Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.
Abramis, David, 227
Active listening, 84
Assessment tools, 146–149
Austin, Tom, 166
Balzer, William, 238
Bandura, Albert, 190
Banner ads, 223
Bar codes, 55
Batchelor, Karen, 116–118
Behavioral targeting, 220–222
Benchmarking, 206–207
Bezos, Jeff, 273
BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals), 123, 263
Blogging, 160–161
Boehne, Chad, 240
Bolton, Ruth, 114
Book Club, 193
Boredom, 238
Bradt, George, 53
Brand extensions, 196–202
Brand positioning, 200
Branson, Richard, 197
Brautigan, Dave, 36–37
Brennan, Bernie, 216
Britton, Cody, 237
Brown, Rachael, 20, 32–33, 236, 246, 247
Bullas, Jeff, 219
Burnfield, Jennifer, 238
Busch, Jason, 104
Cabaniss, Jesse, 21, 248–249, 267
Campbell, Dan, 89
Carlzon, Jan, 110
Carnegie, Andrew, 171
Cease and Desist t-shirts, 203
Church of the Customer, 266–267
Churchill, Winston, 273
Cialdini, Robert, 261–262
Cinko, Pam, 108, 131, 244, 245
Clinard, Sheila, 162
Clorox, 195
Clothing sales, 199–200
CLT (Customer Loyalty Team) assessment, 146–149
CLT training (see Customer Loyalty Team training)
Colligan, Christina, 53–54, 150
Collins, Jim, 76, 123, 273–274
Compassion, 249
Conference Board, 174
Conference rooms, 229–230
Conley, Chip, 183
“Core values” document, 31–32
Corporate culture, 27–47
benefits of positive, 269
and budgeting for cultural activities, 70–73
changing values structure in, 36–38
employee maintenance of, 62–63
employees’ fit in, 41–46, 48–51
expressing opinions about, 73–77
and progress conversations, 63–70
and values awareness, 38–40
written values in, 27–28, 31–34
Corporate pride, 273–274
Corporate Voices for Working Families, 174
Cosgrove, Rachel, 205–207
Cover letters, 40
COW (Cultivators of Wow) award, 241
Creating Customer Evangelists (McConnell and Huba), 266–267
Creativity, 227
Credible, relevant, unique, and durable (CRUD) values, 36
Crucial Consumer Trends report, 141–142
Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály, 246–247
Cubicles, 230
Cultivators of Wow (COW) award, 241
Culture Book:
comments in, 74–75
excerpts from, 291–296
first-published, 7
purpose of, 75–77
Culture King, 190
Cusimano, Noel, 235
Customer evangelism, 266–269
Customer Loyalty Team (CLT) assessment, 146–149
Customer Loyalty Team (CLT) training:
excitement in, 59
incubation period of, 112–113
for leaders, 51
length of, 52–54
successful completion of, 60
(See also Onboarding)
Customer satisfaction, 90–96
Customer service, 81–124
as central value, 30
and customer satisfaction, 90–96
ease of, 83–88
exceeding expectations of, 118–123
importance of, 82
policies for enriching, 138–139
as responsibility of employee, 55–56
and return policies, 96–99
scripts for, 136–137
and service recovery, 114–118
and sound decisions, 88–90
staff members’ knowledge for, 110–113
value added through, 102
velocity in, 103–109
trust of, 16
watching behavior of, 86–88
Daily sales updates, 161–162
Davis, Zack, 141
Deliver Bliss, 201
Delivering Happiness, 9, 75, 77, 207–210
Delivering Happiness (Hsieh), 5, 8, 9, 209
Department-specific training, 178–179
Determination, 14–15
Differentiation, 60–61
Dobson, Marnie, 253
Downton, Steve, 139
The Dream Manager (Kelly), 189
E, 7
Elective courses, 185–188
Employee evangelism, 266–269
Employee fit, 41–46, 48–51, 60–62
communication between leaders and, 161–162, 164
evaluation of, 63–70
laying off of, 7
product knowledge of, 110–113
Enriched content, 216–220
Equity theorists, 260
Evacuation drills, 234
Extroversion, 237
Face game, 235–236
Fairness, 248
Feedback, customer, 84–86, 148–154
Ferrara, Jon, 133
Fifth Discipline, The (Senge), 110
“Five Second Happiness Survey,” 159–160, 256
Florida Orange Growers Association, 157
Foley, Christa, 49–50
Food, 71–72
Ford, Henry, 25
Ford, Rhonda, 14
Friedman, Barbara, 150–152
Fun, 227–259
and long-term joy, 246–250
medium-term, 240–246
and quality of life, 252–259
short-term joy from, 229–240
Generosity, 141
Giles, Alesha, 179
Gladwell, Malcolm, 231–232
Glynn, Keith, 13
Goal setting, 262–264
Godin, Seth, 141
Good to Great (Collins), 76
Greetings, 148
Griggs, Pamela, 241
Guido-Romero, Faby, 143–144
Handy, Charles, 125
Happiness, 141, 147, 207, 209–210, 228
Happiness Form, 148–149
“Hard skills,” 181
Haupt, Angela, 255
Hazlett, Butch, 164–165
Health plans, 71
Henning, Jeffrey, 79
Hill, Steve, 230
Hiring, 32, 46 (See also Employee fit)
Holt, Angie, 261
Honesty, 162
“How I Did It” (Hsieh), 81, 82
How the Mighty Fall (Collins), 273
Hsieh, Tony, xi–xii
on bad hiring practices, 46
blog updated by, 160–161
on brand extensions, 196
and commitment to company, 14
on company values, 15–16
creation of corporate values by, 35–36
on culture, 76
Delivering Happiness by, 5, 8, 9
on firing employees, 70
and founding of Zappos, 6
on happiness, 209–210
on human interaction, 110
involvement in hiring by, 32, 33
on leadership, 157
on learning, 273
on legacy statement, 277
on results of phone calls, 134
salary of, 261
Twitter account of, 214
on vendors, 164
and Venture Frogs, 9–11
on Zappos Experience, 20
on Zappos Insights, 207
Huba, Jackie, 266–267
Humility, 14–15
Humor, Play and Laughter (Michelli), 226
“Incubation phase,” 112
Information sharing, 161
Interdepartmental relationships, 57–58
Intuition, 84
Jackson, Peter, 4
J.D. Power and Associates, 9
Johnson, Sarah, 255
Johnson, Scott, 126
Jones, John E., 63
Kan Du teams, 256
Kelly, Matthew, 189
Kim, Christina, 85
Kindness, 141–142
Kirkpatrick, Marshall, 104
Lamarr, Zaz, 132–133
Lawson, Lisanna, 254
Lawson, Vanessa, 162
Layoffs, 160
and communication, 157, 161–162, 164
compensation of, 261
legacy of, 276–277
and long-term job, 246
Learmonth, Michael, 222
The Learning Channel (TLC), 122
Lemke, Tami, 147
License plate numbers (LPNs), 95
Lin, Alfred:
on brand extensions, 197
on daily sales updates, 161–162
and having fun, 91
on launch of Zappos, 29–30, 102–103
on learning from mistakes, 13
on service recovery, 114
and Venture Frogs, 9–11
on Zappos Experience, 20
Lombardi, Vince, 181
LPNs (license plate numbers), 95
Magness, Aaron, 17–18, 75, 111, 130, 242
Marusarz, Ted, 228
MAX International, 93–94
Maxwell, John, 277
McCollough, David, xi
McConnell, Ben, 266–267
Menard, Jason Lee, 217–219, 263–264
Mersdorf, Sherrie, 15
Michener, James, 225
Miller, Laura, 112
Mojica, Rafael, 83–84, 86, 242
Morris, Dylan, 137
Mossler, Fred, 10–12, 20, 32, 88, 167–168, 197–199
Mulholland, Christina, 93
Murry, Bryce, 243
Myers, Dave, 244
Nap rooms, 254–255
Naughton, Jamie, 72–73, 161, 256–257
Net Promoter Score (NPS), 150, 155–157
Nielsen, Chris, 20
Nordstrom, 128–129
NPS (Net Promoter Score, 150, 155–157
Olson, Miles, 165
Onboarding, 52–60
employee opinions on, 53–55
as month-long course, 52–53
screening and teaming in, 56–60
types of training in, 53
Onboarding (Bradt and Vonnegut), 53
Open Mic, 216
Order fulfillment accuracy, 93–94
OSHA SHARP award, 263
Overhead costs, 12
Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 174
P.E.A.C.E. team, 256
Peak (Conley), 183
Peake, Chris, 112
PECs (personal emotional connections), 135
Peer recognition, 243
Perfect fit, serving, 26, 38 (See also Corporate culture)
Performance reviews, 63–70
Performance targets, 262–266
Personal connections, 146–170
with customer feedback, 148–154
and Net Promoter Score, 150, 155–157
with open communication, 157–162, 164
with vendors, 164–166
with visitors to Zappos, 166–169
Personal development training, 185–188
Personal emotional connections (PECs), 135
Peter, Lawrence J., 134
Pike, Jenn, 241
Pike Place Fish Market, 135, 193
Pipeline program, 111–112, 173–188
core curriculum of, 174–178
department-specific training in, 178–179
and employee fit, 45
leadership training in, 181–185
levels of courses offered in, 175–177
personal development training in, 185–188
Policies, 137–138
Porras, Jerry, 123
Product descriptions, 92
Product presentation, 88–90, 93, 198
Productivity, 227
Progression plans, 178–179
Quality of life, 252–259
Raeburn, Chris, 121
Rath, Tom, 186
Ratner, Rebecca Henry, 41–42, 61, 69, 159, 173, 248, 265, 268
Return on investment (ROI), 56
Return policies, 96–99
Richman, Robert, 131, 204, 228, 265
Ritz, César, 106–107
Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 129, 135, 137
Roberson, Donavan, 71, 203–204, 253–254
Robertson, Mark R., 219
ROI (return on investment), 56
Rosskam, Ellen, 253
Rustema, Hilbrand, 139
Safety, 262–263
Sales growth, 262
Sales updates, 161–162
Sanborn, Mark, 177–178
Sanchez, Tim, 201
Schafer, Lori, 216
Schnall, Peter, 253
Scott, Augusta, 46, 190, 249–250
Scott, David Meerman, 211
Screening, 56–60
Scripts, 137
Searcy, Roz, 168–169, 236, 258
Self-assessment, 147
Sequoia Capital, 6–8
Service Economics (Downton, Rustema, and Van Veen), 139
Service excellence, 30
Service velocity, 103–109
Shamo, Darrin, 221–223
Sharing Great Calls, 150–152, 286–290
Shen, Lianna, 85
Shopping cart abandonment, 86
Siefker, Rob, 191–192
Slaughter, Laura, 261
Smith, Amy, 114
Smith, Nicole, 260
Smith, Patricia, 238
Snyder, Geoff, 212
Social giving, 256–257
Society for Human Resource Management, 174
“Soft skills,” 181
Speed innovations, 103
“Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers” (Dixon, Freeman, and Toman), 81
StrengthsFinder 2.0 (Rath), 186
“S T R E T C H” principle, 172, 185
Surprising customers, 122–123
Sweeney, Deryl, 206–207
Swinmurn, Nick, 6, 7, 9–12, 196
Tardiness, 247
Team-building activities, 58
Teaming, 56–60
The Learning Channel (TLC), 122
Tidmore, Jerry, 167–168
Torres, Devlyn, 175
Tours of headquarters, 166–169
Training, 112 (See also Customer Loyalty Team training; Onboarding)
Transparency, 216
Trial-and-error approaches, 84, 204
Trust, 16
Tyler, David, 254
Unhealthy Work (Schnall, Dobson, and Rosskam), 253
UPS, 105
User experience (UX) team, 84–87
User research, 84
Utley, Linda, 267
UX (user experience) team, 84–87
awareness of, 38–40
changing structure of, 36–38
Van Veen, Jan, 139
Vendors, 164–166
Video cover letters, 40
Vincent, Laurence, 128
Viralogy, 107
Virgin Group, 197
Vonnegut, Mary, 53
“Wal-Marting Across America,” 215–216
Way We Serve Statements, 135–136
Weil, Erica, 267
Whittemore, C. B., 213
Wikis, 112
Williams, Justin, 105
Wolske, Jon, 191
Workforce readiness report cards, 174
WorldPort, 105
Writing courses, 186
Yi, Joseph, 107
Yokoyama, John, 193
buzz about, 4–5
facts about, 2–4
historical pivot points for, 10–15
milestones at, 6–9
unique value proposition of, 15–19
(See also specific headings)
Zappos Experience, 19–23
Zappos Fulfillment Center:
leasing of, 30
location of, 104–105
and order fulfillment accuracy, 94
safety goals at, 262–263
and benchmarking, 206–207
mission of, 203–204
platform of, 204–205
signing up for, 276