Dictionary of Architecture and Building. 3 vols. R. Sturgis.

History of Architectural Development, 3 vols. F. M. Simpson.

History of Architecture, 5 vols. J. Fergusson.

History of Architecture, 4 vols. R. Sturgis.

Architecture of Ancient Greece. W. J. Anderson, R. P. Spiers and W. B. Dinsmoor.

Architecture of Ancient Rome. W. J. Anderson, R. P. Spiers and T. Ashby.

Orders of Architecture. J. Gibbs; J. M. Mauch; C. Normand; R. P. Spiers; A. Stratton.

Fragments d‘Architecture Antique, 2 vols. H. D’Espouy.

Byzantine Architecture and Decoration. J. A. Hamilton.

English Romanesque Architecture, 2 vols. A. W. Clapham.

Architectural Parallels (English Gothic). E. Sharpe.

Gothic Architecture in England. F. Bond. Gothic Architecture, Details of, 2 vols. J. K. Colling.

Gothic Ornaments, 2 vols. J. K. Colling. A History of Gothic Art in England. E. S. Prior.

English Church Architecture, 2 vols. F. Bond.

Mediæval Styles of the English Parish Church. F. E. Howard.

Parish Churches of England. J. C. Cox and C. B. Ford.

Romanesque Architecture in France. J. Baum.

Dictionnaire Raisonnée de L’Architecture Française, 10 vols. Viollet le Duc.

Nouvelle Encyclopédie Illustrée de L‘Art Française. L’Art Roman. L. Lefrançois-Pillion. L‘Art Gothique. L. Réau. L’Art Renaissance. P. Du Colombier. L’Art au XVII Siècle. C. Mauricheau-Beaupré.

Fragments d‘Architecture du Moyen-âge et de la Renaissance, 2 vols. H. D’Espouy.

Gotische Kathedralen in Frankreich. P. Clemen.

Architecture of the Renaissance in Italy. W. J. Anderson and A. Stratton.

Bankunst der Früh-Renaissance in Italien. J. Baum.

Bankunst der Hoch- und Spat-Renaissance in Italien. C. Ricci.

Baroque Architecture and Sculpture in Italy. C. Ricci.

Renaissance Palaces of Northern Italy, 3 vols. A. Haupt.

Renaissance Rome : Edifices de Rome Moderne, 4 vols. P. M. Letarouilly.

Roman Baroque Art, 2 vols. T. H. Fokker.

Architecture of the Renaissance in France, 2 vols. W. H. Ward and J. W. Simpson.

Domestic Architecture of England during the Tudor Period, 2 vols. T. Garner and A. Stratton.

Architecture of the Renaissance in England, 2 vols. J. A. Gotch.

A History of Renaissance Architecture in England, 2 vols. R. Blomfield.

Early Renaissance Architecture in England. J. A. Gotch.

Mansions of England in the Olden Time, 4 vols. J. Nash.

Old English Mansions, 4 vols. C. J. Richardson.

English Home from Charles I to George IV. J. A. Gotch.

English Homes, 1066-1820, 9 vols. A. Tipping.

Smaller English House, 1660-1830. A. E. Richardson and H. D. Eberlein.

Small Houses of the Later Georgian Period, 2 vols. S. C. Ramsey and J. Harvey.

Later Renaissance Architecture in England, 2 vols. J. Belcher and M. Macartney.

London Churches of the 17th and 18th Centuries. C. H. Birch.

Old Churches of London. G. Cobb and G. Webb.

Old Colleges of Oxford. A. Vallance.

The Age of Adam. J. Lees-Milne.

The Architecture of R. and J. Adam, 2 vols. A. T. Bolton.

The Regency Style. D. Pilcher.

A History of Spanish Architecture. B. Bevan.

Renaissance Architecture in Spain. A. N. Prentice.



Early Christian Mosaics from the 4th to the 7th Centuries. R. Huch and W. F. Volbach.

Mosaici Antichi di San Marco a Venezia. S. Bettini.

Mosaici di San Vitale in Ravenna. S. Muratori.

Pittura delle Origini Cristiane. S. Bettini.



The Art of the Potter. W. B. Honey.

The Book of Pottery and Porcelain, 2 vols. W. E. Cox.

General History of Porcelain, 2 vols. W. Burton.

Pottery and Porcelain, 3 vols. E. Hannover.

Greek Vase Painting. E. Buschor.

History of Ancient Pottery, 2 vols. H. B. Walters.

The Art of the Chinese Potter. R. L. Hobson and A. L. Hetherington.

The Ceramic Art of China and the Far East. W. B. Honey.

Chinese Porcelain, 2 vols. W. G. Gulland.

Chinese Pottery and Porcelain, 2 vols. R. L. Hobson.

The Early Ceramic Wares of China. R. L. Hobson.

The Later Ceramic Wares of China. R. L. Hobson.

Corean Pottery. W. B. Honey.

Dutch Pottery and Porcelain. W. P. Knowles.

Old Dutch Pottery and Tiles. E. Neurdenburg.

Early Netherlands Maiolica. B. Rackman.

Oud-Nederlandsche Majolica en Delftsch Aardewerk. C. H. De Jonge.

Early Islamic Pottery. A. Lane.

Islamic Pottery. A. J. Butler.

English Pottery and Porcelain. W. B. Honey.

English Pottery. B. Rackham and H. Read.

Old English Porcelain. W. B. Honey.

English Blue and White Porcelain of the 18th century. S. Fisher.

French Faience. A. Lane.

A History and Description of French Porcelain. E. S. Auscher.

Porcelaine Française du XVII au mileau du XIX siecle. Alfassa and Guérin.

German Porcelain. W. B. Honey.

A History and Description of Italian Majolica. M. L. Solon.

Russisches Porzellan, 1744 to 1923. G. Lukomski.

Ceramica del Levante Español. N. G. Marti.

Catalogues of Ceramics in the following Collections: Sir Percival David, Eumorfopoulis, Glaisher, Leonard Gow, Leverhulme, Lady Ludlow, W. T. Walters.



The Art of Glass. W. Buckley.

English Glass. W. A. Thorpe.

English Table Glass. P. Bate.

European Glass. W. Buckley.

Glaser der Empire- und Biedermeierzeit. G. E. Pazaurek.

Glass. E. Dillon.

Glass: A Handbook for the Study of Glass Vessels of all Periods and Countries. W. B. Honey.

Glass in Architecture and Decoration. R. McGrath.

History of English and Irish Antique Glass, 2 vols. W. A. Thorpe.

History of Glass Making in Ireland. M. S. D. Westropp.

Old English Glasses. A. Hartshorne.



Adventures in Light and Colour. C. J. Connick.

Ancient Painted Glass in England, 1170-1500. P. Nelson.

English Mediæval Painted Glass. J. D. Le Couteur.

English Stained Glass. H. Read.

Gotische Glasmalerei in e9780486149363_img_332.gifsterreich bis 1450. F. Kieslinger.

History of Design in Painted Glass, 4 vols. N. H. J. Westlake.

History of English Glass Painting. M. Drake.

Mittelalterliche Bildfenster der Schweiz. F. Zschokke.

Stained Glass of the XIIth and XIIIth Centuries from French Cathedrals. G. C. Coulton and M. Aubert.

Stained Glass of the Middle Ages in England and France. L. B. Saint and H. Arnold.

Vorbildliche Glasmalereien aus dem späten Mittelalter und der Renaissancezeit. E. Wasmuth.

Windows: a book about Stained and Painted Glass. L. F. Dav.


Domestic Silver of Gt. Britain and Ireland. E. Wenham.

English Domestic Silver. C. Oman.

An Illustrated History of English Plate, 2 vols. C. J. Jackson.

Old English Plate. W. J. Crisps.

Old English Silver. W. W. Watts.

Old Silver Work, Chiefly English. J. Starkie Gardner.

Paul de Lamerie, his Life and Work. P. A. S. Phillips.

The Goldsmiths of Italy. C. G. E. Bunt and S. J. A. Churchill.

Silversmiths’ Work of European Origin, 1350-1678. Burlington Fine Arts Club.

Old Silver of Europe and America. E. A. Jones.

Oriental Silverwork, Malay and Chinese. H. L. Roth.

Catalogues of the Plate in the following Collections: Cambridge Colleges, Oxford Colleges, Tower of London, Windsor Castle, Baroness de Rothschild, Emperor of Russia. E. A. Jones.

Catalogo de la Exposición de Orfebreria Civil Española. P. de Artinano.



Decorative Ironwork. C. Ffoulkes.

Encyclopedia of Ironwork. O. Hoever.

English and Scottish Wrought Ironwork. B. S. Murphy.

English Ironwork of the 17th and 18th centuries. J. Starkie Gardner.

Ferronerie Ancienne, 2 vols. H. R. Allemagne.

Il Ferro Nell’arte Italiana. G. Ferrari.

Hierros Artisticos, 2 vols. L. Labarta.

Rejeria of the Spanish Renaissance. A. Byne and M. Stapley.

A New Book of Drawings containing several sorts of Ironwork. J. Tijou.

Wrought Iron and its Decorative Use. M. Ayrton and A. Silcock.

Wrought Iron in Architecture. G. K. Geerlings.



Early Chinese Bronzes. A. J. Koop.

Bronzi Italiani: Raccolta Alfredo Barsanti. L. Pollak.

Il Bronze e il Rame Nell’arte Italiana. A. Pettorelli.

Italian Bronze Statuettes of the Renaissance. 6 vols. W. Bode.



Decorative Furniture. G. L. Hunter.

Encyclopedia of Furniture. J. Aronson.

Encyclopedia of Furniture. H. Schmitz.

Kunstgeschichte des Mobels. A. Feulner.

Ancient Furniture. G. M. A. Richter.

Chinese Furniture. H. Cescinsky.

Gentlemen and Cabinet Maker’s Director. T. Chippendale.

Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide. G. Hepplewhite.

Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterers’ Drawing Book. T. Sheraton.

Decorative Work of R. and J. Adam.

Decoration and Furniture in England, 4 vols. M. Jourdain and F. Lenygon.

Dictionary of English Furniture, 3 vols. F. Macquoid and R. Edwards.

Early English Furniture and Woodwork, 2 vols. H. Cescinsky and E. R. Gribble.

Encyclopedia of English Furniture. O. Brackett.

English Furniture, Decoration and Woodwork. T. A. Strange.

English Furniture from Charles II to George II. R. W. Symonds.

English Furniture, Gothic to Sheraton. H. Cescinsky.

English Furniture of the 18th Century, 3 vols. H. Cescinsky.

The English Interior. A. Stratton.

English Interiors from Smaller Houses, 1660-1820. M. Jourdain.

History of English Furniture, 4 vols. P. Macquoid.

Regency Furniture. M. Jourdain.

Holländische Möbel und Raumkunst. C. H. De Jonge.

Old Interiors in Holland. K. Sluyterman.

Dictionnaire du Mobilier Français de l’Epoque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance, 6 vols. E. E. Viollet-Le-Duc.

French Interiors, Furniture, Decoration and Woodwork. T. A. Strange.

Louis XIV and Regency Furniture and Decoration. S. de Ricci.

Furniture of the Louis XVI Period. S. de Ricci.

Empire und Biedermeier. J. A. Lux.

Deutsche Möbel des Mittelalters und der Renaissance. O. Von Falke and H. Schmitz.

Deutsche Möbel des Barock und Rokoko. O. Von Falke and H. Schmitz.

Deutsche Möbel des Klassizismus. O. Von Falke.

Furniture and Decoration of the Italian Renaissance. F. Schottmüller.

Italian Furniture and Interiors. G. L. Hunter.

Die Renaissance in Italien, 4 vols. A. Schütz.

Spanish Interiors and Furniture, 3 vols. A. Byne and M. Stapley.

Colonial Furniture in America, 2 vols. L. V. Lockwood.

Decorative Plasterwork of Great Britain. L. Turner.

English Decorative Plasterwork of the Renaissance. M. Jourdain.

History of Old English Wallpaper. A. V. Sugden and J. L. Edmonson.



English Church Woodwork and Furniture. F. E. Howard and F. H. Crossley.

Bench Ends in English Churches. J. C. Cox.

English Church Screens. A. Vallance.

Greater English Church Screens. A. Vallance.

Pulpits, Lecterns and Organs in English Churches. F. Bond.

Woodcarvings in English Churches, 2 vols. F. Bond.

English Interior Woodwork of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. H. Tanner.

English Renaissance Woodwork, 1660-1730. T. J. Beveridge.

Grinling Gibbons and the Woodwork of his Age. A. Tipping.

French Woodcarvings from the National Museums. E. Rowe.

II Legno nell’arte Italiana. G. Ferrari.



The Book of Ivory. G. C. Williamson.

English Ivories. M. H. Longhurst.

Ivories. A. Maskell.



Bindings in Cambridge Libraries. G. D. Hobson.

Bookbinding in France. W. Y. Fletcher.

English Bindings before 1500. G. D. Hobson.

Gothic and Renaissance Bookbinding, 2 vols. E. P. Goldschmidt.

Islamic Bookbindings. F. Sarre.

Maoli, Canevari and others. G. D. Hobson.



Decorative Textiles. J. L. Hunter.

Encyclopedia of Textiles. E. Fleming.

Historic Textile Fabrics. R. Glazier.

History of Design in Silk Fabrics. O. Von Falke.

Textil-Ornamente. F. Fischbach.

Die Gewebe-Sammlung des Koniglichen Kunstgewerbe-Museums, Berlin, II vols.

Toiles Imprimées de la Perse et de l’Inde. H. Ernst.

Chinese Carpets and Rugs. A. Hackmack.

Chinese Rugs. G. B. Leitch.

Fine Carpets in the Victoria and Albert Museum. A. F. Kendrick and C. Tattersall.

Handwoven Carpets, 2 vols. A. F. Kendrick and C. Tattersall.

Masterpieces of Oriental Rugs, 3 vols. W. Grote-Hasenbalg.

Old Oriental Carpets from the Austrian Museum for Art and Industry, 2 vols. F. Sarre and H. Tkenkwald.

Oriental Rugs—Antique and Modern. W. A. Hawley.

Oriental Rugs and Carpets. A. U. Dilley.

The Ryijy Rugs in Finland. U. T. Sirelius.

Tapis de Finlande, Norvège et Suède. H. Ernst.

Tapis de Pologne, Lithuanie, Yougoslavie. H. Ernst.

Tapis Roumains. H. Ernst.

A History of Tapestry. W. G. Thomson.

Gestickte Bildteppiche und Decken des Mittelalters, 2 vols. M. Schuette.

French Tapestry. A. Lejard.

La Tapisserie Française du Moyen-âge à nos Jours. F. Salet.

La Tapisserie Gothique. E. Planès.

Tapestry Weaving in England. W. G. Thomson.

English Decorative Textiles. W. G. Hunton.

Kunstgeschichte des Alten Peru. W. Lehmann and H. U. Doering.

Kunst und Kultur von Peru. M. Schmidt.

Tissus des Indes Néerlandaises. D. Réal.

Tissus Nègres. H. Clouzot.



Art in Needlework. L. F. Day.

Domestic Needlework. S. Seligman and T. Hughes.

English Embroidery. A. F. Kendrick.

English Mediæval Embroidery. A. G. L. Christie.

Ernst Series of Embroidery Portfolios: Chinese, Czech, Indian, Roumanian. Russian, Spanish, 6 vols. H. Ernst.

Mediaeval und Near Eastern Embroideries, 2 vols. A. J. B. Wace.

Needlework through the Ages. M. Symonds and L. Preece.

Samplers. L. Ashton.

Samplers and Stitches. Mrs. A. Christie.

Samplers and Tapestry Embroidery. M. B. Huish.

Art and Craft of Old Lace. A. Von Henneberg.

History of Lace. Mr. B. Palliser.

Old Italian Lace, 2 vols. E. Ricci.

Old Lace. M. Jourdain.



The Book of Kells. E. Sullivan.

English Illuminated Manuscripts from the 10th to the 15th Centuries, 2 vols. E. G. Millar.

History of English Illumination, 2 vols. O. E. Saunders.

History of German Illumination, 2 vols. A. Goldschmidt.

History of Spanish Illumination, 2 vols. J. D. Bordona.

Illuminated Ornaments Selected from Manuscripts and Early Printed Books. H. Shaw.

Les Joyaux de l’Enlumière. H. Martin.

La Miniature Flamande au temps de la Cour de Bourgogne. C. D. Durrieu.

La Miniature Française aux 15e et 16e siècles. A. Blum and P. Lauer.



(See also Textile Fabrics and Embroidery)

Peasant Art in Europe. H. T. Bossert.

Peasant Art in Austria, Hungary, Italy, Roumania, Russia, 4 vols. C. Holme.

Peasant Art in Sweden, Lapland and Iceland. C. Holme.

Deutsche Volkskunst, 13 vols. E. Redslob.

Folk Art of Rural Pennsylvania. F. Lichten.



Les Terres Cuites Grecques. J. Charbonneaux.

Terra Cotta of the Italian Renaissance. The Terra Cotta Association.

Enamelling. L. F. Day.

European Enamels. H. Cunynghame.

Mediaeval Spanish Enamels. W. L. Hildeburgh.

Battersea Enamels. E. Mew.

A Record of European Arms and Armour, 6 vols. G. G. Laking and F. H. Cripps-Day.

The Armoury of the Castle of Churburg. O. Trapp.

The Art of Heraldry. A. C. Fox Davies.

Heraldry and Floral Forms as used in Decoration. H. Cole.

Monumental Brasses, 2 vols. H. Haines.

Monumental Brasses from the 13th to the 16th Century. J. G. and L. B. Waller.

A Book of Facsimiles of Monumental Brasses on the Continent of Europe. W. F. Creeny.

Ancient Sepulchral Monuments. W. Brindley and W. S. Weatherley.

Monumental Effigies of Great Britain. C. A. Stothard.

One Hundred Title-Pages. A. F. Johnson.

German Renaissance Title-Borders. A. F. Johnson.

Title-Page Borders used in England and Scotland, 1485-1640. R. B. McKerrow and F. S. Ferguson.

Propyläen Kunstgeschichte, 16 vols.

Burlington Magazine Monographs on Chinese, Georgian and Spanish Art, 3 vols.

Survey of Persian Art, 6 vols. A. U. Pope.

The Decorative Arts in England, 1660-1790. H. H. Mulliner.

Church Symbolism. F. R. Webber.

Outlines of Chinese Symbolism and Art Motives. C. William.

Ko-ji Ho-ten, Objets d’Art Japonais et Chinois, 2 vols. V. F. Weber.

Arts of the South Seas. R. Linton and P. S. Wingert.

Mediaeval American Art, 2 vols. P. Kelemen.

La Collection Spitzer, 6 vols.