Chapter Ten

Sasha only had time to take one last glance around before Dagan scooped her up in his arms and began walking toward the cabana. She yelled in surprise and grabbed him around his neck. He laughed and held her closer, not stopping until he’d carried her all the way to the cabana as snow began to fall.

As he carried her, she had time to really take stock of their difference in size. All she remembered about their first meeting was his intense, hungry gaze and his searing kiss. Now she had time to look her fill. He really was scary big, and it made her feel small. Tiny. Delicate. He could probably break her without much effort on his part. Sitting on him in the hot tub had deceived her. She hadn’t been eye level with him but she hadn’t had to crane her neck too far, either, and he’d been mostly covered in water. He hadn’t been nearly as intimidating that way. She shivered, partly from the cold, and partly in anticipation, and he held her closer. By the time they reached the entrance, she was glad he was so big. She felt safe and warm snuggled securely in his embrace.

Sasha held tight as Dagan stepped through the cabana door. She gasped in surprise at the plush interior. It was nearly as big as her apartment, and a lot nicer. It was obviously used as much more than a changing area. There was a small kitchenette off to the side, and a very large bed in the corner. In the center of the room was a large glassed in fireplace, burning and crackling with real firewood. A large, oversized chair and two sofas were placed invitingly near the fireplace. Dozens of mildly scented candles were burning, casting the room in a cozy glow. Someone had even thought to hang half a dozen pieces of art throughout the room. The bathroom must be down the hall.

As Dagan gently put her down, he must have read her mind because he said, “The bathroom is in the back. There is a full shower in there if you would like to rinse off the chemicals from the hot tub.”

Suddenly remembering she was clad in nothing but a tiny bikini, Sasha put her arms up to cover her breasts, embarrassed to have him looking at her now that they were out of the water and in better light. He kissed her before turning her toward the bathroom with a nudge. “Go,” he chuckled.

Sasha didn’t hesitate a second time. Once safely in the bathroom, she took care of basic needs and then turned on the double-headed shower. She felt her hair, noting that it was excessively damp only at the bottom near the back of her neck. Good. She didn’t want to get it any more wet as it would take all night and half of tomorrow to dry properly. Leaving it up, she stepped into the warm spray, grateful to see that it was stocked with plenty of different shampoos, conditioners, and body washes. She took a minute to pick one that appealed to her and quickly washed, pleased to note that her skin was still smooth and soft from her most recent waxing appointment.

With a final rinse, Sasha turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed the large fluffy bath sheet that she had placed near the shower, and patted herself dry before wrapping it sarong style around her small body. Before putting on one of the dozen or so robes stacked on the shelf, she quickly slathered on one of the moisturizers she found on the sink. Clearly it was stocked regularly for guests. She found drawers full of packages of men’s and women’s hair supplies, toothbrushes, and other toiletries. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she brushed her teeth and took the pins out of her hair, watching in the mirror as it tumbled down her back. That was when she saw the very large hickey on the most sensitive part of her neck, just above her collarbone. It was really dark and would linger for days. Sasha closed her eyes as she remembered Dagan’s mouth there, causing a tingle all through her body.

At last she took one of the robes from the shelf and slipped it on, belting it snugly around her tiny waist. It was nothing like any Earth material she’d ever worn before. It began to shrink until it fit her perfectly. Softer than silk and plush, it shimmered from white to a soft lavender as she stood gazing at herself in the mirror. The color brought out the blue of her eyes, and looked great against her fair skin. Obviously some of that cool alien tech, she mused, wondering if she could take the robe home with her. Slowly she pulled a brush through her long hair, taking as long as possible. It was the last thing she needed to do before leaving the safety of the bathroom, and she was suddenly feeling very nervous, excruciatingly aware that she had nothing on beneath the robe.

Finally, with nothing left to do, Sasha walked through the door. Dagan was leaning casually against the opposite wall, waiting patiently for her to exit. His short black hair was wet as if he, too, had showered, and his chest was bare, allowing her to see all of his markings clearly for the first time. He’s beautiful. He was wearing black lounging pants and Sasha wondered if they were made of the same material as her robe, they fit him so perfectly. He smiled tenderly as she blushed in embarrassment at being caught staring, and held out his hands. She took a step forward and placed her hands shyly in his. He slowly pulled her in, not freeing her hands until he had drawn them all the way around his waist and she was snuggled in close. He rumbled in satisfaction and lifted his hands to stroke her hair. “Beautiful,” he whispered.

Sasha scrunched up her little nose and whispered back, “I’m not beautiful. I’m cute.”

“That, too,” he agreed with a chuckle just before he kissed her into a state of dazed confusion, pliable and trusting. “Oh, how you tempt me, woman,” he groaned.

Sasha blushed, happy that he seemed pleased with her. She opened her eyes as her head cleared and looked at Dagan’s muscular chest. His markings were a deep blue, not black as she first thought, and he had dark smudges on his shoulders and arms, as if he had bruises. She decided to be bold and touch one. She traced one on his chest then another on his bicep. “Are you hurt?” she asked.

“No, little one,” he said as he gave her a gentle squeeze. “Only my warrior’s pride has been stung.” He grimaced.

Sasha’s eyes widened in surprise. Had he actually lost a fight? He was so huge, she couldn’t imagine anything taking him down. Feeling a little awkward and not wanting to embarrass him further, she replied, “I’m sure it must have been a terrible beast.”

Dagan shouted with laughter. “Indeed. Three of them, and they were gruesomely ugly, too.”

Sasha’s heart squeezed painfully at the thought of him getting hurt. She knew she shouldn’t get attached to someone who would be leaving in a few days, but she had the sinking feeling that her heart wasn’t going to listen.

“Come. I’m sure you’re hungry by now and I want to show you something,” he squeezed her once more before reluctantly letting her go, only to grab her hand and pull her behind him as he left the hallway and walked toward the small kitchen area. Fresh fruits and vegetables were on the counter, along with an assortment of beverages. They picked out what they wanted and carried everything to the large sofa nearest the fireplace and sat down, placing their plates and drinks on the large table ottoman, next to a small silver cylinder. Sasha leaned over to see inside and gasped in delight. The cylinder held a mixture that looked like a liquid prism, reflecting a rainbow of colors and sparkling like diamonds.

Dagan anticipated her question and explained, “That is called maju paste. When a maju stone is nearly depleted of its energy, we crush it into powder and put it into water to drink or mix it with a clear gel to make a paste, which we then apply to our markings. Rachel told me you are an accomplished artist, so I hope this next part pleases you,” he said, looking deeply into her eyes.

“Oh. Do you want me to draw it?” Rachel blushed. What she would really like was to draw him, instead. She wanted to have something to remember him by when he was gone, and although she didn’t normally work with portraiture, she had excelled at it in art school.

“You may draw whatever you wish, but that is not what I was hoping you would do tonight,” Dagan said as he picked up the cylinder. “It is an ancient tradition on my world for a woman to paint maju paste on the markings of the one who claims her, and vice versa. It was originally a way for her to learn his warrior’s body and become accustomed to it, and for him to learn about her as well, although modern Caldorians rarely need it for that reason. It mostly serves to warn others not to touch them during this time.” He smiled wolfishly. “Caldorians are very territorial. Will you honor me with paint, Sasha?” he asked the last earnestly as he held out the cylinder for her to take, his aquamarine eyes searching her blue.

If she did this, all of the Caldorians would know she was going to have sex with him. Did she really want everyone to know? Sasha mentally listed all the pros and cons of what she already knew she was going to do. He was no doubt right and it could help her get over her nervousness if she could get used to his exceedingly large body. Decision made, Sasha reached out to take the maju paste with trembling hands.

“Wh-Where should I start?” she asked with a blush.

“You are the artist,” smiled Dagan. “You decide. It doesn’t hurt and there is no wrong way to do it, so feel free to apply generously. It might even help to heal some of the bruises,” he added. What he didn’t tell her was that the more she applied, the brighter the glow and the longer it lasted. He wanted the effects to last as long as possible. “I can feed you while you’re working,” he offered, and picked up one of the berries from her plate. “Open your mouth for me, little one,” he ordered.

Sasha obediently opened her mouth to accept the blackberry Dagan was holding out for her. It was her favorite fruit, and she had selected at least a dozen of them, along with a few strawberries and some melon. She bit into the succulent fruit and moaned at the ripe sweetness. Dagan leaned in and sucked a drop of juice from her bottom lip. “Mmm,” he rumbled. “Now it’s your turn for the maju paste,” he teased when she finished the blackberry and hadn’t moved.

“Right,” mumbled Sasha, embarrassed at not remembering the paste. His mouth should be illegal. Her nipples hardened beneath her robe. She imagined what it would feel like to have his mouth suck on her clit the way he had just sucked on her lip, and a bolt of desire shot to her core. She peeked at Dagan beneath her lashes, only to find him grinning knowingly, his twinkling eyes full of mischief.

“Okay, can you turn around so I can start with the back of your shoulders?” she asked, not wanting him to be able to look at her as she started painting on him. She could feel her face flaming from her daydream and from what she was about to do. Dagan turned so that his back was to her and waited patiently for her to begin. She carefully took the lid off the cylinder and placed it on the ottoman, then hesitantly dipped a finger into the paste. It was slightly warm and had the consistency of thick glue. When she pulled her finger out, the sparkling opalescent paste stuck to her finger without dripping. Her finger tingled pleasantly as she debated which shoulder she should start painting first.

Sasha hesitantly touched the tip of one large marking on his left shoulder blade. When nothing happened, she began to trace along its path, frequently dipping her finger in the cylinder for more paste. She had just finished the last swirl on his shoulder and dipped her finger in the paste, ready to begin tracing another marking on his other shoulder, when it began to change color. She gasped in awe. Instead of deep navy with only a hint of opalescence, it was becoming a lighter blue and shone with radiant fire, lit from within like the most brilliant opal. She watched as the color change spread along the same path she had just taken with her finger. It was stunning, and she had only finished one of his markings. Wondering what would happen if she applied a second layer of paste, she lovingly retraced each dip and swirl. It lit with more intensity, glowing with inner blue fire.

She was finally satisfied after a third layer failed to bring about any more than minute changes, and moved on to his other shoulder. Dagan fed her more fruit as she steadily worked her way across his shoulders and halfway down his spine where his markings ended, then moved on to his arms and upper chest, and finally a smaller design on his right hip and thigh. At one point she realized how long it was taking by applying the additional layers, but when she asked if it was okay, he smiled and told her to take her time and apply as much as she wanted. She became so lost in what she was doing, the artist in her reveling at her creation, that she forgot her feelings of self-consciousness and fear.

“Thank you, Dagan. I think I’m done now,” Sasha said bashfully, suddenly keenly aware that what should have taken no more than twenty minutes had turned into more than an hour.

“Then it is now my turn, little one,” he rumbled in a deep bass timbre. “You have no idea how hard it has been,” he smiled ruefully, “to sit still while your delicate little hands were all over me, your body brushing up against mine.” Dagan took the cylinder gently out of her hands and put it back on the ottoman, then stood up. He held out his hands and pulled her up next to him.