The time is a little in the future. The place is England. Repression has driven the Hell’s Angels underground. But they are still around!

Gerry Vinson wanted to join the ‘Last Heroes’. Suddenly, he found what he was looking for.

Just in front of him, appearing from the ground like a pantomime demon, was Tiny Terry.”

In an age of smart suits and short hair, the Angel looked literally unbelievable. He stood a couple of inches over six feet and was big-built. His hair was shoulder-length, matted and oily. He had a full beard, partly tufted, with short lengths of greasy ribbon tied in it. His teeth were mostly broken or missing. In the centre of his chest was tattooed a red-winged skull with the words: ‘Hell’s Angels – North London Chapter’.”

Even in the future, the Angels take some stopping!