- Abstraction
- of ammunition in ASL, 76
- impact on gap between game and truth, 43
- map as, 63–70
- at strategic level in air warfare games, 57
- Abstract Mechanics, combat systems, 72
- Academic wargaming
- amateur designers, 455–461
- capturing geographic scale of conflict, 441–442
- contribution to history education, 422–424
- manual vs. computer wargames, 425–427
- model-driven military wargame design and evaluation, 471–480
- political/military gaming as focus for, 173
- practical obstacles and trade-offs, 430–434
- rise of political/military gaming, 487
- and simulation literacy, 447–454
- stigma and skepticism about, 434–437
- teaching wargame design, 426–430
- understanding different levels of war, 442
- value of, 439–445, 463–470
- Ace of Aces (1980) (Angiolillo), 28
- Ackland, Tony, 611
- Ackoff, Russell, 179–180
- Active learning, wargaming as, 424
- Activision, 273
- Actual time, in battle sequence, 122
- ADA (air defense artillery), 57
- ADB (Amarillo Design Bureau), 596, 597, 600
- ADDC (Air Defense Direction Center), 333
- Admiralty Trilogy Group, 209
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1977–1979) (Gygax), 555
- Advanced Gaming Systems Inc (AGSI), 210, 217–218
- Advanced Squad Leader (ASL) (1985) (Greenwood)
- abstraction of ammunition vs. Twilight: 2000, 76
- actual time in, 122–123
- comprehensiveness of rulebook, 128–131
- design profile of, 113–118
- influence of, 121
- physical game components, 87, 98
- as tactical game, 56
- Advanced Squad Leader Rule Book (ASLRB), 114
- Aerial combat. See Air warfare
- Afghanistan
- BCT Command Kandahar, 495, 519, 527
- A Distant Plain, 516, 519, 524, 525, 526
- Holy War: Afghanistan, 674, 677
- I.E.D. War in Afghanistan and Iraq, 404
- miniatures wargame/art installations, 412–416
- Operation Anaconda, 267
- political/military wargame elements for, 490
- Soviet invasion of, 108–109
- Strike of the Sword, 293
- AFOSR (Air Force Office of Scientific Research), 224, 225
- The African Campaign (1973), 97
- Afrika Korps (1964) (Roberts), 441
- Aftermath! (1981) (Hume), 75
- Agency
- in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 310, 311–313, 315–318
- Global 2000 wargame tools, 477
- limited agency sequences in video games, 311–312
- as purpose of civilian role-playing games, 323, 353n10
- and wargaming’s value in history education, 451–452
- Agent-based modeling of actions with digital games, 425
- Age of Empires III (2005) (Street), 686
- Age of Rifles scenarios, 154
- AGSI (Advanced Gaming Systems Inc), 210, 217–218
- Air & Armor (1986) (Maxwell), 56–57
- Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth Arm (Lanchester) (book), 160
- Air defense artillery (ADA), 57
- Air Defense Direction Center (ADDC), 333
- Air defense wargames, 341
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 224, 225
- Airmindedness, 55, 61
- Air raid games, 59–60
- Air-sea-land, and air warfare representation in games, 55–57
- Air Superiority (1987) (Webster), 59
- Air War (1977) (Isby), 59
- Air warfare
- air defense simulation, 333
- Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, 151
- Downtown, 60
- drones as tools of, 643–644, 656
- Empire of the Sun design, 135
- Fight in the Skies, 20
- historical development, 55–61
- independent air power, 57–61
- Lanchester’s square law’s effect in, 161
- live wargames in air combat, 107–108
- Modern Air Power, 221–227
- multiple perspectives for air support of ground operations, 56
- operations research example, 165
- and Star Fleet games, 593, 595, 597–600
- Alexander, Keith, 276
- Algeria (2000) (Train), 495
- “Algernon” person-in-the-loop wargame, 495
- Allen, Courtney, 121
- Allen, Robertson, 307
- Allison, Graham, 488
- Allison, Tanine, 320
- Alter, Robert, 573
- Alternate movement. See Turns, taking
- Altitude, depicting in tabletop air warfare games, 58
- Amarillo Design Bureau (ADB), 596, 597, 600
- Amateur designers
- in academic wargaming, 455–461
- in digital game age, 100–102, 103–104, 149–150
- modding, 96–97, 153, 155–156n3, 213–214, 217, 219n11, 296
- scenario creation and editing, 20, 98–99, 151–155
- Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game (1991) (Wujcik), 77
- Ambush! (1983) (Butterfield), 121–122
- America’s Army (AA) (2002–) (Zyda), 111, 254, 262, 303–308, 356, 357
- Analog wargames. See Manual wargames
- The Ancient Art of War (1984), 26, 149–150
- Ancient Greek militarism’s contribution to Western society, 646–652, 653, 665n9
- Andean Abyss (2012) (Ruhnke), 516
- Anderson, Mike, 677
- Angiolillo, Joseph, 28
- Anleitung (1824) (younger Reisswitz), 8
- Anonymous (hacktivist community), 273
- Ansell, Bryan, 603, 604, 606–607, 611
- Anthropomorphic chess, 564–565
- Apocalypse Now (film), 319
- Apperley, Tom, 463–464
- APX (Atari Program Exchange), 100, 102
- Arcade game behavior, digital game adoption of, 26
- Arcadian Normandy, mapmaking aesthetics, 67–69
- Aristotle, 650
- Arkin, Ron, 662
- ARMA (2006), 262
- Arms race perspective on wargaming, 361, 363
- Army/ground wargames. See Land warfare
- Arneson, Dave, 21, 556
- ARPA/DARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 359, 366, 514, 658–659
- Arquilla, John, 258
- Art
- Levinthal’s photographic work, 399–408
- Liquid Chess/Smell Chess, 704–705
- progressive art movements and Debord’s The Game of War, 387
- vs. propaganda, 416
- as quest to realize possible worlds, 412
- Artificial intelligence (AI), 224, 227, 662
- The Art of War (Jomini) (book), 391–392
- The Art of Wargaming (Perla) (book), 176
- ASL. See Advanced Squad Leader
- ASLRB (Advanced Squad Leader Rule Book), 114
- Assassination missions, drone, 659–660, 666–667n17
- Assumption exposure, as cultural wargame purpose
- Asymmetric conflicts. See also Irregular warfare (IW); Terrorism
- air raid games, 59–60
- in Battle for Baghdad, 677
- and cyberwarfare, 680
- Debord’s The Game of War, 377–378, 379
- and industrialization of war, 653
- Italian leftists and Debord, 373–374
- Asymmetry of information, 521
- Asymmetry of methods, 522, 524
- Asymmetry of objectives, 524–525, 527
- Atari, 100, 101, 296
- Atari Program Exchange (APX), 100, 102
- Atlas Games, 77–78
- Atomic Bomber (1946), 361
- The Attack Submarine (Kuenne) (book), 192
- Automated Simulations, Inc., 26
- Avalon Hill Game Company
- acquisition by Hasbro, 30
- avoidance of WWI games, 141
- and Bismarck vs. Computer Bismarck, 26
- and card-driven games, 133
- early digital games, 100
- fantasy-based games, 24–25
- founding of, 15
- magazine, 19, 88, 95, 96
- and modular game development, 96, 99
- vs. SPI and Dunnigan, 90, 91–92, 95
- and War Engine model, 83–89, 97–98, 99
- welcoming of player-game developers, 97
- The Avalon Hill General “The General” (magazine), 19, 88, 95, 96, 97
- Axis & Allies (1981) (Harris), 28–29
- Azad (from The Player of Games), 569–570, 572nn4–5
- Balkan Hell (1995) (Bomba), 445
- Band-of-brothers myth, 325
- Banks, Iain M., 560
- Barker, Phil, 37
- Barthes, Roland, 334
- Barton, Keith, 448
- “Barwick Green: An Everyday Tale of Country Folk” (game scenario), 549–551
- Basic Role-Playing (BRP) system, 73, 74–75
- Basset, John, 34
- Bath, Tony, 15, 20, 41
- Battlefield series, 264, 265, 266–267, 684–685
- Battlefields of England (Burne) (book), 197
- Battle for Baghdad (2009) (Pinsky), 495, 535, 677
- Battle hex concept, in Empire of the Sun, 138
- Battle of Britain, 196
- Battle of the Bulge reenactment, 633, 635
- Battle sequences. See Combat systems
- BattleSets in digital games, 215, 219n12
- Battlespace control. See also Drone operations
- ancient Greek military foundation for Western society’s technics, 646–652
- articulation of in drone operations, 642, 644, 660–661
- definition of battlespace, 654–655
- evolution of, 642
- postwar technoscience and computerization of, 653–656
- simulation and virtualization of warfare, 656–662
- technology and human cultural experience, 643–646
- BCT Command Kandahar (2013) (Miranda), 495, 519, 527
- Becker-Ho, Alice, 378, 382
- Beirut ’82: Arab Stalingrad (1989) (Kane), 519
- Beitrag zum Kriegsspiel (1876) (Verdy du Vernois), 13–14
- Bel Geddes, Norman, 13
- Bennett, Peter G., 242
- Berg, Richard, 444
- Berlin crisis, 238n3
- Berliner Kriegsspiel-Verein, 10
- Berlin game (Schelling), 231
- Beyond Valor (1985) (Greenwood), 114
- Bismarck, 26
- Bissel, Richard M., 237
- Blackett, P. M. S., 161–162, 164, 168
- “Black” games, 40. See also Terrorism
- Black Library, 604, 605, 606
- Blackmore, Tim, 654
- Black Ops II (2012), 253–254, 269, 270, 272, 273, 277
- Black Ops series, 262, 263
- Black Swan concept, 178
- Blair, Clay Jr., 187, 190
- Blitzkrieg (1965) (Pinsky), 95
- Blitzkrieg Module System (1969) (Dunnigan), 95–96
- Blizzard, 29, 30
- Bloomfield, Lincoln, 230
- Blue’s Red Assessment Cell (BRAC), Global 2000 wargame, 472
- Blue vs. red counter color scheme, 204
- Boardgamegeek, 466, 494
- Board wargames. See also individual games by name
- amateur design of, 20, 455–461
- Combat Commander’s card-and-hex board combo, 122–131
- combat sequence representation vs. computer, 683–684, 686
- complexity and conversion to computer, 25–26, 100
- counter system, 201–204
- “Crossing the Berezina
- cyberwarfare, 677–679
- Debord’s Djambi, 373–374
- dice (see Dice, use of)
- early computer use in tactical, 14
- early RAND simulations, 359, 361
- evolution of board, 4–5
- fantasy contexts, 21, 23–25
- fog of war vs. digital game, 682–683
- Hellwig’s expansion from chess to more realistic playing fields, 5
- hobby networks, 19–20
- insurgency-based, 516–527
- and miniatures wargames, 92–93, 203–204
- move from chess-like pieces to cardboard chits, 15
- popularization of commercial, 18
- Prussian 19th-century, 10
- real-time strategy representation vs. digital games, 686–687
- scale of game board, 7–8
- Twilight Struggle’s board, 467–469
- zone of control origin, 18
- Bogost, Ian, 307, 450–451, 469
- Bolaño, Roberto, 560, 588
- Bomba, Ty, 43, 445
- Bonaparte, Napoleon, 562
- Boom Beach (2014), 685
- Boot, Max, 257, 259
- Borg, Richard, 391, 392, 393
- Bothwell, John, 37
- Bowling green (Tristram Shandy), 573–574, 575–578
- Box, George Edward Pelham, 183–184, 198
- BRAC (Blue’s Red Assessment Cell), Global 2000 wargame, 472
- Brandt, Marisa, 367–368
- “A Breezeless Day” scenario in ASL, 115–117, 118
- Brightman, Hank, 175
- British Model Soldier Society, 12, 15
- Brontë, Anne and Emily, 555, 556
- Brown, John Seely, 452
- BRP (Basic Role-Playing) system, 73, 74–75
- “Brynania” simulation, 498
- Brynen, Rex, 421, 485–500
- Brzostek, Bartosz, 691
- Bully Pulpit Games, 78
- Burne, Alfred Higgins, 197
- Business management simulations, 346–347
- Butcher, Jim, 563
- C2 Wind Tunnel (C2WT), 474–475, 476, 477
- C3IT (Cultural and Cognitive Combat Immersive Trainer) (2006), 365
- Caesar III (modeling tool), 476
- Calhamer, Alan, 15–16
- Call of Cthulhu (1981) (Petersen), 74–75, 80, 556, 558
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2007), 265, 309–318
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009), 310–318
- Call of Duty series
- and digital gaming expectations vs. reality, 684–685
- narrative approach, 264, 270
- vs. realistic military simulations, 262
- sales strength of, 263, 266
- Camaraderie of war, 581–582
- Campaign for North Africa (1979) (Berg), 684
- Caniff, Milton, 361, 362
- Captain’s Log (magazine), 596
- Carana-based exercises at UN, 498
- Card, Orson Scott, 27–28, 102, 275
- Card-driven games (CDGs)
- and cards as event-triggers, 142, 145, 467, 469, 470
- COIN game random effects, 519
- Combat Commander orders, 124, 126–127, 128–131
- contribution to Paths of Glory’s success, 141–147
- deck construction in, 138
- defined, 133
- Empire of the Sun as, 133–139, 140n1
- individual vs. hand of cards as trade space, 140n1
- Paths of Glory as, 141–147
- religious strife and military action, 539–544
- and The Sword and The Flame dynamics, 625
- Twilight Struggle as, 467, 470
- Up Front, 121
- usefulness in political/military games, 282–283, 493–494, 677
- Cardullo, Bert, 339
- Carell, Paul, 46
- Carlson, Christopher, 209, 281
- Carmack, John, 99
- Carr, Mike, 20
- Carrier (1990) (Boylon), 60
- Carroll, Lewis, 564
- Castells, Manuel, 357–358
- Castle & Crusade Society, 21
- Catlow, Ruth, 705
- CDGs. See Card-driven games
- Cebrowski, Arthur, 258
- Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), 168, 170, 171, 174, 176
- Cervantes, Miguel de, 579, 580, 581, 582
- Chad: The Toyota Wars (1991) (Davis), 518
- Chadwick, Frank, 79
- Chainmail (Gygax) (booklet), 21, 23
- Chamayou, Gregoire, 641, 644, 658, 660, 661, 662, 664n5, 667n18
- Champions (1982), 77
- Chandler, David, 34
- Chaosium, 73, 74
- The Charge of the Light Brigade (Curtiz) (film), 381
- The Charge of the Scots Greys (Levinthal) (photo art), 408
- Charts. See Maps and mapmaking
- Cheops, 563
- Chess
- as basis for wargaming, 4–5
- vs. Debord’s The Game of War, 374, 376, 380
- evolution of, 707n5
- literary tropes associated with, 562–565, 567, 571–572n1
- origins of, 665–666n11
- peacebuilding games modeled on, 704–705
- as philosophical guide to wargame design, 203
- as power struggle, 562–563
- wargame-as-chess metaphor, 560
- Chosen (Jacka) (book), 559
- “Chrome,” rulebook, 44, 94
- Churchill, Winston S., 187
- CISA (College of International Security Affairs), DoD, 503, 504–508
- Citadel Miniatures, 29, 603, 606–607
- Civilian casualties, and This War of Mine, 691–701
- Civilization series, 29, 30, 152–153, 541–543, 569
- Civil War, American
- Gettysburg, 15, 16, 18, 85, 86
- Johnny Reb, 113
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way, 63
- Clapper, James, 273
- Clark, Kate, 659
- Clark, Richard E., 343
- Clarke, Adele, 355
- Clash of Arms, 281
- Clash of Clans (2013), 685
- Class Wargames, 391, 392, 394–395
- Clausewitz, Carl von, 373, 391–392, 396, 423, 443–445, 486, 488
- Cline, Ernest, 558
- Close Air Support (CAS), 56
- Clubs, wargaming, 10, 19, 20, 391–396
- CNA (Center for Naval Analyses), 168, 170, 171, 174
- COAs (Courses of Action), wargame modeling, 472, 475–476, 478
- Codex Alera series (2004–2009) (Butcher), 563
- Cohen, William S., 257–258
- COIN (counterinsurgency). See Counterinsurgency
- COIN series of games, 495, 516–517, 518, 519, 521–527
- Cold War. See also Nuclear warfare
- compelling experience of gaming tension in, 340–341, 469–470
- Cuban missile crisis, 236, 238n2
- Dunn-Kempf wargame, 37–38
- efficiency goal in defense analysis, 167
- Global wargaming series, 110
- 1989: Dawn of Freedom, 494
- Norwegian fjord exercise for US Navy, 176
- and political/military wargaming, 108, 487
- rationale for wargaming during, 331
- signaling intentions challenge, 229–237
- Twilight Struggle, 464–470, 493–494
- wargaming’s role in ending, 40
- Collectible trading card games, origins of, 29–30
- College of International Security Affairs (CISA), DoD, 503, 504–508
- Colonialism
- in cultural wargames, 547
- The Sword and The Flame, 623–627
- and Western love affair with technology, 641, 646, 664n5
- Colored Petri Net engine, 476
- Combat Commander series (Jensen), 122–131
- Combat Information Center, in Harpoon user interface, 212
- Combat Results Table (CRT), 85–87
- Combat systems. See also Victory conditions
- America’s Army, 304
- COIN’s nonlinear results, 518–519
- computer vs. board game’s ability to represent, 683–684, 686
- CRT for Roberts’s games, 85–87
- Debord’s The Game of War relationships, 384–386
- deterministic, 34, 36
- general’s-eye vs. role-playing perspectives, 71
- gunfire factor, 49–54, 75–76
- mental damage in, 74–75, 76, 78
- modeled time in, 122, 123, 126–131
- Napoleon’s Triumph, 206
- range estimation for arbitrating gunnery, 36
- Reisswitz’s probability method, 8
- in RPGs, 71–80
- Star Fleet Battles, 598
- Stevenson’s popgun method, 11
- time layers in, 122–126
- The Sword and The Flame dynamics, 625–626
- Warhammer 40,000, 609
- war reenactors, 630, 632, 633
- Combined arms mentality in ASL, 115–117
- Comic sublime in Tristram Shandy, 582–584
- Command and control wargames
- and Advanced Squad Leader, 115
- Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, 151
- Commands & Colors: Napoleonics, 391–396
- gendered perspective, 355–368
- Global 2000 wargame as, 471–474
- Modern Air Power, 222
- and Modern Air Power, 221–227
- Napoleon’s Triumph, 206
- Command experience, wargaming as tool for obtaining, 4, 8–9, 13–14
- Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations (2013), 151
- Commands & Colors: Napoleonics (2013) (Borg), 391–396
- Commercial wargaming. See also Digital war-themed games; Hobby wargaming; individual games by name
- academic study value of, 439–445
- application to military training, 111, 225
- card games and corporate consolidation, 28–30
- cultural wargaming perspective of audience for, 546
- disturbing strategies and real military operations
- militarist vision of, 254–256
- origins in U.S., 3
- popularity of modding, 213–214
- post-WWII, 15–18
- vs. professional wargaming, 99–100, 497, 514
- Prussian, 10
- RAND’s adoption of commercial game design, 364
- and realism issue, 25–28, 262, 681–688
- Committee (seminar) games, 174, 336, 487–488, 504–507, 545
- Communication. See also Gamer communities
- Debord’s focus on lines of, 380
- games as shared narrative worlds, 349–350
- Communities of wargamers. See Gamer communities
- Compelling experience, conflict as
- Call of Duty series, 309, 311–313
- Cold War tension, 340–341, 469–470
- and Debord’s view of wargaming, 373
- and educational purpose, 337–343
- miniatures wargames, 409, 412, 414
- and operations research, 345–346
- and operator’s experience of drone mission, 657
- role-playing game as, 337–348
- simulation’s goal as, 337–341, 349–350
- Complexity. See also Advanced Squad Leader
- and academic wargaming, 423, 428, 430, 450, 453
- and amateur vs. professional design, 456–457
- COIN as complex adaptive system, 527–528
- and conversion from board to computer, 25–26, 100
- and DoD’s IW challenge, 531–537
- and hobbyist historical games, 76, 113, 116–117, 146–147
- mapmaking, 63–70
- vs. playability, xxviii n5, 336–337, 453
- of political/military wargame decision making, 133, 231–237, 488, 492
- and RPG development, 72
- Complicit play, Modern Warfare, 310–314
- Compton, John, 677
- Computer Bismarck (1980), 26, 27
- Computerization. See also Digital war-themed games
- computer as opponent, 26, 100, 209, 222, 264
- computer as referee, 25–26, 28
- and drone operations, 656–659, 663
- early computer use in tactical board games, 14
- fog of war replication, 216
- game design’s shift to, 101–102
- manual vs. digital games, 26, 103–104, 121, 155n2, 425–427, 454n2, 683–684, 686
- real-time strategy capability of, 686–687
- as solution to complexity in manual games, 25–26, 100
- and technology of warfare, 26–27, 261–262, 355
- Conference of Wargamers (COW), UK, 34
- Conflict dynamics, using wargames to study, 423, 426–427, 431–433. See also Wargames and wargaming
- “Connected Shadows,” 504–507, 509, 510
- Connections and Connections UK conferences, xx, 422, 433, 499
- Consims vs. Euro-wargames, 493
- Consimworld, 466
- Constant warfare, and RMA influence on video wargaming, 254
- Construct modeling tool, 477
- Contact! (HWP), 39
- Conventions, 19, 20, 30, 34
- Coolness Under Fire (CUF) rating, 76
- The Copper Promise (Williams) (book), 555, 557
- Cordery, Bob, 34
- Cosmic Encounter (1977), 24
- Costikyan, Greg, 88, 104
- Countercultural gaming perspective, 547–548
- Counterfactual speculation
- and academic skepticism about wargames, 431, 435–436, 463–464, 465
- and amateur design principles, 461
- computer vs. board game’s ability to represent, 683
- irregular warfare’s complexities, 532
- and military training function of wargame, 411
- and propaganda, 416
- Counterinsurgency (COIN)
- as complex adaptive system, 527–528
- and cyberwarfare gaming, 673
- drones in, 658, 659, 663
- as primary mode of armed conflict, 513–514
- and rise of nonkinetic games, 494–496
- Counterinsurgency (COIN) game design
- asymmetry of information, 521
- asymmetry of methods, 522, 524
- asymmetry of objectives, 524–525, 527
- cultural considerations, 515–516
- factionalism depiction, 516, 518, 524–525
- friction, 519
- multipolarity in, 518
- nonlinear combat results, 518–519
- randomness, 518–519
- sensitivity to violence of subject, 514–515
- systems analysis, 527–528
- time and space modifications in simulation, 519, 521–522
- Counter system, 201–204
- Counterterrorism, ICT turn-based games on, 368. See also Terrorism
- “Country X” (2009), 498–499
- Courses of Action (COAs), wargame modeling, 472, 475–476, 478
- COW (Conference of Wargamers), UK, 34
- Crary, Jonathan, 334, 335, 340
- Crawford, Chris, 100, 101–102
- Creativity, importance to mental health and learning, 346–348
- Crécy, battle of, 186, 199n2
- Crisis 2000 (1997) (Miranda), 673–674
- Crisis 2020 (2007) (Miranda), 673–674, 675–676
- Crisis games. See Political/military gaming
- Cross-cultural understanding, cultural wargaming, 546–547
- “Crossing the Berezina” scenario (2013), 391–394, 396, 397n1
- CRT (Combat Results Table), 85–87
- Crusader Kings II (2012), 496
- The Crusades (1978) (Berg), 444
- “Crystal” aesthetics and Debord’s The Game of War, 384–386
- CSI: New York (2004–13) (television series), 560–561
- Cuban missile crisis, 236, 238n2
- CUF (Coolness Under Fire) rating, 76
- Cultural and Cognitive Combat Immersive Trainer (C3IT) (2006), 365
- Cultural considerations
- cultural wargaming, 545–551
- and drone usage, 641–646
- historical revision and social amnesia, 515–516
- wargames’ value for historical study, 463–464, 467, 469–470
- Current events as inspiration for historical wargames, 670
- Curtiz, Michael, 381
- Custer’s Last Stand (Levinthal) (photo artwork), 405, 407
- Cybernaut (1996) (Miranda), 678–679
- Cybersecurity, 271–275, 279n6
- Cyber Shock Wave, 271
- Cyberwarfare
- naturalizing high-tech militarism, 253, 269, 271–275
- USCYBERCOM, 271, 279n6
- wargaming developments for, 223–224, 673–680
- Cyberwar XXI (Miranda), 679
- Cycle of research, 175–177
- Daedalus Entertainment, 78
- Daer, Alice, 358
- Damon, Roger, 102
- Dando, Michael R., 242
- “Dark networks,” ICT games based on, 368
- DARPA/ARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 359, 366, 514, 658–659
- Davis, Frank, 202
- Dawn Patrol (1982), 29
- A Day of Heroes (2008) (Herrschaft), 291
- Dear Esther (2012), 699
- Debord, Guy, 371–387, 388nn3–5, 389nn7–8, 394–395
- Decision Games, 28
- Decision Iraq (2013) (Miranda), 495
- Decision making
- academic challenge of combining with simulation, 431–433
- adaptation, teaching through wargaming, 178–179
- automation of in drone operations, 662
- business management simulations, 346–347
- card-driven decision space, 133, 136, 138, 144–145
- COAs in wargame modeling, 472, 475–476, 478, 479–480
- and compelling emotional experience in wargame, 341
- cycle of research approach, 175–181
- in Herman’s CDG game design, 134
- in hypergame theory, 243
- interactive planning, 177–181
- moral quandaries in Spec Ops: The Line, 323–324
- and narrative/storytelling in wargames, 172–175
- operations research, 159–166, 487
- and political/military wargame complexities, 133, 231–237, 488, 492
- probabilistic decision model, 121
- reality vs. simulation, 43–47, 171, 333–334, 335–336
- systems analysis approach, 166–172, 181–182n1
- in This War of Mine, 697–698
- wargames’ contribution to improving, 423–424
- “Deep play,” wargames as, 463, 466, 470
- Defense analysis. See Professional wargaming
- De Landa, Manuel, 666n15
- De la Peña, Nonny, 365
- Deleuze, Gilles, 372–373
- Democratic citizenship
- historical study for, 448
- military training as prerequisite for, 650, 661–662
- De Peuter, Greig, 306
- Deployment (1969), 92
- Der Derian, James, 254, 275, 653
- “Descending the diagonal” technique for extending game-theoretical reasoning, 243
- Desert Storm, public relations engineering of, 255
- Design, game. See Game design
- Design time, in battle sequence, 122, 123, 126–131
- Dewey, Melissa, 175
- Dice, use of
- in combat mechanics of tabletop RPGs, 73–74, 76–77, 78
- as compromise to realism of wargame, 436
- function in ASL, 116, 128
- in Miller’s submarine wargame, 189
- as randomizer and thus simulator of battle chaos, 443–444
- in Reisswitz’s wargame, 8
- and triggers in Combat Commander, 126
- in The Sword and The Flame, 626
- in Warhammer 40,000, 609–610
- Dice-driven results tables, in Roberts’s game design, 85–87
- Digital war-themed games. See also Future of warfare; Video games; individual games by name
- BattleSets in, 215, 219n12
- changes in cognitive experience based on user interface, 350
- commercial games and realism issue, 25–28, 681–688
- conversion from manual games, 29, 30, 100, 130
- and cyberwarfare, 679
- databases for, 214
- educational advantages of, 425
- future of wargaming, 24, 26, 681–688
- Games Workshop’s move into, 606
- high resolution vs. high aggregation gaming models, 336
- initial developments, 25–28
- and irregular warfare, 496–497, 533–534
- limitations for player designer, 100–102, 103–104
- vs. manual games, 26, 121, 155n2, 425–427, 454n2, 683–684, 686
- neglect of historical events in, 153
- playability factor, 223
- political/military gaming, 490–491, 496–497
- RAND’s adoption of commercial game design, 364
- rule flexibility issue, 95, 96, 102
- and simulation, 102, 216–217, 261–264, 425, 685–688
- tabletop structures in, 155n2
- War Engine perspective, 99–104, 149–155
- DIME (diplomatic, information, military, economic) dimensions, 488
- Diplomacy (1959) (Calhamer), 15–16, 19–20
- Diplomacy in wargaming, 15–16, 19–20, 229–230, 486
- Disciplinary knowledge, history as, 448
- A Distant Plain (2013) (Ruhnke), 516, 519, 524, 525, 526
- Distinguished Warfare Medal (DWM), 275–276
- Djambi (Debord), 373–374
- DoD (Department of Defense). See US Department of Defense
- Dogfight games, 57–59
- Domesday Book (newsletter), 21
- Dönitz, Karl, 187
- Don Quixote (Cervantes) (book), 579, 580, 581, 582
- DOOM (1993) (Green), 103
- Dörner, Dietrich, 175–176
- Double impulse system, in France 1940, 43
- Dougherty, Jeff, 281, 287
- Downes-Martin, Stephen, 175, 536
- Downtown (2004) (Brimmicombe-Wood), 60
- Dragonlance series (1984–1985) (Hickman), 555, 557, 558
- Dramaturgy, and compelling game design, 339–340, 342–343
- Drive on Stalingrad (1977) (Hessel), 441
- Drone operations
- air warfare games, 643–644, 656
- assassination missions, 659–660, 666–667n17
- and battlespace control, 644, 660–661
- and continuous warfare, 260–261, 277
- ethical considerations, 642, 645–646, 662–663, 666n13, 667nn18–19
- and ethnocultural becoming, 657–658, 661
- human rights consideration, 645, 646, 666–667n17
- immersive visual experience of, 657–658
- postwar technoscience and computerized battlespace, 653–656
- simulation and virtualization of warfare, 656–662
- and surveillance as lived experience, 642, 645–646, 659
- targeting aspect, 657, 659–660
- Vietnam War’s influence on development of, 654–655, 660
- Drozdowski, Michał, 691
- Duel model for wargaming, RAND’s, 361, 363–364
- Duke, Richard, 348, 349
- Dune (1979), 24–25
- Dungeons & Dragons (1974) (Gygax), 21, 23–25, 72–73, 556, 558, 603
- Dunn, Hilton, 37
- Dunn, Phil, 36
- Dunnigan, James
- collaboration with academic game designers, 336–337
- on computer wargames’ hidden inner workings, 100
- contribution to game design, 88
- designs of, 20, 88, 89–90, 92–96, 99, 442, 495–496, 593
- on game design, 86, 89, 96, 98, 201
- and John Prados’s idea for a WWII game, 587
- on military abandonment of wargames, 104n1
- organizational development, 20, 90–91, 105n6
- and players as designers, 99, 427
- on Pratt’s Naval Wargame, 36
- relationship to Avalon Hill, 90, 91–92, 95
- on shift to digital games, 100, 130
- unsavory terminology issue for wargame, 435
- Dunn-Kempf wargame, 37–39
- Dupuy, Trevor, 683–684
- DWM (Distinguished Warfare Medal), 275–276
- Dyer-Witherford, Nick, 306
- Eagles of the Empire (1994) (Miller), 197
- Eastern Front 1941 (1982) (Crawford), 100, 101, 102
- Eckel, Graham, 603
- Economics
- applying to defense analysis, 166–167
- of war, 486
- The Economics of Defense for the Nuclear Age (Hitch and McKean) (book), 166–167
- Edison, Thomas A., 343, 344
- Editing changes vs. modifications to wargames, 155–156n3
- Educational purpose. See also Academic wargaming
- claims for digital media, 342–348
- compelling experience in video games as value added, 337–343
- cultural wargames, 546–547
- role in game design, 504–507, 508, 509, 510
- virtual humans, 366–367
- virtual reality, 364–368
- Edutainment, 342–343
- Edwards, John, 96–97
- Edwards, Paul, 655
- Efficacy of fire. See Combat systems
- Efficiency goal
- applying to Cold War defense analysis, 167
- Napoleon’s Triumph, 206
- Eischens, Anthony, 210
- Eldridge, Allen, 595, 596
- E-learning, and gaming conflict resolution, 498–499
- ELECT BiLAT, 356, 491
- Electronic Arts, 264–265
- El-Nasr, Magy Seif, 365
- Embodied interactions, and rise of video wargaming, 364–368
- Emergent Leader Immersive Training Environment (ELITE), 367
- Emotional experience of game play. See Compelling experience, conflict as
- Empire (1973), 25
- Empire of the Sun (2005) (Herman), 133–139, 140n1
- Empirical testing of wargame assumptions, need for, 336
- Enacted platforms (war reenactors), 629–637
- Encyclopedia of War: Ancient Battles (Smith) (book)
- Ender’s Game (Card) (book), 27–28, 275, 561, 566, 572n3
- Engel, Frederick, 373
- England Expects (Vasey), 458
- Entertainment, wargaming as, 265, 334–335, 337–348, 514, 546–547. See also Hobby wargaming; Military-entertainment complex
- Ericson, Holgar, 623
- Escalation in political/military crisis, 231–234, 361, 363
- Ethical considerations
- America’s Army, 305–308
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 309–318
- drone usage, 642, 645–646, 662–663, 666n13, 667nn18–19
- and military simulation design, 358–359
- morality vs. ethics, 314–315
- Phantom Fury, 289–290
- Spec Ops: The Line, 320–327
- and Tristram Shandy, 580, 581–582
- using games to reinforce ethical approaches to war, 310–318
- The Ethics of Computer Games (Sicart) (book), 358, 359
- Ethnocultural becoming, 643–652, 657–658, 661
- Europa series, 99
- Europa Universalis II (2001), 463–464
- Euro-wargames vs. consims, 493
- Evans, Richard, 435
- Events, cards as triggers for, 142, 145, 467, 469, 470
- Expected value, game theory, 241–242
- Expertise constraint in wargaming, 430, 536
- Explicit Mechanics, combat systems, 72
- Factionalism
- in COIN gaming, 516, 518, 524–525
- and political/military games, 489–490, 495, 496
- Faidutti, Bruno, 556
- Fall of Berlin (Levinthal) (photo artwork), 405–406
- Falloti, Fiero, 152
- Fallujah, second battle of, modeling, 289–293
- Fans. See Players
- Fantasy-based games
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 555
- Dragonlance series, 555, 557, 558
- Dungeons & Dragons, 21, 23–25, 72–73, 556, 558, 603
- growth in popularity, 24–25
- Howard’s Hyborian Age, 20–21
- Lord of the Rings influence on medieval game rules, 21
- RoleMaster, 73, 74
- RuneQuest, 73–74
- Starweb, 25
- Sword & Sorcery, 24
- Tunnels & Trolls, 24, 73
- Vampire: The Masquerade, 77
- Warcraft series, 29, 296
- Warhammer series, 29, 603–604, 607, 608–619, 611
- War of the Ring, 24
- War of Wizards, 30
- World of Warcraft, 358, 359, 561
- Fanzines, 15, 17, 19, 20, 590–591
- Farmer, Ted, 100
- FCS (Future Combat Systems), 260–261
- Featherstone, Donald, 15, 19, 33, 35, 36, 41n4
- Federation & Empire (1986), 596
- Feminist perspective on wargame design, 355–368
- Feng Shui (1996) (Laws), 78
- Fiasco (2009) (Morningstar), 78–79
- Fiction-based games, 46, 75, 77–79. See also individual games by name
- Field of Glory (2009), 154
- Fierce Fight! Stalingrad Blitzkrieg (2013) (Nakamura), 45
- “Fighting Wings” series, 58
- Fight in the Skies (1968) (Carr), 20
- Figurines as physical game manifestations, 30. See also Miniatures
- Fine, Gary, 556
- Fire in the Lake (2014) (Ruhnke and Herman), 517
- Fire in the Sky (2005) (Nakamura), 44
- Fire & Movement (magazine), 28
- First-person shooter (FPS) video games
- America’s Army, 303–308
- as interactive propaganda, 309–310
- lack of context in, 515–516
- lack of realism in, 684–685
- nonkinetic elements of, 496
- problems for WWI scenarios, 295
- and RMA, 254
- Spec Ops: The Line, 279n4, 319–327, 516, 699
- Fisher, John, 49, 51
- Fixing of attention, and reality effect, 334–335, 338–339, 340
- Fleet Admiral (1987) (Greene), 49–54
- Fletcher Pratt’s Naval Wargame (2012), 36–37
- Flying Buffalo, 25, 73
- Fog of war, replicating, 60, 216, 443–444, 521, 682–683
- Force on Force (2011) (Carpenter), 56
- Forensic approach to simulation modeling, 196–198
- FPS video games. See First-person shooter (FPS) video games
- Franco-Prussian War (1992) (Miranda), 444
- Fred Jane’s Naval Wargame, 34, 35
- Freedom in the Galaxy (1979) (Barasch), 495
- Freeman, Michael E., 368
- Friction, in COIN games, 519
- Friction point system, in Fifth Corps, 43
- Friendly fire prohibitions and ethical gameplay, 359
- Frog Design, 274
- From the Dreadnought to Scapa Flow (Marder) (book), 49
- Fujimora, Joan, 355
- Future Combat Systems (FCS), 260–261, 268–269
- Future of warfare and wargaming
- America’s Army, 303–308
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 309–318
- civilian casualties and This War of Mine, 691–701
- cyberwarfare (see Cyberwarfare)
- digital wargames, 24, 26, 681–688
- drones (see Drone operations)
- loss of virtuous war in, 277–278
- new wargame scenarios, 703–706
- Persian Incursion, 281–287
- Phantom Fury, 289–293
- premediating future of warfare, 254–256
- realism vs. ludic constraints, 261–264
- remediation to premediation process, 264–269
- and RMA (see Revolution in Military Affairs)
- selling wargames to non-wargamers, 669–671
- Spec Ops: The Line, 319–327
- Toy Soldiers, 295–302
- Future studies, 345
- Gallant Knight series, 109
- Game design
- for academic study, 426–430
- ASL design profile, 113–118
- chess’s influence on, 203
- COIN games (see Counterinsurgency (COIN) game design)
- compelling experience imperative, 339–340, 342–343
- deliberative characteristic of, 358
- design time, in battle sequence, 122, 123, 126–131
- digital shift, 101–102
- Dunnigan’s contribution to, 88
- and educational purpose, 504–507, 508, 509, 510
- ethical considerations, 355–368
- fidelity to historic record, 262, 367, 466–467
- hexagonal game board’s role in, 83, 86, 201–202
- hex and counter system limitations, 201–207
- irregular warfare challenges, 535–536
- ludic treatment in, 261–264, 265, 324–326, 394–395
- modeling in, 503–510
- Napoleon’s Triumph and goal-driven design, 201–207
- players as designers (see Amateur designers)
- RAND’s adoption of commercial, 364
- role-playing design for tabletop games, 71–80
- and romanticization of warfare, 515–516
- time and space in, 122, 123, 134
- War Engine (see War Engine model)
- Game Designer’s Workshop (GDW), 73, 75, 79, 99
- Game developer vs. designer, 90
- Game engine, 103, 135–136. See also War Engine model
- Gamelab studio, 358
- Game of Thrones (television series), 567–568
- A Game of Thrones (Martin) (book), 567
- The Game of War (1977) (Debord), 374–387, 388nn4–5, 389n8, 394–395
- Game pieces, 6, 7–8, 15. See also Miniatures
- Gameplay Mode (Crogan) (book), 660
- Gamer communities
- Avalon Hill’s contribution to, 88
- conventions, 19, 20, 30, 34
- and D&D, 24
- European vs. U.S., 590
- and Games Workshop’s “hobby centres
- Harpoon and modding and politics of gaming, 217, 219n11
- lack of contact with professional wargaming, 99–100
- mid-century board games, 19–20
- social networks, professional wargaming modeling, 474, 476–477, 491
- Star Fleet Battles, 596
- The Sword and The Flame, 627
- Twilight Struggle, 466–467
- War Games Digest, 15, 17
- Warhammer culture, 614
- war reenactors and the private event, 636
- “Gamerist” design goals, and combat, 71, 72–73, 74, 78–79
- Games Research, Inc., 97
- Games Workshop, 29, 603–619
- Game theory, 241–248, 359, 421, 469–470
- Garstka, John, 258
- Gary Grigsby’s War in the Pacific (2004), 149
- Gary Grigsby’s World at War (2005), 686
- Gates, Robert, 500
- GDW (Game Designer’s Workshop), 73, 75, 79, 99
- Geertz, Clifford, 463, 470
- Gen Con (Lake Geneva Wargames Convention), 19, 30
- Gender
- just war and game design, 355–368
- masculinist biases in wargaming, 355–357, 361, 363–364, 368
- Warhammer’s bias, 615
- and war reenactment roles, 634
- women as actors in RAND’s 1950s strategic initiatives, 364
- women as ICT project leaders and designers, 365–366, 368
- women’s interest in academic game design, 427
- The General (magazine), 19, 88, 95, 96, 97
- Generic Universal RolePlaying System (GURPS), 77
- “Geotime
- Germany, historical role in wargaming, 4–9, 13–15, 107
- Gestalt inscription, wargame as, 313, 348, 349
- Gettysburg (1958) (Roberts), 15, 16, 18, 85, 86
- Ghost Recon series, 268
- Gibson, H. P., 18
- Gilman, Robert, 610
- Global 2000 wargame, 471–474
- Global Challenge (2001), 493
- Global media environment, and drone experience, 642
- Global War Game series, 110, 174
- GMT Games, 30, 141, 516, 517
- GNS Theory for combat systems, 71
- Going Postal (2004) (book), 564
- Golem Arcana (2014), 30
- Goodwin, Jes, 608
- Gordon, Cecil, 165
- Graustark (fanzine), 20
- “The Great Game,” Sherlock (television episode), 561
- Greek Civil War (2014) (Train), 518
- Greenwood, Don, 114, 117–118, 587
- Gregory, Derek, 641, 654–655, 656, 657, 659, 661, 663, 664n5
- Grenadier (1971) (Dunnigan), 94–95
- Griffith, Paddy, 33, 34, 40
- Group of Soviet Forces Germany (2003) (Bomba), 56
- Grusin, Richard, 256, 261
- Guattari, Felix, 665n10
- Guderian System, 99
- Guerrilla Checkers (2010), 522, 523–524
- Gunfire factor (GF), 49–54, 75–76
- Gunning, Tom, 334–335, 339
- Gupta, Ananda, 465, 466
- GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System), 77
- GW vs. Chapterhouse, 608–609
- Gygax, Gary, 19, 21, 24, 556
- Gysin, Fritz, 584
- Hacking-based video wargames, 272–274
- Hacking simulators, 279n8
- Hagel, Chuck, 256–257
- Hairbrained Schemes, 30
- Half-Life, 311
- Hall, Stephen, 100
- Hall, Tom, 88
- Halliwell, Richard, 603
- Halter, Ed, 254
- Hamblen, Richard, 97
- Hammer of the Scots (2002) (Taylor), 670
- Harpoon (1981) (Bond), 209, 215, 219n12
- Harpoon 3 Professional (H3Pro)/H3 MilSim (2009), 212
- Harpoon Commander’s Edition, 210
- Harpoon I (1989) (Bond), 151, 209–210
- Harpoon II/3 products (1994/2007) (Bond), 210
- Harpoon series (Bond), 209–218, 218n1, 219nn11–12, 282
- Harpoon Ultimate Edition (2011), 212
- Harris, Lawrence H., 29
- Harry Potter book series (Rowling), 564
- Hasbro, 30
- Hawkins, Tony, 34
- Hazlitt, William, 573
- Hearts and Minds: Vietnam 1965–1975 (2010) (Poniske), 494, 517
- Hearts of Iron (2002) (Fåhraeus), 687
- “Hell-on-Wings” theater, 332
- Hellwig, Johann Christian Ludwig, 5–7
- Helmer, Olaf, 345
- Hemibel thinking, defined, 162–163
- Here I Stand (HIS) (2006) (Beach), 66, 539–541, 543
- Hero Games, 77
- Heuston, Annette, 364
- Hexagonal game board
- as basis for wargaming structure, 83, 86, 201–202
- Combat Commander’s card-and-hex board combo, 122–131
- in Empire of the Sun, 138
- looking to digital game form to escape from, 681–682
- measurement requirements for, 204
- modifications in abstracting context terrain, 69
- origins of, 15, 16
- persistence into digital gaming, 686
- vs. point-to-point system, 142–144
- Roberts’s use of, 85, 87
- Hickman, Margaret, 555, 556
- Hilgers, Philipp von, 486, 651, 652, 666n13
- Hill, John, 113, 115, 118, 442, 443
- Hirshberg, Eric, 273
- Historical wargaming. See also Academic wargaming; Miniature wargames; specific wars or eras by name
- air warfare games, 55–61
- applying dramaturgy to wargame design, 340
- birth of simulation in 17th century, 4–5
- card games and corporate consolidation, 28–30
- complexity issue, 76, 113, 116–117, 146–147
- Debord’s The Game of War as, 379–380
- fidelity of design issue, 88–89, 90, 262, 367, 466–467, 670
- forensic validation method, 196–198
- function of in Herman’s CDG game design, 134
- Hellwig’s contribution, 5–7
- hobby tradition in second half of 20th century, 18–21
- inflection of solicitation in professional games, 338–341
- memory, wargaming’s value for, 452
- need’s function in, 107–111
- player designs with scenario editors, 149–155
- selling to non-wargamers, 669–671
- simulation vs. reality, 43–47
- statistical validation, 186–196
- user testing for historical validation, 194–195
- History of Wargaming Project (HWP), 33–41
- Hitch, Charles J., 166–167, 169, 231
- Hitler Moves East (Levinthal and Trudeau) (photo artwork), 399–404
- Hitler’s War (1981) (Gross), 57
- Hobby wargaming. See also Commercial wargaming; Gamer communities; War Engine model
- vs. academic gaming, 422, 434–435
- and Bolaño’s The Third Reich, 590–591
- complexity issue for historical games, 76, 113, 116–117, 146–147
- fantasy vs. reality simulation, 21
- Games Workshop’s role in, 605–606
- Hellwig’s contribution to, 5
- historical perspective on, 18–21
- irregular warfare, 492–494
- kinetic vs. nonkinetic, 499
- origins in 19th-century UK, 3
- pinnacle in 1970s, 28
- political/military gaming, 492–494, 500
- and professional wargaming, 34, 99–100, 337, 352n5, 497, 514
- systems analysts’ disdain for, 173
- and war reenactors, 629–636
- Hocking, Clint, 325
- Holochess in Star Wars, 563–564
- Holy War: Afghanistan (1991) (Miranda), 674, 677
- Homeric texts, and Greek foundation for technics in Western society, 647–648
- House, Daniel, 224
- Howard, Robert E., 20–21
- Huizinga, Johan, 388n3
- Humanitarian interventionism, 306, 319–327, 498, 499
- Human rights, and drone usage, 645, 646, 666–667n17
- Human terrain, importance of understanding, 475–477. See also Compelling experience, conflict as
- Huntemann, Nina, 320
- Hussey, Thomas, 225
- HWP (History of Wargaming Project), 33–41
- Hyborian Age, 20–21
- Hybrid games, 100
- Hypergame Theory (WHT), 241–248
- Hypergaming, 241–248
- ICT (Institute for Creative Technologies), 337–338, 341, 342, 358, 364–368, 490–491
- Ideological grounds for warfare. See Naturalizing high-tech militarism
- Idioculture, defined, 556
- id Software, 103
- I.E.D. War in Afghanistan and Iraq (Levinthal) (photo artwork), 404
- IFW (International Federation of Wargaming), 19
- “Igo-Ugo” simplification mechanism, 123, 687
- Imperialism, America’s Army as promoting, 306
- Impulse system, in White Death, 43
- Industrialization of war, 653, 666n15
- Information overload, 341
- Information technology, impact on military values, 275. See also Cyberwarfare; Revolution in Military Affairs
- In girum imus nocte et consumimurigni (Debord) (film)
- Inscription system, wargame as, 348–349
- Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), 337–338, 341, 342, 358, 364–368, 490–491
- Insurgency situations, 242, 494–496, 516–527. See also entries beginning with Counterinsurgency
- Integrated Warfighter System (IWS), 269
- Intellectual elitism, Debord’s The Game of War as critique of, 395–396
- Intelligence information, designing into game, 134, 135, 258, 260
- Interactive planning, 179–181, 424, 504
- Interactive propaganda, 305–308, 309–310
- Interactive war paradigm, 255–256, 265
- International Federation of Wargaming (IFW), 19
- International studies, applying wargames to, 421
- Intrilligator, Michael, 361, 363
- Iran game, Schelling’s, 230, 231, 237
- Iraq War
- Battle for Baghdad, 495, 535, 677
- Decision Iraq, 495
- and DoD IW wargame design, 535
- Fallujah, second battle of, 289–293
- Miniature War in Iraq, 409–416
- Phantom Fury, 289–293
- political/military wargame elements for, 490, 491–492, 495
- Six Days in Fallujah, 290, 515
- Iron Crown industries, 73
- Irregular warfare (IW). See also entries beginning with Counterinsurgency
- cultural wargaming, 545–551
- digital games, 496–497, 533–534
- hobby wargaming, 492–494
- inhabited models for IW games, 503–510
- life cycle of wargame, 534–537
- no-win situation challenge, 531–537
- political/military gaming, 494–496
- professional wargaming, 485–486, 503–510, 531–537
- religious strife, 539–544
- and religious strife in Europe, 539–544
- Isby, David, 141
- Israel-Iran conflict, in Persian Incursion, 281–287
- ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities, 258, 260
- Italy, 1960s social upheaval in, 371–373
- IWS (Integrated Warfighter System), 269
- Jacka, Benedict, 559
- Jackson, Stephen C., 187
- Jackson, Steve (UK), 604
- Jackson, Steve (USA), 24, 77, 572
- JagdPanther (magazine), 593, 595
- Jane, Fred, 35, 41n3
- Jedko, 97
- Jelavich, Barbara, 439
- Jelavich, Charles, 439
- Jensen, Chad, 122, 124, 126
- Jhally, Sut, 356
- Johnson, Soren, 152–153
- John Tiller Software, 223, 224–225
- Joint fire areas in drone operations, 660–661
- Joint Wargames Agency, 233–234
- Jomini, Antoine-Henri de, 391–392, 443
- Jones, Anita K., 366
- Jones, Joshua, 667n19
- Joust (1982), 558
- Joystick Warriors (Jhally) (documentary), 356
- Just war doctrine, 319–321, 358–364, 368
- Jutland (1967) (Dunnigan), 90, 593
- Jutland: Fleet Admiral II (FA II) (2016) (Greene), 50–52
- Kahn, Herman, 331, 345, 359, 364
- Kant, Immanuel, 651, 666n12
- Karp, Nick, 517
- Katz, Leon, 339
- Kelly, Henry, 342
- Kempf, Steve, 37
- Kennedy, Robert, 234
- Keogh, Brendan, 326
- Kesmai Corporation, 210
- Keyser, John, 700
- Kibler, Charlie, 63
- Kievit, James, 275
- Killbox, in drone operations, 660–661
- Kilcullen, David, 518, 663
- Kim, Julia, 367
- Kimball, George, 162–163, 165
- Kirby, Tom, 604, 605, 606, 607
- Kirschenbaum, Matthew, 200n4, 454n2, 557, 571
- Kittel, Charles, 162
- Koger, Norm, 151–152
- Kosovo: The Television War (2014) (Bomba), 493
- Kriegspiel context vs. miniatures wargames, 121
- “Kriegspiel,” Debord’s, 374, 388
- Kriegsspiel (1803) (Reisswitz), 9–13, 172–175, 440
- Kuenne, Robert, 187, 192
- L2 Design Group, 97
- Labyrinth: The War on Terror 2001–? (2010) (Ruhnke), 30, 494, 517, 519, 670
- La Conquête du Monde (1957) (Lamorisse), 18
- Lake Geneva Wargames Convention (Gen Con), 19, 30
- Lamb, Jonathan, 581, 582
- Lamorisse, Albert, 18
- Lanchester, Frederick W., 160
- Land warfare, 37–38, 56–57, 60. See also specific conflicts or games by name
- Lanier, Jaron, 349
- Last Battle (1989) (Ryan), 79
- L’Attaque (1910) (Edan), 18
- Lawrence, Philip, 644
- Leading Edge Games, 76
- Learning tool, wargaming as. See Academic wargaming
- Lebovici, Floriana, 378
- Lebovici, Gérard, 374–375, 378
- Lebow, Ned, 431, 435
- Leibniz, G. W., 4–5
- Le jeu de la guerre: Relevé des positions successives de toutes les forces au cours d’une partie (Debord and Becker-Ho) (book), 378, 382–386, 389n8
- Lenoir, Tim, 357, 660
- Leroi-Gourhan, André, 644
- Levine, Robert, 333–334, 335
- Levstik, Linda, 448
- Leyte, Brad, 210
- Liberia: Descent Into Hell (2008) (Madison), 493, 516, 518
- Lifestyle game, ASL as, 114
- Life support features for characters in role-playing games, 23–24
- Lindheirm, Richard, 337
- Linear law of combat, 160–161
- Liquid Chess/Smell Chess (1975) (Saito) (art installation), 704–705
- List, Steve, 93
- Literacy, history, 448–449
- Literature as inspiration for wargaming
- chess, 562–565
- Ender’s Game, 566
- evolution of wargame narratives, 558–560
- Game of Thrones, 566–568
- Games Workshop and Warhammer 40,000, 603–619
- metaphor of warfare, 560–562
- The Player of Games, 569–570
- portraying war in fiction, 691–692
- Star Fleet Battles, 593–600
- The Third Reich, 568–569
- The Third Reich and Third Reich, 587–591
- Tristram Shandy, 573–585
- The Sword and The Flame, 623–627
- WarGames, 565–566
- and war reenactors, 629–636
- Little, McCarty, 339, 348
- Little Bighorn, battle of, 186, 199n1
- Little Wars (1913) (Wells), 11–13, 555, 557, 558, 624
- The Living Daylights (1987) (film), 562
- Loadout, defined, 199n3
- The Logic of Failure (Dörner) (book), 175–176
- Logistics, function of, 134, 146
- Loomis, Rick, 25
- Lost Battles (Sabin) (book), 424
- Ludica, 365
- Ludic Science Club, 391–396
- Ludic treatment in game design. See also Playability
- ludic subversion from Class Wargames, 394–395
- ludonarrative dissonance in Spec Ops: The Line, 324–326
- realism vs. playability issue, 261–264, 265
- Luftwaffe (1971) (Zocchi), 60
- Luttwak, Edward, 423
- Lynch, Scott, 564
- Lynn, William III, 271
- MacGowan, Rodger, 92
- Mage Knight series, 30
- Magic circle, psychosocial function of, 412, 414–415, 416
- Magic: The Gathering (1993) (Garfield), 29–30
- Makropoulos, Vagelis, 392
- Mancala games and military training, 651
- Mantello, Peter, 306
- Manual wargames
- in academic wargaming, 425–427
- board games (see Board wargames)
- vs. digital games, 26, 103–104, 121, 155n2, 425–427, 454n2, 683–684, 686
- monographs (see Monograph games)
- play-by-mail method, 19–20, 25, 27
- tabletop (see Tabletop wargames)
- MAPMAKER software, 100
- Map Maneuvers (1908) (Sayre), 14
- Maps and mapmaking
- Dunnigan’s use of maps, 90
- Empire of the Sun, 138
- Harpoon, 214
- historical development, 63–70
- map overlays as basic wargame element, 85
- Paths of Glory, 142–144
- Phantom Fury, 290
- Steel Wolves, 193
- topology in Tewkesbury battle, 198
- tower defense game structure, 296
- in Tristram Shandy, 575–578
- and user scenario expansions, 152
- Venturini’s innovation to depict tactical situation, 6–7
- Marder, Arthur J., 49
- Marshall, Andrew, 336–337
- Marszał, Przemysław, 691
- Martial arts movie combat, 78
- Martin, George R. R., 567
- Martin, Tim, 392
- Marty, Martin, 347
- Marxism, 373
- Masculinist biases in wargaming, 355–357, 361, 363–364, 368
- Massive Black, 274
- Material factors
- counter system, 201–204
- dice (see Dice)
- game pieces, 6, 7–8, 15 (see also Miniatures)
- hexagonal board (see Hexagonal game board)
- overconfidence in and game/reality gap, 44
- Mathematical models of combat
- ancient Greek foundations for, 646–648, 650–652, 653
- drone operations, mathematics of data feed for, 658
- Lanchester’s linear law, 160
- and virtualization of battlespace, 654–655
- Matrix Games, 212
- Matrix gaming, 243–247
- Matthews, Jason, 465, 466
- Maximin or minimax strategies, 241–242
- Mazur, Grzegorz, 691
- McAuliffe, Anthony C., 89
- McCall, Jeremiah, 453, 454n1
- McChrystal, Stanley A., 259
- McClusky, C. Wade, 88–89
- McConnell, Mike, 271
- McCue, Brian, 164
- McDonough, Tom, 388
- McGonigal, Jane, 435
- McKean, Roland, 166–167, 169, 171
- McLoy, John J., 235
- McLuhan, Marshall, 347–348
- McNamara, Robert S., 166, 167–168
- Medal of Honor series, 264, 267, 515–516
- Medal of Honor: Warfighter (2012), 267–268
- Medieval wargames
- Age of Empires III, 686
- Crécy, battle of, 186, 199n2
- Crusader Kings II, 496
- The Crusades, 444
- Dungeons & Dragons as, 23, 29, 73–74
- Field of Glory, 154
- and forensic approach, 196
- miniatures, 20–21, 22
- Order of Arms, 197, 200n4
- Rampart, 296
- Meier, Sid, 452
- Memes as cultural “genes
- Menninger, William, 346
- Mental damage in combat sequences, 74–75, 76, 78
- Merritt, Alan, 607
- Metamodeling, in professional wargaming, 477–478
- Metaphor of warfare, 560–562
- Methods of Operations Research (Morse) (book), 162, 165
- Metz, Steven, 275
- Microcomputer Games, 26
- Microgames for academic study, 426–428
- Middle East wars. See also Iraq War
- Beirut ’82: Arab Stalingrad, 519
- Iran game, Schelling’s, 230, 231, 237
- Modern Air Power’s focus on, 223
- 1000 Days of Syria, 499
- Persian Gulf War, hypergame theory application, 243–247
- Persian Incursion, 281–287
- Third Lebanon War, 519, 525
- Miechowski, Grzegorz, 691
- Milieu, automation of warfare, 641–642
- Militainment, 515, 657, 669–671. See also America’s Army
- Militainment, Inc. (Stahl) (book), 255
- Militarism, commercial wargaming’s vision of, 254–256. See also Naturalizing high-tech militarism
- Militarized humanitarianism, 306, 319–327, 498, 499
- Militarized masculinity, challenging, 319–327
- Military affairs revolution. See Revolution in Military Affairs
- Military coups as focus of wargame, 495–496
- Military-entertainment complex, 100, 254–256, 262, 355, 357, 368
- Military history. See Academic wargaming; Historical wargaming
- Military-industrial complex, 303–308, 357
- Military sciences, origin of wargaming in, 3–10. See also Professional wargaming
- Military training wargaming. See Professional wargaming
- Military values
- in America’s Army, 304, 305
- RMA’s impact on, 275–276
- Mills, Garrett, 432
- Milton Bradley, 18, 29, 30
- “Mind’s Eye” DARPA project, 658–659
- Miniature Figure Collectors of America, 13
- Miniatures
- Brom’s influences, 623–624
- collectors’ discouragement of wargaming with, 13
- Games Workshop, 604, 605, 607, 613, 619–620
- hobby networks, 19
- innovations of 1960s, 20
- Miniature War in Iraq, 409–416
- and Scruby, 15
- Stevenson’s wargaming use of, 10–11
- War Games (photo artwork), 399–408
- Wells’s wargaming use of, 11–13
- Miniature wargames
- as adjuncts to RPGs, 79
- air battle depiction, 58
- and board games, 92–93, 203–204
- compelling experience of war in wargame, 409, 412, 414
- complex terrain for, 68
- Harpoon as, 209
- vs. kriegspiel context, 121
- and limitations of wargame vocabulary, 202
- Magic: The Gathering’s influence on, 30
- medieval, 20–21, 22
- stands for groups of figures, 628n3
- Toy Soldiers, 295–302
- The Sword and The Flame, 623–628
- UK as center of gaming, 79
- Warhammer, 29
- Warhammer 40,000, 603, 608–619
- Miniature War in Afghanistan (Conley) (art installation), 413–416
- Miniature War in Iraq (Conley) (art installation), 409–416
- Minimax or maximin strategies, 241–242
- Miranda, Joseph, 444, 495, 518, 519, 527
- Miro company, 18
- Mississippi Banzai (1990) (Bomba), 445
- Mobile devices, wargaming on, 225–226
- Modding (modifying games)
- and challenge to game publisher, 96–97
- Harpoon, 217, 219n11
- popularity of, 213–214
- vs. scenario design, 153, 155–156n3
- tower defense video games, 296
- Modeled time, in combat sequence, 122, 123, 126–131
- Models, wargames as, 183–184. See also Wargame modeling
- Modern Air Power (2005), 221–227
- Modern Battles: Four Contemporary Conflicts (1975) (Barasch), 56
- Modernity and War (Lawrence) (book), 644
- Modern War (magazine), 495
- Modern War in Miniature (1966) (Korn), 20
- Modifications. See Modding
- Modular approach to game design. See War Engine model
- Mokszycki, Mark, 68
- Molding, James, 392
- Moltke, Helmuth von, 10
- Monograph games
- Gettysburg, 15, 16, 18, 85, 86
- in hobby tradition, 19
- Tactics, 15, 16, 18, 84, 85, 86, 96
- Tactics II, 85–86, 88, 399
- in War Engine development, 89–104
- Monopologs (1957), 364
- “Monster” wargames, 25, 49–54
- Moral clarity and entertainment value of wargames, 265. See also Ethical considerations
- Morie, Jacquelyn Ford, 365–367
- Morison, Elting E., 170–171
- Moro, Aldo, 371–372, 373
- The Morrow Project (1981) (Dockery), 75
- Morschauser, Joe, 19
- Morse, Philip, 162–163, 165, 171
- Mortimer’s Cross (2015), 198
- A Most Dangerous Time (2009) (Nakamura), 45
- MQ-1 Predator drone, 656
- MQ-9 Reaper drone, 656
- Multidisciplinary approach to problem solving, 345
- Multiliteracy model of teaching history, 448–449
- Multi-Man Publishing, 30, 118
- Multimodeling, 473–480, 539–544
- Multiplayer games
- 1970s networked games, 25–26
- America’s Army, 303–308
- Call of Duty’s innovations, 266
- computer vs. board game’s ability to represent, 684
- Harpoon, 209, 210
- Modern Air Power, 222
- play-by-mail method, 19–20, 25, 27
- Multipolarity in COIN gaming, 518
- “Mushware,” defined, 96
- Mustin, Henry “Hank
- Myers, David, 100
- Napoleon Bonaparte, 562
- Napoleonic warfare
- Commands & Colors: Napoleonics, 391–396
- “Crossing the Berezina
- and Debord’s The Game of War, 381, 388–389n6
- Eagles of the Empire, 197
- England Expects, 458
- Grenadier, 94–95
- Wellington’s Victory, 202
- Napoleon’s Last Battles (1970s), 99
- Napoleon’s Triumph (2007) (Simmons), 201–207
- Narrative, game
- accuracy problem for IW games, 536
- and Bolaño’s The Third Reich, 589–590
- Call of Duty series, 264, 270
- and D&D, 24
- evolution of, 558–560
- games as shared narrative worlds, 349–350
- and historical use of compelling experience, 339–343
- limited agency sequences in video games, 311–312
- in play-by-mail games, 20
- political/military game, 504
- for professional wargaming, 337–338
- and realism, 332–335
- religious strife and military action games, 540–541
- research on, 172–175
- role in RPGs, 556
- storyboard in amateur design, 460–461
- Twilight Struggle, 467–469
- This War of Mine, 694–699
- Warhammer 40,000, 615–619
- “Narrative” design goals, and combat, 71–72, 77–79
- Nash Equilibrium Mixed Strategy (NEMS), 241–242, 249n2
- Naturalizing high-tech militarism
- cyberwarfare, 269, 271–275
- premediating the future of warfare, 254–256
- remediation to premediation process, 264–269
- simulation, realism, ludic constraints, 261–264
- through Revolution in Military Affairs, 256–261, 275–278
- Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS), 212
- Naval War College. See US Naval War College
- Naval warfare. See also US Naval War College
- Carrier, 60
- Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations, 151
- Fleet Admiral, 49–54
- Fletcher Pratt’s Naval Wargame, 13, 36–37
- Fred Jane’s Naval Wargame, 34, 35
- Harpoon series, 209–218, 218n1, 219nn11–12, 282
- integrating air support with, 56, 57, 60
- Jutland: Fleet Admiral II, 50–52
- operations research example, 163
- Royal Navy wargame, 34
- Silent War, 187–189
- Steel Wolves, 187–189, 193
- submarine warfare during WWII, 187–189
- The Navigator of Rhada (Gilman) (book), 610
- NAVTAG, 209
- Navy Electronic War Simulator (NEWS), 333
- Negotiation exercises, 498
- Negri, Antonio, 372, 373, 387–388n1
- NEMS (Nash Equilibrium Mixed Strategy), 241–242, 249n2
- Network-centric warfare, 258–261, 269, 272–273
- Networks of gamers. See Gamer communities
- New Left/Left, 371–387, 394–396
- New media. See also Institute for Creative Technologies
- and role-playing games in education, 347–348
- wargaming role prior to digital video, 344–345
- and zeitgeist markers in wargames, 340, 341, 342–344
- NEWS (Navy Electronic War Simulator), 333
- New World Order Battles: Kiev (Miranda), 679
- Nicaragua (1988) (Miranda), 495, 518, 674
- Nimitz, Chester, 179
- 9/11 terrorist attacks, impact on naturalization of warfare, 256, 261, 320
- 1914 (1968) (Dunnigan), 90
- 1989: Dawn of Freedom (2012), 494
- Nitze, Paul, 231–232
- Nofi, Al, 90
- Nonkinetic actions, wargaming of. See also Political/military wargames
- cultural wargames, 545–551
- digital games, 490–491, 496–497
- hobby application of, 492–494
- and insurgency politics, 494–496
- in national security community, 485–486
- peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development games, 497–499
- and rise of political/military gaming, 486–488
- and theory of warfare, 488–492
- Norman, Carl, 210
- Normative soldiers, good and necessary wars, 319–321
- North, Oliver, 253
- “No Russian” sequence in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, 311, 312–313, 316–317
- Nostalgic algorithm, Debord’s, 371–387
- Nova Games, 28
- NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System), 212
- Nuclear Destruction (1970) (Loomis), 25
- Nuclear warfare
- Call of Duty, 265
- deterrence modeling, 478–479
- impact on post-WWII wargaming, 14
- Kahn’s apocalyptic deterrence strategy, 331
- Persian Incursion, 285–286
- professional wargaming, 478–480
- Nuts! Publishing, 290
- NVS (National System for Geo-Intelligence Video Services), 658
- Objective Force Warrior (OFW) program, 260–261, 268
- Occupy movements (2011–2012), 395
- Octagon (Saberhagen) (book), 26–27
- OFW (Objective Force Warrior) program, 260–261, 268
- OGRE (1977) (Jackson), 24
- 1000 Days of Syria (2014) (Swenson), 499
- Onians, John, 642, 646–647, 648–649, 651, 652, 653
- Online multiplayer games. See Multiplayer games
- Onlline forums for wargaming, 466–467
- Ono, Yoko, 704
- On War (Clausewitz) (book), 391–392, 396, 443
- Operational Art of War series, 150, 151–152, 156n7
- “Operational Combat” series, 61
- Operational-level games
- air power in, 56, 60–61, 221–227
- Avalon Hill’s early games as, 89
- Napoleon’s Triumph and goal-driven design, 201–207
- Operation Anaconda, Afghanistan, 267
- Operation Dauntless (2015) (Mokszycki), 68–69
- Operations research (OR)
- and compelling experience factor in RPGs, 345–346
- defined, 162
- effective analyses situations, 164–165
- in Global 2000 wargame, 472–473
- interactive planning role, 180–181
- limitations vs. real combat experience, 163–164, 435
- purpose of, 161–162
- reality effect problems in wargames, 336
- renewed dominance in defense analysis, 170–171
- and rise of political/military gaming, 486–487
- in support of decision making in war, 159–166, 487
- vs. systems analysis, 178
- ORA application, 476–477
- Order of Arms series (Miller), 197, 200n4
- Organizational adaptation, and RMA, 257, 258, 259–260
- Organizational cultures, 546–547
- Organization models, Global 2000 wargame, 474
- Overrun system, in Tigers Are Burning, 43
- Over the Edge (1992) (Laws), 77–78
- Owen, Henry, 235
- Owens, William A., 258
- Pacific War (1984) (Herman), 57
- Pacifism, wargaming as encouraging, 19. See also Peacebuilding
- Paletta, Anthony, 568
- Panegyric (Debord) (book), 373, 374
- PanzerBlitz (1970) (Dunnigan), 20, 89, 92, 93–94, 96, 97, 102–103
- Panzergruppe Guderian (1976) (Dunnigan), 99, 442, 444, 682
- Paper Harpoon (Paper Rules) (1981), 209, 215, 219n12
- Papers, Please (2013) (Pope), 699
- Paper wargames. See Manual wargames
- Paramount Pictures, 596
- Parker Brothers, 18, 30
- Parry, Richard, 392
- Patenting of game methodologies, 134
- Paths of Glory (PoG) (1999) (Raicer), 141–147
- Patrick, Stephen, 86
- “Pattern of life” analysis, drone operations, 659–660
- Paulson, Ronald, 581
- Peacebuilding
- chess-based games for, 704–705
- games involving, 497–499, 500
- Global Challenge, 493
- RMA’s side-tracking of, 254, 275–278
- and wargames as learning tools, 421
- Wells’s wargame as designed to discourage war, 11–12
- Peace Support Operations Model (PSOM), 489–490
- Peckham, Matt, 700–701
- Perla, Peter, 34, 36, 435, 535, 536
- Persian Gulf War, hypergame theory application, 243–247
- Persian Incursion (2010) (Bond), 281–287
- Persuasive Games: The Expressive Power of Videogames (Bogost) (book), 469
- Peter Perla’s The Art of Wargaming (Perla) (book), 34
- Phage Press, 77
- Phalanx, 647–648, 649–650, 664–665n6, 665n10
- Phantom Fury (2011) (Closier), 289–293
- Phillies, George, 433–434
- Phoenix Command (1986) (Nakazono and McKenzie), 76
- Physical layer, wargame modeling, 474
- Pickering, Andy, 653
- Piepol, Diane, 365
- Pinsky, Lawrence, 95
- Planning exercise vs. wargame, 498, 533
- Plan X, 273–274
- Plato, 648–649
- PLATO network, 25
- Platt, John, 347
- Play
- in Debord’s work, 388n3
- defining within wargaming as history education, 452
- Playability. See also Ludic treatment in game design
- and amateur design principles, 458–459
- vs. complexity of realistic simulation, xxviii n5, 336–337, 453
- Edwards’s focus on, 97
- historical games’ willingness to sacrifice for realism, 670
- measurement requirements for hex and counter board games, 204
- Miller’s submarine warfare games, 189
- vs. realism, 5–6, 261–264, 265, 336–337
- for The Sword and The Flame, 624–625, 627
- and unique user interface context for Toy Soldiers, 300
- user interface features in digital games, 223
- and wargames vs. simulations, 361
- Play-by-mail method, 19–20, 25, 27
- The Player of Games (Banks) (book), 560, 569–570
- Players. See also Amateur designers; Multiplayer games
- complicity in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 310, 313–318
- importance of interaction for military training purpose, 175
- single-player games, 209, 222, 264, 289–292
- tabletop simulation vs. reality, 46–47
- and user testing for historical game validation, 194–195
- Playing at the World (Peterson) (book), 38
- Playing time. See Time and space
- Play It by Trust (1966) (Ono), 704
- The Plot to Assassinate Hitler (1976) (Dunnigan), 495–496
- Plowshares into Swords (Stockfish) (book), 168–169
- PMSEII (political, military, economic, social, information and infrastructural) dimensions, 488
- Point-to-point system vs. hex grid, 142–144
- Political/military gaming. See also Cold War
- and academic attention to wargaming, 173
- Battle for Baghdad, 495, 535, 677
- card-driven games, 282–283, 493–494, 677
- COIN games as, 524–525, 527
- “Connected Shadows,” 504–507, 509, 510
- Crisis 2000, 673–674
- Crisis 2020, 673–674, 675–676
- decision making for, 133, 231–237, 488, 492
- development games, 497–499, 500
- digital games, 490–491, 496–497
- diplomacy, 15–16, 19–20, 229–230, 486
- Djambi as, 374–376, 379–380
- evolution of, 229–237, 486–492
- The Game of War, 379, 387
- in hobby wargaming, 492–494, 500
- humanitarian games, 497–499, 500
- and irregular warfare, 494–496
- military coups as focus of wargame, 495–496
- in national security community, 485–492, 500
- peacebuilding games, 497–499, 500
- Persian Incursion as, 283–287
- religious strife and military action, 539–544
- Rise and Decline of the Third Reich as, 587–588
- vs. Sabin’s academic wargaming, 421
- “Scattered Lights
- Somali Pirates as, 493, 519, 677
- Tupamaro as, 518, 520, 521, 522
- Political/social commentary in wargames in literature, 566–571
- Politics, military structures as training for participatory, 649–650, 661–662
- Poniske, John, 517
- Postapocalytpic settings, 75
- Pouchin, Thomas, 290
- Power games outside of war. See Political/military gaming
- Pratchett, Terry, 563
- Pratt, Fletcher, 13, 36–37
- Preactive planning, 180
- Premediation (2010) (Grusin), 256, 261
- Premediation of future warfare, 254–256, 257, 258–259, 261, 263–269
- PRESTAGS (1976), 442
- Price, Alfred, 434
- Priestley, Rick, 603
- “The Prisoner” (E. Brontë), 555
- The Prisoner (television series), 564
- Probabilistic decision making, 8, 121
- “Problem space,” drones/automated warfare in, 641, 642, 656, 662
- Procedural rhetoric, 469–470
- Professional wargaming. See also Decision making; RAND Corporation; individual games by name
- vs. academic gaming, 422
- cognitive lock problem with single game lessons, 179
- COIN-themed, 495
- command experience benefit of, 4, 8–9, 13–14
- and commercial/hobby gaming, 34, 99–100, 337, 352n5, 497, 514
- cultural wargaming perspective, 546
- development to meet military needs, 107–111
- DoD definition, 173
- Dunn-Kempf rules, 37–38
- gender biases in, 355–357
- historical overview, 173
- Hypergame Theory, 241–248
- and ICT, 337–338, 341, 342, 358, 364–368, 490–491
- inability to predict the irrational, 171
- inaccessibility and reputation of wargames generally, 434
- inflection of solicitation in, 338–341
- interactive planning role, 180–181
- irregular warfare, 485–486, 503–510, 531–537
- late 20th-century return to, 83
- metamodeling in, 477–478
- military exercises as inspiration for, 703
- military strategy training aims, 33
- modeling for, 471–480
- vs. operations research, 178
- relevance function for military, 109–110
- rules for, 34–35
- sponsoring of, 534–535
- systems analysis shortcomings, 170, 178
- teaching at college level, 429
- as writing systems, 331–332
- Propaganda, wargame as, 305–308, 309–310, 411, 416
- Prussian army, wargaming development, 7–9, 107
- PSOM (Peace Support Operations Model), 489–490
- Psychological operations (PSYOP), 673
- Pythagorean cosmos, military inspiration for, 648, 649
- Qualitative methods applied to IW wargame analysis, 537
- Quantitative basis for operational decisions. See Operations research (OR)
- Quebec 1759 (1972) (Brewster), 682
- Quixote, Don (fictional character), 579, 580, 581, 582
- Rabelais, 584, 586n13
- Rainbird, 101
- Rainbow Six (1998) (Upton), 268
- Rampart (1990) (Salwitz), 296
- RAND Corporation
- air defense simulation, 333
- diplomatic role-playing games, 229–230
- future studies and role-playing games, 345–346
- and Harpoon Pro, 218
- Hitch’s application of economics to defense analysis, 166
- and immersive simulation experience in Cold War games, 340–341
- and just war philosophies, 359–364
- management game design, 346
- masculinist bias in, 364
- and rise of political/military gaming, 487
- and Roberts’s game design, 86–87
- Rapid recombination of information fragments as zeitgeist marker of present, 350–351
- Reactive planning, 180
- Ready Player One (Cline) (book), 558, 566
- Realism. See also Simulation
- and commercial wargaming, 25–28, 262, 681–688
- and complexity issue, xxviii n5, 336–337, 453
- computer wargaming’s technical and physics focus, 261–262
- dice as compromise to, 436
- and fixing of attention, 334–335, 338–339, 340
- historical games’ willingness to sacrifice playability for, 670
- miniatures gamers’ quest for, 409
- and narratives, 332–335
- vs. playability, 5–6, 261–264, 265, 336–337
- and Tristram Shandy, 579, 583, 586n12
- Real-time strategy (RTS) games, 215–216, 218n1, 221–227, 496–497, 686–687
- Recruitment tool, military wargaming as
- America’s Army, 111, 303, 304, 305, 356
- and gender biases, 357
- US Army’s discovery of, 110–111
- value of, 254–255
- “Red Baron” study, 107–108
- Red Brigades, 371–372, 373
- “Red Flag
- Red Seas Under Red Skies (Lynch) (book), 564
- Red vs. blue counter color scheme, 204
- Reenactors, war, 629–637
- Referee of game, 9, 14, 23, 25–26, 28
- Reflective devices, wargames as, 310, 311–314, 315–316, 321–325
- Reisswitz, Georg Heinrich Rudolf Johann von, 7, 8–9, 31n3, 172
- Reisswitz, Georg Leopold von, 7–8, 31n3
- Reisswitz family, 7–9
- Religious strife
- Here I Stand, 539–541, 543
- and irregular warfare, 539–544
- Virgin Queen, 66–67, 539–541
- Remote control warfare. See Drone operations
- The Renaissance of Infantry (1970) (Dunnigan), 93
- Renshaw, Jean Rehkop, 364
- Replacements, cards for tactical, 144
- Reporting on war, and wargame battle write-ups
- REPSIM, 217
- Resource management in This War of Mine, 697
- Resources constraint in academic wargaming, 430–431
- Rethinking Wargames: Three Player Chess (2003) (Catlow), 705
- Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA)
- and America’s Army as propaganda, 305–308
- Black Ops series, 253–254, 262, 263, 269, 270, 272, 273, 277
- dangers to military and peace values, 254, 275–278
- naturalizing high-tech militarism through, 256–261, 275–278
- and organizational adaptation, 257, 258, 259–260
- side-tracking of peacebuilding efforts, 254, 275–278
- and terrorism, 256, 258–259, 267, 268
- Richfield, Paul, 658
- The Right Tools for the Job (Clarke) (book), 355
- Riris, Haris, 152
- Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (1974) (Prados), 442, 560, 587–591
- Risk (1959), 18
- Risk assessment, gaming research contribution to, 225
- RMA. See Revolution in Military Affairs
- Road to the Rhine (1979) (Chadwick), 528
- Roberts, Charles S., 15, 84
- Rock-scissors-paper game, 241–242
- Roelker, Dan, 273
- Role, function of. See also Decision making
- educational vs. analytical game, 504, 505–507, 508, 509
- in Herman’s CDG game design, 134
- IW game design challenges, 536
- RoleMaster (1980) (Charlton), 73, 74
- Role-playing games (RPGs). See also individual games by name
- adoption in public schools and higher education, 347
- agency as purpose of civilian, 323, 353n10
- business management simulations, 346–347
- combat systems, 71–80
- as compelling experience and reality effect, 337–348
- dominance in wargaming in 1980s, 29
- Dungeons & Dragons as first, 21, 23–25
- evolution from wargame perspective to, 71
- Games Workshop’s role in, 603
- gender role biases in, 355–357
- historical development, 71–80
- humanitarian mission exercises, 498
- narrative’s role in, 556
- play-by-mail storytelling, 20
- RAND’s emphasis on importance of, 345, 361
- reality effect, 333–335, 336
- rise of political/military gaming, 487–488
- and wargames, 556–557
- Romanticization of warfare, impact on game design, 254–256, 515–516
- Rome: Total War (2004), 156n4
- Rondfelt, David, 258
- Rostow, Walt, 231–232
- Royal Navy wargame (1921), 34
- RPGs. See Role-playing games
- Rubel, Robert “Barney
- Rules
- British Colonial battles, 624
- career longevity, 194
- Combat Commander vs. ASL’s weight and distribution of, 128–131
- Debord’s The Game of War, 375–377, 378, 381–386
- Dunn-Kempf wargame, 37–38
- educational vs. analytical game, 504, 505, 507, 508
- flexible vs. non-flexible in editable digital games, 95, 96, 102
- HWP’s role in publishing and preserving, 40
- integration into cards by Magic, 30
- medieval wargames, 21
- miniatures wargames, 20
- Paper Harpoon, 209, 215, 219n12
- and procedural rhetoric, 469
- for professional wargames, 34–35
- Rise and Decline of the Third Reich, 587–588
- Scruby’s contribution to, 15
- Star Fleet Battles, 599–600
- styles of drafting, 459
- sword and sorcery games, 21
- Tactics, 16, 18
- The Sword and The Flame, 624–626
- Twilight Struggle, 465
- Warhammer 40,000, 611–614, 619
- war reenactors in private events, 632
- Rumsfeld, Donald, 259
- RuneQuest (1978) (Perrin), 73–74
- Ruritania (fanzine), 20
- The Russian Campaign (TRC) (1974) (Edwards), 43, 96–97
- Russian Campaign II (1986) (Edwards), 97
- Saberhagen, Fred, 26
- Sabin, Philip, 454n2, 651
- Sachs, J. C., 12–13
- Saito, Takako, 704–705
- Salter, Mark B., 306
- Sanguinetti, Gianfranco, 372
- Sarajevo, siege of, 694, 695
- Sargent, Robert, 641
- Sarkeesian, Anita, 356
- Saturation of defense, tactical concept, 161
- Saxenian, AnnaLee, 355
- Sayre, Farrand, 14
- “Scattered Lights
- Scenario-based wargaming. See also War Engine model
- amateur editing and scenario creation, 20, 98–99, 151–155
- Combat Commander as, 122
- gamer’s capability to modify, 100
- Goodfellow’s analysis of editors, 149–155
- Harpoon as, 212–213
- impact of system + scenario structure, 94, 95
- vs. modding, 153, 155–156n3
- for political/military wargaming, 490
- software tools for, 100–101, 102–103
- special scenario rules, 129–131
- SPI/Dunnigan’s development of, 93–94
- Star Fleet Battles as, 600
- Warhammer 40,000 as, 615–619
- and war reenactments, 631, 633–636
- Schechter, Joel, 340
- Schlesinger, Keith “Kirk
- Schnaubelt, Franz Joseph, 595
- Schorske, Carl, 464
- Science fiction-based wargames
- Dune, 24–25
- Empire, 25
- Federation & Empire, 596
- Freedom in the Galaxy, 495
- Last Battle, 79
- Space: 1889, 79–80
- Star Fleet Battles, 593–600, 595
- Starfleet Orion, 26
- Traveller, 73, 79
- Twilight: 2000, 75, 76, 80
- Warhammer series, 29, 603–604, 607, 608–619, 611
- Scruby, Jack, 15, 17, 624
- Second Life (2003) (Rosedale), 367
- Seixas, Peter, 448
- Sekigahara (2011) (Calkins), 64
- Selling wargames to non-wargamers, 669–671
- Semantic interoperability, 477–478
- Semantic layer, wargame modeling, 475
- Seminar wargames, 174, 336, 487–488, 504–507, 545
- Sengoku, Japan, mapmaking aesthetics, 64–65
- Sensorium, wargame as mediated, 331, 335, 349–350, 351
- Sensory inputs and reality effect of wargames and entertainments, 334–335
- Sentiment in Tristram Shandy, 582, 584, 585n8
- September 12th: A Toy World (2002), 663, 667n20
- Setlak, Wojciech, 691
- Sexual harassment training, video gaming for, 366–367
- Shakespeare, William, 573
- Shandy, Toby (fictional character), 573, 574–584
- Shandy, Tristram (fictional character), 573–574, 575, 576–579, 581–584, 585n6
- Shaw, Ian, 306
- Shaw, Tom, 89–90
- Shining Path (1995) (Train), 519, 522
- “Shock and Awe” sequence in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 318n2
- Sicart, Miguel, 358, 359
- Sid Meier’s Civilization IV (2005), 152–153
- Sid Meier’s Civilization: the Board Game (2002), 30
- Sid Meier’s Civilization V (2010), 541–543
- Sidran, Ezra, 150
- Signaling of intentions in political/military gaming, 231–237
- Signal Studio, 295
- Silent War (2005) (Miller), 187–189
- SIMNET training system, 660
- Simon, Herb, 247
- Simondon, Gilbert, 645
- Simonides, 649
- Simonsen, Redmond A., 90, 94
- Simulating War (Sabin) (book), 426, 429, 437
- Simulation
- air defense simulation from RAND, 333
- America’s Army as, 111, 254, 262
- ancient Greek foundation for wargames, 651, 652
- ARMA as, 262
- ASL’s limitations as, 115
- as basis for tabletop and computer wargames, 29
- battlespace control, 656–662
- birth of, 4–5
- business management, 346–347
- compelling experience of, 337–341, 349–350
- complexity and playability issue, xxviii n5, 336–337
- “Crossing the Berezina” scenario, 391–396
- decision making challenges, 431–433
- and digital games, 102, 216–217, 261–264, 425, 685–688
- drone operations as, 659–660
- ethical considerations, 358–359
- fidelity to reality question, 43–47, 50–51, 685–688
- forensic approach to, 196–198
- “Hell-on-Wings” trainer and realism, 332–333
- historians’ skepticism about, 450
- lack of widespread following for, 262
- limitations of Debord’s The Game of War, 379
- Modern Air Power as, 221–227
- naturalizing high-tech militarism, 261–264
- new directions for, 703–706
- origins in military training, 107
- vs. reality, 43–47, 171, 333–334, 335–336
- Star Fleet Battles as, 597–600
- statistical and forensics validation for, 183–199
- time and space modifications in COIN, 519, 521–522
- UrbanSim, 490–491
- vs. wargaming, 262, 352n3, 361, 493
- “Simulationist” design goals, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78–79, 90
- Simulation literacy, wargames in history classroom, 447–454
- Simulation Publications, Inc. (SPI)
- acquisition by TSR, 28
- ambitious production goals for new games, 92
- at cusp of computer game revolution, 681
- Dunnigan’s founding of, 20, 90–91
- engine vs. content, 103
- games in series, 98–99
- gaming structure innovations, 91–95
- modular systems of 1980s, 97
- philosophy vs. Avalon Hill, 91
- and player as designer, 98–99
- The Plot to Assassinate Hitler, 495–496
- Sword & Sorcery, 20
- and Third Reich game development, 587
- War of the Ring, 24
- Singer, Peter, 253, 277
- Single combat, rules for medieval, 21
- Single-player games, 209, 222, 264, 289–292
- Situational awareness, depicting in air warfare games, 59
- Situationist International, 379, 381–382, 387, 388n3, 394–395
- Šivickas, Antanas Mockus, 705–706
- Six Days in Fallujah, 290, 515
- Skóra, Maciej, 691
- Smith, Robert, 149–150
- Social movements of 1960s in Europe, 371–373, 395
- Social networks, professional wargaming modeling, 474, 476–477, 491
- Social stigma of playing games and of war, 434–437, 435, 514–515, 559–562, 571
- Sociocultural phenomenon, wargame as in This War of Mine, 699–700. See also Cultural considerations
- SOF (Special Operations Forces), 260, 265–267, 268, 276
- Software development culture, potentially divisive subcultures of, 357–358
- Somali Pirates (2012) (Miranda), 493, 519, 677
- A Song of Ice and Fire (Martin) (book series), 567–568
- South Africa (1977) (Hardy), 516–517
- Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 108–109
- Space: 1889 (1988) (Chadwick), 79–80
- Spears, Jesse, 210
- Specht, Robert, 340
- Special Operations Forces (SOF), 260, 265–267, 268, 276
- Special scenario rules (SSRs), 129–131
- Spec Ops: The Line (2012), 279n4, 319–327, 516, 699
- Speculative nature of wargaming, 3
- Speculative themes in wargames, 83. See also Fantasy-based games; Science fiction-based wargames
- SPI. See Simulation Publications, Inc.
- Spike, Mike, 58
- Sponsoring professional wargames, 534–535
- Sports coverage and drone video playback, 658
- Squad Leader (SL) (1977) (Hill), 25, 113–115, 121, 122–124, 126, 128, 442
- Square law of combat, 160–161
- SSG (Strategic Study Group), 101
- SSI (Strategic Simulations Inc.), 26, 101
- SSRs (special scenario rules), 129–131
- Staff Assistant in Harpoon, 212
- Stahl, Roger, 254–256, 262, 305, 306, 657
- Stalingrad (1978/1980) (Roberts), 96, 97, 399
- Star Fleet Battles (SFB) (1979) (Cole), 593–600
- Starfleet Orion (1978), 26
- Star Fleet Universe, 596–597, 600
- Starr, Paul, 450
- Star Trek (television series), 563, 593–600
- Starweb (1976) (Loomis), 25
- Statistical approach to validation, 186–196
- Steam Workshop, 153, 156n9
- Steel Wolves (2010) (Miller), 187–189, 193
- Sterne, Laurence, 573–586
- Steve Canyon (comic strip), 361, 362
- Steve Jackson Games, 77
- Stevenson, Robert Louis, 10–11
- Stiegler, Bernard, 644, 645, 649, 664n3, 665n9, 666n12
- Stockfisch, J. A., 168–169, 336
- Stonewall Jackson’s Way (1992) (Kibler), 63
- Stonkers (1983), 26
- Storytelling. See Narrative, game
- Strategic and Historical Games, 374, 378
- Strategic bombing, 55
- Strategic-level games
- and air power, 57, 60
- Avalon Hill’s early games as, 89
- cards for strategic movement, 144
- Civilization series as, 29, 30, 152–153, 541–543, 569
- early digital game era popularity of, 216–217
- Empire of the Sun as, 135
- Europa Universalis II as, 463–464
- hypergame theory applied to, 243–248
- and monograph method, 89
- real-time strategy, 215–216, 218n1, 221–227, 496–497, 686–687
- Rise and Decline of the Third Reich as, 587
- RTS games, 215–216, 218n1, 221–227, 496–497, 686–687
- vs. tactical-level games, 56, 155n1
- vs. wargames, 83
- Strategic Multi-layered Assessment office, DoD, 478–480
- Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI), 26, 101
- Strategic Study Group (SSG), 101
- Stratego (1961), 18
- Strategy I (1969), 92
- Strategy & Tactics (S&T) (magazine), 20, 28, 90, 91, 92, 95
- Strike of the Sword (Closier), 293
- Studies of War (Blackett) (book), 161–162
- A Study in Strategy (Kuenne) (book), 187
- Stuxnet (computer worm), 271–272
- Subjectivity, and validation of historical events, 184, 185, 187
- Submarine warfare, WWII, 187–189
- Supply and logistics, 134, 146
- Surveillance, drones and lived experience of, 642, 645–646, 659
- Suspensions of Perception (Crary) (book), 334
- The Sword and The Flame (TSATF) (1979–2008) (Brom), 623–627
- Sword and sorcery. See Fantasy-based games
- Sword & Sorcery (1978) (Costikyan), 24
- Syntactic layer, wargame modeling, 474
- Synthetic experience, wargame as, 331
- System-of-systems concept for military operations, 258
- Systems, wargaming, defined, 3
- Systems analysis
- counterinsurgency gaming, 527–528
- criticism of, 352n4, 359
- disconnect from human decision making, 166–172, 181–182n1, 345–346
- disdain for “hobbyist” wargaming, 173
- DoD IW games, 537
- and Dunnigan’s game development, 93, 94
- and expansion of role-playing games into formal education, 347
- Global 2000 wargame, 472–473
- interactive planning role, 180–181
- and just war philosophy, 359
- vs. operations research, 178
- and “Scattered Lights” example of analytical game, 507–509
- and wargame as compelling experience, 345–346
- Systems and situations
- gender, just war and game design, 355–368
- Ludic Science Club, 391–396
- Miniature War in Iraq, 409–416
- nostalgic algorithm, Debord’s, 371–387
- War Games (photo artwork), 399–408
- writing systems, wargames as, 331–351
- Tabletop wargames. See also Board wargames; individual games by name
- air warfare challenges for, 58–59
- cultural wargames as, 545
- derived from digital games, 30
- dice and combat mechanics, 73–74, 76–77, 78
- vs. digital games, 26, 121, 454n2
- digital games’ debt to, 29, 155n2
- point-to-point system vs. hex grid, 142–144
- religious strife and military action, 539–541
- role-playing design for, 71–80
- and simulation vs. reality, 43–47, 123–124
- Warhammer 40,000, 603, 608–619
- WRG rules for, 37
- Tac Air (1987) (Morgan), 57
- TACSPIEL, 33, 514
- Tactical Game 3 (1969) (Dunnigan), 20, 92–93, 94
- Tactical Iraqi, 356, 357
- Tactical-level games
- ASL as, 56
- cards for force replacements, 144
- Dunnigan’s development of, 20, 92–93, 94
- Dunn-Kempf wargame, 37–38
- early computer use in, 14
- and need for political/military perspective, 229
- Phantom Fury as, 289–293
- vs. strategic-level games, 56, 155n1
- and time in wargaming, 123–131
- Up Front card-based tactical system, 121
- Venturini’s mapmaking innovation, 6–7
- Tactical Studies Rules (TSR), 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 74
- Tactics (1954) (Roberts), 15, 16, 18, 84, 85, 86, 96
- Tactics II (1958) (Roberts), 85–86, 88, 399
- Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 178
- Tanktics (1981) (Crawford), 26, 100
- Task Force Games, 595, 596, 597
- Task resolution. See Combat systems
- Taylor, Craig, 625
- Team development, cultural wargaming, 546
- Technics
- and ancient Greek foundations for Western ethnoculture, 646–652, 653, 665n9
- computerized battlespace development, 653–656
- cultural and ethical consequences, 662–663, 666n13
- defined, 644
- Technics and Time 1 (Stiegler) (book), 644
- Technology. See also Cyberwarfare; Digital war-themed games
- battlespace control, 643–646
- computerization’s impact on warfare, 26–27, 261–262, 355, 653–656
- and drones in battlespace control, 642
- function in human society, 641, 644–652, 664n5
- Lanchester’s analysis of impact on warfare effectiveness, 161
- and loss of military’s moral center of valor and sacrifice, 276–277
- Terrorism. See also Drone operations
- Call of Duty, 265
- and constant warfare, 276–277
- game-theoretical reasoning for, 242
- Labyrinth, 30, 494, 517, 519, 670
- 9/11 attacks, impact on naturalization of warfare, 256, 261, 320
- and RMA, 256, 258–259, 267, 268
- September 12th: A Toy World, 663, 667n20
- Test Series Games from SPI, 92
- Tewkesbury, battle of, 197
- Textuality. See Narrative, game; Rules
- Theater of war vs. battlespace, 654
- Themes, importance in wargames, 83
- The Thing (1982) (film), 563
- Third Lebanon War (2014) (Train), 519, 525
- Third Reich (1974) (Prados), 587–591
- The Third Reich (Bolaño) (book), 560, 568–569, 571, 587–591
- This War of Mine (TWoM) (2014), 496, 691–701
- Thomas, Douglas, 452
- Thorpe, Jack, 660
- 3M Games, 97
- Threefold Model (GDS Theory) for combat systems, 71
- Three Sixty Pacific, 210
- Through the Looking Glass (Carroll) (book), 564
- Thud! (2002/2005) (Truran/Pratchett) (game and book), 563, 564
- Time and space
- air warfare complications in tabletop games, 59
- in Combat Commander, 122–131
- in drone operations, 641, 660–661
- and game design, 122, 123, 134
- insurgency context, 519, 521–522
- RTS wargames, 215–216, 218n1, 221–227, 496–497, 686–687
- speed as advantage of digital games, 149
- tabletop simulation vs. reality, 45–46, 123–124
- Up Front vs. Squad Leader, 121
- of wargaming for military training, 108–109
- Time constraint in academic wargaming, 430
- Timed Influence Net models, 474, 476, 478
- TimeLine, Ltd., 75
- Tipping points, gaming research contribution to, 225
- Titan (1980) (Gorgonstar), 24–25
- Tooby, John, 453
- “Top Gun” (live wargame), 108
- Top Secret (1980) (Rasmussen), 74
- “Total global domination,” at Games Workshop, 604–605
- Total War: Rome II (2013) (Simpson), 687–688
- Total War series, 153–154, 156n4, 666n14
- To the Moon (2011) (Gao), 699
- “Totsuegeki!” scenario in Combat Commander, 123, 124–126, 127, 129, 130
- Tournament play, 116–117, 146
- Tower defense, 295, 296–299
- Toy Soldiers (2010), 295–302
- Transactional memory, and hypergame theory, 243
- Traveller (1977) (Miller), 73, 79
- Tristram Shandy (Sterne) (book), 573–586
- Tron (film), 561
- Tropico series of simulations, 496
- Trudeau, Garry, 399–400, 401
- TSATF (The Sword and The Flame) (1979–2008) (Brom), 623–627
- TSR (Tactical Studies Rules), 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 74
- Tunnels & Trolls (1975) (St. Andre), 24, 73
- Tupamaro (1996) (Train), 518, 519, 520, 521, 522
- Turkle, Sherry, 450
- Turner, Fred, 351
- Turns, taking
- Brom’s abandoning of for The Sword and The Flame, 625
- in Debord’s The Game of War, 376–377
- in digital games, 155n2
- vs. real-time, 215–216
- strategic-level games, 686–687
- and tabletop vs. digital game, 26, 121
- and time and space artificialities in wargames, 45–46, 123–124
- in Warhammer 40,000, 609–610
- Twilight: 2000 (1984), 75, 76, 80
- Twilight Struggle (2004) (Gupta), 464–470, 493–494
- 2K Games, 319
- TWoM (This War of Mine) (2014), 496, 691–701
- UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). See Drone operations
- Ubisoft, 268
- U-boat war during WWII, 187
- UMS: The Universal Military Simulator (1987) (Sidran), 101
- Uncertain information, designing into game, 284
- Unified Engagement wargame, US Air Force, 474
- Unified Modeling Language (UML), 478
- Unified sphere of war operations, 654
- United Nations, 498
- United States. See also entries beginning with US
- early 20th-century wargaming developments, 13
- military abandonment of wargaming post-WWII, 104n1
- Universal Military Simulator games, 150
- Universal simulator concept for historical games, 92
- Unknown Armies (1998) (Tynes), 78
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). See Drone operations
- Up Front (1983) (Allen), 121
- UrbanSim software, 367, 490–491
- US Air Force, 108, 221–227, 474
- US Army. See also America’s Army
- Dunn-Kempf tactical wargame, 37–38
- interactive propaganda as insight into self-image of, 306–307
- new media usage, historical perspective, 344
- wargaming as recruitment tool, 110–111, 303, 304, 305, 356
- US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), 271, 279n6
- US Department of Defense (DoD)
- CISA, 503, 504–508
- and complexities of irregular warfare, 531–537
- expansion of USSO-COM, 260
- preparing for wars of the future, 256–257
- professional wargaming definition, 173
- and RMA origins in budget cuts, 257–258
- Strategic Multi-layered Assessment office, 478–480
- Users. See Players
- US Naval Institute, 219n12
- US Naval War College
- Cold War focus on European theater, 110
- cycle of research adoption, 176
- and Fletcher Pratt’s Naval Wargame, 37
- Global 2000 wargame, 471–474
- importance of player interaction, 175
- NEWS training environment, 333
- pre-WWI wargaming, 172–173
- strengths and weaknesses of wargames as predictors, 178–179
- tradition of wargaming at, xvi
- US Navy
- Global War Game series, 174
- inter-world war gaming training, 108, 173, 176, 178–179
- live air combat wargames, 108
- and McNamara’s systems analysis-based opposition to nuclear propulsion, 168
- relevance motivation for wargaming, 110
- US Special Operation Command (USSO-COM), 260
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War (2014), 699
- Validation test for model, 184, 199
- Vampire: The Masquerade (1991) (Rein-Hagen), 77
- Van Creveld, Martin, 434
- VBS2 and VBS3 (Virtual Battlespace) simulations, 490
- Venturini, Georg, 6
- Verdy du Vernois, Julius von, 13–15
- Verdy’s “Free” Kriegspiel, 35
- Verification test for model, 184
- Victory conditions
- and asymmetry of objectives in COIN games, 524–525, 527
- Empire of the Sun, 139
- The Game of War, 377
- Harpoon, 212
- Napoleon’s Triumph, 204–206
- Paths of Glory, 146
- Persian Incursion, 285–286
- Twilight Struggle, 464–470, 469
- Warhammer 40,000, 613
- Victory in the Pacific (1977) (Hamblen), 45
- A Victory Lost (2006) (Nakamura), 44
- Video games. See also First-person shooter (FPS) video games; individual games by name
- compelling experience as value added, 337–343
- and constant warfare expectation, 254
- cultural pressures on, 515–516
- embodied interactions, 364–368
- glorification of war through, 254–256
- hacking-based, 272–274
- limited agency sequences in, 311–312
- political/military themes, 496–497
- popularity of, 425
- and premediation of future warfare, 261
- rationalization of violence in, 358–359
- sexual harassment training, 366–367
- and social stigma of war in WarGames, 565
- vs. three-dimensional analog games, 414, 416
- weapon branding in commercial, 268
- Viet Nam (1965) (Orbanes), 514
- Vietnam (Levinthal) (photo artwork), 404–405
- Vietnam 1965–1975 (1984) (Karp), 495, 517, 518, 519
- Vietnam War
- Downtown, 60
- Fire in the Lake, 517
- Hearts and Minds: Vietnam 1965–1975, 494, 517
- historical memory and wargames for, 452
- as incentive for wargame development, 107–108
- Modern Air Power, 223
- and remotely piloted aircraft development, 654–655, 660
- Tacspiel, 33
- Viking Game, the (circa 400 CE), 563
- Viking stabilization training exercise, 490
- Violence, rationalization of in video games, 358–359
- Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion 1559–1598 (2012) (Beach), 66–67, 539–541
- Virilio, Paul, 357, 656, 662
- Virtual Battlespace simulations, 254, 490
- Virtual Iraq (PTSD treatment software), 367
- Virtual mediation and virtuous warfare, 275
- Virtual reality, military training and educational applications, 364–368
- Virtue ethics, 314, 315
- Visual intelligence behind drone functionality, 658–659
- Visual literacy, 342–344
- Visual pleasure, Gunning’s analysis, 339
- Von Neuman, John, 241
- Wagner, Christopher, 90, 91
- Wajcman, Judy, 368
- Waller, Fred, 332–333
- Walton, Gordon, 210
- “War, Mathematics and Art in Ancient Greece” (Onians), 646–647
- Warcraft (1994), 29
- Warcraft 3 (2002) (Pardo), 296
- Warden, John, 679
- Wardynski, Casey, 357
- War Engine model
- and ASL, 113–118
- and Combat Commander, 122–131
- culture of scenario design, 149–155
- defined, 93, 107
- developmental overview, 83–104
- and Empire of the Sun, 133–139
- and game engine concept, 103
- impact of system + scenario structure on wargaming, 94, 95
- and Modern Air Power, 222–224
- and need function in historical wargame scenarios, 107–111
- and Paths of Glory, 141–147
- Warfare. See also Future of warfare and wargaming
- computer’s role in intersection of war with game, 26–27
- drones and reinvention of, 643
- failure in war as incentive for wargaming development, 107–108
- lack of theory in definition of, 381, 388
- as metaphor, 560–562
- popularity as teaching topic, 449
- romanticization of, 254–256, 515–516
- similarities with games, 423
- and social stigma against wargames, 434–437, 514–515, 559–562, 571
- as teacher of mathematics, 651
- and Western love affair with technology, 641, 644, 646–652, 664n5
- World War II’s impact on nature of, 14
- Wargame Construction Set (WCS) (Damon), 101–102, 151–152, 156n6
- Wargame Developments (WD), 34–35, 41n2
- War Game Digest (fanzine), 15, 17, 19
- Wargame modeling. See also War Engine model
- agent-based, 425
- credibility of model, 184, 199
- duel model from RAND, 361, 363–364
- educational value of, 423–424, 426–427
- forensic approach to simulation modeling, 196–198
- high resolution vs. high aggregation models, 336
- inhabited models for IW games, 503–510
- layers in, 474–475
- mathematical models of combat, 160, 646–648, 650–652, 653, 654–655, 658
- multimodeling, 473–480, 539–544
- professional wargaming, 472–480
- and rise of political/military gaming, 487, 489–490, 491–492
- time in combat systems, 122, 123, 126–131
- A Wargamer’s Guide to Hyboria (Bath), 41
- Wargamer’s Newsletter (fanzine), 19
- WarGames (1983) (film), 27, 558, 565–566, 571
- War Games (photo artwork), 399–408
- Wargames and wargaming
- basic elements, 84–85, 87, 88
- breadth of use, 107
- Cold War rationale for, 331
- collectible card games’ debt to, 29–30
- computer games (See Digital war-themed games)
- context for, 331
- defining, 3, 83, 558–559, 692
- design (see Game design)
- drone operations characterized as, 658
- as enhancement to creative thinking, 345
- historical development, 3–30, 107
- History of Wargaming Project, 33–41
- hobby tradition (See Hobby wargaming)
- image problem for, 434–437, 514–515, 559–562, 571
- as instantiations of models, 503–509
- levels of war in, 442–443
- as literary metaphor, 560–562, 587–588
- mapmaking aesthetics, 63–70
- for military training (See Professional wargaming)
- as models, 183–184 (See also Wargame modeling)
- new media role prior to digital video, 344–345
- as rational structure for irrational activity, 515–516
- and role-playing games, 556–557
- vs. simulation, 361
- as subjects for critical historical analysis, 451
- as synthetic experiences, 331
- systems for (See Systems and situations)
- tabletop games (See Tabletop wargames)
- and technics of Western civilization, 651–652
- as training mechanisms, 331–332
- value of game, 241–242, 249n4
- vocabulary of, 201–202
- as writing system, 348–351
- Warhammer (1983) (Ansell), 29, 603–604
- Warhammer 40,000 (40K) (1987–2014), 603, 608–619
- Warhammer Fantasy Battles, 611
- Warhammer series, 607
- Wark, McKenzie, 380
- War of the Ring (1977) (Barasch), 24
- War of Wizards (1975) (Barker), 30
- War reenactors in private events, 629–637
- Warsaw Uprising, 696, 701n4
- WCS (Wargame Construction Set) (Damon), 101–103, 151–152, 156n6
- WD (Wargame Developments), 34–35, 41n2
- Weapon branding in commercial video games, 268
- Weapons systems
- Toy Soldiers, 297–299
- uncertainties in Middle East-based games, 284
- use of real-world in America’s Army, 304
- Weather factor in air warfare games, 57, 60
- Webster, J. D., 59
- WebTAS visualization tool, 478
- Weis, Tracey, 555, 556
- Wellington’s Victory (1976) (Davis), 202
- Wells, H. G., 4, 11–13, 40, 555, 557, 558
- Wesencraft, Charlie, 36
- West Africa, irregular warfare games, 503–510
- Western society
- ancient Greek foundations for technics and war in, 646–652, 653, 665n9
- drone operation as ethnocultural experience, 661
- human rights vs. techno-militarist expansion in drone use, 646, 662
- technology’s central role in, 641, 644, 646–652, 664n5
- technoscience and computerized battlespace, 653–656
- and zone of control, 642
- Westmoreland, William, 654
- We the People (1994) (Herman), 133, 134, 142
- What-if scenarios. See Counterfactual speculation
- White Death (1979) (Chadwick), 43
- White Dwarf (magazine), 29, 603, 604, 606
- White phosphorus, 328n4
- WHT (Hypergame Theory), 241–248
- Williams, Dave, 95
- Williams, Walt, 324–325
- Wimble, Ed, 281
- Wineburg, Sam, 448
- Wing Leader system (Brimmicombe-Wood), 58
- Wise, Terry, 36
- Wizarding chess in Harry Potter, 564
- Wizards of the Coast, 30
- WizKid, 30
- Włosek, Rafał, 691
- Women in game design. See Gender
- Woolsey, R. James, 169–170, 172
- Work, James, 584
- Workflow layer, wargame modeling, 475
- World Bank, 498
- World of Tanks (2011), 687
- World of Warcraft (2005–), 358, 359, 561
- World War I
- Dawn Patrol, 29
- effect on Prussian command model, 14
- effect on Wells’s Little Wars, 12
- Fight in the Skies, 20
- Fleet Admiral, 49–54
- historical memory and wargames for, 452
- Jutland, 90, 593
- Jutland: Fleet Admiral II, 50–52
- 1914, 90
- Paths of Glory, 141–147
- Sabin’s academic wargame, 431
- Toy Soldiers, 295–302
- Valiant Hearts: The Great War, 699
- war reenactments, 630, 631–632, 634, 637n3
- World War I (1975) (Dunnigan), 442
- World War II. See also Advanced Squad Leader
- academic use of wargames, 442
- Ace of Aces, 28
- The African Campaign, 97
- Afrika Korps, 441
- Axis & Allies, 28–29
- Battlefield series, 264, 265, 266–267, 684–685
- Beyond Valor, 114
- Blitzkrieg, 95
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, 265, 309–318
- Campaign for North Africa, 684
- Churchill and U-boat war, 187
- Combat Commander, 122–131
- Drive on Stalingrad, 441
- Eastern Front 1941, 100, 101, 102
- Empire of the Sun, 133–139, 140n1
- Fierce Fight! Stalingrad Blitzkrieg, 45
- Fire in the Sky, 44
- Gary Grigsby’s War in the Pacific, 149
- Gary Grigsby’s World at War, 686
- Hearts of Iron, 687
- historical memory and wargames for, 452
- Hitler’s War, 57
- impact on nature of warfare, 14
- and Levinthal’s miniature artworks, 399–404
- Medal of Honor series, 264, 267, 515–516
- Operation Dauntless, 68–69
- Pacific War, 57
- PanzerBlitz, 20, 89, 92, 93–94, 96, 97, 102–103
- Panzergruppe Guderian, 99, 442, 444, 682
- The Plot to Assassinate Hitler, 495–496
- as popular context for digital video games, 264
- Rise and Decline of the Third Reich, 442, 560, 587–591
- Russian Campaign series, 43, 96–97
- and science of war advances, 161–165
- Silent War, 187–189
- Stalingrad, 96, 97, 399
- Steel Wolves, 187–189, 193
- Tactical Game 3, 20
- Third Reich, 587–591
- Victory in the Pacific, 45
- A Victory Lost, 44
- war reenactors, 633, 635
- White Death, 43
- World of Tanks, 687
- Worthington Games, 517
- WRG Wargame Rules for Armoured Warfare, 37
- Writing systems, wargames as, 331–351. See also Narrative, game
- XBLA marketplace, 296
- X-Men film series, and chess, 563
- Zamoyski, Adam, 394
- Zeitgeist markers in wargames, 340, 341, 342–344, 465
- Zieliński, Dominik, 691
- Zocchi, Lou, 86, 595
- Zone of control, 18, 642
- Zones of influence, in Empire of the Sun, 136–137