Chronology of Events Related to the Tayos Caves
1946 | Petronio Jaramillo Abarca supposedly visits the cave in eastern Ecuador and sees the treasure of the metallic library. He writes about his experience ten years later in 1956. |
1964 | Jaramillo is interviewed by Alfredo Moebius, who introduces him to Andrés Fernández Salvador Zaldumbide, and Andrés introduces him to Juan Moricz and Pino Turolla. |
1965 | Moricz explores several Tayos caves, mainly in the Morona-Santiago region. |
1968 | The Mormon expedition with Julio Goyén Aguado and Avril Jesperson, representing the church of Latter-day Saints. |
1969 | The Moricz-CETURIS expedition, also called Táltosok Barlangja. |
Second expeditions of CETURIS and the Ecuadorian army without Moricz. Moricz makes a notarized statement about his discoveries, but the statement will not be disclosed until 1974. | |
1972 | Juan Moricz and his lawyer, Gerardo Peña Matheus, take Erich von Däniken to visit a cave outside of Cuenca. |
1973 | Because of the success of von Däniken’s recently published The Gold of the Gods, notarized statements about the discoveries are made again, and Moricz and Peña Matheus attempt to sue von Däniken. |
1974 | Pino Turolla visits the caves and interviews Jaramillo for the first time. Another version of the story of the lost metallic library appears. |
1975 | Stanley Hall arrives from Scotland to meet Moricz and organize an expedition to the cave of the metallic library and to the Méndez petroglyphs. |
1976 | A joint scientific expedition between the UK and Ecuador with Stanley Hall. Neil Armstrong is an honorary participant in this event. |
1978 | Moricz introduces Hall to Andrés Fernández Salvador Zaldumbide. |
1982 | Moricz invites Hall to help him with the geological analysis of Cumbaratza. |
The death of Father Carlo Crespi. | |
1991 | Moricz dies suddenly of a heart attack in February. |
Hall meets Petronio Jaramillo Abarca. | |
1996 | Jaramillo adapts his version of the story of the treasure in the caves, which was originally published by Pino Turolla. |
1998 | Jaramillo is murdered by his son in suspicious circumstances in Esmeraldas. |
1999 | Julio Goyén Aguado dies in an accident during an archaeological expedition to the Mendoza Andes in Argentina. |
2005 | January 17: Hall publishes the location of the metallic library in a letter to the Ecuadorian ambassador in Britain. |
2006–2007 | Alex E. Chionetti does several expeditions to the Tayos Caves in the Pastaza and Coangos River areas. |
2008 | Stanley Hall dies suddenly in Scotland, after being diagnosed with terminal cancer just two months before. |
2009 | Chionetti returns to the area of the Santiago River to visit the Tayos Caves that border Peru. He visits the mining zone of Cumbaratza and Nambija (Morona-Santiago). |
2010 | Chionetti discovers documents related to a metallic library lost in Bolivia but documented in books from the sixteenth century, among them the Horca del Inca in Copacabana. |
Alex Chionetti gets a subsidiary of the History Channel to cover the topic and show images of the Tayos for a program called Ancient Aliens. The network shows the segment in November 2010 in an episode called “Underground Aliens.” |