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A bitter wind blew across the verandah as Adam sat with his elder brother, Jack, to plan their trip to Innisfail for the Banana Growers Council workshop next weekend. They agreed to drive down late Friday afternoon, then sat in silence, enjoying their beers while insects buzzed in the bushland. Light from inside Jack’s house formed patches of gold on the concrete but otherwise left both men shrouded in darkness.
‘I got Sue and Heather onboard. They’ll take my stuff.’
‘Doubt it’d have taken much to convince them.’
‘Yeah, yeah. I know.’ Yet his meeting with Sue and Heather seemed like a lifetime ago after running back into town and— ‘So, I met Ana’s sister.’
Adam kept his tone casual, even though he felt anything but. Since the big black unknown that was his birthday, he’d avoided women outside everyday interactions, but Adam hadn’t been able to shake the stunning image of Natalia Hamilton from his head all afternoon.
Hell, she was something else. He’d never seen a woman with a more delicate face, all soft cream with pink cheeks, sparkling blue eyes, and clear of makeup. Natalia was taller than Ana and carried herself with grace and elegance, which he found attractive. He also hadn’t failed to notice her strong, well-sculpted body. She must work out because she was without a doubt the sexiest ...
Grimacing, Adam drank his beer. What was he thinking? He was attracted to Ana’s sister? The beautiful, smart doctor from Sydney? That would never work. Natalia Hamilton would have more class and self-respect than to give a bad boy like him a second look.
‘Yeah?’ Jack asked mildly. ‘What’s she like?’
Adam lifted his shoulder and stared out into the darkness. ‘We didn’t say much, but she seems nice. Looks like Ana. Except a lot more ... I dunno. Prettier, I suppose.’
‘Well, Ana did say she was prettier.’
‘Yeah, but I thought she was pulling my leg!’ Adam clearly remembered Ana’s teasing remark about her sister being ‘prettier’ than she was. ‘Natalia ... she’s bloody stunning, mate.’
Lines formed between Jack’s eyebrows. ‘You better not be thinking of doing anything with Natalia. Ana would kill you.’
Adam scoffed. ‘She wouldn’t kill me. She loves me too much.’
‘I haven’t met her, mate, but I don’t think Natalia’s a woman you can fool around with. She’s Ana’s sister. Don’t do anything to piss either of them off.’
‘Who said I want to fool around with her?’
‘Your reputation, mate. You may want to turn a new leaf, but change doesn’t happen overnight.’
Adam’s jaw clenched. He hated that bloody reputation. Once upon a time, it’d been cool to be the kid who would wag school and could score alcohol underage. He’d done as he’d liked, broken rules, and he hadn’t given a shit what anyone else thought. As a teenager, he’d been a hero.
But now, he was frustrated. There were rules he had to live by and a job he had to do. Drinking was getting old and women ... yeah, he’d been with a few, but some had been more serious than others. Especially Grace White, his one steady girlfriend three years ago. But he hadn’t realised how good she’d been for him and had let her slip away. Now, she was happily dating local publican Luke Smithfield.
So yeah, he’d spent many years being young and stupid, but he regretted little.
Then there was the birthday incident.
Adam downed his beer, though it did little to settle the unease prickling between his shoulders. It might irritate him, but he’d been grateful for the wake-up call. He wanted to pour his focus into his new business and make something of himself. He needed to stop messing around in life and never get so blind drunk again.
Because blind he had been. He’d put himself in a vulnerable position and that’s what worried him. He might have been a little easy and loose in his behaviour, but he’d never blacked out before, which made him wonder if it could have been drugs somehow. He’d never touched those, so he wouldn’t know. And if someone had slipped him something, then he considered himself lucky he’d woken alone without any obvious harm done.
He wouldn’t risk that again. Now, he was starting afresh. So, Jack saying that Adam would want to fall around with Natalia only pissed him off.
‘Beer?’ Jack handed him another one and Adam sighed gratefully.
‘Thanks.’ He twisted off the cap and took a swig. ‘And I’m not saying that having some fun with Natalia wouldn’t be enjoyable, but I don’t want to be that bloke anymore. Not that I want to try for anything deeper. With Natalia or anyone. I’d fuck it up for sure.’
‘Probably. Doesn’t mean you can’t give dating a shot if you want to squash your reputation. You know what dating is, right?’
‘Do you?’ Adam snapped before he could stop himself. Not that he cared. If Jack wanted to be a bastard about it, Adam would be one right back. He didn’t know what the hell his brother was thinking when it came to Meg Riley. He was sure Jack loved the woman and Meg clearly adored him. But anytime Adam mentioned it, Jack shut down, so Adam had long given up on getting any answers out of him. And now, Jack and Meg hadn’t said a single word to each other in fourteen days. It was driving Adam nuts and if it went on any longer, he’d lock them in a room together until they sorted their crap out. Everything was wrong with the two of them not speaking, but since neither of them wanted to admit they’d been wrong—Jack had been—the silent treatment was irritating their friends more than it was the two of them.
But Jack didn’t bite.
‘Doubt Natalia would go out with me anyway,’ Adam said, ‘as I’m sure Ana’s told her stories. And if she hadn’t, she would have by now.’ Adam grinned as he recalled the way Natalia had checked him out. ‘She’d be asking about me for sure.’
‘That confident, hey?’
‘I had her blood humming. I know when a woman’s attracted, mate. It’s one of my many gifts.’
‘Sure it is.’
Adam laughed. ‘Yeah. Nat’s a woman with “serious” written all over her, but there’s no harm in being friendly. As Meg says, my charm wins over the ladies.’
‘Yes, you think you’re so charming.’
‘Meg finds me charming.’ Adam let that statement hang too, but again, Jack ignored him. His brother took another swig of his beer and stared out into the darkness. ‘Jack ... you could apologise.’
‘I have nothing to apologise for.’
Adam rolled his eyes. ‘I don’t care either way, but I think that’s what Meg wants. The sooner you apologise, the sooner you’ll be in a better mood and stop pissing me off.’
‘Then don’t give a shit about me.’
‘You’re my brother! I do give a shit about you. Just say you’re sorry, then everything will go back to normal and there won’t be a deep freeze when we go to the pub. Seriously, mate. It’s not cool.’
‘There wouldn’t be a deep freeze if she hadn’t got all cranky.’
‘You could’ve kept your mouth shut.’
‘But I was right!’
Adam sighed. This was where things got difficult. ‘Yes, what you said was right, Meg going out with Scott was a bad idea. But telling her that was wrong.’
‘She’s my friend! I was looking out for her. You’d have done the same if someone you cared about was getting too close to that wanker.’
Bitterness laced Jack’s tone, and Adam bit back a grin. He’d love to tell his brother he wouldn’t need to be jealous if he just asked the woman out, but Adam wouldn’t waste his breath.
‘Yeah, I care about Meg,’ Adam said. ‘But I didn’t go all macho on her when she went to dinner with another man. You did.’
Jack exhaled between his teeth. ‘Just ... shut up.’ He stood and tossed back the last of his beer.
‘You know I’m right. I’m not the only one with girl problems, mate. Just say you’re sorry.’
‘I’m not sorry.’ Jack tossed his empty bottle into the old oil drum and stalked inside, slamming the door behind him.
That had gone well.
Placing his hands on his knees, Adam pushed himself to his feet. Jack’s stubbornness didn’t surprise him. His brother knew nothing about women.
He tossed his bottle away and turned to the door. ‘I’m off then! Enjoy your sulking.’
There was no reply, but Adam hadn’t expected one. Slipping behind the wheel of his Toyota Hilux, he started the engine and turned onto the main road of Shadow Creek—the once cattle station now banana farm his family had operated for generations. Natalia slipped back into his mind and Adam’s body heated—both a welcome and worrying sensation. He wasn’t a stranger to desire and usually, he embraced it. Except ...
His hand tightened around the wheel. He couldn’t go back to the way he’d been, acting on impulse without a care in the world. It was terrifying enough to have one gap in his memory. He couldn’t risk that again. He needed to get his life on track. The farm would always be there, but he wanted more. Something that was only his. Liam had his booming café and Lucy ran popular horse-riding tours at their tourist retreat, High Ridge. His younger brother Michael was a successful builder and his little sister Lily was eighteen months away from her dream of becoming a vet. Surely, he could create a career from his passions too.
But trying to do that and date at the same time? No. Multitasking had never been his strong suit. He’d commit to his business first. At least if he fucked it up, the only person he’d hurt would be himself.
So, he’d get busy and make more bowls. And vases. He’d put flowers in a vase. Give it to Natalia.
* * *
Jordan Kelly sank against the kitchen counter and cracked open a cold can of Coke. Damn, she wished it was beer, but the Coke still had the satisfying fizz and caffeine hit to soothe her frustrations.
What the fuck was going on with Adam Maguire? Why didn’t he want to hook up? For years, she’d been able to rely on him for a good time. But these past few months, he always seemed to be ‘too busy’. With what, she didn’t know, as making that wooden junk couldn’t be too time consuming. And Adam thrived on partying, fun, and sex. He couldn’t turn her down forever. She had her ways and would convince him. And once she dangled the bait ...
Jordan slammed the can on the counter. Fuck, her plan better work. Otherwise, she was screwed.
Jaw clenching, she reached into the cupboard above the stove and popped open a blister packet. Grabbing the Coke, she tossed back two tablets. She may have been told years ago that she no longer needed the anti-anxiety medication, but right now, Jordan didn’t give a damn. She couldn’t let Adam toss her away like this. Despite his devil-may-care attitude, there was one thing Adam had that she needed. Honour. No matter what wrong he did, he always owned his actions. If she made him believe her problem was his problem, then he’d take responsibility for it. Sure, she may have fucked up and she wasn’t happy about it, but there was too much at stake for her to fail. And it would be all right once she had Adam on board. She couldn’t have the bloke she wanted, so Adam would do. If she needed to trick him to protect her secret, then so be it. It wouldn’t be a burden to be tied to him for the rest of her life. This turning a new leaf thing was utter nonsense. Men never changed. Adam Maguire was a bad boy, always would be a bad boy, and dammit, she needed to keep him that way. Otherwise, she would lose everything she held dear, and no fucking way would Jordan let that happen.
She’d get Adam back. Tempt him. She might not have much going for her in smarts or career, but she had skills and men never said no.
Not until Adam had, anyway.