

No one would be reading this if Astraea Press CEO Stephanie Taylor had not given me a chance... and if Senior Editor, Kay Springsteen, had not given her endorsement.

I appreciate the patience and hand-holding from my editor, Kay Springsteen, as we went through some five stages of the editing process (and I learned about Track Changes, among other electronic complexities).

Special thanks to author and talented artist Elaina Lee, who designed my excellent cover.

I certainly want to thank my primary beta reader, Charles A. Salter, for his prompt, perceptive, detailed, and valuable help with an early draft of this story (plus components of the submission package and extensive re-writing of a key scene). And thanks to Denise W. Salter for reading, proofing, and providing important feedback. I also appreciate Terrie Mulligan’s and Doris R. Salter’s willingness to read the manuscript.

And a special nod to author, Sarah Ballance, who made some pertinent contacts that resulted in my submission to Astraea Press.

I greatly appreciate the several key details suggested by Sharon Pullen.

For my acknowledgements to Dean Spradlin, please read my Afterword.