ABC | American Broadcasting Company |
AFL-CIO | American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations |
BATF | Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms |
CBS | Columbia Broadcasting System |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CNN | Cable Network News |
CORE | Congress of Racial Equality |
DREAM Act | Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act |
ERA | Equal Rights Amendment |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FRUS | Foreign Relations of the United States |
GOP | Grand Old Party (Republikanische Partei) |
IGE | Intergenerationelle Einkommenselastizität |
INS | Immigration and Naturalization Service |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
MSNBC | Microsoft-National Broadcasting Company |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NBC | National Broadcasting Company |
NEA | National Endowment for the Arts |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities |
NLF | National Liberation Front (Vietcong) |
NOI | Nation of Islam |
NOW | National Organization for Women |
NRA | National Rifle Association |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OWS | Occupy Wall Street |
PPPUS | Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
SDS | Students for a Democratic Society |
SNCC | Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
WASP | White Anglosaxon Protestant |
WHO | World Health Organization |
YAF | Young Americans for Freedom |