All page numbers refer to the 2017 print edition.
Figures in italics refer to illustration numbers
Abstract Expressionism 16, 21, 47, 70
acrylic paint 70, 71, 93–4, 110, 123, 130, 140, 156, 159, 206, 207, 210, 227, 253, 259, 332
AIDS 268, 345–6
Angelico, Fra: The Dream of the Deacon Justinian 167; 139
Apollinaire, Guillaume 218; Les Mamelles de Tirésias 177, 216, 218–19, 242; 168, 183
Art Nouveau 70, 96
Atelier Matthieu, Zürich 87
Athletic Model Guild 66
Auden, W.H., Homage to Clio 33; Rake’s Progress, The (libretto) 170–75 passim
Bachardy, Don 116, 342, 343; portraits of 113, 116–17, 243, 263, 269; 89, 184
Bacon, Francis 34–5, 36; Figure in a Landscape (1945) 20
Balthus 105, 155
Banks, Dr Leon 288–9; portrait of 223
Beaton, Cecil 44
Berger, Mark 22, 39, 41
Bigger Splash. A (film) 137
Birtwell, Celia 154–5, 288, 354–5, 355; portraits of 133–4, 158, 205, 211, 276–7, 332; 109, 126, 127, 162, 211
Blake, Peter 24
Blake, William 47; ‘The Tyger’ 18, 21
Bonnard, Pierre 211
Bosch, Hieronymus 123; Epiphany 123
Boshier, Derek 11, 21, 338
Boucher, François 105; Reclining Girl (Mademoiselle O’Murphy) (1751) 81
Bradford School of Art 15, 16, 39, 61, 79
Bridlington 268, 273, 277, 295, 299, 320, 322, 323, 331, 352–3, 354
camera lucida 283, 285, 320, 350, 357; 218, 219
Carpaccio, Vittore 125
Caulfield, Patrick 11, 71
Cavafy, Constantine P. 34, 45, 84–7, 88, 101, 117, 123, 232, 337; 62; portraits of 85, 86; 63
Centre Pompidou, Paris, ‘Espace/Paysage’ 279, 281, 349–50
Cézanne, Paul 57, 73, 74, 130, 145, 166, 262
Chagall, Marc 193
Chardin, Jean-Baptiste 181
China Diary (1982) 232–3; 177
Chinese art 233, 259, 286
Chirico, Giorgio de 109
Clark, Isabella 288
Clark, Ossie 54, 59, 131; portraits of 54, 131, 133–4, 158; 55, 107, 109
Claude Lorrain 311, 312, 313; The Sermon on the Mount 243
Cocteau, Jean 217–18; Parade 217–18
Cohen, Bernard 70
Cohen, Harold 49, 88
Coldstream, William 15
Colette 218; L’Enfant et les sortilèges 218; 167, see Ravel, Maurice
colour laser printing 247, 250, 253, 270, 275; 189, 191, 192, 197
computer drawings 253, 255, 256, 258, 261, 317, 319–20, 321, 322, 325; 192, 197, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252
Constable, John 289, 298
Cooper, Douglas 12, 132
Cornwall-Jones, Paul 8, 43
Cotman, John Sell 289
Cox, John 169–70, 173, 177, 193
Crisp, Quentin 341–2
Crommelynck, Aldo 161–2, 167, 187
Crutch, Peter 31
Cubism/Cubists 21, 112, 113, 130, 164–6, 188, 238, 242, 244, 262, 312, 326
Darwin, Robin 42
David, Jacques-Louis 119; Madame Récamier 119; 95
‘David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition’ 317
‘David Hockney: A Bigger Picture’ 8, 310–12, 313, 325, 327, 331, 352, 353; 242
David Hockney by David Hockney 259
‘David Hockney: Faces’ 348
‘David Hockney Portraits’ 287–8
‘David Hockney RA: 82 Portraits and 1 Still-life’ 333
Davie, Alan 16, 17, 22; Discovery of the Staff (1957) 16; 4
Dawson, David 287; 221
Deakin, Michael 253
Degas, Edgar 15, 158, 190
Delacroix, Eugène 312; Femmes d’Alger 312
Devaney, Edith 309
De Young Museum, San Francisco, ‘A Bigger Exhibition’ 317, 331
Dexter, John 216, 217, 229
Diaghilev, Sergei 218
Dine, Jim 336; Child’s Blue Wall 336
Disney, Walt 303
Divine, portrait of 213; 163
Domenichino 60; Apollo Killing Cyclops 60; 40
Dubuffet, Jean 29, 70; II tient la Flûte et le Couteau (1947) 29; 13
Duccio di Buoninsegna 53
Dufy, Raoul 207, 211, 219
Editions Alecto, London 43
Egyptian art 45, 51, 167, 198
1853 Gallery, Saltaire see Salts Mill
Eliot, T.S. 41
Elliott, Dominic 316–17, 320, 331; 251
Enitharmon Editions 9, 353
‘Espace/Paysage’ see Centre Pompidou
Euston Road School 15–16
Evans, Gregory 8, 190, 232, 267, 288, 309, 345; portraits of 159, 185, 190, 288; 131, 149, 151
Eyck, Jan van 286
Falco, Charles 285
Falconer, Ian 265–7; portrait of 250; 189
father see Hockney, Kenneth
Fauves/Fauvism 55, 242, 258, 298
fax machines 251–3, 255, 269, 275, 323, 347–8; 190
Fitzherbert, John 287, 288, 294; 222
Foye, Raymond, portrait of 215; 166
Fra Angelico see Angelico, Fra
Frankenthaler, Helen 140
Freeman, Betty, photograph of 93; 70; portrait of 92–3; 68
Freud, Lucian 277, 285, 287; 221
Friedrich, Caspar David 147, 292
Fuller, Peter 341
Gandhi, Mahatma 40
Geldzahler, Henry 119, 185, 349; photograph of 93; portraits of 117–19, 141, 185, 190, 215; 92, 148, 152, 166
Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles 183, 345
Giotto di Bondone 91
Glyndebourne Opera 169, 171, 173, 175, 193, 194, 199, 343
Gogh, Vincent van 144–5, 190–91, 193, 200–01, 212, 213, 215, 229, 263, 293, 296, 298, 332; The Chair and the Pipe (1888–9) 144, 263; 120
Goldfarb, Shirley, portrait of 155–6, 167
Golding, John 163, 339
Gonçalves de Lima, Jean-Pierre 8, 288, 299, 331–2; 262
González, Julio 165, 188
Goulds, Peter 8, 288
Gowing, Lawrence 213
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de 125
Gozzoli, Benozzo: The Journey of the Magi 196
‘Graven Image’ exhibition 11
Graves, Ann 288
Graves, David 8, 285; portrait of 244, 288; 186
Gray, Paul 8
Grimm Brothers: Illustrations for Six Fairy Tales, 41, 87, 122–3, 125–6, 128, 129, 153, 172, 175, 187; 100, 101, 102; Rumpelstiltskin, 41, 122, 125
Grosz, George 55, 84
Guard, Tom and Charles 286
Harte, David 270
Harty, Russell 343
Hayward, Brooke see Hopper, Brooke
Hazan, Jack, A Bigger Splash (film) 137
Helleu, Paul 154
Hilton, Roger 17
Hockney, David
Commercially printed images by: images for Andy Warhol’s Interview (December 1986) 246; images for David Hockney: A Retrospective 246–7; 188
Computer drawings by:
Autumn Leaves (2008) 317, 319; 249; Beach House Inside (1991) 253, 261, 319; 197; Dominic Elliott (2008) 320; 251; Jamie McHale 2 (2008) 320; 250; Painted Environment III (1993) 270; 205; Rain on the Studio Window (2009) 321–2; 252; Untitled (1991) 253, 256; 192; Winter Road near Kilham (2008) 317; 248
Drawings and watercolours by: Andalucia, Mosque, Cordoba (2004) 293–4; 228; Armchair (1969) 126; 103; Blue Guitar series (1976) 185, 187; Bob, ‘France’ (1965) 80–81; 58; Boy About to Take a Shower (1964) 64; 45; Boy in Baseball Cap Wearing Adidas Sweatshirt and Shoes (1982) 235; 179; Boy Taking a Shower (1962) 58–9; 38; Boys in Bed, Beirut (1966) 84–5; 61; Celia in a Black Dress with Red Stockings (1973) 154; 126; Cherry Blossom (2002) 224; Cut Trees – Timber (2008) 303; 239; Cyclamen, Mayflower Hotel, New York (2002) 272; David Graves Reading and Drinking (1983) 244; 186; design for Roland Petit’s ballet Septentrion (1975) 175; 142; Dream Inn, Santa Cruz, October 1966 (1966) 102–3; 78; Figure with Red Wall. China (1981) 233; 177; A Glass Table with Glass Objects (1967) 141; 117; Godafoss (2002) 290, 292–3; 227; Gouache Study for A Closer Grand Canyon (1998) 281; 215; Heads (1973) 164–5, 166; 135; John & Robbie (Brothers) (2002) 222; Kenneth Hockney (1965) 82–4; 60; Lucian Freud and David Dawson (2002) 221; The Maelstrom, Bodø (2002) 290–92; 226; Man in Lobby, Hotel Cecil, Alexandria (1963) 62–3; 43; Marco Livingstone (1980) 268; Marco Livingstone and Stephen Stuart-Smith (2002) 352; 266; Mark, Suginoi Hotel, Beppu (1971) 147; 123; Martha’s Vineyard sketchbook (1982) 233–4; 178, 179; Michael and Ann Upton (1965) 81; 59; Midsummer: East Yorkshire (2004) 294, 296; 229; The Most Beautiful Boy in the World (1961) 31–2; 16; Mother, Bradford, 18th Feb. (1978) 193; 153; Nude Boy, Los Angeles (1964) 64; 46; Peter Having a Bath in Chartres (1967) 104; 79; Peter, La Plaza Motel, Santa Cruz (1966) 101; 76; Peter Schlesinger (1967) 101–2; 77; Polish Army, Ubu Roi (1966) 88, 90; 65; The Polish Royal Family, Ubu Roi (1966) 88, 90; 66; Ron Lillywhite. London. 17th December 1999 (1999–2000) 219; Self-Portrait, 25th Oct. (1983) 236–7; l80; Self-Portrait drawings series (1983) 235–6; Shell Garage, Luxor (1963) 61–2; 42; Simplified Faces (1973) 167; Skeleton (1959) 17; 5; Slow Driving on the Way to Skowhegan Airport (1982) 234; 178; Sony TV (1968) 130; Square Figure Marching (1964) 63–4; 44; Standing Figure (Study for Domestic Scene, Notting Hill) (1963) 54–6; 35; Stephen Stuart-Smith. London. 30th May 1999 (1999) 218; Study for A Closer Grand Canyon VI, from Pima Point (1998) 281; 214; Study for Portrait of Nick Wilder & Gregory Evans (1974) 159; 131; Two Figures by Bed with Cushions (1964) 64, 66; 47; The Valley, Stalheim (2002) 290; 225; Viareggio (1962) 61; 41; Window, Grand Hotel, Vittel (1970) 156–8; 129; Woldgate, 21–22 May from The Arrival of Spring in 2013 (twenty thirteen) (2013) 317; 247
Fax drawings by:
Even Another, 1989 (1989) 251; 190; Tennis (November 1989) 252
iPhone and iPad drawings by:
The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate, East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven), 28 April (2011) 325; 257; Plug in for the Next Generation 325; 255; Self-portrait, 25 March 2012, No. 1 325; 256; Untitled, 474 (2009) 322–4; 253; Untitled, 522 (2009) 322–24; 254
Laser-printed images by: computer drawing: Beach House Inside (1991) 261; 197; computer drawing: Painted Environment 1–3 (1993) 270; Untitled (1991) 256; 192; reproductions of paintings (1988 and 1989) 247–8, 250; The Great Wall 285; 220; still video photographs: 40 Snaps of My House (August 1991) 253; still video photographs: 112 L.A. Visitors (1990–91) 254–5; 191
Painted environments by:
Les Mamelles de Tirésias 242; 183; Painted Environment III (1993) 270; 205
Paintings by:
Adhesiveness (1960) 29–30; 14; American Collectors (Fred & Marcia Weisman) (1968) 106, 109, 113; 57; L’Arbois Sainte-Maxime (1968) 120; 97; The Arrival of Spring in Woldgate, East Yorkshire in 2011 (twenty eleven), 310; (installation shot) 242; Barry Humphries, 26th, 27th, 28th March 2015 (2015) 332; 263; Beach House by Night (1990) 261; 196; Beach House with Waves I (1988) 346; 271; Beverly Hills Housewife (1966–67) 90–93, 94, 96, 99; 68; Big Landscape (Medium Size) (1987–88) 258, 268; 193; A Bigger Grand Canyon (1998) 281–2; A Bigger Message (2010) 312; 246; A Bigger Splash (1967) 109–10, 112; 86; Bigger Trees near Warter, or/ou Peinture sur le Motif pour le Nouvel Age Post-Photographique (2007) 305, 308, 310; 241; Blue Interior and Two Still Lifes (1965) 73, 76, 79; 55; Boy About to Take a Shower (1964) 64; 45; Building, Pershing Square, Los Angeles (1964) 67–8, 74; 49; California Art Collector (1964) 90–91; 67; Canyon Painting (1978) 207, 242, 256; 160; The Cha-Cha that was Danced in the Early Hours of 24th March 1961 (1961) 33; 19; Chair and Shirt (1972) 141, 144, 263; 118; Cherry Blossom (2002) 289; 224; Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy (1968) 113, 116–17, 243; 89; A Closer Grand Canyon (1998) 281–3; 216; A Closer Winter Tunnel, February–March (2006) 305; 240; Contre-Jour in the French Style – Against the Day dans le Style-Français (1974) 156–8; 128; The Conversation (1980) 215; 166; Cubistic Sculpture & Shadow (1971) 165–7; 136; Demonstrations of Versatility (1961–2) 14, 45–6; 27, 28, 29, 30; Different Kinds of Water Pouring into a Swimming Pool, Santa Monica (1965) 73; 52; Divine (1979) 213; 163; Dog Painting 19 (1995) 271, 347; 206; Doll Boy (1960) 24, 25; Domestic Scene, Broadchalke, Wilts (1963) 54, 55, 59, 93; 34; Domestic Scene, Los Angeles (1963) 54, 56–7, 58, 66, 72, 90, 145; 37; Domestic Scene, Notting Hill (1963) 54–6, 57, 59, 90; 36; Double East Yorkshire (1998) 277–8; Dr. Leon Banks (2005) 288–9; 223; Early Morning, Sainte-Maxime (1968) 120–21, 122, 147; 99; Erection (c. 1959–60) 20; Figure in a Flat Style (1961) 45, 47–8; 28; The First Marriage (A Marriage of Styles I) (1962) 50, 51–2; 32; First Tea Painting (1960) 36, 39, 96; 22; Flight into Italy – Swiss Landscape (1962) 48–9; 30; The Fourteenth V.N. Painting (1992) 268; The Fourth Love Painting (1961) 32–3, 36; 17; Garrowby Hill (1998) 277–8, 279; 213; Gauguin’s Chair (1988) 263; George Lawson & Wayne Sleep (unfinished) (1972–75) 159, 167, 221; 132; Going to be a Queen for Tonight (1960) 32; 18; Gonzalez and Shadow (1971) 165, 188; A Grand Procession of Dignitaries in the Semi-Egyptian Style (1961) 45–6, 84; 27; Great Pyramid at Giza with Broken Head from Thebes (1963) 195; Gregory Masurovsky and Shirley Goldfarb (1974) 155–6, 167; Growing Discontent (1959–60) 18, 20; 6; Harlequin (1980) 221; 171; Henry Geldzahler and Christopher Scott (1968) 117–19, 141; 92; Hollywood Hills House (1981–82) 237–8, 263;181; The Hypnotist (1963) 90; I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing (1963) 30; Ian (1988) 250–51; 189; Inland Sea, Japan (1971) 147; Invented Man Revealing Still Life (1975) 167–9, 188; 138; Iowa (1964) 73, 74, 207; 53; The Island (1971) 145, 147; 121; Jonathan Silver, February 27, 1997 (1997) 273; 208; J-P Gonçalves de Lima, 11th, 12th, 13th July 2013 (2013) 332; 262; Kas Reading “Professor Seagull” (1979–80) 214–15; 164; Kerby (After Hogarth) Useful Knowledge (1975) 177; 143; Kingy B (1962) 39; 23; A Lawn Being Sprinkled (1967) 109–10; 87; A Less Realistic Still Life (1965) 73; Livingroom at Malibu with View (1988) 261, 346; 198; Looking at Pictures on a Screen (1977) 190, 193, 212; 152; Love Paintings (1960–61) 18, 29, 32–33, 36; 17; Les Mamelles de Tirésias (1980) 177, 218–19; 168, 183; Man in Shower in Beverly Hills (1964) 66, 71–2; 48; Margaret Hockney, 14th, 15th, 16th August 2015 (2015) 332; 265; Marco Livingstone and Stephen Stuart-Smith (2002) 352; 266; Matthias Weischer, 9th, 10th, 11th December 2015 (2015) 332; 264; May Blossom on the Roman Road (2009) 303; 237; Model with Unfinished Self-Portrait (1977) 189–90; 151; Moorside Road, Fagley (1956) 15; 3; A More Realistic Still Life (1965) 73; The Most Beautiful Boy in the World (1961) 31–2; 16; Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Percy (1970–1) 133–4, 158; 109; Mt. Fuji and Flowers (1972) 147; 122; Mulholland Drive: The Road to the Studio (1980) 225, 229, 243, 265, 277; 172; Mum Sleeping, 1st Jan. 1996 (1996) 274–5; 209; My Parents (1977) 180, 212; 145; My Parents and Myself (1975) 177–80; 144; Nichols Canyon (1980) 207–8, 209, 212, 213, 225–6, 277; 161; North Yorkshire (1997) 277; Le Parc des Sources, Vichy (1970) 131; 107; Path through Wheat Field, July (2005) 297; 230; Peter Getting Out of Nick’s Pool (1966) 94–6, 105; 71; Picture Emphasizing Stillness (1962) 49, 50; 31; Picture of a Hollywood Swimming Pool (1964) 70, 72; 51; Play within a Play (1963) 59–60; 39; Pool and Steps, Le Nid du Duc (1971) 140, 141; 115; Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) (1972) 136–7, 139, 175; 112; Portrait of My Father (1955) 15; 2; Portrait of Nick Wilder (1966) 98–100; 74; Portrait of Sir David Webster (1971) 116; Portrait Surrounded by Artistic Devices (1965) 73, 74, 79, 188, 224; 54; Queer (1960) 24–5; 10; Ravel’s Garden with Night Glow (1980) 220; 167; A Realistic Still Life (1965) 73; The Road across the Wolds (1997) 277; The Road to Thwing (2006) 300; The Road to York through Sledmere (1997) 277–8, 279; 212; Rocky Mountains and Tired Indians (1965) 207; The Room, Manchester Street (1967) 106, 133; 83; The Room, Tarzana (1967) 105, 106, 108; 80; Rubber Ring Floating in a Swimming Pool (1971) 135, 224; 110; Salts Mill, Saltaire, Yorkshire (1997) 277; Santa Monica Blvd. (1978–80) 205–7, 211–12, 225, 348; 159; Seated Woman Drinking Tea, Being Served by a Standing Companion (1963) 219; Second Love Painting (1960) 22; 9; The Second Marriage (1963) 48, 52–3; 33; Self-Portrait with Blue Guitar (1977) 18, 189; 133; Self-Portrait with Charlie (2005) 289; 207; Self-Portrait with David and Ann (1984) 242; The Sermon on the Mount II (After Claude) (2010) 312–13; 244; The Sermon on the Mount VII (After Claude) (2010) 312–13; 245; Small Interior, Los Angeles, July 1988 (1988) 263; 201; Snake (1962) 50; Still Life on a Glass Table (1971) 141; 116; Still Life with Book on a Table (1988) 262; 199; Still Life with Figure and Curtain (1963) 219; Still Life with T.V. (1969) 129–30; 106; Study for Doll Boy (No. 2) (1960) 25; 11; Sunbather (1966) 95, 97–8; 73; Sur la terrasse (1971) 135; Swiss Landscape in a Scenic Style (1962) see Flight into Italy – Swiss Landscape; A Table (1967) 108, 129; 84; Tea Painting in an Illusionistic Style (1961) 45, 48, 60, 96; 29; Third Love Painting (1960) 29; Three Chairs with a Section of a Picasso Mural (1970) 132; 108; Three Trees near Thixendale, Autumn 2008 (2008) 301, 303; 235; Three Trees near Thixendale, Spring 2008 (2008) 301, 303; 233; Three Trees near Thixendale, Summer 2007 (2007) 301, 303; 234; Three Trees near Thixendale, Winter 2007 (2007) 301, 203; 236; Thrusting Rocks (1990) 258; 194; Tree Tunnel, August (2005) 297, 353; 273; Tujfjord, Nordkapp II (2002) 290; Two Dancers (1980) 221, 224; 169; Two Deck-chairs, Calvi (1972) 175, 177; Two Vases in the Louvre (1974) 156, 188; Tyger (1960) 18, 21; 7; Under and Out of the Arch (1989) 268; Van Gogh Chair (1988) 263; 200; Very New Paintings (V.N. Paintings) series (1992) 258, 267–9, 274, 347; A Visit with Christopher & Don, Santa Monica Canyon (1984) 243, 263, 269; 184; Waltz (1980) 224; We Two Boys Together Clinging (1961) 31, 41, 52; 15; What About the Caves? (1991) 258, 267, 268; 195; Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles (1964) 69, 74; 50; Winter Timber (2009) 304; 238; Woldgate Woods, 26, 27 & 30 July 2006 (2006) 300; 231; Woldgate Woods, 7 & 8 November 2006 (2006) 300; 232; Yellow Abstract (1960) see Queer
Paper pulp pictures by:
Midnight Pool (Paper Pool 10) (1978) 201; 157; Paper Pools (1978) 11, 141, 201, 204–5, 211, 345; Le Plongeur (Paper Pool 18) (1978) 201; 158
Photographs by:
Betty Freeman, Beverly Hills (1966) 70; Blue Terrace, Los Angeles, March 8th, 1982 (composite, 1982) 237; 173; Christopher Isherwood (March 1968) 116, 243; 90; Christopher Scott (1968) 94; Fred and Marcia Weisman, Beverly Hills (1968) 116; 88; Henry Geldzahler (1968) 93; Hotel de la Mamounia, Marrakesh (March 1971) 135; 111; Hotel l’Arbois, Sainte-Maxime (October 1968) 120; 98; Joe McDonald and Peter Schlesinger on the Banks of the Nile (1978) 220; Mother (c. 1976–7) 146; Nick Wilder (1966) 75; Le Nid du Duc (April 1972) 137, 139; 113; Peter, Kensington Gardens (April 1972) 138, 114; photograph taken for painting Peter Getting Out of Nick’s Pool (1966) 95, 96; 72; Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu (11 November 1971) 144; 119; Santa Monica (1968) 116, 243; 91; Santa Monica Blvd. (detail) (1978–80) 348; Stephen Spender, Mas St. Jerome 1 (photocollage, 1985) 238, 182; still video photographs: 40 Snaps of My House (August 1990) 253; still video photographs: 112 L.A. Visitors (1990–91) 254–5, 275; 191; Swimming Pool, Le Nid du Duc (October 1968) 120; 96
Prints by:
According to the Prescriptions of Ancient Magicians (1966–67) 84; Ann Putting on Lipstick (1979) 211; Artist and Model (1973–74) 163, 164; 134; The Beginning (1966–67) 85; The Blue Guitar (1976–77) 187, 188, 190, 276; 150; Brooke Hopper (1976) 269; Celia (1973) 154; 127; Celia Amused (1979) 162; Celia and Ann series of lithographs (1979) 210–11; Cleanliness is Next to Godliness (1964) 87–8; 64; Coloured Flowers Made of Paper and Ink (1971) 128; Dark Mist (1973) 149; Dog Wall 276; The Enchantress with the Baby Rapunzel (1969), 123; 100; An Erotic Etching (1975) 337; 267; Flowers Made of Paper and Black Ink (1971) 128–9; 105; Gregory with Gym Socks (1976) 185; 149; Gretchen and the Snurl (1961) 41; He Enquired After the Quality (1966–67) 86; Henry with Cigar (1976) 185; 148; A Hollywood Collection (1965) 77; 56; Home (1969) 126; ‘home-made prints’ series 244, 246; 187; Illustrations for Fourteen Poems from C. P. Cavafy (1966–67) 84–7, 101, 117, 122, 232, 336–7; 62, 63; Illustrations for Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm (1969) 41, 87, 122–3, 125–6, 128, 153, 172, 187; 100, 101, 102; In an Old Book (1966–67) 85; In the Dull Village (1966–67) 62; It Picks its Way (1976–77) 188; Joe McDonald (1976) 183; 147; Joe with David Harte (1979) 345; 270; Joe with Green Window 345; Lightning (1973) 149; Maurice (1998) 276; 210; Mirror, Mirror on the Wall (1961) 34; Mist (1973) 149; Moving Focus scries (1985) 242, 263; 185; Myself and My Heroes (1961) 30, 40, 44, 163; 24; Pembroke Studio Interior (1984) 242; 185; Peter (1969) 126–7; 104; Picture of a Pointless Abstraction Framed Under Glass (1965) 76; 56; Picture of a Simply Framed Traditional Nude Drawing (1965) 76; Portrait of Cavafy II (1966–67) 86; 63; Portraits of Friends series of lithographs (1976) 183; 147; The Pot Boiling (1969) 122; 102; Pretty Tulips (1969) 129; Rain (1973) 149; 125; A Rake’s Progress (1961–63) 43–4, 84, 167; 1, 25; Receiving the Inheritance (1961–3) 44; 25; Red Wire Plant 276; A Room Full of Straw (1969) 125; Rue de Seine (1972) 156–8; 130; Rumpelstiltskin (1961 & 1962) 41, 122; Self-Portrait, July 1986 (1986) 244, 246; 187; Self-Portrait with Stanley, 1987 188; The Sexton Disguised as a Ghost Stood Still as a Stone (1969) 123; 101; The Shop Window of a Tobacco Store (1966–67) 86; Showing Maurice the Sugar Lift (1974) 167; 137; Simplified Faces (1974) 167; Snow (1973) 149; Snow without Colour (1973) 149; Soft Celia (1998) 276–7; 211; The Start of the Spending Spree and the Door Opening for a Blonde (1961–63) 44; 1; The Student: Homage to Picasso (1973) 161–3; Sun (1973) 149; 124; Ten Palm Trees in the Mist (1973) 149; Tick it. Tock it, Turn it True (1976–77) 187; 150; The Weather Series (1973) 147, 149, 153, 161, 204; 124, 125; What is this Picasso? (1976–77) 188; Wind (1973) 149
Stage designs by:
L’Enfant et les sortilèges (1980–1) 215–16, 218, 220; 167; Die Frau ohne Schatten (1992), 265, 267; 204; The Magic Flute (1977) 177, 193–200, 204, 218, 343; 154, 155, 156; Les Mamelles de Tirésias (1980) 177, 229, 218–19; 168, 183; Oedipus Rex (1981) 229, 230–31; 174; Parade (1980–81) 215, 216, 217; The Rake’s Progress (1974–5) 90, 170–5, 188, 193–4, 199, 218; 140, 141; Le Rossignol (1981) 229, 230–31; 176; Le Sacre du Printemps (1981) 229; 175; Septentrion (1975) 175; 142; Tristan und Isolde (1987) 264–5; 202; Turandot (1991) 265, 267; 203; Ubu Roi (1966) 88, 169, 171; 65, 66
Video sequences by:
May 12th 2011, Rudston to Kilham Road, 5 pm (2011) 327; 258; The Four Seasons, Woldgate Woods (Spring 2011, Summer 2010, Autumn 2010, Winter 2010) 327; 259; The Jugglers (2012) 331; 261; Sept. 4th 2011. The Atelier 11.32 am: A Bigger Space for Dancing (2011) 331; 260; Nov. 7th, Nov. 26th 2010, Woldgate Woods, 11.30 am and 9.30 am (2010) 327; 259
Hockney, Kenneth 169, 177–81, 193; portraits of 15, 74, 82–4, 99, 177–81, 212, 215; 2, 54, 60, 144, 145
Hockney, Laura 193, 273, 274, 275, 295, 349, 352; photograph of 146; portraits of 177–83, 193, 212, 215, 250–51, 274–5; 144, 145, 153, 209
Hockney, Margaret 141, 268, 273, 288, 295, 320, 321, 322, 352; portrait of 332; 265
Hockney, Paul 320
‘Hockney in California’ 9, 225, 348
Hockney Paints the Stage (book) 229
‘Hockney Paints the Stage’ (exhibition) 229, 242, 270
Hodgkin, Howard 253, 286
Hogarth, William 41–2; The Rake’s Progress (1735) 42–4, 170, 171–5, 177; 26
Hokusai 147
Hopper, Brooke 341, 345; 269
Hopper, Dennis 341
Hopper, Edward 105, 109, 303; Evening Wind (1921) 105–6; 82
Horovitz, Michael 345
Howgate, Sarah 287
Hudson River School 292
Humphries, Barry 332; portrait of 332; 263
Huxley, Aldous 172
Impressionism/Impressionists 147, 149, 204, 296, 298, 299
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique 283, 350; Mrs John Mackie, née Dorothea Sophia Des Champs (1816) 217
iPad pictures 295, 310, 323, 325, 327, 348; 255, 256, 257
iPhone pictures 321, 322–3, 325, 348; 253, 254
Isherwood, Christopher 116, 149, 342–3; photographs of 116, 243; 90; portraits of 113, 116–17, 243, 263, 269; 89, 184
James, Henry 41
Jarry, Alfred 88, 90, 169, 171, 219; Ubu Roi 88, 90, 169, 171, 219; 65, 66
John Moores Liverpool Exhibition 11
Johns, Jasper 36; Target with Plaster Casts (1955) 36; 21
Jones, Allen 11, 21, 71, 338; Bus paintings 48
Juda, Annely 8, 273, 274, 305, 319, 320, 352
Juda, David 8
Kallman, Chester: The Rake’s Progress (libretto) 170–75 passim
Kandinsky, Wassily 207
Kasmin, John 8, 11, 59, 60, 98, 145, 214, 215, 349; portraits of 59–60, 214–15; 39, 164
Kelly, Ellsworth 200, 205
Kelpra Studios, London 88
Kemp, Martin 285
Kirby, Joshua 177
Kitaj, R. B. 11, 21, 41, 47, 71, 182–3, 187, 190, 215, 224–5; Moresque (1975–6) 215; 165; Red Banquet, The (1960) 8
Klee, Paul 31
Kooning, Willem de 47, 70
Kuhlman, Karen S. 8
Kuniyoshi 147
Kunsthalle Würth, ‘David Hockney: Nur Natur/Only Nature’ 309, 353
Lambert, Arthur 288
Lancaster, Mark 100, 144; portrait of 147; 123
‘Land Art’ 278
Lasko, Peter 338–9
Lawson, George, portrait of 159, 167, 221; 132
Leiris, Michel 163
Leonardo da Vinci 125, 198
Levine, James 229
Lichtenstein, Roy 71, 172
Lillywhite, Ron, portrait of 283, 320; 219
Lion and Unicorn Press 42
Long, Richard 278
Lorrain, Claude see Claude Lorrain
Louis, Morris 49, 76, 140
Lynton, Norbert 341
McDermott, Mo 54, 59, 137, 345; 35, 36
McDonald, Joe 345; photograph of 220; portraits of 183, 345; 147, 270
McGilvray, Bing 332
McHale, Jamie 320; 250
Magritte, René 109, 125, 131; Souvenir de Voyage III (1951) 109, 123; 85
Manet, Edouard: Déjeuner sur l’herbe 312
Marquet, Albert 211
Massine, Léonide 218
Masurovsky, Gregory, portrait of 155–6, 167
Matisse, Henri 55, 99, 157, 158, 183, 185, 187, 204, 210–11, 212, 213, 220, 221, 229, 345; La danse (1910) 220–21; 170
Mavrogordato, John 34, 84
Mena, Manuela 286
Mondrian, Piet 207
Monet, Claude 147, 204, 298–9; Nymphéas 298
Morandi, Giorgio 125
Morrissey, Paul 341
Morley, Malcolm 121
mother see Hockney, Laura
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 170, 173; The Magic Flute 177, 193–200, 218, 242, 343; 154, 155, 156
Munch, Edvard 290
My Yorkshire 321, 353; 252
National Portrait Gallery, London,
‘David Hockney Portraits’ 288
Neo-Impressionism 158
Noland, Kenneth 50, 71, 76, 140, 200, 205
Ortega y Gasset, José 12
Ottinger, Didier 281
Palmer, Andy 332, 354–5; 275
Pasmore, Victor 15
Payne, Maurice 8, 167, 275, 276, 345; portrait of 276; 210
Peattie, Antony 286
Penrose, Roland and Golding John: Picasso 1881/1973 163
Perkins, Anthony 341
Petersburg Press, London 163
Petit, Roland 175; Septentrion 175; 142
Phillips, Peter 11, 21, 36, 59, 71, 338
photocopying 244, 246, 247; 187
photography 28, 44, 56, 57, 64, 66, 67, 70–72, 85–6, 88, 91, 93–6, 99, 100, 105, 109–10, 112–13, 116–17, 120–22, 129, 131, 132–3, 135–7, 139, 140, 144, 159, 165, 180–82, 190, 195, 201, 205, 206, 213, 220, 233, 237–8, 242, 243, 247, 250; see also Hockney: photographs by
Photo-Realism 121, 135
Physique Pictorial 57, 64
Picasso, Pablo 26, 27–8, 39, 46, 99, 112–13, 132–3, 161–7, 183, 185, 187, 188, 217, 221–2, 224, 229, 233, 242, 312; L’Atelier du sculpteur (1933) 163; Las Meninas (1957) 26–7, 312, 12; The Old Guitarist (1903) 185
Piero della Francesca 92–3, 112, 190; Flagellation of Christ, The (1455) 92–3; 69
Pollock, Jackson 16, 17, 47, 303
Pop Art 11, 71, 172, 338
Post-Painterly Abstraction 71
Poulenc, Francis: Les Mamelles de Tirésias 177, 215–16, 218–19; 168, 183
Pound, Ezra 41
Poussin, Nicolas 98
Prater, Christopher 88
Procktor, Patrick 103–4; portrait of 106, 133; 83
Propyläen Verlag, Berlin 161
Proust, Marcel 180, 181
Puccini, Giacomo: Turandot 265, 267; 203
Rauschenberg, Robert 338
Ravel, Maurice 212; L’Enfant et les sortilèges 211, 212, 213, 215–16, 218, 220–21; 167; La Valse 224
Rechy, John: City of Night 67–8
Rembrandt van Rijn 297–8
Richard, Cliff 25, 31
Richardson, Tony 137
Rivers, Larry 45
Rogers, Claude 15
Rosenberg, Harold 47
Rosenthal, Norman 286
Rothschild, Hanna 287
Rothschild, Jacob 287
Royal Academy of Arts, London 99, 225, 283, 285, 305, 308, 353
Royal Academy of Arts, ‘David Hockney: A Bigger Picture’ 8, 308–11, 312–13, 325–7; 242
Royal College of Art, London 11, 14, 17–48 passim, 71, 76, 79, 182, 224, 338
St Clair, John 137; 113
Salts Mill, Saltaire: 1853 Gallery 252, 271, 273, 277
Sargent, John Singer 154
Satie, Erik: Parade 215, 216, 217–18
Scharf, Aaron: Art and Photography 180
Scheips, Charlie 288, 289; 207
Schikaneder, Emanuel: The Magic Flute (libretto) 193–200 passim
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich 197
Schlesinger, Peter 95, 96, 100–1, 103, 132, 137, 139–41, 144, 154; photographs of 95–6, 190, 220; 72, 111, 114; portraits of 94–5, 100–4, 105, 119–20, 126–8, 131, 139; 71, 76, 77, 78, 79, 79, 80, 104, 107, 112
Schmidt, Richard 8, 253, 267, 288
Scott, Christopher, photograph of 94; portrait of 117–19, 141; 92
Secret Knowledge: Rediscovering the lost techniques of the Old Masters 285, 296, 350
Seurat, Georges 96
Shapiro, Barbara Stern 287
Sheikh Saud bin Mohammad bin Ali Al-Thani 349
Sickert, Walter 15, 68
Silver, Jonathan 273, 277, 295, 349; 208
Sleep, Wayne 224, 331; portrait of 159, 167, 221; 132
Smith, Richard 36
Sohn, Jerry 225
Sophocles: Oedipus Rex 229, 230, 231; 174
Spencer, Stanley 16
Spender, Stephen 84, 232; photocollage portrait of 238; 182
Stangos, Nikos 84, 87, 232, 259, 339
Staerk, Jacqui 286
Stella, Frank 71, 98, 198, 205
Stevens, Wallace: The Man with the Blue Guitar 185, 187, 188; 150
still video photography 253–6, 269, 270; 191
Strauss, Richard: Die Frau ohne Schatten 265, 267, 347; 204
Stravinsky, Igor: Oedipus Rex, 229–31; 174; The Rake’s Progress 90, 169–75, 194–5, 199, 218; 140, 141; Le Rossignol 229–31; 176; Le Sacre du Printemps 229–31; 175
Stuart-Smith, Stephen 9, 346, 347, 352–4; portraits of 283; 218, 266
Sullivan, Luke 177
Surrealism 21, 109, 125, 131, 218, 253
Tate London 8, 17, 26, 250, 292, 298
That’s the Way I See It (1993) 259
Tiepolo, Domenico 217
Tilson, Joe 24, 59
Tom of Finland 337
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de 211
Turnbull, William 91, 93
Turner, Joseph Mallord William 289, 311
Tyler, Ken 200, 201, 345
Uccello, Paolo 112, 125; Saint George and the Dragon 196
Upton, Ann, portraits of 81, 210–11; 59
Upton, Michael, portrait of 81; 59
Varley, John 289
Velázquez, Diego: Las Meninas 26, 312
Vermeer, Jan 105, 109, 190
Verrocchio, Andrea del: Baptism of Christ 198
video installations 325–7, 331; see also Hockney, David: Video sequences by
Wagner, Richard 170, 256, 347; Tristan und Isolde 264, 265; 202
Walker, James Faure 341
Warhol, Andy 71, 246, 341, 345
watercolour 7, 31–2, 103–4, 116, 211, 233, 234, 246, 253, 286, 287, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295–6, 349, 352
Webb, Peter 337
Webster, Sir David, portrait of 116
Weischer, Matthias: portrait 332; 264
Weisman, Fred and Marcia, photographs of 113; 88; portrait of 106, 116, 117; 57
Weschler, Lawrence 288
Wesselmann, Tom 71
Whitechapel Art Gallery 336
Whitman, Walt 25, 30–31, 40
Wilder, Billy 342, 345
Wilder, Nicholas (Nick) 95, 345; photograph of 100; 75; portraits of 97–9, 100, 159; 74, 131
Wilkinson, Jonathan 8, 311, 317, 321
Woodstock (1970) 326
Young, Brian 286