You are about to read how to create your new business.

We want you to know that many of the topics you will read about tell you to seek advice from experts, including an accountant, a technology expert and a webmaster, to name a few. These people will become important to you as you take this journey, but it is important to remember that this is YOUR BUSINESS and YOU make the final decisions.

When you decide on who you are going to work with, it is important that you choose people who “get you” and who you feel comfortable talking to. You will need to show your accountant how much money you are spending, and you will need to tell your website designer that you just don’t like the new design he or she slaved over. Take your time, interview these people and try to make the best decisions you can. And should you make a wrong decision, as we all do, cut your losses and move on as soon as you know.

It should be an exciting time. Especially in the beginning, you will feel overwhelmed by the decisions that need to be made. Keep a notebook; jot down what people tell you. Later, that will become an invaluable resource.

At MAKE YOUR BUSINESS OUR BUSINESS, our advice to you is to listen carefully, do your own research, and make not only well-informed decisions, but decisions you feel will be congruent with the vision you see for your business.

We are available to answer questions and consult with you every step along the way.