3. Coin Tricks Requiring Simple Apparatus

The tricks in this lesson are of various kinds—some for informal parlor entertainment, others that can well be included in a prepared magic show. None of them are really difficult.

1. The Handkerchief Coin Vanish

EFFECT: A coin is wrapped in a handkerchief and, at the magician’s command, disappears.


SECRET: This is one of the best and simplest means by which a coin can be vanished without the use of sleight of hand. A handkerchief is prepared by concealing a penny in one corner, sewing over it a piece of material similar to that of which the handkerchief is made. The coin to be vanished—a penny, nickel, or dime, usually—is apparently placed in the center of the handkerchief, which is spread over your left palm, and wrapped up. Actually, you retain the coin in your right hand and wrap up the concealed coin. The spectators can now feel the coin in the handkerchief, or a spectator may even hold the handkerchief, for “safe keeping.” If the latter is done, the magician takes one corner of the handkerchief, when the time arrives to show that the coin has vanished, and shakes the handkerchief out, the spectator releasing his hold.

2. The Paper Cone and Coin

EFFECT: The magician rolls a piece of newspaper into a cone, which he places point downward in a drinking glass. Picking up a coin, he causes it to vanish. He then lifts up the paper cone and inverts it, and the coin falls out of it, into the glass.

SECRET: The newspaper is prepared by pasting to it, near its center, a small piece cut from another newspaper. This piece should be just large enough to form a pocket in which the coin to be used will fit comfortably. It is pasted around three sides only, the top being left open, and a duplicate coin is tucked into the pocket before the performance. The other coin is vanished by the “Handkerchief Coin Vanish.” Keep it in your hand until there is a convenient opportunity to put it in one of your pockets.


3. Fingertip Coin Magic

EFFECT: The performer borrows half a dozen pennies from spectators and drops them one at a time into a hat. He reads aloud the date on each penny before dropping it and a spectator writes down the dates. The performer shakes the coins in the hat to mix them up and then takes them out and drops them into the inside breast pocket of his coat. People in the audience are then asked to name one of the dates and the magician at once produces the penny bearing that date from his pocket. The trick can be continued by producing one or two more pennies or all of them as the dates are given by the audience from among those written down.

SECRET: Before doing the trick put six pennies of your own in your upper right-hand vest pocket. Memorize the dates on these pennies and arrange them in order so you can instantly pick out any one of them. When you pretend to read the dates on the borrowed pennies, you really call out the dates on the pennies in your vest pocket. When the spectators call the dates, stand with your right side to the audience and hold your right coat lapel with your right hand, holding the coat slightly open. When a date is called, put your left hand into your vest pocket and bring out the right coin.


4. The Mysto Coin Vanish

EFFECT: A coin is shown to the audience and the performer, holding it in his left hand, throws a handkerchief over it. Spectators are asked to put their hands beneath the handkerchief and feel the coin, which they do. All agree that it is there, but when the performer removes the handkerchief, the coin has vanished in the twinkling of an eye.


SECRET: This is a splendid trick, and one that is practically 100 per cent undetectable. A friend is needed to act as a secret confederate. He is the last spectator to put his hand beneath the handkerchief, and as he does so, he picks up the coin and removes it, hidden between his thumb and fingers.