Some people you meet in life just sparkle. From the first day we met Tracey, she captivated us with her stories. She grew with us just as we grew as an organisation with her – in animation, experience and boldness. A graduate of our first cohort, she has influenced Luminary’s journey. Here is, simply put, a story of rising hope!

Tracey spent a large part of her life in a home darkened by domestic violence. She was kept secluded away from the bright world outside and driven into a life of forced isolation. There were rare moments of genuine human connection and what she thought, liked or disliked was not heard or even acknowledged. When she finally escaped, homelessness was the only option and she sought refuge in a hostel. While there, she was invited to a baking course at Luminary.

‘Luminary, for me, was a godsend. They gave me confidence and courage and a voice to speak. I hadn’t spoken for two years, but then I came to Luminary. They gave me hope where there was no hope.’

Tracey eventually found her voice during the course at Luminary. Being around women who had similar backgrounds and living conditions drew out confidence and gave her a community of women to learn from and be encouraged by. During our personal and professional group sessions where the women learn how to grow in confidence and perception of their self-worth, Tracey began to find her voice. It wasn’t easy at the time, and some days it felt daunting, but the support and space Tracey received helped her to process the past and seek a new hope for the future. Tracey began to trust again.

Although Tracey classified her first attempts at baking as ‘disastrous’, she remained determined. As an avid cook, she quickly realised that baking relied on using specific measurements. Accuracy was key. Hers wasn’t just a dedication to learn, but a courageous fight for a new and better life.

‘Luminary is love, trust, hope and life! You come in broken and you go out like a firework!’