Once again, Taggart awoke in an unfamiliar room. This time there was the pressure of bandages wrapped around his middle. The mingled scents of medicines and soaps permeated the air.
“Ranger Taggart. You’re awake,” the woman at his bedside noted. “I’ll get the doctor.” She left, soon reappearing with Doctor Palmer in tow.
“Ranger Taggart. We meet again,” Palmer smiled. “Although just once I would like to visit when I’m not treating you for a bullet wound. Permit me to introduce my wife and assistant, Amanda.”
“I’m pleased to meet you, Mrs. Palmer,” Taggart nodded. “Doc, how’m I doin’?”
“You’ll recover fully,” Palmer explained. “However, you will be laid up for quite some time. That bullet was deep in your side. It took some doing to find it.”
“Already buried. Sheriff Moran has notified Ranger Headquarters.”
“Miss Squires and the kids?”
“All fine, thanks to you.”
“I’d like to see ‘em.”
“In a few days, once your fever is lower,” Palmer promised. “What you need now is rest. I’ve got some laudanum to help you do just that.”
“Reckon it’s no use arguing,” Taggart said.
“That’s right,” Palmer confirmed. He gave the Ranger a large dose of the laudanum. Within minutes, Taggart was sound asleep.
Several days later, as promised, Palmer allowed Taggart a few visitors. The first was Sheriff Moran. Later, Lucy Squires, accompanied by Jesse Collins and Bobby Madison, came by.
“Ranger Clay. We’re sure glad to see you!” Bobby exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Jesse added, “But I thought you said that gunfights were nothin’ but fiction. Your shootout with Travis Burnham sure looked like one to me.”
“It sure was,” Taggart admitted. “Shows even a Ranger can be wrong. And speakin’ of wrong, it was plumb foolish what you two pulled. Courageous, but foolish. You both could’ve been killed.”
“So could’ve you,” Bobby pointed out. “Good thing you were faster’n Burnham.”
“Yeah, but takin’ chances is my job,” Taggart answered. “And even though you should’ve stayed out of it, I’m glad you didn’t. You saved my life. Miss Squires’ too. You’re now unofficial Texas Rangers. Soon’s you’re old enough you can join up for real.”
“You mean that?” Jesse exclaimed.
“I sure do,” Taggart grinned. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like a few minutes to speak with Miss Squires. You can come back once we’re done.”
“Sure, Clay,” Bobby answered. “C’mon, Jess, let’s go.”
“Clay I want to thank you,” Lucy began, once the boys had left.
“You were pretty brave yourself,” Taggart answered.
“I had to be, for the children.”
Doctor Palmer stuck his head in the door.
“Only a few more minutes, please.”
“All right,” Lucy conceded.
“Guess we don’t have time to talk,” Taggart grumbled.
“We’ll have plenty of time, while you recuperate,” Lucy answered. “And hopefully for a long time after that.”
“Lucy, I’m a Texas Ranger, and always will be,” Clay explained. “I’ll be leavin’ for Austin soon as I’m able. After that, who knows where I’ll be goin’? Besides, you don’t know me very well.”
“I know what you are,” Lucy replied. “And we’ll have lots of time to get to know each other. I want to learn everything about you.”
“It’s a hard life, bein’ a Ranger’s gal,” Taggart warned.
“I realize that. But if you love someone you take him as he is.”
“No buts, Clay Taggart,” Lucy said. “When you leave for Austin, I’m going with you. as your wife.”
“I haven’t asked you yet.”
“You will,” Lucy assured him.
She kissed him on the cheek, then turned for the door. She stopped, and looked back at the bemused Ranger.
“Yes, you will.”