So many people to thank in the web of my life.

First and foremost, this book is dedicated to Richard. All he wanted was for someone to tell his story. I think there are parts of this book he would take issue with, and I would probably have gotten a long, angry e-mail. But ultimately, I think he would be glad that someone finally told his story.

Lon Gowan was incredibly helpful in getting me material. He is extremely kind and really proves that we don’t always choose our friends, but that we should try to be a good friend regardless. Other people who gave me insight and were helpful in piecing this story together include Jeff Mitchell, Matthew Naus, Mary Moore, Philip Weiss, Walter Marin, Dr. Daniel White, Denny Mozena, and my friends in the RLSH community, especially Rock n Roll and Night Bug of the California Initiative, Razorhawk, and Motor-Mouth.

Les Claypool, I love your music and I hope I didn’t freak you out. To Chely Wright, I’m sorry this got dragged out, but I had to follow the story wherever it went.

My family and my friends who have been supportive of me and this project in particular, I appreciate it. Thanks to J. Jason Groschopf, David Beyer, Tim Demeter, Jan Christensen, Lee Gutowski, Paul Kjelland, Andrew Kjelland, Stephen Anderson, Allison Jornlin, Mike Huberty and Wendy Staats.

A huge thank you to Jessica Parfrey and Christina Ward of Feral House, who put in a lot of hard work to help this book reach its full potential.

And last, to Kate. This poor woman has listened to me ramble on about Reptilians and JFK and Flat Earth repeatedly and has taken it in stride. Thanks, Kate.