His family was sending one of their corporate star yachts through two major jumpgates—from Sylvadae to the port city of Tal Verdis on Garno—just for him. And that, Devin Guthrie knew, as he sat in his spacious glass-walled office on the fifteenth floor of Guthrie Global Systems’s financial headquarters, portended trouble.
Big trouble.
Devin nodded casually to his eldest brother’s image on the main deskscreen, deliberately keeping his voice noncommittal, as if the disruption didn’t matter at all. “A Trans-Aldan flight would be cheaper,” he suggested to Jonathan. Even if he went first class. It would also be slower. That was more than reasonable by Devin’s way of thinking. He was in no hurry to have his life turned upside down.
But that only deepened his brother’s frown on the large screen.
“You know better than anyone that the restructuring of the Empire hasn’t hurt our portfolio.” Jonathan was dark-haired and dark-eyed like their father—the indomitable Jonathan Macy “J. M.” Guthrie, who, at almost eighty, was still the undisputed patriarch of Guthrie Global Systems. Jonathan also had J.M.’s intense, narrow-eyed gaze. “Your time is valuable. Additionally, using our own transport is safer. Especially with Philip resurfacing last month.”
Devin pulled off his silver-rimmed glasses—another thing his family found fault with—and rubbed at the spot between his eyebrows.
He couldn’t argue the validity of Jonathan’s statement. Privately, the family rejoiced that the second eldest of the Guthrie brothers was alive. But Philip’s resurrection had repercussions. He was now no longer an Imperial admiral but had allied himself with the newly formed Alliance of Independent Republics—“traitor worlds,” according to Imperial First Barrister-turned-Prime Commander Darius Tage. And, in spite of the fact that the Alliance was in the process of being granted “conditional” legitimacy, sources whispered that there was a price on Philip Guthrie’s head.
Being a Guthrie—one of the oldest, wealthiest, and most established families in the Empire—might no longer be a guarantee of safety from a well-timed accident. And therein rested Devin’s last salvo.
He slipped his glasses back on. “Actually, traveling by commercial transport would be safer. Tage isn’t going to kill one hundred fifty passengers to get at one of us. But a Guthrie personal yacht malfunctioning at a jumpgate exit or never coming out of jump—”
“Would be viewed as suspicious and a direct threat, not only to us but to the Rossettis, Petroskis, Helfsteins, and Falkners.” Jonathan ticked off the names of some of the Empire’s more prestigious families on his fingers. “Tage is too smart to make a direct move against us.”
No, the emperor’s longtime adviser was crafty enough to cover his tracks first—or get someone else to do the dirty work.
Just as J.M. had Jonathan do his. “Devin...”
Devin held up one hand as a sign of capitulation, because he could hear his brother’s impatience. “Fine. I’ll check my schedule and call you—”
“I’ll wait.” Jonathan leaned back in the padded leather chair. A soft golden light danced in small sparkles through the elegant beveled-glass library window behind him, illuminating the hallmark Guthrie intertwined-Gs visible over his left shoulder. Devin’s brother was at the Guthrie estate outside Port Palmero on Sylvadae—a world halfway across Aldan sector from Devin’s offices on Garno. Most GGS offices had the luxury of a secure, near-instantaneous private comm link, which, at moments like this, Devin hated. The more common two-to-three-day communications delay afforded time to think things over and come up with a stronger argument.
He angled away from the screen where Jonathan’s image waited and tapped up a small hologrid. The data floated in a green-tinged glow. He scrolled through his appointment calendar, noting what projects were of immediate concern and wondering how far he could stretch those that weren’t. He was not looking forward to going to Sylvadae.
It wasn’t because his current residence on Garno held any special appeal. It was a world known for its casinos, theaters, and restaurants circling the Tal Verdis spaceport, but he wasn’t a gambler, he rarely went to the theater, and whatever fell out of his penthouse residence’s chefmaster unit was fine by him.
It was just that crunching numbers, massaging financial data, and coding investment probability programs were what Devin did best. He was far more comfortable with data than with people—especially when those people were his parents, his older brothers, and his brothers’ families.
And especially when those same parents had no qualms about using his eldest brother to force Devin to change his life.
Not that he hadn’t seen it coming...
Well, then, get it over with. But he would do it on his terms, his timing. “The quarterly summary for Galenth needs revisions. And the stage six contracts from Baris-Agri are due in tomorrow with the Englarian Church amendments. If those unfold as expected,”—and as he was senior analyst on both, there was no reason they shouldn’t—“I’ll be able to leave here by noon, Fourthday.” That gave him three days to firm up the Baris-Agri deal—a project that had been his primary focus for more than two months. He had to be here to make sure these final contract negotiations went smoothly.
“Delegate the revisions and the contracts. The star yacht will be there at half-past six tonight, your time.”
Half-past six? Devin’s fist clenched out of sight of the deskscreen cam. “But Baris-Agri—”
“Father advises you to be on it.”
It wasn’t just the tone of finality in Jonathan’s words. It was that no one—except Philip Guthrie—ever defied J.M..
“More tea, Mr. Devin? Or perhaps something stronger? Dinner will be ready shortly.”
Nelessa’s voice pulled Devin’s attention from his microcomp, where nice, friendly, nonjudgmental numbers were keeping him company on his flight to Sylvadae and keeping his mind off the reason behind his trip—and the annoying fact that the Baris-Agri deal would conclude without him. His microcomp was a Rada—a top-of-the-line unit that he’d customized to do even more than function as a pocket comm and datapad. It had voice and holosim keyboard capabilities and could integrate seamlessly into any larger datacomp system. He’d already sent eight pages of notes to his assistants. And gone through three cups of tea since he’d boarded GGS’s corporate yacht, the Triumph.
The chief attendant from GGS’s private yacht waited with expert patience by Devin’s seat. The dusky-skinned muscular woman was in her early forties, about six years his senior. Her voice was far softer than her appearance; she sometimes doubled as Jonathan’s wife’s bodyguard when Marguerite traveled outside acknowledged “safe” areas in Aldan. Devin didn’t doubt there was an L7 laser pistol secreted somewhere under Nel’s pale blue GGS uniform jacket.
Her hands, however, held only a teapot and a linen napkin.
Devin glanced at his empty teacup on the low table on his right, its thin white porcelain edges banded with pale blue circles meeting at the intertwined double-G emblem. The same emblem was etched into the doubledoors of his office on Garno. Where he should be now—and wasn’t. “Tea’s fine, Nel. Thanks.”
He’d save the hard liquor for after the meeting with his father and brothers.
Nel refilled his cup then moved silently back toward the galley just behind the cockpit. The Triumph was smaller than the Prosperity, GGS’s 220-ton yacht that held twenty passengers in opulent luxury, with ten large sleeping cabins. But the 130-ton ship could still seat ten on a day trip and sleep six on an overnight, not including the crew of three. And currently Devin was the only passenger.
Devin thumbed his Rada off and put it down on the table as his mind—tired, frustrated—strayed from the Baris-Agri deal. Was Jonathan’s choice to send the Triumph deliberate? It had been her ship—or, rather, Makaiden had been the first pilot, though on longer trips she’d share that command with her husband, Kiler. But, to Devin, it was always her ship. He couldn’t separate Makaiden from the Triumph, and when he’d first seen the ship’s distinctive slant-nosed outline through the spaceport terminal’s windows, all thoughts of Baris-Agri vanished. He couldn’t stop his heart from racing, his breath from catching, and his hopes—illogically, stupidly—from rising.
His hopes where Makaiden Griggs was concerned were not only illogical, they were impossible. And not just because she’d left Guthrie employ almost two years ago, after her husband was fired.
Her husband had been one of the reasons behind the impossibility of Devin’s hopes. Though a little thing like a husband wasn’t known to stop Devin’s brother Ethan from his conquests, adultery wasn’t something Devin would do. Even if Makaiden had been interested.
He told himself that repeatedly.
The larger reason was that Devin was a Guthrie, and Makaiden Griggs was not the kind of woman a Guthrie admitted to having feelings for. She was a working-class woman, a jump-rated pilot whose family was out of the wrong end of Calth sector…whose education wasn’t from a prestigious university like Montgomery or Valhaldan but at the hands of whatever freighter operator would take her on. She drank her ale straight from the bottle,and probably couldn’t name one decent vintage wine. Or even a marginal one.
She and her husband, Kiler, flew Guthrie yachts for more than five years. Devin found himself—not in love, he would never admit that—irrevocably intrigued by her within the first three months of meeting her. He was twenty-eight at the time, and she was—according to personnel records he memorized—a year younger. But Makaiden Malloy Griggs had a presence beyond her years—a light that sparkled in her eyes and a brassiness that hinted at an inner strength. A confidence. A dedication. She loved being at a stellar helm and made no apologies for it.
And she wasn’t the least bit impressed by the Guthrie name. Around Makaiden, Devin felt like a real person. Not a Guthrie heir.
In that way, she reminded him of Philip’s ex-wife, Captain Chaz Bergren. But in all other ways, she was different. She was short where Chaz was taller, her hair a pale tousled crop where Chaz’s was a rich auburn that curled past her waist. And she laughed a lot more than he ever remembered Chaz laughing.
Even now, the memory of her infectious laughter made Devin Jonathan Guthrie feel things he didn’t want to—couldn’t afford to—feel.
But then, for Makaiden Griggs, life was good. She loved her husband, even leaving her career with GGS for him. And for all that Devin as a Guthrie could offer, he was sure she would have wanted none of it. She didn’t need him.
Not that he ever tried to be anything other than a friend, a colleague—her employer’s youngest son.
It was that friendship that drew his father’s notice. And because J.M. suspected, Jonathan suspected. Which again made Devin wonder—as Aldan’s stars flickered in the blackness outside his viewport—if that’s why the Triumph was sent. A final, irrevocable reminder that his life would proceed according to the greater Guthrie plan.
“Dinner, Mr. Devin?”
He pushed himself out of the soft chair by the viewport and followed Nel’s beckoning hand to the small dining table on the opposite side of the salon. He and Makaiden had played cards here many times as he was shuttled between GGS offices in Aldan and Baris sectors. There wasn’t a lot for a pilot to do in jumpspace, and Devin always made sure he had a deck or three tucked into his briefcase. She’d taught him to play Zentauri, and, even though he was a natural card-counter and could memorize five decks, she beat him now and then, her thought processes craftier and more creative than his.
Stop doing the expected. Surprise me! she’d challenged.
He’d wanted to. God and stars, how he’d wanted to. But—
Don’t think about that now.
The sliced roast smelled good. The cream linen tablecloth and napkin were smooth to the touch. Nel poured a ruby-red wine into an etched crystal glass, then waited for him to taste the roast, in case adjustments needed to be made. Cooked a little more or some spices added.
He knew the routine. He was a Guthrie. “It’s all lovely, Nel. Thanks.”
“My pleasure, Mr. Devin.”
He cut another piece of the fragrant roast. The last meal of a condemned man. Devin Jonathan Guthrie, thirty-five years old and sentenced to marriage, without parole.
“Seven more days. That’s all I can give you, Captain Griggs.” The thin-faced man in the cheap, shiny brown three-piece suit grabbed the railing of the Void Rider’s rampway and stared up at her with narrowed eyes. “You either pay what you owe or we’ll settle it the hard way.”
Kaidee Griggs leaned on that same railing and stared down at Horatio Frinks with equally narrowed eyes, ignoring the tall, wide-shouldered Takan bodyguard hulking threateningly behind. “What about the two thousand I gave you last week?”
“That leaves thirteen—”
“Which you will get, Frinks, when I get paid. You know that. We discussed that. It’s not my fault the Empire’s dumped more slagging restrictions on cross-border trade. I’m not the only free-trader caught up in this.”
“But this ain’t no trader debt, and it’s over a year old now. I don’t like it. Orvis don’t like it.”
The Taka nodded slowly. He wasn’t Orvis,but, like Frinks, was hired muscle.
“And I don’t like it, but damn it, I can’t pay you if I can’t haul goods. You have an issue? Go to slagging Aldan Prime and talk to His High-Whatever Tage. I would have paid that debt off four months ago if it wasn’t for him.” Well, maybe not paid off, but she’d be a lot less in debt if restrictions, fines, taxes, and penalties hadn’t been slathered on to free-trader operations by His High Asshole Darius Tage. For the betterment of the Empire. Of course. And at the command of Emperor Prewitt III. Of course.
It was always the emperor who commanded these things. Tage was just his obedient servant.
In a crigblarg’s eyes.
Sheldon Blaine’s claim to the throne was starting to sound more and more attractive—the terrorist tactics of his Farosian Justice Wardens notwithstanding. At least Blaine—who even from prison still claimed to be the real heir to the royal Prewitt line—would want traders going to and from Tos Faros and other points in Dafir sector.
Now it was damned near an impossible task to get across the B-C border into Calth. And even traffic in the commercial space lanes in Baris was subject to “unannounced inspections.” As if she had Philip Guthrie tucked in her cargo hold?
She knew Philip Guthrie—though she doubted many on Dock Five would believe her if she said so. And if she did have the man on her ship, she’d not waste his talents by stuffing him in a cargo hold. He’d flown right seat with her and Kiler a few times. The man was impressive. She could almost forgive him for being a Guthrie.
Frinks made a disgusted noise and turned away. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
She shoved herself back from the railing and headed for the Rider’s airlock, fear warring with frustration. Seven days. She couldn’t get to Calth and back in seven days even if the Empire didn’t have a destroyer sitting out there with Dock Five in its sights, inspecting and impeding traffic.
The best she could do in seven days was to get off Dock Five the minute the restrictions were lifted and never return. Let Orvis hunt her down. That could buy her a month, maybe three.
But it would also put her in a serious financial bind. One of the few intelligent things Kiler had ever done was to prepay the Rider’s docking bay fees on a two-year contract and sign the ship on as part of the CalRis Free-Trader Collective. The CFTC, its contacts, and its contracts—for all the annoying rules and restrictions—were the only things keeping her and her ship alive. Leaving Dock Five meant leaving all that behind and starting from scratch again.
Just like they did when they left Guthrie Global.
Another thing to thank Kiler for.
That and a twenty-five thousand credit gambling debt—with the Rider as collateral.
She’d always worried that it would be her heritage, her family history, that would derail her life. How damnably odd that the handsome, respectable—well, respectable back then—pilot she had married turned out to be the source of all her troubles.
And that the very family history she was so afraid of was the main reason he was interested in her. So much for true love or forever after.
She closed the airlock behind her and leaned on the bulkhead’s hard edge, her back against the wall in more ways than the obvious.
Thank you, Kiler Griggs. What in hell am I going to do now?
It was almost dawn in Port Palmero when Devin’s limo glided silently over the long, tree-lined drive leading to his parents’ estate. Lights in the main house—an imposing four-story brick and streamstone mansion—glowed golden, as they would when a guest was expected; lights in the family and guest wings were more muted. Lights in the servants’ quarters were bright, as always. One never knew when a Guthrie might want something.
No, to be fair, his parents were exceedingly good employers, but one never knew when a Guthrie Global Systems’ executive might arrive from the far reaches of the Empire, body clock and local clock out of sync.
Devin’s body clock was definitely out of sync. He was no night crawler, and his wristwatch and body clock told him he’d been traveling for eighteen hours. The local time was a quarter after five.
Another forty-five minutes and he could join his father for coffee in the informal dining salon adjacent to the patio that overlooked the eastern gardens. J.M. had his coffee promptly at six every morning. An hour later, his wife, Valerie, would bring her bowl of seasonal fruits and light cream to the table, and they would start another day with soft, companionable conversation.
J.M. never raised his voice before breakfast.
Devin wondered if today was the day the old man would break that rule.
“Welcome home, Mr. Devin.” Barthol, the house’s chief steward, met Devin on the southern patio, where the limo driver—knowing Devin’s preference for unobtrusiveness—had pulled the vehicle up the rear garden drive. Devin made no move toward the suitcase the driver deposited on the brick walkway. Barthol, unlike J.M., would argue before breakfast.
A Guthrie did not lift luggage.
Neither, actually, did the balding, pale-skinned Barthol. At least, not any farther than the few inches from the walkway to the antigrav pallet humming by his black-clad legs.
“Thanks, Barthol. How’s your wrist?” He fell into step with the man who’d been the Guthrie steward since Devin was a child.
“All healed. Thank you kindly for asking.”
“No more basketball with Trippy and Max, I take it?”
Barthol’s wide mouth stretched into a grin. “Your nephews keep me young, just as you and your brothers did. But my jump shot isn’t what it used to be.”
Barthol was somewhere between seventy and eighty—at least, that was the best Devin and Philip had been able to deduce. He never talked about his age, and to see his rangy form lunging around the estate’s basketball court, it would be easy to shave ten or fifteen years off that total.
Or more. Barthol had seemed old to Devin when Devin was in grade school, as Max was now. He must seem ancient to twelve-year-old Max and his nineteen-year-old brother, Trippy.
Shame Trippy wasn’t here. Of all his nieces and nephews—and there were currently seven—Jonathan Macy Guthrie III was his favorite. “Triple trouble,” Valerie Lang Guthrie had intoned when her first grandchild was born. So Trip, or Trippy, he became.
Devin had been sixteen when Trip was born. He was almost as close in age to Trip as he was to Trip’s father, Jonathan.
The patio’s glass-paneled doors, sensing human presences with accepted biopatterns, slid open silently.
“Do you wish to retire to your suite for a few hours?” Barthol asked as they headed for the rear elevators. “Your father should be at the east patio shortly.”
“I caught a couple hour’s sleep on the ship.” If lying on the soft bed and staring at the cabin’s ceiling could be called sleep—and it wasn’t just Baris-Agri keeping him awake. ”I’ll freshen up, then join him. Do you know if Jonathan’s coming over this morning?”
Barthol glanced at the silver wristwatch edging out from beneath his white cuff. “He alerted security to his and Miz Marguerite’s arrival in fifteen minutes.”
So it would be J.M. and Jonathan over coffee. Devin loved his family, but not when they double-teamed him. Devin stepped into the carpeted elevator, Barthol on his left and his luggage in front. His suite was third floor, south.
“We’ve been informed that Miss Tavia will be in around nine this evening,” Barthol told him as they exited into the hallway. “Your father requested the Blue Lily Suite for her.”
Right down the hall from his. How convenient.
Devin touched the palm pad at his door, which read his biopattern and opened immediately. The browns, gray-blues, and greens of his living room were familiar—his mother often threatened to redecorate to something brighter, more cheery, but somehow he was still winning that battle.
“I know it’s a bit early, but the staff and I would like to offer our congratulations, Mr. Devin,” Barthol said, as Devin tossed his jacket over the back of the dark-green three-cushioned couch.
Not condolences? Devin never had the feeling Barthol truly approved of Tavia Emberson. He wasn’t even sure he did—other than that Tavia was one damned good handball player and didn’t try too hard to reform his unsociable tendencies. And wasn’t adverse to a long engagement; neither was in a hurry to wed. “That’s very kind. Thank you.”
“Shall I unpack for you, sir?”
“I don’t have much.” He’d packed only what he needed for the flight. Anything else he could find in his closets, which held a smattering of things he’d left behind from recent visits but more so from his university and postgraduate days—the last time the Guthries’ Port Palmero estate had been his home. Fashion—much to Tavia Delaris Emberson’s dismay—never concerned him.
Barthol retreated, AG pallet in tow, the door closing behind him. Devin left his suitcase where the pallet had deposited it and trudged through his bedroom—his bed still sported the comfortably worn gray-and-blue quilt—then through his dressing room and into his bathroom. Lights came on around him as the rooms monitored his presence. He leaned over the expansive pale-green marble double sink and examined his reflection in the mirrored wall, then took off his glasses and rinsed them under the faucet. There were shadows under his eyes—which were a murky blue, not bright blue like his mother’s and Philip’s—but the shadows were to be expected from one who’d been traveling all night and part of the next day. He put his glasses on the marble countertop, then rubbed one hand over his chin. He should shave. He should probably even shower, because then, at least for a few hours, his short-cropped hair wouldn’t stick up quite so haphazardly in spikes. But a warm shower would relax him too much, make him sleepy.
He needed to be awake to face J.M. and Jonathan.
He settled for shaving and changing from his cream-colored business shirt to a round-necked, somewhat misshapen soft sweater almost the same brown as his hair. It was his favorite sweater, and he’d annoyed himself by accidentally leaving it behind a few months ago.
The fact that Makaiden Griggs, working double duty as his bodyguard, had helped him pick it out at a spaceport mall on Aldan Prime three years ago had nothing to do with it. It was a comfortable sweater. He liked it. He’d bought it.
Makaiden was the one who told him the sweater matched his hair.
He always thought it matched her eyes.
He shut the closet door with more force than was necessary, the hard crack of wood against wood spearing the silence of his suite.
Anger vibrated through his body, surprising him with its appearance and intensity. It had to be because he was overtired; the Baris-Agri and Galenth projects weren’t his only duties. There were also several ventures tied to the recent restructuring of the Empire that had kept him working late hours the past few weeks, and now this last minute summons and the all-night travel… He was tired, that’s all. Not angry. Devin Jonathan Guthrie never permitted himself to get angry. It was a useless emotion that interfered with rational, analytical thought. It let others know they could get to you, manipulate you, hurt you.
Anger was a waste of time.
Moreover, he had nothing to be angry about.
Not even being told you’re getting married?
He’d been in a relationship with Tavia for almost a year now. It had started on the handball court, had progressed to occasional dates at the symphony or dinner with other GGS executives, and had eventually ended up in bed. She was an Emberson—not old money like the Guthries, Petroskis, Tages, or Sullivans, but respected money, especially on Garno.
Tavia Emberson was, as his sister-in-law Marguerite would say, “a good match.” Devin was, after all, the youngest Guthrie son. Marguerite, a Petroski, had landed the eldest Guthrie, a marriage the society vids deemed “an excellent match.”
So yours is only good. That doesn’t make you angry?
No, that made him a realist. But even a realist had rights. Yes, he would agree to a public announcement of his engagement to Tavia. He was Devin, not Philip. He wouldn’t rebel outright. But if and when he married would be on his terms, on his schedule.
Not, as Jonathan had informed him through the deskscreen of his Garno office, before their mother’s next birthday, several months from now.
J.M. and Valerie Guthrie wanted Devin settled and a grandchild on the way before Valerie turned seventy-seven.
Devin would give them engaged. The rest he was withdrawing from negotiation.
He would not end up like Ethan.
“Devin. Good to have you home.” His father, already in business attire of dark pants and a pale blue collared shirt, rose from his chair at the glass-topped table and clasped Devin’s shoulder in a firm grip. He was only slightly shorter than Devin, his straight posture belying his years—as did the thick dark hair which he wore combed back from a craggy face. His brows were bushy, more silver-tinged than his hair, which Devin suspected benefited now and then from retouching. But his father was almost eighty, and if he wished to indulge in a little vanity, Devin would not be the one to take that from him.
Devin leaned into his father’s half embrace, patting the old man on the back. That was about as demonstrative as the men in his family were known to get. He took the chair on his father’s right.
“Mr. Devin, good to see you again, love!” Audra, the Guthries’ long time head chef, appeared at Devin’s elbow with a pot of Mountain Gray, his favorite tea. Unlike the rest of his family, he wasn’t a coffee drinker.
“I’ve missed your cheese biscuits,” Devin told her honestly, and received a wide smile in answer. He turned to his father. “How are you?” For once, it wasn’t an idle question. J.M. was never a muscular man, yet he felt somehow frailer, lighter, during their brief embrace. Devin reminded himself to ask Jonathan later if their father hadn’t been well lately. He knew their mother would tell him nothing unless J.M. authorized it.
“Life’s good,” his father answered as the stocky head chef slipped back toward the main kitchen. “Your mother’s busy with the latest yacht-club charity ball. It’s getting to be that time of year. Ah, Jonathan!” J.M. turned as Devin’s brother strode casually into the patio dining area. “Audra! We’ll need more coffee.”
Jonathan rested one hand briefly on Devin’s shoulder as he walked by, then sat on J.M.’s other side. Like J.M., he was in business clothes, but his collared shirt was a darker blue and his blue and gold silk scarf was already threaded through the collar loops. Audra appeared silently, poured fragrant coffee—“Leave the pot,” J.M. ordered—and disappeared just as silently.
A stack of sweet rolls already graced the middle of the table. Jonathan chose one, impaling it on an elegantly scrolled silver fork. Devin found he had no appetite.
“I know Jonathan explained we’d like to see you and Tavia married in the next few months,” J.M. said, without any preamble, as usual. “You are thirty-five, Devin, and while I know it’s clichéd to say, ‘It’s about time,’ the fact of the matter is, it is. With the recent turmoil in the Empire, it’s important that Guthrie Global and our family appear in all manner united, strong, and respectable.”
Intending to muzzle Ethan? Devin thought but didn’t dare say. Although with Ethan, a chastity belt would be needed in addition.
But no doubt Ethan’s excesses were one of the reasons J.M. needed another strong, respectable son to ensure the continuation of GGS as a force in the Empire.
“Additionally,” J.M. continued, “your mother and I aren’t getting any younger. She’s pushing me again to retire. I’m giving it serious thought. So we have plans, not just for ourselves but for all of you. And it’s time to set those plans in motion.”
“But I don’t—”
J.M. raised one hand, stilling Devin’s words. “You know how much grandchildren mean to your mother. What happened with Philip almost killed her. He and Chasidah had no children. Your mother’s grief at believing he—that any part of him—was gone forever was heartbreaking.”
More than Valerie grieved over the early—and erroneous—reports of Philip’s death. Devin took the news as if someone had sucker punched him in the gut. He was closer in age to Ethan than to Philip, but mentally, emotionally and intellectually, Devin had attached himself to Philip since he was small. He went to Philip with his problems at school or at camp. He looked up to Philip, first in a Fleet cadet’s uniform, then as a lieutenant, then captain.
Philip was, quite truthfully, more than his brother. He was Devin’s close friend—a friendship that had expanded several years ago to include Trippy. Just as Philip had seemed to sense Devin’s isolation as youngest son, Devin saw Trip’s isolation as eldest grandchild. Different sides of the same coin.
The best times he had lately were when he, Trip, and Philip were together.
But now Trip was at Montgomery University, and Philip was somewhere over the Baris-Calth border. There was an emptiness in the family circle, so Devin understood Valerie’s fears. He only wished his parents didn’t look to him for the solution.
“Your mother needs to see all her boys happy and settled,” J.M. said with a nod to Jonathan. “Philip is always in our prayers. We respect his dedication to what we all know is inevitable—there will be changes in the Empire. But the life he’s chosen is a dangerous one. Your mother needs a distraction from that.”
Devin turned his teacup around on the saucer. “And Tavia and I are to be that distraction.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement of fact.
“Tavia’s a lovely young woman from a well-placed family. We approved of her from the first time you brought her here. Is there anything about her that you now find objectionable?”
“No.” Tavia Emberson was lovely—a natural beauty made even more attractive by her family’s money. Her shoulder-length black hair was thick and glossy, her dark honey-colored skin was perfect, and her tall, lithe body even more so. Like him, she had a passion for singles handball, and that sport plus her trainers kept her in top condition. Any number of men would trip over themselves to have Tavia Emberson. Devin wondered now and then what she saw in him: an antisocial numbers cruncher who had an annoying habit of inspecting his host’s computer data systems rather than making small talk with the other guests at the high-profile parties she invariably dragged him to.
Then reality always kicked in. He was a Guthrie. And on the amateur sport circuit in Aldan, he consistently ranked in the top-five players in competitive handball. Plus, he was a better than average dancer—thanks to those lessons his mother had forced on all her boys. Three things he knew were important to Tavia Emberson.
She never realized that dancing with her rescued him from having to chat with her friends at those parties she so loved.
“My problem,” Devin said, stilling his movements with the teacup, belatedly realizing he was giving away too much, “is the timing. For one thing, I have several projects in my department that can’t be shunted aside while I participate in planning engagement parties or a wedding.”
“Marguerite already offered to help Mother and Tavia,” Jonathan said. “So has Hannah.”
“Marguerite and Hannah aren’t going to stand in for me at the parties,” Devin answered. “You’re talking not only Garno society but Port Palmero. And Aldan Prime, likely, if aunts and uncles get involved.”
“You can have Nathanson and Torry handle the Webster merger, the Galenth Fund project, and the Baris-AgriCorp deal,” his father put in smoothly. “I’ve already had them clear their schedules.”
Devin’s mouth opened but no sound came out. Nathanson and Torry… Shock roiled through him. Those were his projects, especially Baris-Agri, which had involved some delicate negotiations with the Englarian Church, whose farming cooperatives were a key producer. To be so summarily removed because he needed to appear at parties…
“The reality is,” J.M. continued, “you haven’t taken a vacation in quite some time. Years. Take six months off. Enjoy your new bride. Start a family. Your brothers and I can handle everything else.”
But… I don’t love Tavia. And she doesn’t love me. In desperation, the truth surfaced. This wasn’t a guess. Devin and Tavia had discussed the basis of their relationship, because she, too, was under pressure from her family to marry. Her relationship with Devin, their attendance at various handball competitions, their occasional nights together, were essentially damage control lest either set of parents hook them up with a partner neither could stand. At least he and Tavia didn’t usually annoy each other. They had similar goals, similar outlooks on life.
He’d talked to her immediately after Jonathan’s call yesterday. They agreed they had no problem being engaged, because it honestly wouldn’t change their schedules much. She had her job in corporate legal in her family’s business, her social circle, her friends. He had his. They’d get together for the next handball tournament, then likely not see each other for several weeks.
But six months—six months with no office to go to, no reason to challenge his mind, someone else handling Baris-Agri and Webster. Nothing but him and Tavia and the constant queries about babies…No. He wouldn’t—couldn’t—live like Ethan and Hannah, whose four children had to deal with a drunk, philandering father and a clinging, neurotic mother. All products of a loveless corporate merger termed a marriage.
A sharp trilling broke into his panicked thoughts.
Jonathan pulled out his pocket comm, then frowned at the comm’s small screen. “Excuse me.” Jonathan rose and headed for the patio. The doors slid open silently when he was a few steps away, then closed just as silently behind him.
Devin focused on his father. “With all due respect, Father, I think Tavia and I should be the ones setting a date for a wedding.” And for everything else.
J.M. shrugged, but his dark eyes were unwavering. “I’m sure you feel we’re rushing you, but there are other things you must consider, things beyond your mother’s emotional state.” J.M. pushed his breakfast plate away, then folded his hands on the table, pinning Devin with his gaze. “The Embersons have an excellent relationship with Darius Tage. Their very lack of social prominence, as compared to ours, has kept them out of the political realm until recently. Yes, we’ve had Tage as a houseguest here, but we’ve also had Mason Falkner. Many times. Too many times, I’m sure, for Tage’s liking.”
Devin willed all emotions from his face and his body. Mason Falkner, onetime Imperial senator from Dafir, was now the new head of the Alliance.
“But Falkner wasn’t the Empire’s enemy when he was a guest here,” Devin pointed out. “And the Alliance will be granted legitimate political status by the council.”
“That doesn’t matter to a man like Tage. What does matter is that Philip is now under Falkner’s command, heading Falkner’s fleet. Inferences could be made that the plot to have the Calth and Dafir sectors secede from the Empire were hatched in this very house, because Philip was also here some of the times Falkner was.”
So were dozens and dozens of other people. His parents’ parties were gala affairs.
The suggestion that a rebellion was planned under this estate’s roof was insane, almost paranoid. “I understand what you’re getting at, but your solution is illogical. If my marrying an Emberson is an attempt to keep us safe, then why not insist Jonathan and Ethan divorce their wives and we all go seduce Tage’s daughters and nieces?” Devin couldn’t remember if Tage had any daughters, but chances were excellent the man had nieces. “Then we’d be one big happy family.”
Something flashed in J.M.’s eyes. “Your sarcasm is not appreciated.”
“I’m sorry, but your plan is flawed. If Tage has made direct threats against us, then not only do I need to know that, but our security people need to know that. I sincerely doubt that anything Tage plans will be halted by my being put out to stud to the Embersons. And if—”
His father slammed his hand against the table, rattling dishes and glassware. “Do not take that tone with me, Devin Jonathan!”
Well. His father could raise his voice before breakfast. “I’m not trying to upset you, Father. I’m trying to make you see reason. If the situation is—”
The patio doors slid open as Jonathan’s voice—harsh, frightened—broke into the room. “That was Rallman. Halsey’s dead. Rallman found his body when he came on duty. Campus security’s on it. But they can’t find—Trip’s not in his apartment or anywhere on the Montgomery campus.”
Devin stared. Jonathan’s words and expression were so unexpected—so full of emotions—he couldn’t quite process them. Beside him, J.M. stiffened, his hands clenching into fists.
Jonathan strode to the table and grasped the back of his empty chair, his face pale, his knuckles white. “I can’t believe I’m saying this. My son’s bodyguard has been murdered. And my son is missing.” His voice cracked. “How in hell am I going to tell Marguerite?”