Chapter Twelve



It was almost sunrise by the time Cameron fell asleep, wrapped around Nathen. Only a few hours later, Cameron was roused by the minds in the other room: his mother talking with Syn. His eyes fluttered open to see Nathen comfortably propped in bed, open laptop illuminating him. Likely interacting with SpArk. He knew he shouldn’t, but he could feel his mother didn’t have any mental defense up, and her surface thoughts were open to him: thoughts of love for Syn, for him, worry about the trip but nothing specific about the last few years. He knew he could probe. Even with her defenses, Cameron knew he was stronger than she was now and could easily learn everything he desperately wanted to know but was afraid to ask. Nevertheless, he had long ago promised himself he wouldn’t violate the privacy of people he loved, so he mentally withdrew to leave the women to their discussion, shutting them out and stretching as he sat up.

Nathen came out of his trance. “Good morning! Did you want some coffee? Breakfast in bed perhaps? I think Syn got coffee for all of us not too long ago, so it should be hot still.”

“Hmm, being your breakfast in bed sounds ridiculously good.” The thought of Nathen’s bite sent a shiver to make Cameron’s already hardening shaft jump. He reluctantly struggled, turning his thoughts back to his mother in the other room and wanting to see her off, but also not wanting to intrude on Syn’s time with her. He finally settled on saying, “We should start getting dressed. Discuss plans?”

Nathen smiled slyly. “We can, or I can give you head. I don’t have to bite you, but I think we would both enjoy that. Or maybe we can do that later. I know having your mother here is a bit off-putting. ThoughHe lifted the pajamas up to admire his sizable erection.

You, gorgeous, are a terrible influence.” He grinned, pushing the computer to the side and rolling over Nathen to pin him under his weight as he kissed him gently, grinding into his own erection. His tongue begged entrance, and he thrilled when Nathen yielded, allowing their tongues to meet, and sensual tides of tranquility washed over Cameron from Nathen’s kiss. Lost again in everything Nathen, Cameron ran his hands down Nathen’s toned sides, around his back to cup his rear, then pulled him closer still. He could read Nathen’s desire to have his lips wrapped around him, and he groaned with need, not quite knowing where his fantasies ended and Nathen’s began.

He rolled off Nathen and stood beside the bed, hooking his fingers in his pajama bottoms and shimmying out of them. As he did so, his thick length slapped against his flat belly and navel. “Okay, gorgeous, you win.” Cameron pushed the ottoman out of the way and sat on the plush chair beside the bed, scooting down so he could spread his legs wide, his heavy egg-sized balls hanging down over the cushion. He wiggled his forefinger to call Nathen over.

Eagerly, Nathen rolled from the bed, and with a motion too fast for Cameron to perceive, blurred suddenly in front of him, gazing up from his knees. His warm blue, glowing eyes mesmerized, and Cameron’s breath caught—adrenaline flooding his system as it did every time Nathen showed his predatory physical prowess. Nathen grabbed hold of his length and Cameron’s belly fluttered. He sighed a stilted breath punctuated by a quiet moan when he watched himself disappear into Nathen’s mouth. “Oh god.” He bit his lip to keep from being too loud, naturally lifting his hips as his body begged for more.

Teased when a wicked tongue tip tickled Cameron’s balls as he was stroked, Nathen’s thumb played circles around his cockhead before it was replaced with the zigzagging tongue working its way up his shaft again. Nathen swallowed his cock, hand dropping to pull on his overly sensitive balls. Cameron shuddered and dug his toes into the carpet to keep from moving around too much. Nathen used the full surface of his tongue to brush the underside of the massive cock.

Cameron reached one hand out to gently play in Nathen’s thick black curls, twining his fingers against Nathen’s scalp in encouragement as his other shot up over his mouth so he could stifle groans of pleasure. Squirming around, Cameron asked, “Why do you have to be so good at that?”

Nathen smiled internally. “It makes it a lot more fun when I get instant feedback.” Cameron realized Nathen had taken hold of his own shaft and stroked himself in rhythm with his lips.

With a veiled sensuous look, Cameron peered down. Grateful for the light of the laptop, he reveled in watching Nathen’s full lips stretched wide as he pulled more than half of his cock deep into his throat. Cameron was acutely aware of, and thankful for, Nathen’s blood, which gave him strength to continue to shut out the minds of everyone around him despite being so distracted. He groaned, edging quickly to climax faster than he had ever done before. The feedback loop of Nathen’s own arousal paired with his infinite enjoyment of feeling Cameron’s huge cock in his throat, the veined ridges of his shaft with his tongue… But most of all, Cameron’s musk was enhanced for Nathen’s preternatural senses—a rich, sweet aroma he was becoming addicted to. Cameron rode the wave and, thrusting up, gave himself over to the joyful power Nathen enjoyed in bringing Cameron pleasure.

Coating Nathen’s tongue with precome, Cameron exhaled a warning, “Nathen, I’m close.”

Grabbing onto the arms of the chair, Cameron bit his lip as a groan rumbled from him. Thrusting up as his balls tightened, the thick stream rocketed through his shaft to explode in Nathen’s mouth with surge after surge. His climax was enhanced when Nathen’s own climax roiled through him. Then Cameron collapsed, breathless, as his cock slid free of Nathen’s lips.

“Should we take a shower together?”

Cameron took Nathen’s hand and pulled him into his lap. “Give me a second, gorgeous,” he begged, reeling with blissful exhaustion as his head fell back on the chair’s cushion.

Cam, I’m hungry. And if we’re going to keep this up, I can’t be drinking only from you.”

“I know. Our friend the blood mage warned us you could get desensitized to human blood if all you’re drinking is mine. Listen, people travel with medical supplies all the time. I’ll go today, this morning. Get you some from the local blood bank. Okay?” He soothed, kissing his scruffy cheek and opening his eyes to study Nathen’s radiant ones.

Nathen nodded. “Though it will be weird having blood in the refrigerator. If the police ever came in, they would have some funny questions. I guess we could say I need to make clotting factor, or something, for my hemophilia.”

Cameron chuckled and hugged Nathen to him. “If police ever came and I was there, I would make them ignore the blood entirely. But yes, we can always claim it’s a medical issue. Come on.” Cameron gently helped Nathen to stand again and caught his hand to lead him to the shower.

The pair embraced as the hot water streamed over them, and Cameron sighed and leaned his head back against Nathen’s shoulder. “God, Nathen, I love you so much.” He ran his hands down Nathen’s sides and cupped his rear, pulling him tighter to him. “I don’t know how you do itrelax me so much that I just come so fast.”

Cameron opened his mind to Nathen, embracing his almost preternatural calm, seeing the world through his eyes. Cameron stared in awe as each drop of water left the showerhead, heard each individual drop hit the tile. His mind reeled at the complexity, yet at the same time, at how beautiful their world was. He thrilled when Nathen’s soap-slick hands glided over his back, giving him a slow wash massage.

Cameron read Nathen’s memories of enjoying playing with his past partner’s ass and he found himself relaxing under Nathen’s ministrations. He bit his lip when Nathen’s stiffened member pressed against him, his own cock jolting to attention again. The strange sensation of Nathen’s fingers slipping between his cheeks, outlining his opening in gentle but firm circles summoned memories of his own. Times when he was with a partner that he trusted fully. With Nathen, he not only wholly trusted him, but also loved him implicitly and found himself softly moaning. But they needed to save this for another time.

Gazing into each other’s eyes, they embraced and Nathen agreed with pausing their attentions. “We should probably finish washing up and go greet the afternoon with Syn and your mother?”

Cameron groaned and nestled his head and shoulder, kissing his neck. “I love you so much. I can’t believe how much life has changed in just a short time. Yes, I don’t think we should stay here all day. Though I’d like to.”

Finishing up, the two quickly dressed and emerged into the living room.

“Lukewarm coffees,” Syn sang out. “Thought you two would never get up.”

Cameron blushed and thanked her for the coffee settling down on the couch next to his mother. Emotions bubbled right under the surface, which he swallowed back. “How long are you two staying?”

“Julia’s still asleep and probably will be for a couple of hours,” his mother imparted.

“Oh, good. I’ve got to run out for something for Nathen. But it shouldn’t take me more than an hour. Don’t leave before I get back?”

Maria gave Cameron a hug and kissed his cheek. “Of course, mi corazón.”