
  1. James Strong, “Greek Dictionary of the New Testament,” Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Nashville: Abingdon, 1890), p. 39, entry #2588, s.v. “heart(ed),” Luke 4:18. (back to text)

  2. Strong, p. 69, entry #4937, s.v. “broken,” Luke 4:18. (back to text)

  3. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, s.v. “abuse.” (back to text)

  4. To hear my complete testimony, write and ask for my tape album titled “Trophies of God’s Grace.” (back to text)

  5. I also have available a series of tapes called “Loving God, Loving Yourself, and Loving Others” that you can order from our ministry address. (back to text)

  6. To learn more about deliverance from guilt and condemnation, write me and ask for my four-tape series on this subject, Guilt and Condemnation. (back to text)

  7. Strong,”Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary,” p. 19, entry #954, s.v. “ashamed,” Genesis 2:25. (back to text)

  8. Webster’s New World Dictionary, 3d college ed., s.v. “confound.” (back to text)

  9. Ibid., s.v. “damn.” (back to text)

10. If you would like more teaching on God’s grace, write and ask for my six-tape album titled “Grace, Grace, and More Grace.” (back to text)

11. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, s.v. “covet.” (back to text)

12. Ibid., s.v. “envy.” (back to text)

13. Ibid., s.v. “jealousy.” (back to text)

14. Ibid., s.v. “drink.” (back to text)

15. (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1986), p. 13. (back to text)