Chapter Twenty-Two

Once Sebastian started to work he was totally focused on what he was doing, but he still found the time to explain the use of the different lenses to Isabella as she passed them to him. She was learning a lot, but once the equipment was set up, he didn’t need her so she sat at the table, watching him compose the shots.

She was watching Sebastian the man. He was tall, broad shouldered, and well-muscled. His fingers were long and precise as he held the equipment. In the sunlight, muted by the lacy leaves of the branches, he was shadowed. The angled planes of his face were softened by the filtered light. As he looked at the landscape, he occasionally lifted his arm and ran his hand through his hair. He’d shed his leather jacket when the sun grew warmer, and Isabella sighed as his muscles flexed as he moved.

Her mouth dried when he ran the tip of his tongue around his lips, totally unaware of her watching him. His lips were full and she’d enjoyed the feel of them against hers last night. It was all she could do now not to go over, grab his face with her hands, and taste his lips again.

Dio, what is wrong with me? Was she so bored here in the Outback that she was fantasising about a man who was her friend?

But she began to walk towards him. Damn the consequences.

She was saved from making a foolish move as laughter came from the carpark, and a family appeared at the top of the steps. Isabella drew a deep breath and focused on bringing her raging hormones under control as the two adults and three children smiled at her. She sat back down at the table and watched the family as they exclaimed over the view.

The clouds began to move in from the south as Sebastian worked, and by late afternoon, Isabella had her jacket pulled tightly around her and shivered every time the wind gusted. When the first raindrop hit the camera, Sebastian looked up with a frown.

“I didn’t see that weather coming.” He shoved his camera in the carry bag.

“It came over quickly,” she agreed.

The wind was icy, but he didn’t seem to notice how cold it was until he looked over at her. She was shivering and fighting to keep her teeth from chattering. “Oh, Bella. I’m sorry. You should have said something. You look like you’re freezing.”

She nodded. “I am.”

He quickly packed up the rest of the gear and then picked up his coat and passed it to her. “Here, put this on.”

She didn’t argue as he put it around her shoulders and then slung the camera bags over his. By the time they reached the car, the wind was howling and the rain falling steadily.

She climbed into the ute as he stowed his camera gear on the back seat. “So much for the heat of the Outback,” she said with a grin.

“Not much of a night for camping, either,” he said, starting the car.

“Maybe the weather will be better off the mountain,” she said hopefully. She’d be disappointed if he suggested going home early.

“Fingers crossed.” He flashed a smile, and she grinned back.

Sebastian took it slowly down the mountain. Visibility was low, and the wind was buffeting the ute. Isabella bit her lip as the wheels slid at one point and the vehicle went precariously close to the edge of the cliff. She glanced over at Sebastian; his hands gripped the steering wheel, and he was totally focused on the road ahead. But as they turned the last corner at the base of the mountain, they were bathed in brilliant sunshine.

“Looks like we’ll be able to camp after all. That bad weather was only up high.”

She shrugged, not wanting to show how pleased she was to hear that. “It won’t matter if it rains anyway. We were snug and cosy last night.”

“We were.” His face lit up in a grin as he looked across at her. “What sort of camping do you fancy tonight, apart from being dry?”

“What do I fancy tonight?” She tapped a finger on her lips and looked at him from under her lashes. “What does the brochure suggest?”

“Forget the brochure. Let’s go for a bit of local knowledge.” He changed up a gear and the speed of the ute picked up as they hit the bitumen road. “We can camp close to the telescopes or there’s a camping spot near the river to the east where we could have a fire.”

“Let’s go for the river. You might get some good night shots, and then we can go to the telescopes tomorrow. How does that sound?”

Sebastian was pleased that Isabella chose the river option. Even more so when he turned off the main road and the camping ground was deserted.

“Looks like the rain has scared off all, bar the most intrepid explorers.”

“Intrepid explorers? Where are they?” She looked around with a put-on smile, before she turned back to him. “All I can see is a chef and a photographer.”

“A chef and a cow farmer,” he corrected her.

“That sounds like one of those reality TV shows.”

He parked the ute close to the river and smiled as Isabella jumped out and ran over to the shingly stones at the edge of the water. “Oh, quick, get your camera. It’s gorgeous.”

He reached for his camera and walked across to where she was standing, her eyes wide and her lips parted. It was the light that hit him first as he followed the direction of her finger.

The sun was close to the horizon, but it wasn’t until Isabella grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the water’s edge that he could see what she meant. A weeping willow swooped gracefully to the water, and between the softly draping branches, an old timber railway bridge was silhouetted by the setting sun.

“Quick, or you’ll miss it.” Her voice was filled with the same excitement that hit him as he lifted the camera and clicked.

A second or two later, the sun slipped behind the hills, and the tree and the bridge held no more magic. Sebastian pushed his camera over his shoulder to rest against his back and reached out for Isabella. His arms went around her, and he dropped a light kiss on her lips. “That, my dear assistant, was absolute perfection.”

She tipped her head back and looked at him as her arms slipped around his neck. Her eyes were intense and her expression serious. For a long moment, he stared at her and she didn’t move. Her brown eyes held a question, and he lifted his hand and ran his thumb gently over her lip.


She slid her hands down his shoulders and gripped the tops of his arms. “Yes, Sebastian?”

“What do you want to do first?”

“Maybe we should put the swag up in case it rains?”

He looked up at the sky. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. “I think that’s an excellent idea.”

She held his hand as they walked over to the ute and he put his camera away. He pulled the swag off the back of the ute, and by the time he’d unrolled it, Isabella had the groundsheet spread on the soft grass next to the water. She looked up at him, and his breath caught in his throat as she smiled up at him

A wicked, sexy, inviting smile.

“Haven’t you got that swag up yet?’ Her voice was husky and he fumbled with the strap, tempted to disregard the swag and lie down beside her on the groundsheet. The air hummed with tension as she stood and waited while he undid the clips on the swag. As he leaned over to pull it up, a teasing finger ran down the back of his shirt. He turned; Isabella was close behind him, her breath warm on the back of his neck. It was either that or the fact that she’d now managed to pull his shirt from the waistband of his jeans and her fingers were playing over the bare skin of his lower back that sent a shiver skittering down his arms.

He groaned. “If you want protection from the weather, you’d better stand over there where I can’t reach you so I can concentrate on getting this swag up.”

“Get the swag up?” Her grin was cheeky, and he shook his head at her double entendre.

“I don’t think you’re going to have any trouble, um, getting the swag up, are you?” Her voice was low and husky, and it was all he could do not to reach out and take her in his arms.

“Bella. Behave.”

This time her eyes were innocent. “Why?”

Sebastian grinned back at her and tried to steady his hands as he pulled the tent pegs from the small bag. It only took ten minutes to get the swag up and secure the pegs, but it felt like an hour to Sebastian.

He stood back and gestured to the swag. “Madame, your room is ready.”

Isabella smiled, and her tongue peeked through her rosy red lips as her eyes held his.

“May I kiss you first, kind sir, to say thank you for finding me such a lovely place to stay?”

Her eyes were dancing as he held his arms open. “You can.”

Isabella’s breasts were soft against his chest. He closed his eyes, and her soft groan matched his as he lowered his mouth to her lips.

“Are you sure?”

“I am.” Her words vibrated against his lips, and for a moment, he forgot everything else as he lost himself exploring her mouth. She sighed as he moved down to kissing the soft skin of her neck, and his hands explored the soft curves under her T-shirt.

“I’ve just got to go to the car,” he said. “You get in there in case it rains.” He looked up at the cloudless blue sky. “Hurry up. You don’t want to get wet.” Heat raced up his neck as she raised her eyebrows.

“Don’t I?” she said with a wicked grin.

The sexy giggle that followed him made him hurry all the faster to the car to get the packet he’d put into his backpack.

Just in case.

Be prepared. He hadn’t been a Boy Scout for nothing.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got enough fire to last me for a few hours. I can keep you warm,” he said.

He grinned as he thanked the stars that he’d had the foresight for “just in case” as he crawled into the swag behind her.

Isabella’s eyes were bright in the dim light, and he stretched out beside her. After putting the small packet under the pillow, he propped himself on one elbow and smiled down at her.

“Now where were we?”

“Didn’t you say you were hot?” Her giggle almost curled his toes. “Maybe you’ve got too many clothes on?”

“You look very warm, too. Maybe I could help you take your T-shirt off?”

She nodded and he slid his hand down to her waist. Her skin was warm beneath his fingers. Seb lowered his head and nuzzled her neck. “Mmm. Warm, very warm. Definitely need less clothes on.” He was finding it hard to get the words out.

Isabella lifted her arms as he pulled the T-shirt over her head, and the sight of the pink lacy bra was his undoing. With a groan, he pulled her closer and took those delectable lips with his.