A word about the author…

Robyn Rychards grew up in the granola bowl of the United States—Boulder, Colorado, a town filled with fruits, flakes, and nuts. She considers herself a Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none and has taught herself to sew, paint, play the piano, garden, cook, and the list goes on. But now that her books are published, she’s thrilled to finally be considered a master of one. At least as much as a person can be, for the learning never really stops.

She feels her active imagination is a blessing and a curse, with the blessing far outweighing the curse, since it has led her to fulfill her dream of being a published romance author. Robyn started writing when she was a teenager because she didn’t have enough books to read, and sometimes finds it hard to believe that people are willing to pay her to do something she enjoys so much. Then there’s the added bonus of having a good reason to put off cooking and cleaning, much less a job that means you can stay in your jammies as long as you want. That’s priceless.