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Harpoon 3 Professional [H3MilSim]. (2009). Matrix Games; Renamed H3 MilSim in 2010 and then H3Pro in 2013.

Harpoon Ultimate Edition. (2011). Matrix (Stuttgart, Germany).

Hearts and Minds: Vietnam 1965–1975. (2010). John Poniske; Worthington Games.

Hearts of Iron. (2002). Henrik Fåhraeus, Joakim Bergqwist and Johan Andersson; Paradox Entertainment.

Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation 1517–1555. (2006). Ed Beach; GMT Games.

Hitler’s War. (1981). Keith Gross; Metagaming.

Holy War: Afghanistan. (1991). Joseph Miranda; Decision Games.

Homefront. (2011). Kaos Studios; THQ/Spike (Japan).

Imperium. (1977). Frank Chadwick, John Harshman, and Marc W. Miller; GDW.

Insurgency. (1979). Blake Smith; Battleline Games.

Invasion: Earth. (1981). John Astell, Frank Chadwick, and Marc W. Miller; GDW.

Invasion Orion. (1979). Automated Simulations.

Ironclads and Ether Flyers. (1990). Frank Chadwick; GDW.

Jagged Alliance 2. (1999). Ian Currie, Linda Currie and Shaun Lyng; Sirtech Canada, Ltd.

Joust. (1982). Williams Entertainment.

Jutland. (1967). James F. Dunnigan; Avalon Hill.

Jutland: Fleet Admiral II. (2016). Jack Greene; Comsim Press.

Kharkov. (1978). Stephen B. Patrick; Simulations Publications, Inc.

Killer Angels. (1984). Helena Rubinstein; West End Games.

Kingmaker. (1974). Andrew McNeil; Avalon Hill.

Kosovo: The Television War. (2014). Ty Bomba; Decision Games.

Kriegsspiel. (1803). Johann Christian Ludwig (Ludewig) Hellwig.

Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001–? (2010). Volko Ruhnke; GMT Games.

Last Battle. (1989). Tim Ryan; GDW.

L’Attaque [Stratego]. (1910). Mme. Hermance Edan; Au Jeu Retrouvé.

La Bataille de la Moscowa. (1975). Laurence A. Groves; Marshall Enterprises.

La Conquête du Monde. (1957). Albert Lamorisse. Miro.

League of Legends. (2009). Tom Cadwell, Rob Garrett, Christina Norman, Steve Feak; Riot Games.

Liberia: Descent into Hell. (2008). Ben Madison and Wes Erni; Fiery Dragon Productions.

Luftwaffe. (1971). Lou Zocchi; Avalon Hill.

Mage Knight. (2000). WizKids.

Magic: The Gathering. (1993). Richard Garfield; Wizards of the Coast.

Map Maneuvers. (1908). Farrand Sayre; Staff College Press.

Masters of the World: Geo-Political Simulator 3. (2013). Eversim.

Mayday. (1978). Mark W. Miller; GDW.

Medal of Honor. (1999). Electronic Arts.

Medal of Honor. (2010). Electronic Arts.

Medal of Honor: Warfighter. (2012). Electronic Arts.

Midway. (1964). Lindsley Schutz and Larry Pinsky; Avalon Hill.

Mississippi Banzai. (1990). Ty Bomba; XTR Corp.

Modern Air Power. (2014). John Tiller Software.

Modern Battles: Four Contemporary Conflicts. (1975). Howard Barasch, Edward Vurran, Jim Dunnigan, J.A. Nelson; SPI.

Modern War in Miniature. (1966). Michael F. Korns; M & J Research.

The Morrow Project. (1980). Kevin Dockery, Robert Sadler, and Richard Tucholka; TimeLine, Ltd.

A Most Dangerous Time. (2009). Tetsuya Nakamura; Multi-Man Publishing.

The Napoleonic Wars. (2002). Don Greenwood, Ben Knight, and Mark McLaughlin; GMT Games.

Napoleon’s Triumph. (2007). Bowen Simmons; Simmons Games.

New World Order Battles: Kiev. (Forthcoming). Joseph Miranda; Decision Games.

The Next War. (1978). Jim Dunnigan; SPI.

Nicaragua. (1988). Joseph Miranda; 3W (World Wide Wagames).

Nightfighter. (2011). Lee Brimmicombe-Wood; GMT Games.

Nuclear Destruction. (1970). Rick Loomis; Flying Buffalo.

OGRE. (1977). Steve Jackson; Metagaming Concepts.

The Operational Art of War I: 1935–1955. (1998). TalonSoft.

The Operational Art of War II: Flashpoint Kosovo. (1999). TalonSoft.

The Operational Art of War II: Modern Battles 1956–2000. (1999). TalonSoft.

The Operational Art of War III. (2006). Matrix Games.

Operation Dauntless: The Battles for Fontenay and Rauray, France, June 1944. (2015). Mark Mokszycki; GMT Games.

Order of Arms [series]. (2015). Brien J. Miller and Matthew Kirschenbaum; Compass Games.

Over the Edge. (1992). Robin Laws and Jonathan Tweet; Atlas Games.

Pacific War. (1985). Mark Herman; Victory Games.

PanzerBlitz. (1970). James F. Dunnigan; Avalon Hill.

Panzergruppe Guderian. (1976). James F. Dunnigan; Simulations Publications, Inc.

Panzer Leader. (1974). Avalon Hill.

Papers, Please. (2013). Lucas Pope.

Paths of Glory. (1999). Ted Racier; GMT Games.

Peace Operations Support Model. (2006). UK Defense Science and Technology Laboratory.

Peloponnesian War. (1991). Mark Herman; Victory Games.

Persian Incursion. (2010). Larry Bond, Chris Carlson and Jeff Dougherty; Clash of Arms.

Phantom Fury. (2011). Laurent Closier; Nuts! Publishing.

Phoenix Command. (1986). Barry Nakazono and David McKenzie; Leading Edge Games.

Plants vs. Zombies. (2009–2013). Pop Cap Games.

The Plot to Assassinate Hitler. (1976). James Dunnigan; SPI.

Point of Attack 2. (2004). Scott Hamilton; HPS Simulations.

PRISM: Guard Shield. (2008). US Army National Guard.

Quake. (1996). American McGee, Sandy Petersen, John Romero and Tim Willits; id Software, Inc.

Quebec 1759. (1972). Steve Brewster, Tom Dalgliesh and Lance Gutteridge; Columbia Games.

RAF. (1986). John H. Butterfield; West End Games.

Rainbow Six (Tom Clancy’s). (1998). Brian Upton; Majesco Entertainment, Red Storm Entertainment.

Rampart. (1990). John Salwitz; Atari Games.

Red Barricades: ASL Historical Module 1. (1990). Charles Kibler; Avalon Hill.

Rethinking Wargames: Three Player Chess. (2003). Ruth Catlow; <>.

Richard III: The Wars of the Roses. (2009). Jerry Taylor and Tom Dalgliesh; Columbia Games.

Richthofen’s War. (1972). Randall C. Reed; Avalon Hill.

Rise and Decline of the Third Reich. (1974). John Prados; Avalon Hill.

Risen 2: Dark Waters. (2012). Deep Silver, Ubisoft.

Risk: The Game of Global Domination. (1959). Parker Brothers.

Road to the Rhine. (1979). Frank Chadwick; Game Designers’ Workshop.

RoleMaster. (1980). Coleman Charlton, John Curtis, Pete Fenlon, and Steve Marvin; Iron Crown Enterprises.

Rome: Total War. (2004). The Creative Assembly.

RuneQuest. (1978). Steve Perrin, Ray Turney, Steve Henderson, Warren James, and Greg Stafford; Chaosium.

The Russian Campaign. (1974). John Edwards; Jedko.

The Russian Campaign. (1976). John Edwards and Don Greenwood; Avalon Hill.

Savage Worlds. (2003). Shane Lacy Hensley; Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Schach-oder König-Spiel. (1616). Gustavus Selenus (Augustus, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg).

Second Life. (2003). Philip Rosedale; Linden Lab.

Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan. (2011). Matt Calkins; GMT Games.

September 12th: A Toy World. (2002). Newsgaming.

Shining Path. (1995). Brian Train; Microgame Design Group.

Shogun: Total War. (2000). Michael Simpson; The Creative Assembly; Electronic Arts.

Sid Meier’s Civilization: The Board Game. (2002). Eagle Games.

Sid Meier’s Civilization V. (2010). Firaxis Games.

Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Gods and Kings expansion pack (2012). Firaxis Games.

Silent War: The United States’ Submarine Campaign Against Imperial Japan. (2005). Brien J. Miller and Stephen C. Jackson; Compass Games.

SimCity. (1989). Maxis.

Six Days in Fallujah. (Unpublished). Konami/Atomic Games.

Snapshot. (1979). Marc W. Miller; GDW.

Sniper! (1973) James F. Dunnigan; Simulations Publications, Inc.

Somali Pirates. (2012). Joseph Miranda; Decision Games.

Somalia Interventions. (1998). Brian Train; Shutze Games.

Sorcerer. (1975). Redmond A. Simonsen; Simulations Publications, Inc.

South Africa. (1977). Irad Hardy; Simulations Publications Incorporated.

South Park Let’s Go Tower Defense Play! (2009). Doublesix; Xbox Live Productions; South Park Digital Studios.

Space: 1889. (1988). Frank Chadwick; GDW.

Space Hulk. (1989). Richard Halliwell; Games Workshop.

Spacewar! (1962). Steve Russell et al.

Spec Ops: The Line. (2012). Yager Development; 2K Games.

Squad Leader. (1977). John Hill; Avalon Hill.

Stalingrad. (1963). Charles S. Roberts, Lindsley Schutz, and Thomas N. Shaw; Avalon Hill.

Star Fleet Battles. (1979). Steven V. Cole; Task Force Games.

Star Fleet Battles: Captain’s Edition Basic Set. (1999). Steven V. Cole; Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.

Star Fleet Battles: Advanced Missions. (1999). Steven V. Cole; Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc.

Starcraft. (1998). Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Starfleet Orion. (1978). Automated Simulations.

Starweb. (1976). Flying Buffalo.

Steel Wolves: The German Submarine Campaign Against Allied Shipping – Vol. 1. (2010). Brien J. Miller and Stephen C. Jackson; Compass Games.

Stonewall Jackson’s Way. (1992). Joseph M. Balkoski; Avalon Hill.

Stonkers. (1983). Imagine Software.

Storm over Stalingrad. (2006). Tetsuya Nakamura; Multi-Man Publishing.

Stratego. (1961). Milton Bradley.

Strategos: The American Game of War. (1880). Charles A. L. Totten.

Streets of Stalingrad. (2003). Dana Lombardy and Art Lupinacci; L2 Design Group.

Striker. (1981). Frank Chadwick; Games Designers’ Workshop (GDW).

The Sun King. (Forthcoming). Charles Vasey; Publisher TBD.

Sunset. (2015). Tale of Tales.

Sword & Sorcery. (1978). Greg Costikyan; Simulations Publications, Inc.

The Sword and the Flame (first edition). (1979). Larry V. Brom; Yaquinto Publications.

The Sword and the Flame (second edition). (1984). Larry V. Brom; Greenfield Hobby Distributors.

The Sword and the Flame, Twentieth Anniversary Edition. (1999). Larry V. Brom; And That’s The Way It Was.

The Sword and the Flame, Twentieth Anniversary Edition Update. (2008). Larry V. Brom; Sergeants 3.

Tac Air. (1987). Gary C. Morgan, S. Craig Taylor; Avalon Hill.

Tactical Game 3. (1970). James F. Dunnigan; Poultron Press.

Tactics. (1952). Charles S. Roberts; Avalon Game Company.

Tactics II. (1958). Charles S. Roberts; Avalon Hill Company.

Taktisches Kriegs-Spiel oder Anleitung zu einer mechanischen Vorrichtung um tactische Manoeuvres sinnlich darzustellen. (1812). Georg Leopold Reiswitz.

Tank. (1974). Kee Games; Atari Inc.

Tanktics: Computer Game of Armored Combat on the Eastern Front. (1978). Chris Crawford; Microcomputer Simulations.

Tanktics. (1981). Chris Crawford; Avalon Hill.

Third Lebanon War. (2014). Brian Train; BTR Games.

This War of Mine. (2014). 11 bit studios.

Thud! (2002). Trevor Truran; The Cunning Artificer.

The Tigers Are Burning. (1988). Ty Bomba; World Wide Wargames.

Titan. (1980). Gorgonstar.

To the Moon. (2011). Kan Gao; Freebird Games.

Top Secret. (1980). Merle M. Rasmussen; TSR.

Total War: Rome II. (2013). Michael M. Simpson; The Creative Assembly, Ltd.

Toy Soldiers. (2010). Signal Studios.

Traveller. (1977). Marc W. Miller; GDW.

Traveller: 2300. (1986). Marc W. Miller, Timothy B. Brown, Lester W. Smith, and Frank Chadwick. GDW.

Trillion Credit Squadron. (1981). John Astell, Frank Chadwick, John Harshman, Stefan Jones, and Marc W. Miller; GDW.

Tropico 5. (2104). Kalypso Media.

Tunnels and Trolls. (1975). Ken St. Andre; Flying Buffalo.

Tupamaro. (1996). Brian Train; Strategy Gaming Society.

Twilight Struggle: The Cold War, 1945–1989. (2005). Ananda Gupta and Jason Matthews; GMT Games.

UFO: Enemy Unknown [marketed in the US as X-COM: UFO Defense]. (1994). Julian Gollop; Mythos Games.

UMS: The Universal Military Simulator. (1987). Ezra Sidran; Rainbird Software.

Unity of Command. (2011). 2x2 Games.

The Universal Military Simulator. (1987). Rainbird Software.

Unknown Armies. (1998). John Tynes and Greg Stolze; Atlas Games.

Up Front. (1983). Courtney Allen; The Avalon Hill Game Company.

Uplink: Hacker Elite. (2003). Chris Delay; Introversion Software.

UrbanSim. (2010). Institute for Creative Technologies and US Army.

Valiant Hearts: The Great War. (2014). Ubisoft.

Vampire: The Masquerade. (1991). Mark Rein-Hagen; White Wolf Games.

Versuch eines aufs Schachspiel gebauten taktischen Spiels von zwey und mehrern Personen zu spielen. (1780). Johann Christian Ludwig Hellwig.

Victory in the Pacific. (1977). Richard Hamblen; Avalon Hill Game Company.

A Victory Lost. (2006). Tetsuya Nakamura; Multi-Man Publishing.

Viet Nam. (1965). Phil Orbanes; Gamescience.

Vietnam 1965–1975. (1984). Nick Karp; Victory Games.

Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559–1598. (2012). Ed Beach; GMT Games.

Virtual Battlespace. (2002). Bohemia Interactive, Coalescent Technologies.

Virtual Battlespace 2. (2007). Bohemia Interactive.

Virtual Battlespace 3. (2014). Bohemia Interactive.

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans. (1994). Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos. (2002). Rob Pardo; Capcom, Blizzard Entertainment, Sierra Entertainment.

Wargame Construction Set. (1986). Roger Damon; Strategic Simulations, Inc.

Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks! (1994). Strategic Simulations, Inc.

Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1846–1905. (1996). Strategic Simulations, Inc.

Warhammer. (1983). Bryan Ansell, Richard Halliwell, and Richard Priestly; Games Workshop.

Warhammer Book 2: Battle Magic. (1984). Bryan Ansell, Rick Priestley, and Richard Halliwell; Games Workshop.

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. (1987). Rick Priestly; Games Workshop.

Warhammer 40,000: Codex: Tyranids. (1995). Andy Chambers; Games Workshop.

Warhammer 40,000: Codex: Orks. (2008). Phil Kelly; Games Workshop.

Warhammer 40,000 (seventh edition). (2014). Games Workshop.

War in Europe. (1976). James F. Dunnigan; Simulations Publications, Inc.

War of the Ring. (1977). Howard Barasch and Richard Berg; Simulations Publications, Inc.

War of Wizards. (1975). M.A.R. Barker; Tactical Studies Rules.

We Must Tell the Emperor. (2010). Steve Carey; Victory Point Games.

We the People. (1994). Mark Herman; Avalon Hill.

Wellington’s Victory: Battle of Waterloo. (1976). Frank Davis; Simulations Publications, Inc.

West of Alamein. (1988). Bob McNamara; Avalon Hill.

Whistling Death. (2003). J.D. Webster; Clash of Arms Games.

White Bear and Red Moon. (1975). Greg Stafford; Chaosium.

White Death. (1979). Frank Chadwick; Game Designers’ Workshop.

Wing Leader: Victories 1940–1942. (2015). Lee Brimmicombe-Wood; GMT Games.

World of Tanks. (2011)., Inc.

World of Warcraft. (2005–). Blizzard.

World War I. (1975). Jim Dunnigan; Simulations Publications, Inc.