At lunch on Friday Luke and I sat off by ourselves. "You made a couple of bad plays," he said. "It happens. You'll get another chance."
"Yeah," I mumbled. "Next year."
He laughed. "Come on. Fabroa can't play the whole game. You've got to get some minutes. Play your game tomorrow night against Eastlake and you'll be okay."
In the locker room before practice it was as if I had some contagious disease. Even Luke left me alone. I dressed in the corner, then headed out, head down.
But the court worked its magic. I stepped on the hardwood and it was like coming home. All the drills—passing, shooting, rebounding—were like old friends. Luke was right: there'd be another game, another chance.
With an hour left in practice, O'Leary blew his whistle. My throat tightened. Scrimmage. Would he say something to me? Point out my mistakes to everybody? Or would he let it go?
We gathered around him. He took out a red handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "All right, listen up. I want to go over some changes for tomorrow's game." He looked at Brian Chang. "Brian, Luke Jackson is going to take your spot on the starting unit. But don't worry, you'll be the first guy off the bench."
Chang flushed. "Sure, Coach. Whatever you say."
"Good. Good attitude. The kind of attitude I like to see. The kind that wins games. Which brings me to my next point." O'Leary paused, and when he spoke there was anger in his voice. "We were too wild against Juanita, too helter-skelter. From now on, if the lay-in isn't there on the fast break, pull the ball out and run a play. No more playground stuff. Everybody got it?"
1 got it all right. He might as well have pointed right at me. I was the playground guy, the point guard who didn't run set plays.
"All right, then, let's walk through our plays. I want the first team on the court, and I want the rest of you along the wall watching. We're going to do it until we get it right."
I found a spot by the drinking fountain and watched. Or pretended to watch. When it was the second team's turn to be on the court, I did everything O'Leary asked, but I did it the way a zombie might. "Get with it, Abbott!" O'Leary bellowed more than once. I couldn't free my mind from Juanita's gym; I kept reliving that final minute. If I'd stayed tight on Jefferson. If I'd passed the ball to Carver or Luke.
The whistle finally blew. "All right, that's it for today," O'Leary shouted. "Shower up."
I headed for the locker room.
"Abbott," O'Leary called, "could I see you for a minute?"
As I followed him into his office, my heart pounded. What now? A one-on-one chewing out?
O'Leary closed the door behind us, then rubbed his freckled hands together. "I know this was a tough day for you, Nick."
My throat was so tight I wasn't sure I could breathe.
He waited, but when he saw I wasn't going to answer, he went on. "I won't pretend I liked the way you played last night. You forgot about your teammates, forgot about your coach, tried to do it all yourself. But I take the blame for putting you in that position. Point guard is the toughest job on the court. You weren't ready for it, not after a couple of weeks of practice, and I should have known that."
"I'll do better next time," I managed to say. "I've thought about what I did, and I know I'll do better."
"Good. That's what I wanted to hear. Be patient. Don't force things. Let the game come to you."
A little flame of hope came to life inside me. "Coach, if you give me another chance, I won't screw up again. I promise."
He smiled. "That's the spirit. It's a long season. You'll get your chance."
I thought he was done. I started for the door, but before I could leave he called me back. "There's something else I want to talk to you about, Nick." The tone of his voice was strange, and so was the expression on his face. He cleared his throat. I waited. "Teammates help each other out, both on and off the court. That's true, don't you think?"
"Sure, Coach," I answered.
He drummed his fingertips on his desk. "So, that brings us to Trent Dawson."
"Trent Dawson?" I stammered.
"You live across the street from him, don't you?"
"Yeah, but I don't see him much. He keeps to himself."
O'Leary nodded. "What I'm going to tell you now is confidential. I can trust you, can't I?"
"Sure, Coach. You don't have to worry about me."
"Okay, then. I talked with the cop handling Trent's case. They've charged that brother of his with eight counts of animal cruelty." O'Leary scowled. "Killing little baby ducks and geese, for God's sake. They should lock the S.O.B. up and throw away the key, but they won't, of course. I had him in gym class two years ago and..." He stopped midsentence, waving his hand above his head. "Listen to me, I'm rambling on like a crazy man. The important thing is that Trent had nothing to do with it. He's been released from the juvenile detention center. He's home now, or at least he should be. That's where you come in. I want you to check on him."
I flushed. "I'm glad he's not in any trouble, but Trent and I aren't exactly friends. In fact, I think he half-hates me."
O'Leary smiled. "I've looked through Trent's school records. If he only half-hates you, you're not doing bad. It looks to me as if he completely hates just about everybody else." He stared at me. When I didn't speak, he went on. "I'm not asking you to marry him, Nick. All I want you to do is knock on the door and see if he's there."
I swallowed. "I'll check on him, Coach. But what do I say if he is home?"
"Tell him to be at our game tomorrow, and at practices next week. Tell him the team is counting on him for the second half of the season. Tell him we need him."
"You want me to tell him that?"
O'Leary caught the disbelief in my question. His eyes honed in on me. "I certainly do. Because we do need him. We need his toughness, his aggressiveness. I've been coaching a long time, Nick, a long time. A team is like a jigsaw puzzle. Trent is one of the pieces. Just as you are. We need all the pieces."
I nodded. "I'll tell him."
O'Leary stood. "All right. That's it, then."
It was a simple request. All I had to do was walk across the street and give Trent's front door two raps. If Trent wasn't there or didn't answer, then I'd just walk back to my house. If he did answer, then I'd tell him what Coach had said. Either way the whole thing wouldn't take more than two minutes.
Still I put it off and put it off. I ate dinner and afterwards returned to my room to listen to the Sonics game. But I couldn't concentrate. I flicked off the radio and went downstairs. "Where are you going?" Mom asked when she saw I was heading outside.
I explained.
"Well, you deliver the message and then you come right back. I don't want you spending any more time with him than you have to."
"Don't worry about that," I said, lacing up my shoes. "This isn't my idea."
Rain had started to fall. I crossed the street quickly, climbed his porch steps, took a deep breath, and knocked. I could hear voices inside, Ericka Dawson's and Steve Clay's. They sounded hateful, the way Mom's and Dad's voices had sounded just before Dad moved out. I thought about knocking again, but decided against it. I'd turned and was heading down the stairs when Trent opened the door.
He looked terrible. He had on a ripped T-shirt, dirty sweats, and no shoes. His hair was sticking up as if it hadn't been combed in a week. "What do you want?" he muttered.
"I don't want anything. I'm just here to deliver a message."
"What message?"
"Coach O'Leary sent me. He wants you to know that you're still on the team, that he's counting on you for the second half of the season. He wants you at the game tomorrow and at school and practice next week."
From inside the house I heard his mother's voice. Her words were slurred, as if she'd been drinking. "Trent. Who is it? Is that the police?"
"It's nobody," he called back to her.
"Then close the door. You're letting the heat out."
"Yeah, yeah," he answered. He looked back to me. For a moment I thought he might say something.
"Trent, close the damn door!" his mother shrieked.
"All right!" he shouted back, and then he did close it, right in my face.
When I returned, Mom wanted to hear what had happened. "What do you think he's going to do?" she asked when I'd finished.
"I don't know."
"Steve Clay? Was he there?"
I almost told her about the shouting in the background, but decided to let it drop. "I didn't see him, but I heard his voice."
She pursed her lips. "At least he's still living there. He's the only stable influence in that house." I headed toward the stairs and my room. "Nick," she called after me, "I forgot to ask how practice went."
"It was fine," I said. "No problems."
Around ten o'clock I heard it, the sound of a basketball on concrete. When I looked out the window, there was Trent, in the night rain, playing basketball. He was alone, but he played with the fire you bring to a championship game: driving the lane, pump faking invisible defenders, snatching rebounds, whirling this way and that.
Most people would have thought he looked ridiculous, and I guess he did. But I knew what he was doing. He was playing imaginary games in his mind, the same way I had on many a summer afternoon at Canyon Park. Only for him it was different, because when I'd played my imaginary games, it was only Scott I destroyed. Trent was taking on the world.