OBESITY-The state of being more than 25 percent above normal weight-for-height; or having a body fat percentage greater than 30 percent for women and 25 percent for men.


• Hypoglycemia/insulin resistance
• Edema
• Low muscle-to-fat ratio

About Obesity

Obesity is a relatively new phenomenon. For most of history, the human race waged a fierce battle against famine. The people who had the most meat on their bones were usually the survivors. Women with broad hips and thighs were better able to mobilize necessary fat to nourish a developing fetus and to produce sufficient milk for breastfeeding. So, weight gain was in many ways a plus, providing a source of stored energy, available for the inevitable periods of famine following periods of engorgement. This was nature’s way of ensuring survival of the species.
Today, particularly in the Western world, malnutrition is not characterized by scarcity but by the inability of our systems to properly use many of the foods we eat. Obesity is ultimately a state of improper nutrition, resulting in a derangement of the hormone balance. This derangement upsets the metabolic equation, which is why people often find it impossible to lose weight, even on very low calorie diets.

The Obesity Spiral

Once an individual is overweight, it becomes even more difficult to restore a normal balance, due to the alteration of metabolic balance. Obesity is always accompanied by INSULIN RESISTANCE, resulting in hyperinsulinemia, in direct proportion to the amount of visceral body fat. More body fat equals increasing insulin resistance.
In fact, many metabolic derangements occur in proportion to the amount of body fat. METABOLISM is shifted toward normalization as body fat is shed.
In a review of obesity in children, investigators have reported metabolic stumbling blocks in a variety of endocrine systems, including thyroid hormone activation, stress hormone production, androgen levels, growth hormone, and insulin levels. In these children, both basal and stimulated (by sugar or starch) insulin concentrations were high. The condition most certainly exists in adults as well. The regulation of energy metabolism in obesity is different from normal conditions in several key areas.
Being overweight produces leptin resistance. Leptin (not lectin!) is a hormone associated with the obesity gene. Leptin acts on the brain’s hypothalamus to regulate the extent of body fat, the ability to burn fat for energy, and satiety. When you’re overweight, your leptin levels increase, but its action is stifled. In obesity, leptin levels increase in concert with insulin levels, leading some researchers to conclude that insulin resistance plays a role with this “obesity hormone.”
Being overweight promotes cortisol resistance. As a general rule, when you are overweight, you will have chronically higher levels of cortisol (stress hormone) production. Fat tissue accelerates the turnover of cortisol, facilitating cortisone production, which stimulates ACTH secretion and maintains stimulation of the adrenal cortex. Furthermore, high levels of cortisol in itself promote weight gain. It’s a vicious cycle. Cortisol differs from other steroid hormones, such as sex hormones, in that it is classified as a glucocorticoid. That means its primary action involves increasing blood sugar levels at the expense of muscle tissue. While this is the desired effect in a fight-or-flight situation, on a chronic basis it will lead to insulin resistance, and an alteration in body composition from muscle to fat. Furthermore, researchers believe that high cortisol tends to increase appetite, due to an association with leptin. In animal research, it was shown that cortisol is the primary factor that prevents leptin from decreasing appetite, increasing metabolism, and decreasing body fat. Similar findings have been shown with humans. This has special relevance for blood groups A and B, whose basal levels of cortisol are high to begin with.
Being overweight decreases growth hormone. Growth hormone (GH) secretion is decreased in obesity, and even substances known to increase GH secretion work poorly in obese individuals as compared with lean individuals. The hyperinsulinism and resistance to insulin also intervene in hormonal regulation. They elevate the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which inhibits the production of growth hormone. Since growth hormone promotes lean body mass, enhances the peripheral conversion of thyroid hormone to T3 (metabolically active thyroid hormone), and enhances processes aimed at fat burning, the reduction in this hormone has a negative effect on the body composition.
In addition to these consequences of obesity, long-term insulin resistance can lead to life-threatening conditions. Over time, as pancreatic beta cells continue to produce larger and larger amounts of insulin and remain unable to normalize blood sugar, they will eventually become exhausted. The progression to full-fledged DIABE TES can occur over time. In a preliminary stage, blood tests will just show a tendency to higher than normal levels of blood sugar, a sign of impending or prolonged hyperglycemia. However, if this state of prolonged hyperglycemia is maintained, a deterioration to non—insulin—dependent diabetes mellitus (type II) becomes likely.

Active Tissue Mass versus Body Fat

The first aspect of metabolism to consider is muscle mass. Health and metabolism are compromised not so much from too much weight, but from too much body fat and too little muscle. As such, it is much more important to know the amount of muscle mass as well as overall weight.
A critical aspect of metabolism is known as basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is best thought of as the amount of calories burned during the course of a day while at rest. As a general rule, BMR tends to decrease with age, with loss of muscle mass almost solely responsible for this observed decline. While a low BMR might indicate a great deal of difficulty with losing weight, an excessively high BMR would also not be ideal from a health perspective, since it might indicate a tendency toward catabolic or overly aggressive metabolism. As with most aspects of health, a balanced BMR is probably the most ideal. But within reason, the higher this value, the better.
Metabolically active tissue is defined as muscle tissue and organ tissues such as liver, brain, and heart, which actively burn fuel. It is often referred to as active tissue mass. Some of the advantages of an increased active tissue mass include more strength, which is associated with better health and lower biological age, increased BMR, increased aerobic capacity, improved cardiovascular system health, better utilization of sugar, improved maintenance of good cholesterol, improved bone density, and greater resistance to gaining fat.
A greater body percentage of active tissue mass translates into a more aggressive anti-fat metabolism, because more muscle tissue actually increases the rate and amount of fat used for fuel while at rest.
While body composition is a measure of the percentage of muscle to fat, under many weight loss circumstances the body composition can improve, but at the same time muscle tissue can be lost. This is the major flaw with drastic semi-starvation, calorie-restricted diets. These diets can drop the percentage of fat well enough, but they do nothing to increase the percentage of active tissue mass. The metabolic rate of dieters is left unchanged, which predisposes them to regain the weight they’ve lost as soon as they begin eating normally again.
Another key factor is the ratio of intracellular to extracellular water in the body. This provides a measurement of the hydration of cells. In a healthy state, there is a tendency to maintain greater quantities of fluid inside cells. A value of about 57% to 60% intracelluar water is excellent. Edema is fluid build-up outside of cells. Many obese individuals have very high levels of extracellular water, usually the result of eating “avoid” foods, sedentary lifestyle habits, high amounts of cellular toxicity, and high stress. Many obese individuals have concentrations of extracellular water in their bodies in excess of 60% to 70%, and concentrations of intracellular water as low as 35%.

Blood Group Links

Blood groups have a significant influence on metabolic balance. There are several factors:
1. The effect of dietary lectins. LECTINS, many of which are blood group specific, have insulin-like effects on fat cell receptors. However, unlike insulin, which has a temporary effect on these receptors, once these lectins bind to the receptor they signal fat cells to stop burning fat and to store extra calories as fat. In effect, eating these lectins results in the body scavenging any extra sugars/carbohydrates and converting them to unwanted fat. Consuming large amounts of insulin-mimicking lectins specific to your blood group increases your body fat and decreases your active tissue mass.
2. The influence of genetically programmed insulin resistance on metabolic efficiency. Many nonsecretors have insulin-resistance syndrome, which can cause impairment of triglyceride conversion, resulting in a lowered metabolic rate. Low metabolism also promotes the storage of excess fluid as extracellular water, leading to edema.
3. Improper utilization of energy, through stress and exercising inappropriately. High levels of cortisol, often produced in high amounts by blood groups A and B when under STRESS, can have a significant effect on metabolism.
4. ABO genetics: High-stress conditions can increase cortisol production in blood groups A and B, impairing conversion of thyroid hormone. Studies have also shown a lower level of thyroid metabolism in group A individuals.

Therapies, Obesity

The individualized protocols are supplementary to following the recommended Blood Type Diet and exercise regimens.
1. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
2. Antistress Protocol
3. Detoxification Protocol
1. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
2. Antistress Protocol
3. Liver Support Protocol
1. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
2. Detoxification Protocol
3. Immune-Enhancing Protocol
1. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
2. Detoxification Protocol
3. Immune-Enhancing Protocol

Related Topics

Insulin resistance
Thyroid disease
OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD)-Uncontrolled mental activity, provoking a compulsion to act in a repetitive and ritualistic manner.


• Fear of dirt or contamination
• Concern with order, symmetry, and exactness
• Constantly thinking about certain sounds, images, words, or numbers
• Fear of harming a family member or friend
• Fear of thinking evil or sinful thoughts
• Excessive hand washing
• Checking repeatedly that doors are locked and appliances turned off
• Arranging items in a precise order
• Counting over and over to a certain number
• Touching certain objects several times

About Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Approximately 5 million people in the United States, or about 1 in every 50 Americans, suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It affects men, women, and children, as well as people of all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. There are two features to this disorder. Obsession is recurrent and persistent thoughts, ideas, or images that involuntarily invade the conscious awareness. Common obsessive thoughts may be about violence, contamination, or worry about a tragic event. Compulsion is an act the individual feels compelled to take in response to an obsession, even though it is senseless and tends to be repetitive. A great deal of ANXIETY is created if this compulsion is not acted on. An example of compulsion is repetitive hand washing in an individual with obsessions about cleanliness or contamination. Usually the compulsive action temporarily relieves the anxiety; but the relief is short-lived and the compulsion soon returns.
OCD patients have higher levels of cortisol and lower levels of melatonin than normal individuals, and have higher levels of free cortisol in their urine. Indeed, it appears that the effect of using serotonin modulators to treat OCD may actually work in part by lowering cortisol levels.

Blood Group Links

Several independent studies clearly document an association between blood group A and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In one large study of normal volunteers using a questionnaire called the Leyton Obsessional Inventory, blood group O was noticeably absent, which verified previous studies showing a high rate of OCD in blood group A as compared to blood group O. Interestingly, the catecholamines, which have such an important role in the stress response of group O, have no role in OCD1.
In a large 1983 study of OCD sufferers, blood group A was again shown to be associated with a higher incidence of OCD over other groups, in addition to a higher incidence of hysteria. Blood group O was found to have a higher incidence of PHOBIAS than the other blood groups2.
In a 1986 study, two groups of psychiatric outpatients of group O and group A completed a questionnaire called the Brief Symptom Inventory. In both groups, blood group A patients scored significantly higher than blood group O patients on the “Obsessive-Compulsive” and “Psychoticism” factors. The investigators concluded that “these findings are not attributable to differences in age, sex or diagnosis, and are consistent with several previous studies. The influence of blood type on symptom expression may be mediated by cell membrane characteristics, influenced in part by blood type”3.

Therapies, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

1. Antistress Protocol
2. Cognitive Improvement Protocol
1. Antistress Protocol
2. Cognitive Improvement Protocol
1. Antistress Protocol
2. Cognitive Improvement Protocol
1. Antistress Protocol
2. Cognitive Improvement Protocol

Related Topics

Anxiety disorders


1. Rinieris PM, Stefanis CN, Rabavilas AD, Vaidakis NM. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis, anancastic symptomatology and ABO blood types. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1978;57:377-381.
2. Boyer WF. Influence of ABO blood type on symptomatology among outpatients: study and replication. Neuropsychobiology . 1986;16:43-46.
3. Rinieris PM, Stefanis CN, Rabavilas AD. Obsessional personality traits and ABO blood types. Neuropsychobiology. 1980;6:128-131.
OSTEOARTHRITIS-See Arthritis, osteo
OSTEOPOROSIS-Fragile, brittle bones, caused by a depletion of calcium, most typical in dedicated athletes and the elderly.


• Back pain
• Loss of height
• Curving spine
• Easily broken bones
• Rib pain
• Abdominal pain
• Tooth loss

About Osteoporosis

The process of bone breakdown and repair occurs throughout life. With osteoporosis, the calcium that keeps bones strong is lost, and new bone formation stops occurring to repair bone loss. The result is that the skeleton becomes fragile, and the bones grow thin and brittle.
Bone loss happens over time, accelerating with age and menopause. To some extent, every person, male and female, experiences a degree of bone loss with age. But it’s a far less severe problem for men, since they start out with about 30% more bone mass than women and tend to lose it more slowly. It’s also less severe in women of African ancestry or who have darker skin, because they have about 10% more bone mass than women of European or Asian ancestry or who have fair skin.
Hip fractures among elderly women are a costly and devastating epidemic in this country. Osteoporosis carries a $7 billion annual medical price tag, and $5 billion of that is due to hip fractures. Aside from the cost, hip fractures are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Falling down is the leading cause of death among people over age 75, mainly among women. All patients with hip fractures require hospitalization, and between 12% and 20% die during the first year. Of those who survive, 50% will never walk independently again.

General Risk Factors and Causes

• Family history—especially a mother with osteoporosis
• A thin and small frame
• Light skin
• A sedentary lifestyle
• Excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine
• Low muscle mass
• Taking calcium-depleting medications, such as cortisone
• Premenopause hysterectomy or early menopause
• Smoking
• Eating disorders

The Calcium Connection

Calcium is a mineral essential for building bones and teeth and for maintaining bone strength. Bones and teeth contain 99% of the body’s calcium stores. When bones don’t contain enough calcium, they weaken. The body’s ability to absorb calcium is influenced by the form in which it is taken, its interaction with other nutrients, and the way it is absorbed into and eliminated from the body.
Certain nutrients have a direct affect on calcium absorption. Vitamin D, which is converted to a hormone called calcitriol, regulates the transport of calcium from the digestive tract to the bloodstream and into the bones. Normal amounts of vitamin D (5 to 10 micrograms a day), primarily received from the sun and by consuming fortified foods, are sufficient. Those not regularly exposed to sunlight might need a little more dietary vitamin D.
Phosphorous is another mineral that has an effect on bone density. Too much or too little phosphorous in the body can harm bone formation. Magnesium is important for the body’s utilization of calcium and vitamin D. Protein is vital to the formation of bones, but too much protein can increase the amount of calcium lost in the urine. When protein breaks down in the body, it produces organic acids, and the body pulls calcium carbonate out of the bones to act as a buffer. So, although too little protein can damage bones, too much can weaken them.
Certain medications can also leach calcium from the system. For example, thyroid hormone encourages bone loss. Other medical treatments that can deplete calcium include cortisone, chemotherapy, long-term lithium therapy, anticonvulsants, and long-term use of phosphate-binding antacids. Endocrine disorders can also contribute to osteoporosis. These include HYPERTHYROIDISM, hyperparathyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, and TYPE I DIABETES.

Blood Group Links

Blood group A has the highest incidence of osteoporosis for two reasons. First, evidence suggests that intestinal alkaline phosphatase enzyme, in addition to enhancing fat breakdown, also enhances the absorption of calcium. Groups A and AB are known to have lower levels of intestinal alkaline phosphatase. On the other hand, groups O and B, with higher levels, are less susceptible to osteoporosis1.
In a study of recovering male alcoholics, who almost always have experienced long periods of sub-par nutrition, blood group O patients had significantly higher bone densities. The patients with other blood groups lost a significant amount of bone with advancing age, while group O did not. The investigators noted that “although alcoholism is a factor in the development of osteopenia, in males the ABO blood type status plays a significant role in the maximal mineralization of the skeleton, and the amount of bone reabsorption during aging, independent of alcohol abuse”2.
In addition, people with higher stomach acid tend to absorb calcium more efficiently, giving groups A and AB, with naturally low stomach acid levels, a disadvantage.

Therapies, Osteoporosis

1. Menopause Support Protocol
2. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
1. Menopause Support Protocol
2. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
1. Menopause Support Protocol
2. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol
1. Menopause Support Protocol
2. Metabolic Enhancement Protocol

Related Topics

Menopausal/perimenopausal conditions


1. Kolodchenko VP. [ABO, rhesus and MN system blood groups and spinal osteochondrosis.] Tsitol Genet. 1979;13: 232-233.
2. Davidson BJ, MacMurray JP, Prakash V. ABO blood group differences in bone mineral density of recovering alcoholic males. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1990;14:906-908.
OTITIS EXTERNA-See Ear infection, otitis externa
OTITIS MEDIA-See Ear infection, otitis media
OVARIAN CANCER-See Cancer, ovarian