I JUST sat there, not sure I’d be able to get my legs to function how they were supposed to. I looked over my notes. I thought about what he’d said. And I didn’t think I’d ever again summon the strength to move. But I did when the sky broke open and rain started pouring down. I protected my notebook under my shirt and ran to the gym. I stood there, staring at that sign: SURPRISE IS THE ENEMY OF THE UMPIRE.
And maybe it’s the enemy of the reporter, too. Maybe surprise is the enemy of the baseball fan. Or the Jackson Alter fan.
Or maybe it’s just the enemy. Always.
I paced back and forth, shuffling my feet to make that squeaky gym-floor noise, to try to drown out the grinding jumble of thoughts slogging around in my head. I had gotten the interview—I could write the article now. J-Mac had told me so much stuff. But when my brain even started to reveal the tiniest corner of what he said about Jackson Alter, I started pacing faster, scuffing more, making a roomful of sneaker noise.
How could I write that article? I knew I couldn’t touch any of the off-the-record stuff, but still! He said so much before he went off the record! But how would it even be possible to be objective, to be fair, when I had such strong feelings about what he told me? It was all wrong, wrong, wrong. But still, somehow it felt like I was starting to understand what made him do it. While at the same time, I still thought it was wrong, wrong, wrong.
I finally sat down. Then I stood right back up and started squeak-pacing that floor, hoping some smart thought, some decision, some something would come to me.
But it didn’t.