Acknowledgments and Permissions

Pat and Matthew would like to thank all of the contributors to this book, who gave generously of their time and ideas; also Doug Sery, Susan Buckley, and everyone at MIT Press; Raiford Guins and Henry Lowood for inducting this book into their “Game Histories” series; our editorial assistant, Jacques Plante, for her invaluable eye for detail; Timothy Wilkie for the transcription of Thomas Schelling’s speech; and Nathan Dize for translating Laurent Closier’s chapter.

Matthew would also like to thank Kari Kraus for lovingly supporting his gaming (and game collection); as well as everyone who has ever rolled dice with him—you know who you are.

Pat would like to thank his playtesters: Paul Bachleitner, Jon Cazares, Hetal Dalal, Amanda Kudalis, T. J. Kudalis, Allana Olson, J. J. Plude, Zvie Razieli, Joseph Scrimshaw, Tim Uren, Nathan Wardrip-Fruin, and of course, Carrie Rainey.

Unless otherwise noted, all images are used by permission of the author of the associated chapter, or are reprinted under fair use practice. Images from the following games are reprinted by permission of GMT Games: Combat Commander: Pacific, Empire of the Sun, Here I Stand, Operation Dauntless, Paths of Glory, Sekigahara, Twilight Struggle, Virgin Queen, Wing Leader. The A Most Dangerous Time map is reprinted by permission of Multi-Man Publishing. In Elizabeth Losh’s chapter, figure 1 is reprinted with permission of Getty Images, figure 2 with permission of the Milton Caniff estate, and figure 3 with permission of the RAND Corporation, which are the original source and copyright holder. In John Prados’s chapter, the Third Reich photo is by Matthew Kirschenbaum.

Alexander R. Galloway’s “Debord’s Nostalgic Algorithm” originally appeared in Culture Machine 10 (2009): 131–156, and is reprinted by permission of the author.

Thomas Schelling’s chapter was originally presented as the 2014 Connections conference keynote address. The video of the speech can be seen at <>. It has been slightly reworked for this volume.

Jenny Thompson’s “War Re-created: Twentieth-Century War Reenactors and the Private Event” is adapted from her book War Games: Inside the World of Twentieth-Century War Reenactors (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Books, 2004) and is reprinted by permission of the author. The photographs in this chapter are by Jenny Thompson.