Chapter 2

Eight months later…

Simon pushed the buzzer and waited. It took a minute or so, but soon he heard Evie’s voice.

“Simon?” The voice paused.

“It’s me. The only Simon in your charmed life, my dear.” He smiled into the video camera. The building where Evielynne Gastineau now lived was wired for sound and entry. No one got past the doorman or the security system without permission. He’d set this place up for his new Director of Security when she hired on several months ago. He’d never regretted it, even though it was a little heavy handed on his part. He had a vested interest in his new Director’s security and Oakland was a tough town. He grew up there and so had his mother. Until it took her life. Simon corrected himself. It hadn’t taken his mother away. She took her own life by the choices she made, time after time. If it wasn’t a wonderful new guy who turned out to be an abusive dealer, then it was the newest drug on the underground market. If it produced a high, she’d eat it, snort it, or shoot it up her arm. Simon reminded himself, negative rumination did no good. His life was what he’d made it. His great-uncle had taught him that. Uncle Grady had always been full of little sayings and good advice for the lonely boy with no father and a dead mother.

“Come on up.” A buzzer sounded and the elevator doors opened.

Simon got in and punched the fifteenth floor. It wasn’t a penthouse, but it was stylish and secure.

Evie had been Digital Mystery and Mastery’s new Security Director since she walked off the base called Marine Ocean Terminal Concord (MOTCO), eight months back. Simon was proud of the way she adjusted to not only a civilian job, but also their growing friendship. Their relationship was easy and warm, but every time Simon entertained the idea of taking it to the next step, all he could see was his mother in her coffin at the Baptist Church. All dressed up in her Sunday best and ready to go away, forever. The funeral home had done their best, but even their funeral technicians and talented Director couldn’t quite cover up her last binge, and the beating that ultimately ended her miserable life. Simon never wanted to hurt a woman, physically or mentally. The fear of doing exactly that kept him from testing the romantic waters and kept Evie at arm’s length. It was better that way, considering what he knew she’d gone through in her army career. He never wanted to add insult to injury. Simon had seen some of the scars and heard the banter at her separation party. He knew she’d been awarded the Silver Star for bravery above and beyond the call of duty. He also knew she’d been seriously wounded but managed to escape her Taliban captors, dragging two other soldiers with her. But the night those two guys had gotten drunk with her after her ceremony was more than he could handle.

After about five or six shots they started playing a game called Top This. One would show a scar with the accompanying explanation for the wound, then the next would have to top that. The looser had to buy a round. Simon ended up buying all of the rounds. The only thing that marred his body in the least, was a two-inch faded appendectomy scar from when he was fourteen. Still, what he saw and heard made him sick for days. Or maybe it was the worst hangover he’d ever had in his life. It didn’t matter. Simon held his own and was now an ex-facto member of the Iraq Trauma in-circle.

Evie met him at the elevator door. There were six apartment homes on the fifteenth floor, all spacious with views of some form of water. All very nice and clean. New appliances and rugs all around. All very secure. Simon waved to the hall camera as he walked under the surveillance equipment.

Evie took his arm as they walked the fifty feet to her apartment door. “Why do you do that?” She giggled at him. He never understood why she was always so happy, after so much pain. Maybe it was true that you had to know pain to really recognize happiness and the gifts in your life.

“Habit. My building has a two-way and the guy waves back. I like having people I can trust around me, and I always make sure they get recognition.” He followed her inside. “I may have a bunch of money, a great condo, and a jet, but I come from the hood. Neighbors is neighbors. You wave.”

“So where’s dinner tonight? I have a couple things I want to discuss before I’m off the clock.”

“You’re way too efficient, Ms. Gastineau.” He shook his head. “I still want to call you Captain Gastineau.”

“That was a while back. When you hated the military. Just for your information, Mr. O’Sullivan, I got a promotion, remember? I believe you were there, remember. When I separated, I was a Major.” She tapped one shoulder with her finger.

Simon and Evie’d talked about her promotion several times. He knew she was very proud of the fact that she was promoted in her last position as Provost Marshal. It was still hard for women in the army to climb the rank ladder, and the move from silver bars to a gold oak leaf made an impression on most of the men she worked with. Not the promotion, but the recognition for a job done superbly well.

“But you can call me Captain if you want. You sign my paychecks now.” She handed him a glass of wine. “I have a report over here that may stir up a hornet’s nest at the office.” She indicated two manila folders on the dining room table, grabbed her own glass and joined Simon.

“Do we have to work? I’m burned out.” Simon whined a little. He really was tired, but mostly he had some exciting news he wanted to share with Evie over sautéed scallops and mushrooms with seasoned wild rice at Obedi’s down the street. It was one of their favorite restaurants and Evie often mentioned how she loved the quaint atmosphere. “Let’s go to Obedi’s.”

“I was just trying to be efficient, boss.” Simon caught Evie’s frown immediately.

“You’re not in the army anymore. I like efficiency to a point. But not when I’m hungry. Let’s go.”

As they walked a half a block to the restaurant, Simon’s bodyguard fell in behind them. His name was Bull for a good reason. He was as big as a bull and twice as strong. He was also Simon’s childhood friend from the old neighborhood.

As they entered the restaurant, Salvatore ushered them to their favorite table and Bull took up residence at the table next to them, blocking potential fans or uninvited guests. He had to stick his legs out and around the small table to actually fit.

As they ordered and settled in with their favorite soft drinks, Simon fidgeted, waiting for the right time to present his news.

His behavior did not go unnoticed by his Director of Security and finally Evie had to ask. “Okay, Simon, what’s eating at you?”

Bull chuckled behind them.

“Well, Gaming Industry Report Magazine came out with the game ratings for one hundred international game competitions. And guess what was in first place?” His smile was as wide as his face and brilliant as a shining star.

Simon had devoured the article as soon as it hit his desk and wondered if Evie knew. He felt like an idiot, but he could not resist the smile that stretched across his face. The rumor mill at the office was more like a freeway and word moved without restraint, at a high rate of speed. He figured Evie had to know.

“Ah, would that be Ghost Wars?” She smiled sweetly and toasted her boss.

“So you heard? Ah man…” Simon sat back.

She knew.

“I suspected. Why would you ask me that question if it wasn’t your game?” She giggled. “After all, I am your Security Director. I know everything.” She really didn’t after only eight months on the job, but to her credit, she was working on it. Simon mentally congratulated himself on snagging this incredible woman, right out of the military.

“I should have known. I guess it was a kind of non-surprise then, huh?”

“Did you read the rest of the report, Mr. O’Sullivan?”

“No. Just saw the numbers. Numbers don’t lie! What was in the article?” Their dinner arrived and Simon dug in.

“Well, you’re right about the numbers. The dollar numbers.” She picked delicately at the scallops while she talked. “Apparently, in the gaming world, your game has reached over five million players and your company has grossed more than that. Digital Mystery and Mastery is now the third highest rated digital gaming company in the world. You even beat out that new anime game, Dragon’s Breath. That’s impressive.”

Simon’s jaw dropped despite the food it contained. “No way! Holy cow!” He mumbled around rice and scallops.

Evie gave him time to clear his mouth as she laughed.

Mouth empty, Simon had one more surprise. “But did you know that next week’s Digital Game Development World Conference will be in Cupertino? And I have a special ticket? Because…”

Now it was Evie’s turn to show teeth and tongue. “No! Really?”

“Yes, really. And it is rumored that Simon O’Sullivan, master coder and game developer, is up for a big award and a company bonus.” He twirled his fork in the air. He hated crowds and didn’t like being touched by people he didn’t know, but this conference was by invitation only. Astute marketing skills told him it was necessary.

“You’re going? How are you going to handle all those people? That conference is by invitation only! You hate crowds.”

They’d shared so much since Uncle Grady’s passing, he could clearly read the surprise on Evie’s face. “Of course I’m going, plus one?” He added the last as a question.

“Me?” She squeaked out. “You want me to go?”

“Sure. Why not? If I have to go stand up in front of all those people, you could at least be in the audience for moral support. Or standing next to me so no one would look at anybody but you!” Simon went back to his dinner and kept his eyes on his rice. He was very nervous about asking Evie to be his date. Their close relationship was common knowledge around the office, but going public? That was a challenge for the man who liked his privacy and kept his social life separate from the job.

“It’s the movers and shakers in the gaming world. What would I wear?” She was reaching for an excuse to stay behind. Simon knew she hated crowds as much or more than he did… “I can’t afford that kind of get-up yet. And the dinner is what? Twelve hundred dollars? I’m a new employee. I can’t—”

“Say yes and I can make the rest happen. My treat. What you did for Uncle Grady and Amee is worth so much more.” The memories of what she’d done for his uncle were still fresh in his mind. He felt the beginnings of a tear. He couldn’t face his uncle’s passing with any amount of coherent thought back then. At least for a couple days, Evie had taken the reins and done what had to be done, then helped Simon clean up Grady’s estate. Simon sorta followed Evie’s lead, like a puppy just separated from its litter. He was lost, but the good Captain Gastineau had found him and led him home.

“I don’t know. I really can’t…” Evie didn’t know what to say. Simon was aware this conference was the gaming world’s closest thing to the Oscars or the Emmys. Simon knew he'd blind-sided her with his question.

“You really can.” It was a simple statement, and when Evie didn’t respond, Simon jumped at the opportunity. “I take it that’s a yes, then?”

Evie couldn’t talk. She just nodded yes and took a huge bite of rice and scallops—and darn near choked!