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Natalia’s pulse raced as she climbed out of the ute. What was Adam doing to her? She’d met many people who understood her vegan lifestyle, but she’d also had men she’d dated turn up their noses, ask why she bothered, and take her to a steakhouse and tell her to order the salad.
But after spending time with Adam yesterday, it didn’t surprise Natalia that he understood.
She squeezed his hand as he led her around the cream-rendered building to the bistro entrance of the Smithfield Hotel. Adam grabbed the laminated menu off the first table he saw and handed it to her.
‘Tell me what you think.’
She glanced at the menu. In Sydney, being vegan wasn’t too difficult as there were plenty of food options throughout the city, even though she rarely dined out. Natalia preferred cooking for herself, but she wasn’t about to reject dinner with Adam.
Her gaze fell to the salads and her eyebrows shot up. The chef’s salad was better than she’d seen in a while—based on spinach with quinoa and chickpeas. She read the description of the roast pumpkin and walnut salad and her mouth watered.
‘Yeah, this is—ooh, they have a veggie burger!’ Then she noticed they’d marked the vegan dishes with the VG label.
‘They do?’ Adam picked up a menu himself. ‘Huh. This really has changed.’
‘When was the last time you ate here?’
‘Hell if I know. I rarely come to Smithy’s.’
‘Only when Georgina kicks you out of the Royal,’ she teased as she glanced back at the mains. ‘Ooh, an Asian stir-fry on brown rice. Wow. Not only are there options, but they’re not lacking nutrition either.’
‘Luke’s a health nut. I believe he revamped the menu to give Elizadale better eating out options. And he threw out the deep fryers.’
She blinked. ‘Really?’
‘That’s the rumour.’
Natalia scanned the rest of the menu. The steaks came with baked potatoes and veggies. ‘Wow. Luke certainly has it all together. No wonder Grace likes him.’
‘I guess. So, you’re happy to eat here?’
She broke into a grin. ‘Happy? You’ll be bringing me back!’
‘Excellent.’ Adam led her towards a table for two but didn’t sit. ‘Is it sparkling water you’d like?’
‘Yes, thank you.’
Natalia relaxed into her chair as Adam strolled towards the bar. She’d spent all day going back and forth in her worry about getting involved with him. He seemed to be the type of man she should avoid and if things went wrong, not only would she hurt herself, but possibly Ana, Liam, and the Maguires too.
Then again, it was only one dinner and what was life if she didn’t have fun? The bigger problem was what she was going to order. There were too many choices!
Adam returned to their table with their drinks, his phone vibrating as he slipped into his chair. He took it out and frowned.
‘Everything okay?’ she asked.
‘Yeah, nothing important.’ He put his phone away and picked up his beer, but she didn’t miss the flash of irritation in his eyes.
She placed her menu down. ‘So, what did you do today?’
‘Spent the morning harvesting. Then turned wood this afternoon.’
‘Turned wood?’
He took a swig of his beer. ‘Yeah. You know, making wooden bowls and such.’
Natalia raised her eyebrows. She thought she knew what he meant, but the only wooden bowls she was familiar with came from Myer. ‘Is that a hobby of yours?’
‘It used to be. I got into it during woodwork in high school and would make many things for my family and friends. After graduation, my parents bought me my first lathe and I’ve been experimenting ever since. I’ve entered comps at the Show, but everyone’s been telling me I should take it seriously and start my own business.’
‘And sell your work?’ She had to admit, she was impressed.
‘Yep. Whenever I’ve been in the mood and made a lot of things, I’d give them to Sue and Heather at Elizadale Homewares. They’ve always asked that I do it more regularly, but you know ...’ He sighed and shoved his hand through his hair. ‘I was too lazy for that.’
She could imagine. Supplying a steady stream of goods took commitment. ‘But now you’ve changed your mind?’
‘All part of the new life I’m trying to build, I suppose. I’ll always have the farm, but it would be nice to have something that’s just mine. So, I’ve started the business and sworn off partying and women. Well—’ his mouth curved ‘—I had, until you arrived in town.’
Natalia’s heart pounded as she returned his smile. Adam Maguire had left her speechless once again. He honestly was trying to better himself and if going into business didn’t show growth, she didn’t know what did.
But while the woodturning sounded interesting, that wasn’t the change of his that made her throat close over. Keeping their gazes locked, she reached across the table and took his hands. ‘Adam, what are you looking for?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Yesterday you whisked me out of the Royal. Now we’re having dinner and I want to know before this goes any further ... what are you looking for?’
Adam remained silent. His eyes darkened and anxiety clawed at her belly. She liked him and he liked her. He was attentive, understanding, and the last thing she’d call him was a bad boy. In fact, Adam Maguire was quickly becoming the most interesting man she’d ever met.
‘I just want to be with you, Natalia. I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I hope I can get to know you while I figure it out. Is that okay?’
Her shoulders relaxed. ‘Yes, Adam. That’s okay.’
His thumb stroked the back of her hand. ‘So ... are you looking for anything?’
‘No. In fact, I’d sworn off men as dating has never gone well for me. But I am glad I met you.’
He grinned. ‘So, you want to come back here tomorrow?’
Squeezing his hand, Natalia ignored the doubt that niggled inside her. ‘Yes, Adam. Tomorrow.’
* * *
‘This sure is a place that makes you happy,’ Natalia said, waltzing through the house the next morning after letting Ana inside.
‘You’re happy?’
‘I am. I don’t know what you really think of Adam, but we had a lovely evening last night and he’s more than what people make him out to be.’ Natalia took the jug of water from the fridge and grabbed two glasses. ‘So what if he has a past that makes people think he’s some sort of rebel? Sure, he may have given people reason to think that, but I don’t think he’s lying about wanting to change.’
Ana sat at the dining table. ‘Me either. And I know he’s a decent man, Nat. I’ve always liked Adam, but I don’t want to see you get hurt. He’s still known as the bad boy and Adam has heartbreaker written all over him. Just ask Grace.’
‘They dated once, and Liam says despite the claim they split amicably, Adam still broke her heart.’
Natalia sank into her chair. Grace had dated Adam? Who else had dated Adam?
No. She wouldn’t go there. This was a small town and she didn’t need to know those things. There were enough intimacies she’d become aware of as a doctor and honestly, it didn’t matter. She wasn’t a woman who became intimidated by a man’s ex. ‘They seemed friendly enough when he picked me up this afternoon.’
‘Look, I don’t know the whole story. But if you want to date Adam, then please be careful. I don’t know him well enough to be sure he won’t hurt you. But I know you. I’m afraid people might talk and I know how that makes you uncomfortable.’
Natalia covered her grimace with a sip of water. Ana was right. She hated gossip. But she couldn’t deny that what she felt for Adam was different. She couldn’t spend her time in Elizadale resisting him. And deep down, she longed to see where things went.
Ana reached for Natalia’s hand. ‘But I’m glad you’re happy, Nat. Honestly.’
‘Thanks. Anyway, it’s just casual. And with the changes he’s making, I’m sure people will see he’s a good man. Are all the Maguire men so funny and charming?’
‘Jack’s more the silent type, but yes, they are.’
‘How were they all single before you arrived?’
‘I don’t know, but I snagged Liam. And we posted our wedding invitations yesterday, so make sure you collect your mail!’
Natalia laughed. ‘I’ll go straight after work.’
* * *
Adam sang along to The Wolfe Brothers over the mechanical whir of the lathe. He couldn’t help it, he was happy. It wasn’t an unusual feeling as he’d always considered himself an easy-going bloke, but right now, he couldn’t remember ever feeling so bloody fantastic. So, he held his spindle gouge steady to add the curve he desired to the bowl and thought about Natalia.
Fuck, he was screwed. She filled his head, his heart, and did things to him he’d never thought a woman could with her glittering smile, soft touch, and perfect kisses. It had been impossible to turn wood all afternoon and not make her something. Yeah, he’d promised Sue and Heather to deliver ten goods by Monday, but he had time. Right now, the most important thing was that he made a gift for Natalia, and he’d chosen his precious piece of redwood to do it. He’d considered making her a vase, but the redwood was flat and the perfect shape to fashion into a shallow bowl. She could keep it in the kitchen as a fruit bowl, in her bathroom for soaps, or in her bedroom for trinkets. He didn’t care, as long as she had it.
‘What do you think, mate?’ Adam switched off the lathe and looked for his dog. Rusty was convinced he had a rat and was busy sniffing under the workbench, his white bum in the air and tail wagging. Adam had chosen a Jack Russell for their hunting abilities and Rusty was the best rat catcher around, so he was usually right about these things. He was also a fabulous snake alarm, but Adam knew it was a rat Rusty was chasing. Rats required silent hunting. He barked at snakes.
Tossing his safety glasses aside, he strode towards Rusty. The little dog scurried back, his tongue hanging out and eyes gleaming. Adam grabbed the torch. ‘Got anything?’
Dropping to his hands and knees, he shone the light beneath the bench, finding nothing but cobwebs and wood shavings. ‘You’re dreamin’, mate.’
But Rusty remained convinced as he stuck his head between the piles of wood. Adam returned to the lathe and stared at the bowl. He could add a decorative groove ... but no. Best to leave it. Maybe he’d throw in a few bananas and present it as a fruit bowl. Pity the lychees weren’t in season, but there were guavas around. Did she like lychees and guavas? Surely if she was keen on nutrition, she would try any fruit.
It’d sure be different dating a vegan, or ‘plant-based’ eater, especially since all his culinary skills centred around grilling or roasting various cuts of meat. But he’d still like to cook for her at some point. It wasn’t a skill he boasted about, but when in the mood, he enjoyed whipping up a hearty meal. And women were often impressed with a man who could cook. At least, that’s what his mum had told him when he’d refused to learn. After that, he’d entered the kitchen with enthusiasm.
But he wouldn’t consider Natalia’s choices a negative thing and he’d cook her something tasty when the time came. At least Smithy’s new menu had come to the rescue and he looked forward to trying their coconut chicken breast on pineapple rice. He might be a man who loved his meat, but he loved fruit more. Pineapple on pizza? Fuck yes!
Satisfied, he took the bowl off the lathe and scratched the itch at the back of his neck. He was keen to see how things developed with Natalia. After yesterday, it no longer seemed like such a stupid idea, despite it making him uneasy. He wanted to grow and mature, so dating a serious woman was a positive step to take.
But if there was one thing he’d always known, it was that if the right woman came along, he wouldn’t let her go. If he were to marry, it would be forever. And Natalia—
Wood crashed. Rusty shot across the floor in chase of a black flash. High-pitched squeaking sounded over the music, then stopped. Dropping the dead rat, Rusty looked at Adam, his tail wagging.
‘Good boy, mate. Proved me wrong yet again.’