The authors want to thank all those who shared their thoughts with us for Common Ground, especially former president George H. W. Bush, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, current House Democratic majority leader Steny Hoyer, senator Joseph Lieberman, and former congressman and ambassador Tony Hall. Special thanks to Esther Coopersmith, Letitia Baldrige, and Clare Crawford-Mason for sharing their personal stories of life in Washington. In addition, thanks to Pam, Doug, Pete, and the hundreds of other voters who shared their hopes and frustrations with us.

Also to Henry Ferris, our editor, and friend, at HarperCollins, without whom this book would never have been possible. Thank you, Henry, for your advice and guidance. Even when you were traveling the world you made time for us. We want to thank the team at HarperCollins, including Peter Hubbard and Pamela Spangler-Jaffee, who put up with us. A special thanks to our superb agent, Margret McBride; and to our researcher, organizer, and protector, Tom Cain, without whom we would have been lost.


BOB BECKEL WOULD LIKE TO ACKNOWLEDGE A GROUP OF CONSERVATIVES who helped him understand why conservatives think the way they do. First and foremost, thanks to FNC chairman Roger Ailes, who took a chance when others would not, and is a man with a big heart. To Sean Hannity, who is a pain on air and a prince off. Thank you, Sean, for your kindness during difficult times. To the executive producer of Hannity & Colmes, John Finley, who shared brilliant insights on the political landscape.

To pastors Rob Norris and David Stokes, who helped me find grace and gave me encouragement when it was most needed. To John Keyser for reading early drafts and giving much needed input. To Tricia Bakunas for her editing of edits.

Last, but far from least, to my coauthor and dear friend, Cal Thomas, who has been with me in good and often exceedingly bad times, a true Renaissance man, a superb writer, and a man of God.