Coaching for Leadership: Writings on Leadership from the World’s Greatest Coaches has been a group effort that wouldn’t have been possible without the extraordinary efforts, care, and expertise of many people.

First, we are deeply indebted to our contributing authors. All of these authors are busy people, leaders in the arena, who have taken time from their full lives to share their knowledge with us. We appreciate their effort and wisdom immensely. We are especially grateful to Dr. Paul Hersey. Many of us rely and build on his theory of Situational Leadership in our work. Also, many thanks to renowned human resources thought leader Dave Ulrich for not only contributing chapters, but also for writing the foreword to our book.

We give our special thanks to the exceptional team at Jossey-Bass, Matthew Holt, Dawn Kilgore, and Michael Zelenko, whose skills and knowledge have made the publication and production process a breeze and a pleasure. Also, we are very grateful for the wonderful editorial assistance of Lorraine Fisher and Kathy Hyatt Stewart. Their editing skills—and their delightful attitudes—make both of them a joy to work with!

Finally, we are deeply grateful to our families whose support through the intense book writing and editing process is invaluable and at times challenging! We owe our utmost appreciation to Lyda, Kelly, Bryan, Judi, Nathan, Rachael, Scott, Sally, and Homer. Without them, Coaching for Leadership: Writings on Leadership from the World’s Greatest Coaches would not have been possible.

Marshall Goldsmith Laurence S. Lyons Sarah McArthur
Rancho Santa Fe, California Reading, England San Diego, California