Fifteen – Don’t Let Your Daughter On A Bike,

Mrs. Middle-Class!

An Extract From: ‘An Ogre For Society – An Investigation Of Incidences Of Delusional Psychoses Inspired By Youth Cults’ by Professor Norbert Offord, MA, M&E, MRN. Copyright Arkadin Press, 198–


The bikers! Not since the Viking reivers brought the sword, the brand and sudden death to English coasts has a term contained more emotive content. No Saxon peasant woman, seeing the dread longships ghosting in out of the sea-wraith, could have felt greater terror, than a solid middle-class mother who hears her daughter has been associating with the unspeakable Hell’s Angels.

Why is this? Other movements – the Hitler Jugend and some junior branches of the Ku Klux Klan, that now extinct society of brave Knights of the Invisible Empire – were far more reprehensible than these one per cent motorbike outlaws. Their ideologies were more abhorrent. The results of their passing more obvious and lethal.

Is it their growing responsive mobility? Is it the psychotic personality traumas that blossom in their wake? Or the systematised policy projection? It is almost impossible to determine the easy answers in a stress situation where there, quite simply, are no easy answers. Each man must pick the thing he loves and work out how much he values it. Because, when the chips are down and the Last Heroes or the Ghouls come riding into your small town; what do you do? Run to your house – house’ll be a’burning. Run to your wife – wife’ll be a’screaming. Run to the police – police’ll be a’hiding. Run to the Angels – they’ll just, be a’laughing.

So, stay where you are and hope the hurricane’s going to pass you by on the other side. Because Mister, hope is about all you have left to hang on to. That’s why you or your wife or your children wake screaming in the night. That is, if you’ve managed to get to sleep at all. That’s why sales of tranquillisers are higher than ever. That’s why the number of doctors in practice is dropping year by year. And the number of psychiatrists has trebled since 1965.

More and more executives between the ages of twenty-eight and forty-five than ever before are just dropping out. They are saying, in effect, ‘Fuck your job. It’s not that important!’ Each man has the right to work at what he wants.

But what about the children? Vandalism reaches towering new heights each year. Where are they to run to? Too often it is to youth cults like the Skulls or the Angels. Where they can feel secure and can be with their own kind. Until the do-gooders and moralisers can find a viable alternative for the young, then the problem can only grow worse. It is facile to lay it at the door of the under-staffed and overworked teaching profession. More blame lies with parents. Career-conscious or of such limited education themselves that they can find no way to help their children when the door opens at the top of the slippery helter-skelter. Once they are sliding down, it’s a hell of a lot harder to stop them.

All you’ve got to do is find some way of stopping them beginning the climb to the top of the slide. Make the earth seem more attractive.

How? Don’t ask me. I only write this book. They’re your children who run with the Angels. You find a way of stopping them.