For crucial assistance in obtaining illustrations, and for kindly providing valuable background information, the authors warmly thank: Dave Bergman; Sarah J. Biggs at the British Library; Albert D. Carlson at Stony Brook University; Albert D. Carlson III; D. Chris Cottrill at the National Air and Space Museum; Christina M. Deane at the University of Virginia Library; Simon Flavin at Mirrorpix; Mark Forgy, author of The Forger’s Apprentice; Brad Goldstein at Resilience Communications, LLC; Michael Jones McKean at Virginia Commonwealth University; Bryan Kasik at the University of Virginia; Bill Koch; Eric Loss at Pangaea Exploration; Melissa Merson Ellison; Richard Milner/Milner Archive; Martin Mulholland of the U.S. Secret Service; Jamie Nathan at the National Library of Israel; David R. Nevraumont; Guy Newman at Alamy Stock Photo; Robert Newman at Biblical Theological Seminary; Pamela Patton at Princeton University; Timothy Rowe of the High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography Facility at the University of Texas at Austin; Mike Sampson of the U.S. Secret Service; Julie Stoner at the Library of Congress; Chris Stringer and the Natural History Museum, London; John Turner; and Michelle Wright at the Library of Congress.

We are deeply indebted to Dinah Dunn of Black Dog and Leventhal, not only for her support and enthusiasm for the book, but most especially for her expert editing instincts. Also at Black Dog and Leventhal, we are grateful to production editor Melanie Gold and copyeditor Laura Cherkas for their thoughtful notes and at Red Herring to Carol Bobolts for the book’s stylish design.

Our gratitude is also due to Jane Dystel and Miriam Goderich, agents extraordinaire. We lucked out.

And finally, we thank Jeanne Kelly for her many excellent suggestions, and Ann Dana Carlson for listening patiently to endless tales of human folly, illusion, and deception.