Entries correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

Page numbers beginning with 245 refer to notes.

Académie des Sciences, 59

Adam, 226, 226

Adamites, 73

adoption, 46–47

adultery, 181

African Genesis (Ardrey), 66

afterlife, 91, 210

Age of Empathy, The (de Waal), 137

aggression, 51, 144

definition of, 65–66

as negotiation, 80

agnosticism, agnostics, 221

creation of term, 36

scientists as, 106

agricultural revolution, 179

alchemy, 19–20

alligators, 7, 8

Almost Human (Yerkes), 11, 80


in absence of incentives, 42

as alleged hypocrisy, 39

as alleged mistake, 44–48

in chimpanzees, 28–29, 120–22

cost/benefit analysis of, 144

cost of, 47

in Darwin’s thought, 41

definitions of, 27–28, 122

drive for, 165

emotions insufficient for, 144

evolution of, 28

kindness vs., 165

kin selection and, 31

pleasure from, 48–54

in rats, 142–43

reciprocal, 31, 128

religion and, 220

selfishness vs., 28–29, 53

self-sacrifice and, 32–33, 52, 53

see also morality, ethics

altruism-feels-good hypothesis, 51–54

altruism-hurts hypothesis, 50

Alva, Duke of, 9

American Academy of Religion, 210

American Sign Language, 46

amniotic sac, 208

Amos (chimpanzee), 25–26, 27, 44

Amy (bonobo), 77–78

amygdala, 80, 136

André, Claudine, 190

animal altruism, 4–8

animals, moral behavior by, 4–8

animal torture, 157

anterior insula, 80–81

anthropocentric bias, 15

anthropomorphism, 145

ants, 53, 237

Antwerp, Netherlands, 167

Antwerp Zoo, 10

anxiety, 190


advanced fairness in, 233

death awareness in, 192–98, 206

definition of, 60

development of, 166

early fossils of, missing, 60

human kinship with, 16, 57–59, 58, 81–82, 101, 107, 117, 145, 239–40

in London Zoo, 101

nursing of, 125

prosociality allegedly lacking in, 117

reconciliation in, 97–98

reflection recognized by, 115

sense of mortality in, 210

targeted helping in, 145

tools used by, 127, 205–6

arbiters, 45

architecture, 19

Ardipithecus, 11

Ardipithecus ramidus (Ardi), 12, 60–61

Ardrey, Robert, 66, 248

argumentative theory, 89

Aristotle, 91, 182, 225

Arnhem Zoo, 13, 14, 138–39, 159, 187, 195, 199

art, 19, 57

artists, 107

Ascent of the Blessed (Bosch), 92

atheism, atheists, 217–18

as “brights,” 18

imagination denied by, 204

misconceptions of, 88–92, 204

purity insisted on by, 102

scientists as, 106

stridency of, 18, 21, 84

world without religion desired by, 249

Atlanta (chimpanzee), 139

Augustine, Saint, 110

Australia, 182

Australopithecines, 57

autism, 138

Azalea (rhesus monkey), 93, 94

baboons, 161, 227, 228

baby care, 49–50

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 85

Bacon, Roger, 110

ballet, 133–34

Baptists, 105

bartering, 4

Battle at Kruger, 123

BBC, 71

beer, 57, 198

bees, 28, 31, 33, 53, 237

“Beethoven error,” 41

begging, 161

behaviorism, 97, 136–37, 143

Behncke, Isabel, 65

Bekoff, Marc, 230–31

beluga whales, 123

Bentham, Jeremy, 182

Bethlehem, 76

biases, 218–20

Bible, 73, 198, 249

Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch (Miller), 168

biology, disrepute of, 22

biomedical science, 215–16

bipedal locomotion, 11, 57, 58, 59, 155

bipedal swagger, 199


as doting parents, 7

empathy in, 6

biting, 159, 160, 185–86

Blackburn, Simon, 253

Blair Drummond Safari Park, 194–95

Blasphemy Day, 108

“blind watchmaker,” 170

Block, Susan, 67

blood protein, 58

blushing, 155–56

body channel, 137

body language, 125

body synchronization, 133

Boehm, Christopher, 177, 235

Boesch, Christophe, 46, 152

Bohr, Niels, 249

Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape (de Waal), 63, 64, 71


body proportion of, 61

brains of, 80–81

chimpanzees vs., 61–62, 63–64, 65, 67–68, 69, 80–81

consolation in, 144–45

discovered as new species, 10–11

empathy of, 192

fairness and, 255

fatherhood in, 79

female dominance of, 11, 75–76, 78

human relation with, 57, 58

humans vs., 79

hunting by, 65–66

hunting of, 67, 189–90

as largely peaceful, 63–65, 67

males and females in, 11–12

Parker’s article on, 62–63

in poacher snares, 196

punishment among, 161–62

sexual practices of, 61–62, 62, 64, 65, 67–68, 69–70, 71, 73, 78, 79, 80, 190

targeted helping in, 145–46

territorial disputes in, 64–65

threat of extinction to, 12, 189–90

violence and aggression in, 12, 63, 64, 69, 77–78, 159–60, 185–87

Borie (chimpanzee), 124, 204–5

Bosch, Hieronymus (Jeroen), 1–2, 3, 9, 19, 20, 68, 71, 72–74, 75, 91, 92, 108, 134, 135, 136, 167–68, 169, 170, 223, 224, 225, 248

Boteach, Shmuley, 89, 93, 208

Boyer, Pascal, 213–14

boys, 51

brain, human, 16

Braintrust (Churchland), 164

Brethren and Sisters of the Free Spirit, 73

Bronx Zoo, 115–16

Brosnan, Sarah, 232, 234–35

Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 2

Brown, Stephanie, 52

Brueghel, Pieter, 86, 209, 223, 248

Buddhism, 8, 52, 105–6, 167, 208, 249

Budongo Forest, 139–40

buffalo, 123

Bully (dog), 157–58, 159

burials, 210

calf, 123

Cambodia, 212

Cameroon, 194

Campbell, Matt, 137–38

Capilla del Rosario, 90

capuchin monkeys, 4, 232, 234

Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, 134

carp, 123–24

Carson, Benjamin, 238

castration, of pigs, 140

Catholicism, 9, 58, 86–87, 91, 105, 249

Catholic mass, 198

cats, 124, 151, 193

Celtic tribes, 179

Center of Inquiry, 108

Cephu, 173–74, 175

Cheney, Dick, 89, 165

Chicago, University of, 142–43

children, 200–201, 202–3

Chimpanzee (film), 46

Chimpanzee Politics (de Waal), 13


altruism in, 28–29, 120–22, 123–27

biting by, 152

bonobos vs., 61–62, 63–64, 65, 67–68, 69, 80–81

brains of, 16, 80–81

communication by, 125

conflicts avoided by, 227–28

consolation in, 5, 144–45

cooperation among, 129, 130–31

Darwin’s feeling of connection with, 107

evolution of, 60

experiments designed for, 118–20

fatherhood in, 79

females leaving groups in, 30

female solidarity among, 173

food shared by, 146–47

friendship among, 161

grudges in, 80

human relation with, 57, 58, 60

hunting by, 79, 124, 193

hunting of, 67

impulse control and, 150–52, 153–54

kidnapping and, 151

mourning by, 193–95, 194

policing by, 172–74

rain dance by, 199–200

reconciliation of, 20, 98

reward distribution and, 234

rituals in, 149–50

self-awareness in, 204–5

sense of mortality in, 206–7

sexual practices of, 152, 227–28

social hierarchy in, 150, 152, 154–55

strength of, 13–14

territorial disputes in, 64, 65

tit for tat among, 129

tools used by, 57, 146–47

tree nests of, 107

violence of, 13, 63–64, 65, 76, 187

as “wantons,” 151, 239

wrestling by, 160

youth, 200–201, 202–3

China, 123, 212


fundamentalist, 2

survival value of, 211–12

West influenced by, 19

Christ’s blood, 198

churches, 199

Churchland, Patricia, 50, 52, 164, 182, 185, 253

Clay, Zanna, 190

Clinton, Bill, 67

Coe, Chris, 251

Colbert Report, The, 61–62, 180

collectivism, 212–13

Collins, Francis, 40

Columbus, Christopher, 212

communism, 216–17

community concern, 20, 172–77, 185–87, 234

compassion, 4, 8, 17, 165

calculation vs., 184

evolution of, 56

in meditating monks, 8

confirmation biases, 97

conflict, cooperation vs., 79–80

conflict resolution, 191

Congo, Democratic Republic of the (DRC), 62–63, 65, 189–90

Conquistadores, 212

conservation, 165

consolation, 144–45

contagious yawning, 138, 141

Cook, Captain, 179

Coolidge, Harold, 82

cooperation, 16, 38, 42, 234, 237

as alleged anomaly, 117

as alleged exploitation, 39

conflict vs., 79–80

emotional biases toward, 48–49

religion and, 219

see also altruism

cost/benefit analysis, 48, 144

Coyne, Jerry, 98

coyotes, 59

creationism, creationists, 60, 104, 105

crocodile family, 8

Cro-Magnons, 210

crows, 113

Crusades, 212

Cult of Reason, 217

Cult of the Supreme Being, 217

culture, 90

Daisy (chimpanzee), 26, 27, 44

Dalai Lama, 4, 5–6, 8, 9, 138

Dalí, Salvador, 10

Damasio, Antonio, 224

Dandy (chimpanzee), 197–98

Dante Alighieri, 91

Darwin, Charles, 25, 35, 35, 36, 40–41, 59, 110, 225, 235

blushing noted as only distinctly human expression, 155

connection with apes felt by, 107

human morality and, 39–40, 41

Darwin Awards, 103

Darwinian fundamentalism, 103

Davidson, Richard, 8

Dawkins, Richard, 40, 170, 217–18, 247, 248

death, awareness of, 192–98, 206–10

death penalty, 182

de Botton, Alain, 21, 218

delayed gratification, 154

Demeter, 199

Demonic Males (Wrangham), 63–64

Den Bosch (sHertogenbosch), the Netherlands, 1, 74, 86, 245

Dennett, Dan, 89, 94–95, 248, 249

depression, 127

Descent of Man, The (Darwin), 40

Diamond, Milton, 179

Dimberg, Ulf, 132

dinosaurs, 7

Dionysus wine cult, 198

disconfirmation biases, 97, 137

Disneynature, 46

Divine Comedy (Dante), 91

DNA, 44, 58–59, 58, 81, 101, 122, 161

dodo, 12

dogmatism, 89, 94, 108, 109

dogs, 230–31, 234

empathy in, 5

dolphins, 107–8, 124

friendships among, 161

reflection recognized by, 115

targeted helping in, 145

dominance hierarchies, 126

Dorothy (chimpanzee), 194, 194

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 2

Down syndrome, 93, 94

D’Souza, Dinesh, 63, 89, 92

duikers, 65

Durkheim, Émile, 199, 213

Dutch Reformed Church, 85

earthquakes, 202

egalitarianism, 231–32

Egypt, 196

Einstein, Albert, 34, 99, 108, 110, 249, 250

Eleanor (elephant), 29


altruism in, 29, 29, 53, 123

cooperation among, 129–30, 129

death awareness in, 196–97

empathy in, 5

friendships among, 161

reflection recognized by, 115–16, 129

sense of mortality in, 210

targeted helping in, 145

tool-use by, 113–15, 115, 205

Eminem, 131

emotional contagion, 137, 142

“Emotional Dog and Its Rational Tail, The” (Haidt), 41–42

emotions, 136, 137, 175–76

instinct vs., 152–53

as insufficient for altruism, 144

as intelligent, 153

in morality, 17–18, 23, 41–42, 163

seen as mushy, 171

empathic mimicry, 137–39

empathy, 51, 80, 81, 160

as absent in insects, 53–54

altruism and, 33

body-to-body, 131–40

of bonobos, 192

of chimpanzees, 27

hurrying and, 143–44

as multilayered, 144

as necessary for human nature, 163

origins of, 133

sympathy vs., 143

in turtles, 5–6

empirical reality, 204

endorphins, 213

energy conservation, 165

England, 22

enlightened self-interest, 173–74

Enlightenment, 224

Erasmus of Rotterdam, 74, 108, 224

Ethical Project, The (Kitcher), 170–71

ethics, see morality, ethics

etiquette, 156

eudaimonia, 182

eugenics, 21–22, 31

Euthyphro, 220

Eve, 226, 226

Everett, Daniel, 211

evolution, 225

argument from design and, 170

clash over, 101–2, 170, 249

as creating moral abyss, 2

evidence for, 2

Gould’s defense of, 102–3

morality and, 36–38, 227, 235, 238

Roman Catholic Church’s acceptance of, 91

Evolving God (King), 213

eye, 170

Eyengo community, 76–77

faces, 15

facial expressions, 199

fairness, 17, 18, 42, 214, 232, 255

as “concept,” 172

second-order, 232–34

faith, 202–3

Fall, 1, 71, 72, 73

“family comes first,” 183–85

Family of Chimps, The (film), 197–98

female sexual autonomy, 179

female solidarity, 173

fertility, 1

Fessler, Daniel, 155

fidelity, 179

fieldworkers, 62–63, 64, 68, 77–78, 107, 118, 125, 152, 190

Fisher, Ronald, 31

Flack, Jessica, 45

flat earth theory, 91

flatworm, 170

Flores, 56

fMRI scans, 106

Foerder, Preston, 114

forensic sculpting, 55

forgiveness, as “idea,” 172

four, fear of, 201

Francis, Saint, 110

Fränger, Wilhelm, 168

Frankfurt, Harry, 251

Franklin, Benjamin, 202

Freddy (chimpanzee), 46–47

free will, 154, 251

French Revolution, 172, 217

Freud, Sigmund, 216, 217–18, 221

Freud’s Last Session (St. Germain), 216

friendship, 161

Fruth, Barbara, 76, 77

Furuichi, Takeshi, 69, 75–76

Future of an Illusion, The (Freud), 216

Gaboon vipers, 192–93

Gallese, Vittorio, 134

Galton, Francis, 22

Garcia, John, 97

Garden of Earthly Delights, The (Bosch), 1–2, 3, 20, 68, 71, 72–73, 74, 75, 86, 91, 167–70, 169, 207–8, 208, 223, 225–26, 226

Gazzaniga, Michael, 99

generosity, 218–20


discovery of, 100

“misfiring,” 44

gene’s-eye-view, 28–34, 46

genetic determinism, 103

genetic selection, 177

Geneva convention, 235

genital handshakes, 70

genito-genital rubbing, 62, 66, 190

Georgia (chimpanzee), 117–18, 121–22, 123–27

Germany, 22

Ghent, Belgium, 9–10

Ghiselin, Michael, 39, 43

gibbons, 57, 61

girls, 51

God, 207

morality as alleged evidence for, 40

morality as from, 2, 17, 165

Spinoza’s view of, 108, 224, 250

waning influence of, 1

world without, 2

God Is Not Great (Hitchens), 88

golden rule, 181–82, 185

goldfish, 12304

Golding, William, 214

Goodall, Jane, 123, 199–200

Goodenough, Ursula, 108, 110

Good Natured (de Waal), 41

good Samaritan, 18, 141, 143, 144

gorillas, 57, 58, 81

gossip, 175

Gould, Stephen Jay, 102–3, 104, 105, 108, 110

Grace (elephant), 29

Grandin, Temple, 137

gratitude, 127–28, 175–76

Gray, John, 19

Great Britain, eugenics, 21–22

greatest happiness principle, 182–85

greed, 225

grizzlies, 59, 227

grooming, 64, 80, 126, 129, 190, 228, 229

Guantánamo Bay, 22

Guanyin, 199

Habermas, Jürgen, 16, 245

Haeckel, Ernst, 60

Haidt, Jonathan, 41–42, 171

Haldane, J. B. S., 29, 30

hamadryas baboons, 227

Hamilton, William, 30–31, 33, 48

happiness, 183

Happy (elephant), 116

Harman, Oren, 28

Harris, Sam, 22, 89, 90, 182, 217, 248, 249

Hawaii, 179

Haydn, Joseph, 85

Hay Wain, The (Bosch), 224–25

hell, 167, 168, 170

helping, 156, 178–79

Herod, King, 76

“Hero Dog,” 123

Hindus, 249

Hirst, Damien, 209

Hitchens, Christopher, 2, 88–89, 180–81, 217, 248–49

Hitler, Adolf, 22

Hobaiter, Catherine, 139

Hobbes, Thomas, 231–32

hobbit, 55–56

Hohmann, Gottfried, 64, 66, 76, 77

Holland, 9

Homo economicus, 42

Homo genus, 58

honeybees, 28

Hooker, Joseph, 35

Horner, Vicky, 119, 120

Houtman, Dick, 87

Hrdy, Sarah, 50, 179–80

human dominion, 176

human evolution:

acceptance of, 59–60

as branching from apes, 57, 58–59, 59

chimpanzee and bonobo heritage in, 12–13

Lamarck on, 59

parsimonious view of, 145

religious objection to, 101

standard view of, 70

human exceptionalism, 101

human flourishing, 182

humanism, 74, 236–37

Human Manifesto (Kurtz), 108


ape kinship with, 16, 57–59, 58, 81–82, 101, 107, 117, 145, 239–40

bonding and rivalry in, 79–80

bonobos vs., 79

fatherhood in, 79

fear of death in, 207

hybridization with apes, 58–59

Neanderthals’ crossbreeding with, 56, 58, 59

reflection recognized by, 115

social hierarchies in, 150, 154, 215

social rules learned by children, 166–67

as superstitious, 201–2

veneer theory of morality of, 34, 36, 41, 42–43, 43, 49, 157

Hume, David, 17, 42, 162–64, 252

humility, 178, 179

humpback whales, 238

hunter-gatherers, 177, 178, 231

hunting, 65–66, 79, 124, 151, 193

hurrying, empathy and, 143–44

hurting, 156, 178–79

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 34–38, 35, 39, 40–41, 53, 60, 246, 247

identification, 131–32

ietism, 109

IgNobel Award, 138

imagination, 203–4, 206, 207

imitation, 118, 137–39, 190–91, 203

immigration laws, 22

impartiality, 176–77

impartial spectator, 176

impulse control:

in children, 153–54

chimpanzees and, 150–52, 153–54

incest taboo, 71–72

Incredulity of Saint Thomas, The (Caravaggio), 134

Index, 91

Indonesia, 178

inequity aversion, 17

infants, 156, 161

in-group bias, 141–42, 183

Inquisition, 9, 224

insects, empathy lacking in, 53–54

instincts, emotions vs., 152–53

integration, 161

intelligent design, 105

intelligent-designers, 60

intoxication, 198

Iraq War, 89

Islam, 90, 249

isolation, 161

is/ought divide, 162–65, 239, 252

Israel, 252

“it takes a village” theory, 50

Ivory Coast, 57

jackdaws, 6, 113

Jackson, Michael, 131–32, 133

Japan, 123

jealousy, 15

Jerome, Saint, 73

Jesuits, 9

Jesus, 141, 225

Jethá, Cacilda, 179–80

Jews, 108, 141

Jimmy (chimpanzee), 14

Jimoh (chimpanzee), 162

Joe (chimpanzee), 150

Johnson, Mark, 253

Jones, Paula, 66–67

Judeo-Christianity, 101

Jung, Carl, 75

justice, 17, 127, 235

justification, 18

“just so” stories, 103–4

Kalind (bonobo), 64

Kamba (bonobo), 76–77

Kandula (elephants), 114–15

Kano, Takayoshi, 64, 65

Kant, Immanuel, 149, 165, 185, 224

Kanzi (bonobo), 236

Karma, 167

Kent State University, 60

Khmer Rouge, 212

Kibale Forest, 161

Kiddush, 198

kin, 183

kindness, altruism vs., 165

kinesthetic feedback, 118

King, Barbara, 213

King James Bible, 198

King’s Speech, The (film), 132, 133, 142

kin selection, 30–31

Kitcher, Philip, 151, 170–71, 185, 218, 221, 251, 253

Kitty (bonobo), 186

Köhler, Wolfgang, 127, 205–6

Konrad Lorenz Research Station, 6

Kropotkin, Petr, 31, 37–38, 53

Kubrick, Stanley, 66

Kummer, Hans, 227

!Kung San hunters, 178

Kurtz, Paul, 108–9

Kyoto University, 206

La Fontaine, Jean de, 113

Lamalera, 178

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 59

language, 175, 212

Lascaux, France, 57

Last Judgment (Bosch), 135

Last Supper (Leonardo), 72

Lay Sermons (Huxley), 36

learned consequences, 151

Lee, Richard, 178

Leonardo da Vinci, 72

leopards, 28–29

Les Misérables (Hugo), 182

Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 71–72

Lewis, C. S., 216

liana-scratch technique, 139–40

life, meaning of, 106

lightning rod, 202

limbic system, 6

Lincoln, Abraham, 55, 140, 247, 251

Linnaeus, Carl, 58, 101

lions, 123

Liza (chimpanzee), 126

lizards, 7

Lody (bonobo), 186–87

Loeke (cat), 201–2

Log from the Sea of Cortez, The (Steinbeck), 110–11

Lola Ya Bonobo, 189, 190, 192

London Zoo, 101

Looking for Spinoza (Damasio), 224

Lord of the Flies (Golding), 214

Lorenz, Konrad, 65–66, 157–58

Loretta (bonobo), 75, 78

“lost generation,” 182

Lovejoy, Owen, 60, 61

loyalty, 183

Lucy, 12

Luit (chimpanzee), 159, 160

Luther, Martin, 3

macaques, 135, 158

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 13

MacLean, Paul, 6, 7

Madame Bee, 123

Makali (chimpanzee), 190–91, 253

make-believe, 203–4

maladaptive behavior, 103

male hierarchies, 70

Malusu (bonobo), 196

Mama (chimpanzee), 14, 159

Mamans, 190, 192


“altruistic impulse” in, 33

empathy in, 6, 33

nurturing by, 49

sensitivity of, 5

“Man Did Not Evolve from Apes” (article), 60

Mao Zedong, 212

Marcus Aurelius, 51

marriage, 79

marshmallow experiment, 153

Marvin’s Room (film), 51–52

Marx, Karl, 217

Mary, 199

Massachusetts, 202

maternal care, 50

matriarchies, 179

Matsigenka community, 71

Matthew, Book of, 76

May (chimpanzee), 128, 139

Maya (bonobo), 191, 193

Mayr, Ernest, 34, 37, 246

Mbuti pygmies, 173–74

McCauley, Robert, 214

Mead, Margaret, 71

meat sharing, 124

meditation, 8, 106

Meditations, The (Marcus Aurelius), 51

Mendel, Gregor, 100, 102

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 209

mice, emotional contagion in, 142

Michelangelo, 134

Mike (chimpanzee), 46

Miku, Hatsune, 204

Mill, John Stuart, 182

Miller, Henry, 168

Milwaukee County Zoo, 186

mimicry, 118, 137–39, 190–91, 203

Miró, Joan, 10

mirror neurons, 133, 135–36, 137, 140

mirrors, 115–16, 129, 204–5

misfiring genes, 44

Miss USA Pageant, 102, 104

Mitani, John, 161

Mobutu Sese Seko, 189

monitoring, 18

monkeys, 47, 65

calls by young to mothers, 6–7

development of, 166

humans’ relation with, 57–58

males leaving group among, 30

monogamy, 61, 79

monotheism, 105

Montaigne, Michel de, 113, 131, 223

moods, 133

Moral Animal, The (Wright), 39

moralistic aggression, 128

morality, ethics:

as antedating religion, 2–4, 56, 93, 94, 219–20, 239

benefits of group life spread by, 235

bottom-up view of, 23, 172, 228

changes in, 179

community concern, 20, 172–77, 185–87

duality necessary for, 27

emotions used in, 17–18, 23, 41–42, 163

empathy critical to, 156–57

enlightened self-interest and, 173–74

etiquette vs., 156

as evolutionary afterthought, 37

evolution of, 36–37, 227, 235, 238

as from God, 2, 17, 165

as grounded in naturalistic worldview, 19–20

in hunter-gatherers, 177

impartial spectator and, 176

in infants, 156

is/ought divide and, 162–65, 239, 252

justification for, 16

Nietzsche on source of, 47

normative, 170–71

one-on-one, 156–62, 172, 185–87, 231

as outgrowth of caring tendencies, 50

prosocial feelings and, 165

social hierarchy and, 150

top-down view of, 17, 23

two levels of, 172

universal, 90, 178–79, 180–85

veneer theory of, 34, 36, 41, 42–43, 43, 49, 157

see also altruism

Moral Landscape, The (Harris), 22

moral law, 149, 154, 170, 178, 180, 181, 228, 239, 240

Morals without God? (blog), 3–4, 21

More, Thomas, 71–72

Mormonism, 95–96, 249

Morocco, 176

mortality, sense of, 206–10

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 85

Mozu (macaque), 93–94

Mr. Spickles (macaque), 158

Museo Nacional del Prado, see Prado

music, 19

musicians, 107

Mutual Aid (Kropotkin), 38

National Zoo, 114

Natural History, 102

Natural History of Rape, The (Thornhill and Palmer), 103–4

naturalistic fallacy, 21

natural selection, 30, 34, 39, 41, 170

nautilus, 170

Neanderthals, 13, 56, 57, 58, 59

handicapped cared for by, 93

skulls of, 55

near-death experiences, 92–93, 92

neighbors, 141

neo-atheists, see atheism, atheists

neoteny, 73

Netherlands, 108

ietism in, 109

religion in, 84–87

neural circuitry, 50, 52–53, 237–38

neurons, 80, 132, 153

neurons, mirror, 133, 135–36, 137, 140

Newton, Isaac, 34

New Yorker, 62–63

New York Review of Books, 104

New York Times, 3–4

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1, 47, 48

Nikkie (chimpanzee), 197–98

Nishida, Toshisada, 107, 125

noble savage, 71

nonoverlapping magisteria, 105, 110

Norenzayan, Ara, 218, 219

normative ethics, 170–71

North Korea, 183

Norway, 22

Notre Dame cathedral, 217

nudity, 1

Nussbaum, Martha, 252

Occupy Wall Street, 232

ocher piece, 57

Old Man of La Chapelle-aux-Saints, 56

127 Hours (film), 143

one-on-one morality, 156–62, 172, 185–87, 231

Oortje (chimpanzee), 195

opera, 133, 134

operant conditioning, 137

oranges, 169

orangutans, 57, 58, 107

O’Reilly Factor, The, 88

orgasm, 62, 67

Origin of Species, The (Darwin), 35

orphans, 191–92

Oscar (chimpanzee), 46–47

ostracism, 161

out-groups, 183

over-imitation, 203

Oxford University, 91

oxytocin, 51

pain, 36

Palin, Sarah, 254

Palmer, Craig, 104

Pan (genus), 10–11, 13

Panbanisha (bonobo), 233, 236, 255

Panofsky, Erwin, 225

Pansy (chimpanzee), 194–95

Papal Legate of 1214, 91

Parish, Amy, 78–79

Parker, Ian, 62–63, 64

Parma, Italy, 133

parole boards, 252

Parr, Lisa, 15

partible paternity, 180

Pascal, Blaise, 171

patriarchies, 179

Paul, Saint, 18

Pellegrini, Carlo, 35

penalties, 160

Peony (chimpanzee), 4–5, 118, 120–21

perjury, 181

Pew Research Center, 249

pharaohs, 196

Phineas (chimpanzees), 45–46, 172

Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, The (Hirst), 209

pig castration, 140

pigeons, 202

pileated woodpeckers, 116–17

Pirahã, 211

piranhas, 164

Planckendael, 10, 11

play bow, 230

plesiosaurs, 7

Plotnik, Josh, 115, 129

polar bears, 59

policing, 172–74

Pollock, Jackson, 134–35

Pol Pot, 212

Polynesia, 179

polytheism, 105

positivism, 249

Prado, 10, 223–25

Praise of Folly (Erasmus), 224

predators, 164

prefrontal cortex, 16, 153

prestige effect, 175

Price, George, 28, 29, 31, 48, 52, 53

Price of Altruism, The (Harman), 28

Primate Research Institute (PRI), 146, 206


cognition of, 117, 118

as conformists, 136

inequity aversion in, 17

and origin of morality, 3

priming, 218–20

Prinz, Jesse, 156

prosimians, 57

Prosocial Choice Test, 117, 119, 120–21, 121, 122

prosociality, 220

allegedly lacking in apes, 117

in chimpanzees, 120–23, 121

morality and, 165

prosperity gospel, 225

Protestants, 249

Prozac, 183

Pruetz, Jill, 46, 146

psychopaths, 157

public opinion, 18, 174

Puebla debate, 89–95, 109

punishment, 18, 97, 161–62, 164, 165, 166

racism, 22, 103

rain dance, 199–200

rain faces, 199

rainforest, 60

Range, Friederike, 234

rape, 103–4, 173, 177

rationalism, 36, 108, 170

rationalizations, 23

as post hoc, 171–72

rats, altruism in, 142–43

ravens, 6

reason, 23, 170, 224

as slave of passions, 17, 163–64

reciprocal altruism, 31, 128

reciprocity, 220

recognition, 14–15

reconciliation, 20, 97–98

red colobus monkeys, 193

reflections, 115–16, 204–5

regret, 160, 186

Reiss, Diana, 114, 115

relativity, theory of, 34


altruism and, 220

attempts to abolish, 212, 216–17, 236

awareness of death of, 192, 198

as bonding experience, 199

communities maintained by, 212–13

cooperation and, 219

culture and, 90

debates on, 89–95, 109

definitions of, 210–11

as faith, 202–3

God symbolized by eye in, 18

human accomplishments influenced by, 19

as illusion, 216–18

intoxication and, 198

as manmade, 181

morality as antedating, 2–4, 56, 93, 94, 219–20, 239

science compatible with, 104

science integrated with, 8–9

science vs., 90–91, 96–97, 99–100, 101, 102, 105, 109, 213, 214, 215–16

social norms in absence of, 2–3, 16, 21

as static, 100–101

tolerance of, 237

view of morality from, 23

well-being promoted by, 198–99

as worthy of investigation, 94–95

Religion for Atheists (de Botton), 21

remorse, 51, 157

Renaissance, 74–75, 170

Reo (chimpanzee), 206–7, 210

reproduction, 164

reptiles, 7, 8

reputation, 174–75, 220

resentment, 175–76

restrained combat, 31

Revel, Jean-François, 249–50

rewards, 18, 97, 131, 164

rhesus monkeys, 49, 93, 126, 158–59, 165–66

Ribberink, Egbert, 87

Ricard, Matthieu, 105–6, 249–50

Rilling, James, 48–49, 81

Rita (chimpanzee), 124–25

Rix (chimpanzee), 193–94

Robespierre, Maximilien, 217

rodents, 5

Romania, 191

Romans, 179, 211–12

Romito 2, 56

Röntgen, Wilhelm, 99

Rosenblum, Leonard, 251

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 71, 217

Royal Society, 22

Russia, 22

Ryan, Christopher, 179–80

Sacred Depths of Nature, The (Goodenough), 108

Şafak, Elif, 208

Samoa, 71

San Diego Zoo, 64, 75

Santiago, Chile, 123

Santino (chimpanzee), 205

Scherer, Klaus, 153

Schmidt, Allan, 229

Schönberg, Arnold, 201


anthropocentric bias of, 27

biases of, 96–99

competition of ideas incited by, 100

fundamentalist Christianity vs., 2

immoral acts of, 21–22

place in society of, 19–20

religion compatible with, 104, 109

religion integrated with, 8–9

religion’s influence on, 19

religion vs., 90–91, 96–97, 99–100, 101, 102, 105, 109, 213, 214, 215–16

Science, 97


as atheist and agnostic, 106

thirst for knowledge of, 106–7

sea slug, 39

second-order fairness, 232–34

secularism, 220–21

secularization, 16

secular utility, 213

self-aggrandizement, 198

self-control, 2

self-interest, 156

selfishness, 121, 157

altruism of, 28–29, 53

self-protection, 143

self-sacrifice, 32–33

Sembe (chimpanzee), 229–30

Sephardic Jews, 108

sex, 1, 13, 16, 129, 239

biblical view of, 73

in bonobos, 61–62, 62, 64, 65, 67–68, 69–70, 71, 73, 78, 79, 80, 190

in chimpanzees, 152, 227–28

coyness about, 66, 69–70

definition of, 66–67

evolution of, 47–48

humanist view of, 74

Sex and Friendship in Baboons (Smuts), 161

Sex at Dawn (Ryan and Jethá), 179–80

sexual mores, 179

shame, 155

Shanidar I, 56

sharks, 164

Sharpton, Al, 2

Shi’a, 105

Shiba (chimpanzee), 229–30

siamangs, 57

Silverman, David, 88

Singer, Peter, 184–85

skepticism, 108

Skinner, B. F., 97, 136–37, 143, 202

slavery, 140, 171

slime mold cells, 33

Smith, Adam, 18, 176

Smith, John Maynard, 29, 30–31

Smith, Joseph, 95

Smuts, Barbara, 161

snakes, 7, 192–93

soccer, 141, 144

social contract, 220

social hierarchy:

in chimpanzees, 150, 152, 154–55

in humans, 150, 154, 215

in macaques, 159–60

in rhesus monkeys, 165–66

social insects, 3, 34

social instincts, 25

Society for Neuroscience, 8

sociobiology, 22

Socko (chimpanzee), 117–18, 128

Socrates, 220

solidarity, 140

soul, immortality of, 217

South Africa, 57

South America, 180

Soviet Union, 31, 212

Spain, 9, 212

Speed, Joshua, 251

spindle cell, 80

Spinoza, Baruch, 108, 224, 250

spontaneous generation, 225–26

squirrels, 29, 65

Stalin, Joseph, 212

Stealing God’s Thunder (Dray), 202

Steinbeck, John, 110–11

sterilization, forced, 22

Stevens, Jeroen, 11

Stewart, Fiona, 107

Stone Age, 57

strappado, 9

Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 150

stress, 142

Suchak, Malini, 124, 131

Sufis, 208

Sunday effect, 219

Sunnis, 105

sunset calls, 78

super alpha males, 154

supercooperators, 42

supernatural, 207

superstition, 201–2

survival, 164

Sweden, 22

Swedish Lutherans, 105

Swift, Jonathan, 83

Switzerland, 22, 141, 144

sympathy, 140

empathy vs., 143

synchronization, 213

Tama Zoo, 149–50, 154, 166

Tan, Amy, 96

Tannen, Deborah, 79

Tanzania, 107, 193

Tara (chimpanzees), 228–29

targeted helping, 145–46

Taronga Zoo, 229

taste aversion, 97

Taung Child, 66

Teleki, Geza, 193–94

temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), 92

Ten Commandments, 180–81, 185

Teresa, Mother, 89

termites, 31

territoriality, 70

thanatophobia, 207–8

theft, 181

theories, 99

thirteen, fear of, 201

Thomas Aquinas, 127

Thornhill, Randy, 104

Tia (chimpanzee), 46

Tinka (chimpanzee), 139–40

Tjan (jackdaw), 95–96

tolerance, 104, 108

Tolstoy, Leo, 106, 109, 250

tools, 116

apes’ use of, 127, 205–6

chimpanzees’ use of, 57

elephants’ use of, 113–15, 115, 205

tree frogs, 47

tree nests, 107

triskaidekaphobia, 201

Triumph of Death, The (Brueghel), 209, 223

Trivers, Robert, 31–32, 33, 48, 128

trunk, 114

trust, 16, 213

blushing’s fostering of, 155–56

tsunami, 123

Turnbull, Colin, 173–74

turtles, 5–6, 7, 138

Tuskegee syphilis study, 22

2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 66

Uganda, 139, 161

Ultimatum Game, 178, 231

United States, 22, 31

communities in, 212–13

eugenics in, 21–22

evolution skepticism in, 101–2, 249

religion in, 87–88

south in, 105

USA Today, 98

utilitarianism, 182–85

Utopia (More), 71–72

values, 164

Vanity Fair, 35

Vatican, 9, 58, 86, 91, 105

veneer theory, 34, 36, 41, 42–43, 43, 49, 157

Vernon (bonobo), 64, 75

Victoria, Queen of England, 101, 107

Vienna, University of, 138, 234

Vietnam War, 89

Viki (ape), 203

violence, 70, 157

in bonobos, 12, 63, 64, 69, 77–78, 159–60, 185–87

in chimpanzees, 13, 63–64, 65, 76, 159, 187

virginity, 179

Volker (bonobo), 76–78, 161–62

Voltaire, 189, 217, 220

von Neumann, John, 31

Vulgate, 73

“wantons,” chimpanzees as, 151, 239

“warm glow” effect, 49

Washoe (chimpanzee), 46, 203

waterfall dance, 199–200

Wendell, Turk, 201

Westermarck, Edward, 18, 149, 175, 176

whale hunting, 178

whales, 7, 48, 123, 238

whooping cranes, 108

Wilberforce, Samuel, 34–35

Williams, George, 39, 246

Wilson, David Sloan, 213

Windover Boy, 56

wine, 198

wolves, 59

woodpeckers, 116–17

Woods, Vanessa, 67

World War II, 21

Wrangham, Richard, 63–64, 203

Wright, Robert, 39

X-ray, 99

Yamamoto, Shinya, 146

yawn contagion, 138, 141

Yerkes, Robert, 11, 80

Yerkes Primate Center, 5, 117–18, 139, 146

Yeroen (chimpanzee), 159, 160

You Just Don’t Understand (Tannen), 79

YouTube, 123

Zurich, University of, 141