About the Author

Since 2010, Anthony Aycock has managed the library of the North Carolina Justice Academy, a nationally accredited law enforcement training facility in eastern North Carolina. Before that, he was the head of access services at the Charlotte School of Law Library in Charlotte, North Carolina. He has also been a librarian in law firms, a corporate legal department, and at various public libraries.

Anthony has published essays and articles in the Missouri Review, Gettysburg Review, Creative Nonfiction, ONLINE, Library Journal, National Paralegal Reporter, and Community & Junior College Libraries, and holds a BA in English, an MLIS, and an MFA in creative writing. From 1992 to 2000, Anthony worked as a McDonald’s restaurant manager. He has only two things to say about that career: 1) Big Mac sauce is not Thousand Island dressing; and 2) the next time you use a drive-through in the rain, please, please, please turn off your windshield wipers at the pay window.