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Copyright © 2016 by Denise George and Josh Aronson.
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eBook ISBN: 9780698195288
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Aronson, Josh. | George, Denise.
Title: Orchestra of exiles : the story of Bronislaw Huberman, the Israel Philharmonic, and the one thousand Jews he saved from Nazi horrors / Josh Aronson & Denise George.
Description: First edition. | New York : Berkley 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2015036463 | ISBN 9780425281215
Subjects: LCSH: Huberman, Bronislaw. | Violinists—Biography. | Tizmoret ha-Erets-Yiâsre®elit. | LCGFT: Biographies.
Classification: LCC ML418.H82 A85 2016 | DDC 787.2092—dc23
LC record available at
First edition: April 2016
Jacket design by Rita Frangie.
Jacket photo of Bronislaw Huberman © Studio Lipnitzki / Roger Viollet.
Title page art © Alenavlad / Shutterstock.
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