1. In the manuscript ‘accidental’ has been written above ‘sporadic’.

2. In the manuscript ‘value’ has been written above ‘price’.

3. In the manuscript ‘competition’ has been written above ‘demand’.

4. See Destutt de Tracy, Éléments d’idéologie. IVe et Ve parties. Traité de la volonté et de ses effets, Paris, 1826, p. 68; ‘… society is purely and solely a series of reciprocal exchanges’

5. See Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Book 1, Ch. 4: ‘Every man thus lives by exchanging, or becomes, in some measure, a merchant, and the society itself grows to what is properly a commercial society.’

6. In the manuscript ‘sin’ has been written above ‘failure’.

7. In the manuscript ‘embryo’ has been written above ‘form’.