
In the late afternoon, Sam stood with Joshua and Nicole at Vicky’s grave site. Joshua placed a small bouquet of flowers in a vase near the headstone.

“She was a good mom,” he said.

Sam bent down next to his son. “Yes she was.”

“But she’s with Jesus now.” Joshua added with a nod then rose to his feet. “She’s happy.”

Sam gave no answer, but tried to dislodge the tightness in his throat. Somehow, along the way, Joshua had made peace with Vicky’s death. No doubt with the help of Nicole and Regina.

And his son’s peace gave him peace. Vicky had loved Joshua just as much as he did. At one time she had been a good wife and an excellent mother. Dwelling on what tore them apart served no purpose. From now on his thought of her would stem from pleasant memories.

“Yes. She’s happy.” Sam put one hand on Joshua’s honey curls as he grabbed Nicole’s hand with the other.

Nicole’s eyes glistened with tears as she looked down at Joshua.

“Don’t cry, she’d be glad we’re all together,” Joshua said, taking Nicole’s other hand.

Nicole managed to nod through her tears.

Joshua looked up at Sam.” You’re only going to be gone for two weeks, right?”

Sam squeezed his son’s hand as they turned to walk back to the car. “That’s right. Only two weeks.” He had made an arrangement with ISCOP that he would work a few weeks twice a year and then return to his family and his former practice in Golden Ridge. Everyone, including Alistair Lincoln, seemed ecstatic about the agreement.

“When can I go with you?” Joshua asked while he slipped into the back seat of the car. “I had fun in Gau-tu-mala.”

“Next summer. But it might be a new place. We can all go,” Sam said, helping Nicole into the front seat.

“Oh good. My whole family will always be together. I’m very blessed. Right?”

“Yes, honey we are all blessed,” Nicole answered.

Joshua leaned over the front seat. “We’re blessed. My prayer for my family was answered.”

Indeed, Sam thought. All their prayers had been answered. Praise be to God.