As always, I owe a debt of gratitude to many people who have had a hand in the creation of this novel.
To my editors Dave Long and Jessica Barnes, for believing this story was worth investing in, and for helping shape it into something worth reading.
To my agent, Tim Beals of Credo Communications, for his continued support and enthusiasm.
To Kevin Doerksen, owner of Wild Onion Walks in Chicago, for giving me a personalized tour of Chicago during my research visit, for staying in touch afterward and responding to all my follow-up questions, and for reading the novel in advance with a lookout for any historical inaccuracies. (If I’ve made mistakes in this regard, the blame is mine alone.) Psst, readers! Next time you’re in Chicago, look up Wild Onion Walks! Kevin is a phenomenal tour guide.
To Lesley Martin, reference librarian at the Chicago History Museum Research Center, for supplying the materials I requested both in person during my visit and through continued correspondence afterward.
To Ken Hall, professor of art at the University of Northern Iowa, for spending hours with me talking about oil painting techniques, creativity, and how a burn injury might affect an artist’s psyche and methods.
To Dr. Neil McMahon, for answering my many questions about burn injuries and the recovery process.
To Dr. Dave Beach, mental health director at VetGR in Grand Rapids, Michigan, who lent his expertise working with veterans with combat trauma as I was shaping the character of Stephen Townsend and his spiritual and emotional arcs.
To all the people who prayed for this story and for me as I was writing and editing, and especially Susie Finkbeiner, whose daily encouragement bolstered my spirit.
To my husband, Rob, and children, Elsa and Ethan, for all the grace and patience you display during the multiple deadlines associated with each book.
Last and most important, thank you, Lord, for being a God who uses broken vessels, and for not being limited by that which limits us.
Dear reader, thank you for devoting your time and energy to this story. I pray that God has used it to inspire you in some way, and shine some hope into whatever fire or ashes you may be experiencing in your own life.
Let’s stay in touch. Connect with me at