- What was your favorite part of the book?
- Who was your favorite character? What made you relate to him/her?
- Heather and Kit shared a special bond as sisters. Do you have a sibling with whom you are very close? What makes your relationship special?
- What differences do you generally see between relationships with brothers and sisters?
- Heather misses out on the opportunity to go to Kit’s funeral. How do you think that affects Heather’s drive to find the man responsible for Kit’s death?
- After the crash, Heather’s friend Nora offers to help her, but Heather asks her not to come by. Why do you think it is often so difficult for women to accept help, even when they’re really in need?
- Heather is so consumed with avenging Kit’s death that her prayers feel like they’re just bouncing off the ceiling. Have you ever gotten to a point where you felt your prayers were useless? How did you get through that time?
- Jeremy’s been living with the guilt over losing Reena for a long time. Is there something in your life that you regret and have been carrying with you? What do you need to do to let it go?
- When Jeremy is finally ready to talk to someone about Reena, he chooses his friend Tony. What qualities in their friendship do you think allow Jeremy to be so honest?
- What friends have you had that you knew you could be honest with? Did they share any characteristics with Tony?
- Heather and Jeremy have a fight when Heather says that she’s going to put herself out as bait for the killer. She feels desperate, as though this is her only option to solve the case. What would you do if you were in that position? Would you put your own life on the line?
- Most of us will never know the loss combined with the extreme fear that Heather and Jeremy face in the book. This makes them both doubt God’s plans. What have you been through that has made you doubt God? How did God prove Himself in your life?