Why We Need Time to Think and Reflect

“You have to go internal if you want to go eternal.”

—Sargent Shriver

I learned something recently in two separate conversations I’ll never forget. Both California Governor Jerry Brown and former Secretary of State George Shultz spoke to me about how important it’s been throughout their lives and careers to set aside uninterrupted time in their busy days—time to be, to think, to reflect. Each went on to explain how difficult it is to safeguard that alone time, but also how critical it has been to his thinking and his ability to create and lead.

I loved that simple but profound advice. No matter how busy you are, carve out time in your day to get calm, to be present, to think, to reflect.

I’m grateful I heard that advice from them right before I went onstage to speak, because it helped me to stay present. It helped me to stay in the moment. It allowed me to take in what was actually happening right then, when it was happening.

So when I sat there onstage looking out at the audience, I was overcome with gratitude—gratitude to my parents, gratitude to my family, and gratitude to all who have impacted my life. So many people have helped me and continue to help me in so many ways. Being present also allowed me to take in the love that’s been there for me in my life—and was there for me that night. I didn’t push it away, as I might have in the past. I let it in, and it felt beautiful. And because I was present for it, that was a moment I will never forget.

When I went back to my hotel, I made a vow to myself. I promised to create more empty space in my days. More time to think. To dream. To be calm. To just be, so that I can be more present in my own life.

I think we are at a unique moment in our fast-paced, ever-changing world. I think our world needs us all to be more present, to be calmer, more reflective, more creative. If we each made an effort to carve out that space in our daily lives, I have no doubt that our interactions with one another would be different. I have no doubt we would see differently, hear differently, and realize different things. I have no doubt that we would show up in our lives in a different way, speak up in a different way, and perhaps help move our country forward together in the way we all say we want it to go.

That’s something worth thinking about, reflecting on, and being present for.

Dear God, help me to take time every day to be alone with you and shut out everything else but your presence. Help me to experience your presence in my life and to hear your voice speaking in my heart. Amen.