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Adam arrived at the police station on Friday afternoon just as Cade pulled up in the cruiser. Taking a deep breath, he shot his friend a wave. He didn’t really want to talk to his best mate about making enquiries into Jordan, but even though he had the option to talk to Brett or Jim, if anyone would understand, it was Cade.
‘You been patrolling the highways again?’ Adam asked, slipping his hands into his pockets.
‘Always. People need to learn they can’t speed on my roads.’ They fell into step. ‘So, are you here to see me?’
Cade pulled open the door. ‘Officially?’
‘I guess.’
‘Come in then.’ Cade waved to the receptionist and led Adam into the office, tossing his police cap on the desk. ‘What can I do for you, mate?’
Adam’s lips quirked. ‘You can give me one of those hats.’
‘You don’t give up, do you?’ Cade snatched the hat back up and placed it on the shelf behind the desk. ‘You only get one if you’re a police officer.’
Adam sighed and leaned back in his seat. He’d been asking for a police hat ever since Cade had returned to Elizadale from his various rural postings. But despite their misspent youth, Cade was strangely proud of his job and protective of his damn hats.
‘Fine. Then could you look into the night of my birthday? Because even though I can’t prove the spiking, it happened. And I think it might have been Jordan.’
To Cade’s credit, his face remained impassive as he nodded and grabbed a notepad. His friend had warned him a few times over the years about Jordan, but Adam had always waved it off. So what if he’d helped her out with a few things around the house? He enjoyed doing that sort of thing. Although it sure seemed convenient that she’d always want to hook up when there was something wrong with her car or the taps were leaking.
‘All right,’ Cade said. ‘Tell me what you suspect, for the record.’
Adam expressed his concerns and answered Cade’s official questions, determined to remain calm even though he couldn’t shake the vile distaste that filled his mouth. Dread consumed him every time he imagined what may have happened in the park that night. What if he had managed an erection? Fuck, he’d had many erections he couldn’t control, ones he didn’t want to use. It was a bloody natural thing. But it was entirely possible, so he couldn’t deny the truth. If he was the father of Jordan’s baby, then he was also a victim of sexual assault, which was difficult to wrap his head around. But the more he thought about it, the more he believed Jordan was capable of it because once, there had been a time she’d gone too far. He hadn’t realised it then, but on a subconscious level, he must have felt uneasy because it had stuck with him.
He didn’t tell Cade that bit, but that night in the park? Yeah, she had it in her to commit such a crime to get what she wanted.
‘Don’t worry, mate. I’ll look into it,’ Cade said, laying down his pen a few minutes later.
‘Thanks. I didn’t know what else to do. Jordan’s being evasive. She laughed at the thought of spiking and won’t even discuss a paternity test.’
‘Of course not. Either way, she’d lose. She’d prove herself a liar or guilty of assault.’
‘Which makes no sense. If she’s making it up, it’s a fucked up lie.’
‘Agreed. But if she won’t tell us who else was in the park, I can ask some questions and see if I can find out. Meanwhile, try not to worry about it too much. You guys are heading to Cairns this weekend, right?’
‘Yeah. Tomorrow.’ He’d done as Ana had asked and organised Liam and his brothers. Ana had arranged the fittings, so all they had to do was turn up, try on what he expected would be ridiculously formal suits, then have a beer at a seaside bar before driving home again.
‘Cool. And Meg said we’re going to her house for a potluck dinner tonight?’
Adam raised his eyebrows. ‘You’re going?’
‘Why not?’
‘Thought you’d be at Smithy’s with Jessica.’
‘Yeah ...’ Cade leaned back in his chair. ‘I dunno ...’
Adam frowned. ‘Not keen on her anymore?’ His mate had been beating around the bush with his attraction for Jessica Smithfield for the better part of a year now and it was driving Adam nuts. Why didn’t he just ask the woman out?
‘Nah, I am. It’s just ...’
‘Someone else caught your eye?’
‘Forget it.’ Cade straightened and shook his head. ‘I’ll lodge this report and if there’s nothing else you want to tell me, I’ll see you at Meg’s.’
* * *
I can’t believe you still think I spiked you! Where’s the trust, Adam? Now Georgina’s questioning me too. What if I lose my job? Are you going to support us both? You’ll have to if you get me fired.
The text message came through when Adam arrived home from Monday afternoon drinks. Thankfully, Jordan hadn’t been working as he wasn’t sure he could face her. The thought of being near her and seeing her come-hither grin quaked on his soul.
Fuck, he dreaded Friday night. The bloody woman would ruin the Royal for him.
Tossing his phone onto the lounge, Adam tore off his shirt and headed for the shower. Cade had called him earlier to say he’d visited the Royal this morning but hadn’t uncovered much. Jordan had denied all allegations and there had been no sign of drink spiking on the cameras overlooking the tills. But that didn’t mean it couldn’t have occurred in the store cupboard or anywhere else she might have prepared his drinks. Or in the park, of course.
He banged his fist on the shower wall. Dammit, someone had to know the truth. His memory hadn’t improved, but he knew another woman had been around. One that hadn’t been Jordan. He’d kissed someone and partied hard with a mate, singing drinking songs until they’d drunk themselves blind.
But which mate? A random bloke from the pub? A local or worker he wasn’t close with?
And who was the woman?
Exhaling, Adam turned off the taps and shook his head. He had to stop thinking about it. His worry was already putting a damper on his relationship with Natalia as he’d made an excuse not to see her on Saturday night after returning from Cairns and had spent Sunday woodturning. She didn’t deserve that. Natalia was the only light in this nightmare and he didn’t want to push her away. But he couldn’t help but feel he’d already let her down, so he needed to find out what happened because he’d never be worthy of Natalia until he did.