Chapter 12

Anna was using the back of a chair to help with her post-jogging stretches. She reached behind for her left foot and brought it up against the back of her thigh. After holding the pose for thirty seconds she did the same with the other foot.

She just had completed her first run in over a week, a five-mile circuit, and was feeling wonderfully energized.

She knew it was because of Adam. He’d always been good company, but last night he’d shown a different side of his personality, letting her know that as far as he was concerned, there might be more to their relationship than the usual client/escort arrangement. More even than his desire to make her submit to him.

It was a weight off her shoulders.

She switched back to the first foot and repeated the routine.

She had to admit, she’d been surprised that he hadn’t wanted sex. In some ways it had been a relief. But there was still the question, why not?

She changed to the other foot for the last time.

Had she played it wrong? He hadn’t said it in as many words, but he might have been put off by the fact she was not willing to be controlled again. At least, not as unconditionally as before. She’d made that perfectly clear by her level of resolve.

In the bathroom she pulled her vest over her head and dropped it onto the floor. Her sports bra followed. Reaching into the shower to turn on the faucet, she wondered, had she gone too far? It wasn’t as if she didn’t like him. On the contrary, he was not only good company, but a wonderful lover—when they were alone.

She would be happy to see him on a regular basis, if that was what he wanted. But it would mean no more games and no more power plays.

She wondered whether such a thing was possible.