
A book is never written alone, and so many people contributed to this book in both small and big ways that it’s nearly impossible to write a complete list. Many users of Power BI both inside and outside Microsoft, bloggers, tweeps, conference attendees, and, of course, the Power BI development team helped me shape the book.

Of course, there are some people I need to especially thank for their help because without them, I wouldn’t even be in the position to write a book. I thank Rob Collie for putting me on this crazy journey in 2009, when we were trying to understand DAX during the Project Gemini timeframe and he urged me to change my life by going to work for the Analysis Services team and moving to Redmond.

I also have to give thanks to the true masters of DAX—Howie Dickerman, Srinivasan Turuvekere, Jeffrey Wang, and Marius Dumitru—for creating DAX in the first place and helping me each time the DAX became too magical. Finally, I thank Adam Saxton for helping out by doing a tech review and getting rid of those pesky bugs.

This book wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Bill Jelen as publisher, Kitty Wilson for editing, and Alexander Philip for the awesome cover design.

Finally, I want to thank my family, Mom and Dad, for getting it all started with that first Commodore 64. And of course I thank my beautiful girls—Anouk, Karlijn, and Merel—for putting up with my crazy passions and allowing me to spend time away from them.