
Writing the book you now have before you was a massive effort, aided by countless people along the way. I tried, as much as I was able, to extrapolate from existing or nearly-here technology, politics, culture, and trends to create this vision of the near future we may be headed for if we aren’t careful. Time will tell how well I hit (or missed) the mark.

I am deeply indebted to several people whose knowledge and generosity helped turn this book from a vague idea to a finished story. Bill Otto, whose knowledge of all things related to infrared imaging and Doppler radar is unparalleled, kindly fact-checked some of the technology for me. Ileen Verble provided detailed assistance with some of the medically-related parts of the story. Jon Lowy offered the wisdom of his experience with micro-optics, particularly contact-lens-mounted thin-film displays. Myles Taylor provided critique of an early draft. Finally, Jamaika Campos shared her valuable insight into the linguistics and culture of T-Town.

And, of course, my friends and family have been incredibly supportive. It’s not always easy being close to a writer. We writers are a strange and sometimes discourteous lot, prone to retreating to the study at odd times of the day (and night!) muttering “so sorry, but I have to write this down.” It takes a special kind of patience to be close to a writer, and I am grateful those around me have that patience in spades.

—E. F. Coleman, London, October 2022