Nothing as daunting as creating this book could be accomplished as a solo effort. Even though I often went for days without speaking to another person while writing and editing A Fuller View, it is the result of a genuine collaboration. Most notable are the forty-two generous souls who said “yes” to my Guest Commentator invitation. Without the kind and generous support of these people, the perspective of A Fuller View would be far from fuller. These people are …
Gary Zukav, John Robbins, Lynne Twist, Marilyn Schlitz, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Werner Erhard, Hunter Lovins, Hazel Henderson, Roshi Joan Halifax, Ocean Robbins, Bill Kauth, Jack Elias, Stephen Garrett, James Roswell Quinn, Michelle Levey, Dr. Joel Levey, Kevin Todeschi, TJ McKay, Anna Beshlian, DC Cordova, David Spangler, Jim Reger, David Irvine, Michela Miller, Dr. David Gruder, Justine Willis Toms, Bobbi DePorter, Ann Medlock, LD Thompson, Zoe Weil, Peter Meisen, Robert White, Velcrow Ripper, Satyen Raja, Jamal Rahman, David McConville, Greg Voisen, Thomas Meyers, Randolph L. Craft, Dr. Cherie Clark, Lisa Matheson, Dr. Rick Ingrasci, Stephan Schwartz and Michael Wiese.
My confidence in the necessity of this book continued to grow as the list of Guest Commentators expanded like a snowball rolling downhill. And without the initial push from my friends Bill Kauth, Michelle Levey, and Joel Levey that ball would not have rolled so smoothly or quickly.
The other person to whom this book and I owe so much is Michael Wiese, a publisher all authors should have the privilege of working with and a genuine mensch. Michael and I cooked up this idea via email late one winter night (it was actually daytime in England, where he lives), and he has been a true partner throughout this process. His associate Manny Otto has also been kind and generous well beyond what I have ever experienced dealing with publishers and editors. Their copy editor Andrew Beierle has made the book even more impeccable (as Bucky would have wanted it), and he did his work with a grace and ease that reduced my stress.
I’ve felt that this book was destined to be since August 31, 2009, when I came about as close to dying as possible. On that day I was gifted with “extra” years of life as a result of quadruple bypass open-heart surgery (I call it my “open heart initiation”), and I had a sense that there was a clear reason for my survival.
Three people were critical to me making it through that initiation. Without Laurie Ross, Jill Clarice Sieden, and Mark Blair, this book would never have been written because I would have died. That incident and the months of recovery caused me to remember Bucky’s admonition that we each have unique gifts to contribute. It also led me to realize that I was the person with the experience and skill to share a unique vision of Bucky’s legacy through writing and presentations. Just as the voice spoke to him and told him that he was a unique link in a chain that he did not have a right to break, my heart incident caused me to assess my situation and find what needed to be done that was not being attended to.
Still, without the generous support of others, this book would never have come to fruition. Key among those who have sustained me along this path are people I consider master teachers who have played a significant role in my life since I took my first meditation/yoga class in 1975. These amazing people are too numerous to mention or recall. Still, I would like to acknowledge the Seventh Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Joel and Michelle Levey, Mother Mary, Jean Houston, Alexander Everett, Werner Erhard, Alberto Villoldo, Elizabeth Cogburn, Swami Veda Bharati, Mary Adams, Hank Wesselman, Marshall Thurber, Ipupiara, Michael Hague, and Pema Chodron.
And no acknowledgement of Bucky Fuller’s work and wisdom would be complete without thanking the family of Buckminster Fuller—especially his daughter Allegra Fuller Snyder and grandson Jaime Synder—for keeping his legacy alive through the Buckminster Fuller Institute. To them, the BFI ( and its president David McConville, “we the people” will always be grateful.
Many others, too numerous to recall or remember, have supported me in this journey. As Bucky once wrote, “A large number of beautiful people have taught me a great deal, and I am deeply indebted to them for their support.” The following is a list of all those I recall at this moment. I apologize in advance to anyone I forgot in my haste to complete this project. I am grateful to you all for your kind and generous support.
Wayne Greenfield (, Tauri Senn and Michael Gamble all of whom caught many mistakes in the manuscript, ManKind Project Brothers, the Nalandabodhi Seattle Sangha—especially our Monday night Dharma Sangha, Diana Elmer, Elizabeth Kawakami, Steve Heck, Kelly Clifton-Purdy, Dr. Tim Clanton, Dr. Dirk Farrell, Jack Elias, Hope Maltz, Alex LaVilla, Kathleen Carrara, Dr. Bruce Beaulaurier, Stanley Sabre, Dr. Dean Chier, Susan Gray, Michael Hartzell, Jim Burbidge, Shefali Sinha, Karolyn McKinley, JR Gillespie, Cheryl Valk, Malcolm McKay, Paul R. Scheele, Andy Bradford, Linda Francis, Lisa Kennedy, Cassidy Fritz, Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, Lori Weismann, Sally King, Auben Pamela Gail MacKay, Dr. Sheila Dunn-Merritt, Dr. Jason MacLurg, Robert Greczanik, Diane Brooks, Dr. Jeffrey A. Hirsch, Greg Voisen, Lovorka Knezevic, Ken Lee, Don Ross, Ceci Miller, Joel Levey, Michelle Levey, Mike O’Shea, Vicki Robin, Jon Witte, Elle McSherry, Trey Styles, Mike Dooley, Deborah Drake, Phil Sieden, Sherwin Sieden, Michael Sieden, Irving Sieden, Sam Sieden, Louise Lent Sieden, Rex Maruca, Dr. Gabriel Aldea, Dr. Rubin Maidan, Alice Villa, Lynn Conrad Marvet, Ross Quinn, Greg Torvik, Maureen Goldish, Todd Bernstein, Sheila Baker, Mark Power, Robert Lee, Nadine Selden, Stuart Horn, Hobbs Sieden, David Sieden, Karley Sieden Sweet, Daniel Sieden, Jesse Sieden, Frank Dollar, and all the people who smile at me during my daily walk or jog around Green Lake.
May all these generous people continually experience the bounty of our abundant Spaceship Earth and the gratitude of all those who benefit from this book.