

Accountability: No Screaming policy and; teachers’ loss of emotional control and

Actors, teachers as

Administrator report cards

Anger: indications of; questioning students in; screaming of teachers in; teachers’ biggest mistake regarding; tips for defusing


Appreciation, of students

“Are You All Right?” technique

Assignments, class

Attention, of students: bell-to-bell teaching and; strategies for gaining; teachers’ movement around room and

Audience involvement


Back to School Night

Behavior, inappropriate. See Misbehavior

Behavior, positive

Bell-to-bell teaching

Body language

Boring instruction

Breaux, A.


Calm demeanor

Car trips

Classroom management: establishing rules/procedures and; facts about; ignoring misbehavior and; importance of; misbehavior and; movement of teacher in classroom and; rhetorical questions in; screaming as; sharing strategies for; student attention and; teachers’ loss of emotional control and; teachers’ mistakes related to; teachers observing other teachers to learn about

Classroom organization

Coaches, teachers as

Collaboration, of teachers

Colorful classrooms

Communication: hurtful types of; with parents

Conflict resolution

Consequences, establishment of

Consistency: in implementing procedures; for managing a classroom

Creed, of teachers


Decision making, student-based

Delegating responsibilities

Desks, teachers’

Displays, classroom


Early finishers

Effective teaching: enthusiasm and; fun activities in; importance of; versus ineffective teaching; meaningful lessons in; recognizing; report cards for; strategies for increasing; student engagement and; student-based decisions in; teachers’ creed and; teachers’ movement around room and; teachers’ observation of; using inservice to promote

Emotional control, lack of

Enabling negative teachers


Engagement, of students

Enthusiasm: during Back to School Night; of principals; of teachers

Eye contact


Faculty meetings: goal of; greeting teachers at; length of; seating arrangement during; securing audience attention at

Favorite teachers

Feedback: for principals, from teachers; for teachers, from students


Football games

Fun lessons



Greeting students

Gripe sessions





Ignoring misbehavior

Inservices: benefits of; capturing audience attention during; effective presentations in; follow-through with; goal of; greeting teachers at; leaders of; length of; review meeting for

Invitations, for Back to School Night

Isolation, of teachers


Last word


Learning, incorporating fun into


Lesson planning: for bell-to-bell teaching; coaches versus teachers and; fun activities in; meaningful activities in; sharing ideas for

Likeable teachers


Meaningful lessons

Meetings. See Faculty meetings

Misbehavior: audience for; consequences and; contacting parents about; effective versus ineffective strategies for; ignoring of; negative co-workers and; questioning students about; screaming at students for; smiling and; strategies for managing; teachers’ loss of emotional control due to; teachers’ mistakes related to; teachers’ movement around room and

Motivation, of students: coaches versus teachers and; likeable teachers and


Negativity: of co-workers; focusing on; of least favorite teachers; on principal report cards; professionalism and; teacher collaboration and; teachers’ lounge and

No Screaming policy

Notes, to parents


Off-task behavior

Organized workspaces


Parents: defusing anger from; involvement of; positive communication with

Personal stories

Personalized inservice

Phone calls to parents: for Back to School Night; positive notes home and

Popularity, of teachers

Positive school environment; focusing on; smiling and; teachers’ lounge and

Power struggles



Pride, in school

Principals: effective presentations of; enthusiasm of; goal of; inservice organization and, xii; positive focus of; report cards for

Private practice session technique

Prizes: for Back to School Night; for welcoming classroom environments

Procedures: consequences for violating; establishment of; versus rules; for securing student attention

Professionalism: characteristics of; defusing anger and; negativity and; screaming and


Questioning students, about misbehavior



Relationship building: apologies and; likeable teachers and; positive notes and; questioning students and; teachers’ creed and


Reminder inservice

Report cards: for principals; for teachers


Rhetorical questions

Role models: principals as; smiling of; teachers as

Rules, classroom: common mistake regarding; establishment of; versus procedures


School climate: classroom environment and; greeting students and; negative co-workers and; parent communication and; parent involvement and; reminder inservice and; school pride and; student appreciation and; teachers’ lounge and

School pride

Screaming at students

Seating arrangements

Serious appearance

Sharing sessions

Signals, for securing student attention

Skill practice


Staff developers



Struggling teachers: bell-to-bell teaching by; sharing classroom management strategies with

Student achievement: benefits of inservice for; celebrating; effective teaching and; fun activities for; meaningful lessons and

Student Appreciation Week

Student-based decisions

Students: apologizing to; appreciation for; celebrating success of; daily greeting of; defusing anger from; displaying work of; as early finishers of class activities; teacher report cards from

Sympathetic leaders


Talking in class: rule against; strategy for addressing

Teachers: acknowledging progress of; as actors; characteristics of effective; as coaches; collaboration of; enthusiasm of; favorite versus least favorite; human nature of; influence of; isolation of; location of, in classroom; loss of control by; movement of, around classroom; negative attitude of; observations of teachers by; organized workspaces of; popularity of; report cards for; as role models; sharing of strategies by; types of

Teachers’ creed

Teachers’ lounge

Teaching, effective. See Effective teaching

Time fillers

Trust, establishing



Welcoming environment

Whitaker, T.