This is Connor’s second assignment and it’s even tougher than the first. I can tell you, the writing process doesn’t get any easier for me either. The bar to entertain, surprise and thrill the reader is set higher each time. That’s why I continue to rely on so many people to ensure I deliver the best story I can. So I’d like to thank the following people, who have supported me from start to finish:

My long-suffering wife, Sarah, who has to manage the ebbs and flows of elation and despair that I experience when writing. My two wonderful sons, Zach and Leo, you are a constant inspiration for me. My mum and dad, who diligently help proofread all my drafts. Sue and Simon for helping with the boys and keeping our garden looking lovely. Steve and Sam for taking the boys swimming, and Karen and Rob for being such wonderful friends.

Charlie Viney, my agent, who has my best interests at heart all the time. Clemmie Gaisman and Nicky Kennedy at ILA. Pippa Le Quesne for her insightful advice.

My team of loyal editors: Brian Geffen at Philomel Books, who has made this edition even more explosive; Tig Wallace at Puffin for his steady hand on the tiller; and Wendy Shakespeare at Puffin for her ever watchful copy-editing eye!

A special thanks must go to Abdilahi Nur and his mother for checking the Somali translation. Mahadsanid.

Trevor Wilson and Shelley Lee at Authors Abroad for all their diligent work in organizing my book tours around the world.

And all my good friends for their encouragement and support, including but not exclusive to Geoff and Lucy, Matt, Charlie, Jackie and Russell, the members of the HGC (Dan, Siggy, Larry, Dean, Giles), my cousin Laura and the Dyson clan (especially my goddaughter Lulu!).

Stay safe.


Any fans can keep in touch with me via my YouTube channel ChrisBradfordAuthor or my website