 201, 203

ContainsValue( ) method, 203

continue statements, 93–94

control structures, 74

    indentation and alignment, 74–75

    nesting, 75

Convert class, 113, 114

custom attributes, 423–426

    See also attributes


data types, 26–27

    and variables (example code), 29–30

database setup

    accessing database resources for this book, 242

    browsing database content with Visual Studio, 248–249

    creating a database connection string, 242–248

    examining database column detail, 250–251

database types, 243


    cardinality, 310–311

    composite primary keys, 309

    foreign keys, 309–310

    primary keys, 309

DataColumn class, 335–336

DataRow class, 336

DataTable class, 335, 337–338

date and time handling

    DateTime type, 122–130

    TimeSpan type, 118–122

DateTime type

    addition, 126–128

    comparison, 129–130

    format specifiers, 124–125

    properties, 122–124

    subtraction, 128–129

    syntax, 122

    system time, 122

DbContext class, 260

DbSet class, 260

debugging, 13

    breakpoints, 15–16

    Call Stack window, 17

    errors and warnings, 14–15

    Locals window, 17

    logging data, 21–23

    resuming program execution, 16

    stepping into methods, 16

    stepping over methods, 16

    tooltips, 16

    try-catch blocks, 19–21

    Watch window, 19

decrement operator, 49

deferred execution, 266

delegates, 212

    anonymous functions with, 214–216

    anonymous functions with Func<T,TResult> delegates, 216–218

    simple delegates (example code), 213

    syntax, 212–213

delimiters, 101–102

deserialization, 414–415

    mapping to custom property names during deserialization, 415

    XML, 397–399

    See also serialization

destructors, 143–145

Dictionary collections, 200

    Dictionary introduction (example code), 202–203

    iterating through dictionary items, 201

    methods, 201

displaying local currency, 99

DisplayLocation( ) method, 135

Distinct( ) extension method, 299

Distinct( ) method, 280–281

division, 47

do while loops, 89–90, 91

dynamic parsing, 410–411


editing code, 7

editing strings, 103–105

EDM. See Entity Data Model (EDM)

EF. See Entity Framework

elements, 32

else if statements, 78–79

else statements, 79


    accessibility, 134–135

    defined, 134

    members, 134

    private access, 135

    protected access, 135

    public access, 135

entities, 260

Entity Data Model (EDM), 254

    adding an Entity Data Model to your code project, 254–259

    conceptual view, 257, 258

    Copy to Output Directory property, 258–259

    navigation properties, 312

    querying database objects, 260–262

    querying entities, 261–262

    querying stored procedures, 262–263

    replacing, 264–265

    updating, 263–264

Entity Framework, 254

    and SQL, 334

enum keyword, 40

enumerations, 39

    with arrays (example code), 42–43

    defined, 26

    determining the enumerator count, 41

    example code, 41–42

    methods, 40–41

    naming, 40

    syntax, 40

equal joins, 313

    with composite keys, 317–319

    with method-based syntax, 314–315

    with navigation properties, 315–316

    with query syntax, 313–314

equals operators, 76

Error List window, 7, 14–15

errors, 14–15

escape sequences, 105–106

escaped backslash, 105

events, 212, 218

    event declaration syntax, 218

    example code, 220–221

    raising an event, 219

    subscribing to an event, 219

    unsubscribing from an event, 219

Exception class, 19–21

    properties, 20

ExecuteReader( ) method, 350, 354

executing programs, 7

exponentiation, 47

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

extension methods, 294

    lambda syntax, 295


FileMode, 368

filtering, 278

    applying a where filter (example code), 278–279, 296–297

    basic filtering, 278

    with a collection of values, 279, 297–298

    retrieving similar matches, 280

    selecting distinct rows, 280–281

    with string comparison methods (example code), 280, 298–299

Find and Replace dialog, 11–12

FoodStore database

    accessing database resources for this book, 242

    creating a connection string for database development beginners (example), 243–245

    entity data model conceptual view, 444, 445

    entity relationship diagram, 444

    generating a connection string to SQL Server, 245–248

FoodStore_log.ldf file, 243

FoodStore.mdf file, 243

for loops, 85–88, 91

foreach loops, 90–91

foreign keys, 309–310

from keyword, 275

Func<T,TResult> delegates, 216–218


generic interfaces, 231–233

generic types, 186

    declaring and initializing objects of a generic class or struct, 187–188

    declaring generic templates, 186–187

    generic class introduction (example code), 188–189

    generic constructors, 187

    generic methods, 188

    generic properties, 188

    generic variables, 188

    multiple generic type parameters (example code), 190–191

get accessors, 141–142

GetBytes( ) method, 53

GetCustomAttributes( ) method, 425

GetLength( ) method, 39

GetNames( ) method, 41

GetType( ) method, 196, 204

greater than operator, 76–77

greater than or equal operator, 76–77


    on multiple columns, 303

    summaries with, 287, 302

gutter, 16


Hashtable collections, 203

    Hashtable introduction (example code), 204–205

    iterating through Hashtable items, 204

    methods, 203

history of C#, 4


IComparable interface, 234–236

IEnumerable interface, 266

if statements, 78

if-else statements, 78–81

immediate loading, 266–267

    vs. lazy loading, 278

immutable strings, 64

in keyword, 275

increment operator, 48

indentation, 6–7

    control structures, 74–75

    methods, 60

indexes, 32

IndexOf( ) method, 100–101


    declaring a child class, 163

    defined, 162

    example code, 164–165

    inherited constructor overloading, 167

    inheriting from the Attribute class, 423

    introduction to, 162–163

    passing parameters to parent constructors (example code), 167–169

    protected members, 163

    See also abstract inheritance; virtual inheritance

Insert( ) method, 105, 192, 196

InsertRange( ) method, 192, 196


    auto-generating a code shell of required members, 226

    example code, 225

    existing .NET interfaces, 233–236

    explicit interface implementation, 227–229

    generic, 231–233

    hierarchies, 230–231

    implicit interface implementation, 229

    syntax, 224–225

IQueryable interface, 266, 278

IReadOnlyCollection interfaces, 233


JArray class, 407–408

JavaScript Object Notation. See JSON

JObject class, 406

Join( ) method, 102

joins, 308

    equal joins, 313–319

    joining more than two collections in one query, 324–325

    outer joins, 319–324


    creating a complex JSON object (example code), 408–409

    creating JSON arrays, 407–408

    customizing property names during, 414

    deserialization, 414–415

    dynamic parsing, 410–411

    dynamic types, 406–407

    introduction to, 404–405

    JArray class, 407–408

    JObject class, 406

    mapping to custom property names during deserialization, 415

    serialization, 411–413

Json.NET, 405–406


KeyValuePair types, 199

    KeyValuePair introduction (example code), 199–200

keywords. See individual keywords


lambda operator, 215

lambda syntax, 215, 295

Language-Integrated Query. See LINQ

LastIndexOf( ) method, 101

lazy loading, 265–266

    vs. immediate data loading, 278

left outer joins, 319–320

    with LINQ, 320–321

less than operator, 76–77

less than or equal operator, 76–77

LINQ, 265, 274–275

    aggregate summary queries, 286–287

    assigning custom property names, 276

    deserialization, 397–399

    filtering, 278–281

    full outer joins, 322–324

    lazy loading vs. immediate data loading, 278

    left outer joins, 320–321

    merging similar queries with a union, 285–286

    reading one object only, 281

    reading queries, 275

    referencing properties of an object, 275–276

    right outer joins, 321–322

    selecting all columns of an object (example code), 277

    selecting specific columns of an object (example code), 276–277

LINQ to Entities, 265, 274

    adding objects, 288

    aggregate summary queries, 301–302

    bridging many-to-many relationships, 325–331

    deferred execution, 266

    defining query columns with the Select( ) method, 295–296

    deleting bridge table objects, 330–331

    deleting objects, 289–290

    equal joins, 313–319

    filtering, 296–297

    filtering with a collection of values, 297–298

    immediate (eager) data loading, 266–267

    inserting bridge table objects, 328–330

    joining more than two collections in one query, 324–325

    joining queries, 308

    lazy loading, 265–266

    merging similar queries with a union, 301

    navigation properties, 312

    outer joins, 319–324

    querying bridge table objects, 327–328

    reading queries, 295

    retrieving similar matches, 298–299

    selecting distinct rows, 299

    sorting, 281–283, 299–300

    subselection, 283–284, 300–301

    updating objects, 289

LINQ to XML, 382

    additional element selection methods and properties, 387–388

    querying elements, 383

    querying with method-based syntax and query syntax (example code), 386–387

    selecting elements and attributes (example code), 384–385

    XAttribute class, 383

    XElement class, 382–383

LINQPad, 267

    using to observe query execution, 267–270

List collections, 191

    List introduction (example code), 193

    lists with polymorphism (example code), 194–195

    methods, 192

Locals window, 17

logging data, 21–23

logical AND operator, 77, 81

logical OR operator, 77, 81

loops, 85

    break statements, 91–93

    comparing loop types, 91

    continue statements, 93–94

    do while loops, 89–90

    foreach loops, 90–91

    for loops, 85–88

    while loops, 88–89


Managed C++, 4

many-to-many relationships, bridging, 325–331

Match Case, 12

Match Whole Word, 12

Math class, 47

members, 134

    sealing, 180–181

metadata, 420

    See also attributes


    ArrayList methods, 196–197

    calling a method, 59–60

    creating and implementing methods (example code), 60–61

    declaring abstract methods, 172

    declaring virtual methods, 169

    defined, 5

    Dictionary methods, 201

    generic methods, 188

    Hashtable collections, 203

    headers, 58

    indentation, 60

    List methods, 192

    names, 59

    overloading, 62–63

    overriding abstract methods, 172

    overriding virtual methods, 170

    parameters, 59

    passing arguments by value and by reference, 63–65

    passing arguments explicitly by reference, 65–66

    passing uninitialized variables by reference, 66–67

    return types, 59

    return values, 59

    scope, 68

    static modifiers, 59

    syntax, 58–62

    void types, 59

    See also individual methods

minus assignment operator combination, 47

modulus operator, 47

multidimensional arrays, 37–38

    example code, 38–39

    length, 39

    syntax, 38

multiple-line comments, 5

multiplication, 47

multiplication assignment operator, 47


namespace collisions, 153

namespaces, 152–153

    defined, 5

    example, 153–156

    System namespace, 5, 47

navigation properties, 312

    equal joins, 315–316

    equal joins on composite keys, 318–319

nested for loops, 86–88

.NET Framework, 4

    attributes, 420–421

    classes for managing database data, 335–338

    existing .NET interfaces, 233–236

Next( ) method, 50

NextDouble( ) method, 51

not equals operators, 76

NuGet Package Manager, 405, 406

numeric format specifiers, 98

    displaying local currency, 99

    raw text, 98

    rounding, 99

    rounding with a thousands separator, 99

numeric literals, 27–28


object-relational mapping frameworks, 254

objects, 136

    adding using LINQ to Entities, 288

    deleting using LINQ to Entities, 289–290

    pluralizing object names, 257

    updating using LINQ to Entities, 289

operator overloading, 436

    implementing a + operator overload (example code), 440–441

    method requirements, 437

    operator overloads for Budget objects (example code), 437–439

    operators that can be overloaded, 437

operators, 46–49

    comparison operators, 76–77

    conditional operators, 82–83

OR operator, 77, 81

OrderBy( ) extension method, 299–300

orderby keyword, 282–283

OrderByDescending( ) extension method, 299–300

ORM frameworks, 254

out keyword, 66–67

outer joins, 319

    full outer joins, 322–324

    left outer joins, 319–321

    right outer joins, 321–322

overloading methods, 62–63

override keyword, 170, 172, 173


parsing strings, 99–103

partial classes, 157

    example, 157–159

partial keyword, 157

plain text, writing and reading, 362–366

polymorphism, 176

    example code, 177–178

    lists with polymorphism (example code), 194–195

    practical polymorphism (example code), 178–179

post-decrement expressions, 49

post-increment expressions, 48

Pow( ) method, 47

precedence, 69

    example code, 69–70

pre-decrement expressions, 49

pre-increment expressions, 48

primary keys, 309


random binary access, 374–375

Random class, 50–52

randomization, 50

    default random constructor, 50–52

    default random generation (example code), 51

    generating a random number with a random seed (example code), 54

    generating a random seed, 52–53

    generating random double numbers, 51

    generating random integer numbers, 50

    improper random number generation (example code), 52

    seeded random constructor, 52–54

raw text, 98

Read( ) method, 350

ref keyword, 66

refactoring, 13

reflection, 427–429

regular expressions, 106–107

    complex regular expressions (example code), 112–113

    ends with, 107

    example code, 108–109

    or, 107

    for simple patterns (example code), 109–110

    starts with, 107

    summary of operators, 109, 110–111

relational database theory, 309–311

remainder, 47

Remove( ) method, 105, 192, 197, 201, 203, 330–331

RemoveAt( ) method, 192, 197

RemoveRange( ) method, 192, 197

Rename dialog, 13

renaming a code file, 11

renaming code structures, 11–13

Replace( ) method, 104

resuming program execution, 16

RNGCryptoServiceProvider class, 53

rounding, 99

    with a thousands separator, 99


SaveChanges( ) method, 330


    avoiding scope conflicts, 70

    block scope, 68

    class scope, 68

    defined, 68

    example code, 69–70

    method scope, 68

sealed modifiers, 179–180

    sealed classes and members, 180–181

Seek( ) method, 374–375

Select( ) extension method, 295–296

select keyword, 275

serialization, 411–413

    customizing property names during, 414

    customizing XML serialization, 396–397

    deserialization, 414–415

    XML, 394–397

set accessors, 141–142

shared structures, 145

single-line comments, 5

Solution Explorer, 7

solutions, 7, 8

    exiting, 11

    opening, 11

    saving, 11

Sort( ) method, 36–37

sorting, 281–282, 299–300

    arrays, 36–37

    with multiple columns, 282–283

Split( ) method, 101–102


    executing SQL with the SqlDataReader (example code), 350–352

    executing with the SqlDataAdapter class (example code), 342–343

    managing the database connection, 349–357

    memory-based data management with the SqlDataAdapter class, 341–343

    overview, 334–335

    stored procedures, 335

SqlDataAdapter class, 341

    initializing a SqlDataAdapter object, 341

    managing stored procedures with, 344–349

    retrieving data with, 341

    timing out, 341

SqlDataReader class

    managing stored procedures with, 352–357

    retrieving data with, 350

    streaming data with, 349–357

Sqrt( ) method, 47

square root, 47

StartsWith( ) method, 102–103

static classes, 147

static data members, 145–146

static methods, 146

static structures, 145

    declaring, 145–150

    practical application of static modifiers (example code), 149–150

    static vs. non-static structures (example code), 147–148

stepping into methods, 16

stepping over methods, 16

stored procedures, 335

    managing with SqlDataAdapter class, 344–349

    managing with the SqlDataReader class, 352–357

StreamReader class, reading plain text, 364–366

StreamWriter class, 21–22

    writing plain text, 362–364


    adjusting letter case, 104

    concatenation, 104

    Contains( ) method, 103

    Convert class, 113, 114

    converting to other formats, 113–115

    editing, 103–105

    IndexOf( ) method, 100–101

    Insert( ) method, 105

    Join( ) method, 102

    LastIndexOf( ) method, 101

    length, 99–100

    parsing, 99–103

    Remove( ) method, 105

    Replace( ) method, 104

    Split( ) method, 101–102

    StartsWith( ) method, 102–103

    Substring( ) method, 101

    ToLower( ) method, 104

    ToUpper( ) method, 104

    Trim( ) method, 103

    TryParse( ) method, 113, 114–115

    verbatim string literals, 106

structs, 150–152

    compared to classes, 151

    example code, 151–152

subselection, 283–284, 300–301

Substring( ) method, 101

Subtract( ) method, 121, 128–129

subtraction, 48

summaries, 286–287, 301–302

    with grouping, 287, 302

    grouping on multiple columns, 303

switches, 83–84

syntax, 6

    anonymous functions, 215

    arrays, 32–34

    constants, 30

    DateTime type, 122

    enumerations, 40

    event declaration syntax, 218

    interface, 224–225

    lambda syntax, 215, 295

    methods, 58–62

    multidimensional arrays, 38

    TimeSpan type, 118

    variables, 28–29

    XML, 381

System namespace, 5, 47

System.Configuration library, adding a reference to, 339–340


terminology, 5

ternary operators. See conditional operators

ThenBy( ) extension method, 299–300

ThenByDescending( ) extension method, 299–300

this keyword, 137

TimeSpan type

    addition, 120

    comparison, 121

    properties, 119–120

    subtraction, 121

    syntax, 118

timing out, 341

ToInt32( ) method, 53

ToLower( ) method, 104

tooltips, 16

ToUpper( ) method, 104

Trim( ) method, 103

try-catch blocks, 19–21

TryGetValue( ) method, 201

TryParse( ) method, 113, 114–115

Type methods, 427

typeof expression, 41


Union( ) extension method, 301

Union( ) method, 285–286


value keyword, 141

var keyword, 278


    data types and (example code), 29–30

    defined, 5, 26

    explicit variable conversion, 32

    generic variables, 188

    implicit variable conversion, 32

    names, 29

    precedence, 69

    reference type, 28

    syntax, 28–29

    types, 28

    value type, 28

verbatim string literals, 106

virtual inheritance, 169

    comparison of virtual and abstract declarations, 174–175

    declaring virtual methods, 169

    declaring virtual properties, 170

    example code, 170–172

    overriding virtual methods, 170

    overriding virtual properties, 170

    See also inheritance

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), 4

Visual Studio IDE, 8

    browsing database content with, 248–249

    Call Stack window, 17

    compiling and running a program, 10

    creating a console application project, 10

    debugging, 13–23

    exiting the solution, 11

    Find and Replace dialog, 11–12

    Locals window, 17

    opening the solution, 11

    Rename dialog, 13

    renaming a code file, 11

    renaming code structures, 11–13

    saving the solution, 11

    stopping the application, 10

    Watch window, 19


warnings, 14–15

Watch window, 19

where keyword, 278–279

while loops, 88–89, 91

writing code, 7


XAttribute class, 383

XElement class, 382–383


    adding an XML document to a Visual Studio project, 380

    adding elements to existing documents, 390–391

    attributes, 379, 380

    creating an XML file (example code), 378–379

    creating elements and attributes, 389–390

    customizing serialization, 396–397

    deleting elements, 393

    deserialization, 397–399

    element hierarchy, 379–380

    elements, 379, 380

    introduction to, 378

    serialization, 394–397

    syntax, 381

    updating elements and attributes, 391–393

    See also LINQ to XML

XML tag comments, 6