1. Bruno Bauer, ‘The Capacity of Present-day Jews and Christians to Become Free’, Einundzwanzig Bogen aus der Schweiz, Zürich 1843, p. 57.
2. Proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies, 26 December 1840.
3. Bauer, The Jewish Question, p. 64.
9. Gustave de Beaumont, Marie ou l’esclavage aux États-Unis, Paris, 1835, p. 214.
10. ibid., p. 225.
11. ibid., p. 224.
12. Thomas Hamilton, Men and Manners in America, 2 vols., Edinburgh, 1833. Marx is quoting from the German translation, Die Menschen und die Sitten in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, Mannheim, 1834, Vol. 1, p. 146.
13. Hegel, The Philosophy of Right, tr. T. M. Knox, London, 1942, p. 173.
14. Bourgeois in this sense means a member of civil society.
20. See above, p. 217.
21. Bauer, The Jewish Question, pp. 19–20.
25. ‘Robespierre Jeune’, Histoire parlementaire de la révolution française by Buchez and Roux, Vol. 28, p. 159.
30. ibid., p. 65.
31. These two books are by Bruno Bauer (Brunswick, 1842) and David Friedrich Strauss (Tübingen, 1835–6) respectively.
32. Bauer, ‘The Capacity…’, p. 71.
35. Beaumont, op. cit., pp. 185–6.
36. Bauer, The Jewish Question, p. 114.
37. The German word Judentum – ‘Judaism’ – could also be used to mean ‘commerce’. Marx plays on this double meaning of the word.
38. From the pamphlet issued by Münzer in 1524 and entitled Hoch verursachte Schutzrede und Antwort wider das geistlose, sanftlebende Fleisch zu Witterberg.